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About Schulzy

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  1. Considering you look like you are 12 years old, i understand where your comment comes from. This is not for young people.
  2. You should watch this video at your own risk. This audio was private for a long time but it has finaly been released on this channel and i wanted to share it with everyone on this forum. I have reached very deep meditation state while listeninng to it and had very vivid visualisations, simmilar experience to taking DMT. Also quite deep vibrations in my body, iv never felt something like that in my life. It has lasted for about half an hour and after i opened my eyes i feel like im seeing things differently and i feel alot more clear headed and i also feel alot of happiness flowing through my body.
  3. Don't know man, seems to me you are just pussying out. 1) That makes no sense what you are saying. He is not attracting people that are in line with his believes. Its more the opposite. People are coming to debate him and argue against what he is saying. They got opposite beliefs if anything. Also doesn't matter what he thinks, if he won or not, you are debating him. 2) Because most people are emotional,yes. He wasnt speaking for himself. 3) So why are you spending your time explaining these stuff to random person on actualized, also im pretty sure i saw you arguing some other random guy here on actualized but you do not want to do it with Athene.
  4. Flare but you do understand that you can bring attention to his behaviour when he starts doing that? What is the reason you don't debate him?
  5. Nice DJ he defines logic differently. Consistent patterns that bring about reality.
  6. Well i already said i dont think he has insane ego at all. But i think all these people that are talking negatively but have no balls to actually debate the guy should keep their mouth shut. If you got arguments against the logic nation you actually have a chance to debate it in front of 1000+ people on livestream. If you are correct people will obviously think you have won the argument.
  7. Go and message discord guy, you can argue that what is building is just a cult because he has god complex and huge ego. There were other people that were already arguing for cult thing but their english was really bad.
  8. Guys, Athene said on livestream that anyone that has argument against the logic nation / clicking can go and talk with him live on livestream. Basically if you have a good argument you can prove he is wrong while 1000+ people are watching. All guys ^^ go to and message Screening for Debate guy and you can be on livestream tonight debating him.
  9. But why are you comparing human to a sea otter? I don't think people understood the video. Logic is a word for consistent patterns that bring about our reality. Because of our neuroscience knowledge we can see how our core value is actually connected to our reward system. All this video is showing, is how to override this core value to logic. So all logical actions you do from then on will actually fire dopamine rush to your brain. People stopped smoking cigaretts in a day after going through this click. And people are more productive than ever. We can make assumptions that we will never access limits of thought with logic. But chances are, our understanding of objective reality and using logic will allow us to become even more intelligent than ever. Scientific revolution is thanks to us wanting to understand the objective reality. You are aligning yourself with reality with these 4 steps.
  10. Well, Leo removed recent topic that was going viral, it had 70 replies in few hours. The thread was related to the Athene (guy that made these videos) asking Leo for a debate. So i don't think this forum is going to say so much good stuffs about this. I can tell you that these videos are the best thing thats has happend to me in my life and i would suggest everyone to check it out.
  11. Yea there are alot of benefits of meditation. It is logical thing to do so i meditate daily.
  12. I am not because i don't have enough information about spiritual purification. If it helps someone make the 'click' aswell then i am ok with it, i am just 100% of people that actually made logic their core value went through the 4 steps.
  13. Not sure, there are testimonies of people that 'clicked' but nobody used spiritual purification. If you make it then cool. But the 4 step process is more aligned with science than with spirituality.