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Everything posted by Ajax

  1. I guess I could be called an external introvert. So, I don't really have the same experience of internal thoughts. Rather, they are more like something outside of location and time. So, I have difficulty conceptualizing internal... however, I do believe I understood what you said. However, I am interested in what you are saying about the mind pattern. Is this a self-repeating stream of thoughts? Or is it like a stream of consciousness? Or is it very linear and logical like a person would hear in a classroom or lecture of some sort. Or is it conclusions made from previous memories/experiences? Is it conscious conclusions. Or does it happen quite automatically? Sorry for all the questions. I could literally come up with hundreds of of questions about mind patterns. I guess what I really want to know is ... What it is it like to have a mind-shift for you? Walk me through the process. Thank you for being so open and communicative! It is so wonderful to have insightful and self-aware people to talk to!
  2. Oh shit! You must have traveled and took a glimpse of my past. LMAO!. I had this neighbor who was royally pissing me off! So,I trained my husky to howl at sirens at night and on command... I had the sounds of ambient wolves howling, so I can sleep through it... but my neighbors on the other hand... lol I was such a dick! Lol I agree with you. As a teenager, a side hustle that I had was to tame and train cats. I also worked at an animal shelter to tame and rehabilitate traumatized animals. lol I am just being silly. I see things so holistically that it is very difficult to have conversations or interact with people, unless I take a controversial stance. Or in other words, troll people just to have something to talk about. I do that when I feel bored/lonely. lol
  3. Hmm, I do have trouble coming up with ideas in the relative sense. I like how funny everything is. I dislike how lonely it gets. I am so blessed to know some amazing people! This forum is so amazing and beautiful! It is a place where you can be understood even minutely and it makes so much difference!
  4. HAHAHA. Show me a deranged 24/7 weed abuser! I never saw one before! I want to see one! I want to know one! Let's be one with the deranged 24/7 weed abuser! Yes! YES! YES!
  5. Hmm, how about this... I like dogs very much. They are how reality should be. I dislike cats! They are, in reality, the cause of all pain and suffering! LOL
  6. Hmm, I don't know about that... I have 2 exes named Rose that would definitely disagree with that statement!
  7. bwhahhahah.. Oh man that is funny! hahaha. The definition of assumption is "something that you accept as true without question or proof" so hehe 1. I am not accepting anything I am asking. As in wanting to know! haha.. oh man. 2. In the definition, it says without question... I am literally asking a question BWAHAHAH... oh ha-ha. 3. Who is bring this up? Who is writing it? Whose viewpoint is it! and you are saying it is not about you? really man? really? First what is a man's space? Only man's space I know of is his own little room or corner of a room where he has a tv and the shit he loves around him, his "man cave" where he can take a break from the world and entertain himself. It doesn't matter, nobody cares. You can't make people care; nobody cares. They got their own problems to deal with, they will politely listen out of kindness and compassion, but they don't give a fuck. They care about your survival as a civilized human. But they don't Fnking care about your problems. What kind of idiot man want to sit there and listed to everything you are going through, that is being rude and inconveniencing another person with your problems. And they don't know everything about you, how you think, how you view the worlds, your strengths and weaknesses. Any solution can only come from your mind and your mind alone. It sounds like you just want to bitch and have someone to listen to your bitching... that's all that is what it seems like! HAHAHAHA, nobody owes you anything! Haha. You are lucky to have someone who gives enough shits to actually listen to your problems. HAHAH do you want male symps? Some one to hug you and hold you and tell you, it's ok... hahaha. Oh, man what is this world coming to... Lord have mercy... haha Lol OK, Elon Musk... lol If everyone knows that then WHY are you not doing it? lol? Why are you making excuses? Genius is making something out of nothing. If you know that then you would make something out of nothing, you will solve problems on your own. If you knew that! lol but obviously you don't... WOW brilliant statement, Elon Musk. LMAO!! OMG. Your success is proportional to your own ability to solve your own problems. Obvious or not, if you don't get it... you certainly are a genius! LOLLOL
  8. Sorry for the confusion. I hope to clear it up a bit. I am view this from many, many different perspectives and it is challenging to cover them all. Thank you very much for the feedback, I find it very useful, I have great difficulty explaining all this shit and I do constancy think about whether I am making sense or not. Before the beginning, God (who can only Cause things to happen) made the decision to be creator of effects. First, Let’s forget the mirror thing. I shouldn’t have put that there… Probably also what threw you off. I am talking about Cause and Effect. Imagine only being Cause. Cause is knowing everything and doing everything. It is having every possible viewpoint all at one. So, it can’t feel happy or sad or any emotions. It knows all possible emotions, all possible causes, all possible experiences, all possible expressions all now it is thought. So, it doesn’t exist (this is getting complicated again so I will slide off of it.) Imagine putting a random meaningless image in your mind. Then stop putting it there. You see the moment you stop creating the image, it ceases to be there. It didn’t even have an effect on you, it was just an image in your mind… it didn’t give your any feeling or anything really (unless you include whatever you decided to make you feel) Truth has no continuation. So, for a “Cause” to even have an effect… It must create that effect first. So, you can say in terms of absolute…. There is a “Cause” and a decision to create an Effect. This isn’t the exact definitions but a working one is to say God is simply the decision to create an effect in order to have a Game. By implication, an effect is something that you don’t know about the thing happening in front of you and you get emotional responses or ideas as a result. To simplify. You Could say God decided to play a game called…. I don’t know. Another way you could say is the decision to be limited and therefore be able to enjoy things happening to me(effects). That is what a person is. A viewpoint, that is a result of the DECISION. You are God, but scaled down by limitation to the point that you don’t know almost anything at all. The more you Know, the less you are the effect of what you don’t know. Various things to unpack here. Have you noticed that most facts are not completely known? They are just the best possible answer we have and an answer good enough to have satisfaction with the answer. It is what you call relative truth. It is acceptable because it satisfies enough mystery to be considered acceptable. If you did know completely, it would not have any effect on you (as absolute). Now, lets look at what autho-rity means… (Author of right). That means you assign the idea/consideration that someone is right for what they say. You decide that is fact, opinion, idea, consideration is right or wrong. From the perspective of Absolute THAT is HOW you create an effect, to have something happen to me you have to decide that something bad can happen if I don’t hold on to that fact. So that way you assign the meaning of good or bad by what you decide to be a fact. When you accept a fact, you accept the fate of the fact. Its meanings and its conclusions. Now this can be a good thing or bad thing however, If it is good, it will allow you to “scale”(imaging a sliding scale of how much you know vs not know) closer to knowing about god. A bad fact will not and it will cause you to look for more facts. The more a Fact, contains “I don’t know”, the more it can cause an unwanted effect over your life because you are not in control of that fact, you are in a condition of not being in control of that face, you are in the condition of being controlled by that fact. Another way of saying this is: Those who think life is not fair, does not understand enough of it’s rules. That is because the rules don’t know are in your conscious awareness, which causes life to really take you over and overwhelm you. Facts and date tell you what you should know, and how you should think, they tell you the rules and how to do things. Do you notice the pattern, they are all tell you… making you effect. The absolute DECISION is to be CREATION of Effects. Not Be total effect. Therefore, they are not in alignment with the absolute Decision. In fact, your identity is shaped, and molded by the facts that you are exposed to. Because of facts. There is a certain way to behave, a certain way to talk, a certain way to do things, a certain contractual agreement with society, certain economic facts, starting with the idea and use of money. All based of some previous facts that are not conscientiously in your design. This is not to say Facts are evil or bad… but there is a scale… like your old sign in quote…”There are levels to this shit!” Your position on the scale reveals your condition and the way it is potentially causing negative effects on your life in some facet in life or the other. They help you measure to see if you are directing your thoughts and activities toward the absolute decision which is being the creator of effects, in order to enjoy the effects. God-awareness- “creating facts and new ideas about facts in ways that magically benefit your life” Powerful- “knows the most important facts and uses them to control and make life happen for them” Improver ( you could say actualizer if you so choose)- They are the people who try to direct facts and use their life to get better. However, there is so many facts and so they have limited improvement because of their love of facts and a lower level of being able to make life go right because they are struggling to handle all of the facts. They love to learn and be educated. The mediocre- They simply ignore the facts; they just go with what they think is right. What society tells them, or what their religion tells them. Or what their political beliefs tell them. The weak- are afraid of the facts, they are in constant fear and any fact that they view adds to their fear. Whatever they learn, they find a way to see it as a danger and a reason to be cautious. The clueless- Well, now you have people who are almost constantly controlled by the facts. They have more animal and wilder and unpredictable and strange, violent minds. They have lost all control of themselves. They don’t know how to behave. They behave strangely, they behave badly. In every fact there is some poison that you don't know about that can cause damage in your life unless you have sufficient consciousness... even so, as a human you are vulnerable to the poisonous facts that other people ingest and therefore, you can be an unwilling effect of those lower consciousness people. Actually, I only touched on a few of over 50 points on the issue, so I had to leave out a whole lot... lol Did it make sense? I would love to know. I'ts kind of hard to measure these things from my viewpoint lol. LOVE
  9. Problem is, we train human parrots. They just repeat what they hear from an authority or popular/common agreement or opinion. They train kids to sit down, shut up and listen. When these kids go out into the world the look for someone to tell them to sit down, shut up and listen(SSL). When they have learned something they they think is of value (usually from an authority) they will practice (SSL) on other people and it goes viral. They only way they can communicate is with(SSL) mentality. That is why it is so important to speak your truth and speak your mind. People haven't learned to think for themselves. If you try to get them to think for themselves, they start getting confused because you are doing something that is totally alien to their way of thinking and the resort to (SSL) way of communicating. I know it is annoying as hell and frustrating, but unfortunately that is the condition of the world. It is as if they don't know what intellectual honesty is and how to do it.
  10. Fkn Amazing! Thanks for sharing! Amazing what people can do!
  11. You call it "benevolent emasculation" and I call it bullshit... But potato.. poTAtoe. Talk is cheap and blaming rarely solves problems. A man's gotta solve his problems for himself, but ok, shoot.... What do you want to talk about?
  12. Because I didn't create them. They cause uncertainty. You gain more understanding and abilities by undoing them. Understanding is knowing information of the highest quality. The most important facts originating from the mind of God directly. Great ideas change over time and become less powerful. Until new idea comes about that make everything even better. Facts are handcuffs that chain you to our current perception of reality. If all information is available by Google, there is nothing left to discover, to create. You will not know God. Before the beginning, God( who can only Cause things to happen) made the decision to create effects. So through the creation of a "mirror" he decreed that he will not know "when he" looks " in that mirror "so he can feel the presence of effects. When you assign authorship of knowledge outside (facts) of your ideas (you are indeed an effect but the viewpoint that is you (a person) are not the creator/originator of those effects, and therefore you are subject to suffering because you do not know all of life's rules of those facts. If however, you are relying on your own ideas, you are in alignment of God's original decree. So if you do suffer from the effects of life's struggles, you know it is by your design and the love of your own creations, you beauty, your love sustains you and this is a pleasurable suffering for it is your own and not one that was given to you. In this way I know God. Of, course there are more technical answers to that as well.. lol ?
  13. LMAO I am just full of surprises! I aim to please! Lol actually the first 2 are the most authentic answers I could muster up lol OH God I HATE mustard too!
  14. Great topic❤️ thanks Princess?❤️❤️ Likes: Not Knowing Dislikes: Facts Blood Type: 0 Sign: Leo/Cow Hates: Avocados?
  15. Lol, shows how much I know. I haven't seen a movie in like 3 or 4 years.
  16. Just a viewpoint, an idea. Before that... something grand! O
  17. Why? How strong is your imagination? How strong is your ideas to execute? How willing are you to experience the dreams and nightmares. Is the imagination something that you are putting there and creating or is it simply something you are trying to receive or happen to you. The universe is counter-effort. When you are trying to receive, you receive not only what you want to receive, but also what you don't want to receive. Asking the universe is like asking to receive an avalanche. Only through your creative ideas can you put what you want and work with the current, not have the current run against you. What you will have is what you put there (even what you don't realize what you are putting there). One cobblestone at a time.
  18. Contact proper legal channels. Collect insurance if you have any and start over again. Life isn't over, you still have your body and your mind. Great opportunity to practice minimalism. Spiritual retreat right at home. Wow!
  19. How about this... Quit being a victim. Use your mind to get the things you want and reduce the things that you don't through the power of your ideas.
  20. I don't get it... at all. This is very weird to my line of thinking... Don't get it...
  21. Hell, I'm all for reducing laws. We need to put the lawyers out of business and make laws accessible and easily understandable to anyone. Law reform would be a dream come true. But ATM it is only a pipe dream... A fantasy. What I DON'T want is even MORE laws about prostitution.
  22. Never heard of Wednesday. Who is she? A YT influencer?
  23. There is always a level above, where the lower levels don't make sense. However, one day, you realize that anything and everything has something to do with you. Then, you will love them as you love yourself. Of course, that isn't an invitation to agree with the BS! LOL