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Everything posted by Ajax

  1. Damn, your on fire! Can't get one past you... your always awake!
  2. LMAO! Brilliant. You, madam, have discovered the secret of enlightenment!
  3. OMG! You're terrible! I choose both at the same time! Red Light and Green Light! What are you going to do now?
  4. Hm.. that must mean enlightenment is a long steep of Yorkshire Gold British tea. That shit LIGHTS me up I can be AWAKE for days maybe for infinity!
  5. Wow! Beautiful assessment. Very well done! Thank you so much for this. It really helps me understand humans better. LOVE
  6. The more you look and observe the better. Often dealing with traumatic issues put you in your head or in past experiences. So when you are watching, you are not fully there and present. Therefore, it is much easier to practice being there in front of something and not have to do anything but be there. So if you are doing it and still reacting, you are limiting the workability.
  7. Why the disagreement? Consciousness is its own field of study. Like science. If you know, you know. You don't care one bit, if someone says it doesn't exist or you are wrong. You don't need confirmation or approval. Just like you know your own name. That is your name and that's it. Cased Closed.
  8. From the official spiral dynamics.org website.
  9. Thank you. I would love to see you explain in more detail. Help me out here. I don't understand this. When I took the official Spiral Dynamics test, I had an official assessment of around 2% in SD Green. A subsequent unofficial test placed me at 6% According, I have great difficulty comprehending the perspectives of SD Green's human development. Embracing the feminine side? Doesn't compute. I did try to implement Leo's lessons on the matter. As well as Emerald's. But still.. Nada. Zilch. Zero What are the traits that you see in men who embrace their feminine side and are more loving?
  10. But seriously. I question male/female integration until we develop a better standard of ethics. Gender has surpassed traditional biological dynamics due to technology. The next likely step is likely going to be robotics and genetic engineering. So we need to transcend this masculine and feminine and either become more spiritually driven or robots. That is the likely options. A spiritual path is where each person defines the role they play and form a tightly knit partnership based on ethics, which is applying the best solution. A robot is going to be data driven, formed by GOD Google, AI and the dealers and distributors of such technology. In which we drop the human paradigms of the past. What do you think?
  11. Then pack lightly! lol. Just the basics! That's because they don't exist but people insist that they do. They insist in putting in other people. Call it IMPLANTS! lol. Don't need aliens to shove things where the sun don't shine! lol Don't call the ghost busters call the ball-busters or butt-busters lol!!! Jeez I need to lay of the Monster Energy drinks LMAO!! I am going batty! lol
  12. WEEEELL... ALLRIGHTY THEN! lol Interesting thought...
  13. Falseness. The inability to confront falseness. Misogyny is a manifestation of a degraded spirit. Like a cough to a cold. It is just a gag.
  14. Amazing book! I have yet to find a film that can duplicate the artistic mastery. Every time I think of a Dracula film, I hear Keanu's god-awful British accent pop into my head. I am beginning to suspect that it was a deliberate attempt to make Johnathan unlikable just for the hell of it!
  15. I don’t like to read fiction because I am a writer and I go into analysis and editor more where I dissect and study the text. It takes away from enjoying the story. However, I do listed to fiction on audiobook and I can really enjoy the story without thinking too much lol! I have to stay away from editor mode most of the time, or I won’t get any writing done! Lol I do love fiction with audio. I can create the world in my own imagination and “take a vacation”. Also, I find bookworms and librarians very sexy and I love to get into their minds and pants LOL… wrong section for this. If you are a writer, you should be willing and able to learn from other writers and fiction is an indispensable tool to improve your own writing. After all, writing is creating ideas and you have a buffet of ideas to learn from and create ideas of your own to write about. I know Stephen King has mentioned that reading other people’s novels is an important part of his writing process and he reads daily. When I am doing serious writing, I will generally listen to a fiction book a week. Actually, from my viewpoint a writer is not actually a writer. But a rewriter. Quality writing comes after many revisions. In the rewriting process, many ideas that I received come to me that add zest to my writing, although my focus is on nonfiction. Actually, I value fiction more than movies. I believe the last movie I saw was back in 2017. However, at the moment, I still listen to a novel at least once a month. Other than that, Imagination is a superpower and fiction can help you create new internal words in your own "imagination". So yes, there is great value to novels and I find them immeasurable more enjoyable than other forms of entertainment.
  16. OMG... if you can commit to the Steelers... you can commit to anything! lol JK... NOT... Chiefs RULE!!! I would say simply to be more decisive in your life and all the component parts. Your indecision in women probably extends to other areas in your life. LOVE
  17. You don't have to be affected by it. You have the potential to be greater, more powerful than the noise. You do not have to agree to be invalidated. If you feel like you have to react, you are starting to lose. You are perfect and anything that isn't perfect isn't you. You can choose not to be harmed by other viewpoints.
  18. YOU generate self-created truths that require no confirmation. The moment you look for confirmation you counter the original truth with another "truth" that creates resistance (a condition of Non confront). Any counter to an intention is introducing the idea that you don't know, or something is wrong. That is the macrocosm of resistance. The physical universe is a manifestation of that control+resistance. If you ran a process of: 1. Putting in a unit of time. 2. Spot something that you are willing to resist. 3. Putting in a new unit of time. 4. Spot something that you are unwilling to resist. 5. Repeat steps 1-4 until both resisting and unresisting simultaneously deconstruct... and well I won't ruin the surprise! lol Actually, this process is much harder to implement than it appears, and it may take days, weeks, months of continually running through those 4 steps, depending on your level of resistance. However, I can't explain exactly what I mean, you would have to see for yourself. This idea is unreal to you, so please... disregard!
  19. Ah, that is excellent. I would first suggest that the definition of Love is the urge to be together for no reason at all. Thus, love is something that you put into things. The more you do it, the better you get at it. The better you can get at it… the more you can give it. The more you can give it, the more you will receive it. “YOU” have one most basic ability. That is to generate self-created Truths (lol sorry for getting spiritual). Therefore, I recommend taking time to postulate these self-created truths (or IDEAS). For example, I want to create a relationship with fiery sex. I want to create a woman who works with me and not against me. I want to create a partner that is adventurous and wants to travel. I want to create… Just make it explicit of things that you want to create in a relationship and reinforce the ideas every day. Then, put them in whatever partnerships that you are involved in. Success is the sum of all validated improvements, so focus on creating improvements and validate the times that you created whatever you postulated. This process helps you in being able to create the relationship you like and gain immense value in whatever girl(s) you are in involved in right now, ensuring greater success, regardless of the potential of the girl you have right now. It’s just playing the game and practicing creating. Other than that, I would recommend expanding your social circle. For example, I love bookworms and I am always hanging around libraries, book fairs, library events, book clubs. The women know me and love me, and I love them, because love is the just being around women for no reason at all. From this viewpoint, by the time I get a connection, we are already in love. I also have personal training certifications. So, I used to spend a good deal of time in the gym and have a good relationship with the gym owners/staff and get to attend classes for free and get to hang around the gym for no reason at all. Since I am perceived as part of the gym and my intention is just to know and converse with women with no agenda and for no reason at all… I generate mutual love. I can practice having amazing relationships without introducing the complications of sexual relations. Of course, I occasionally did get romantically involved with some women (never clients, strict personal rule.) We have very deep and satisfying intimate relationships. I have also gotten involved with volunteer work, community events, Health Festivals, Co-ops, etc. I often volunteer at these booths and work as staff for free and hundreds of women come to me. I used to be involved in social media and the like and had websites, and Facebook and all that shit which I gained many followers and was able to have a great deal of networking with women and found many quality women that way as well. Instead of asking for contact info, I would ask them to follow me on these platforms and make content so they would know me and keep me in mind. It is a time sink-hole so I have deleted all social media at the moment. However, I hope I have inspired some ideas. Next thing to consider is that the game is rigged. By which I mean that there are hidden propaganda campaigns to manipulate and engineer gender wars and propaganda which results in massive barriers to having and maintaining a healthy sexual relationship. It can be handled and overcome, but one can’t ignore that there is such chaos and discord occurring behind the scenes. I touched upon the way to handle such a problem in a previous post which I will quote here: “You will need Love and Admiration the most. You must be certain and Trust yourself. It will test your love to the very limit. Be willing to be abandoned. Be willing to be cheated on. Be willing to lose everything you hold dear and consider valuable. But don’t stop loving and admiring for nothing!” Life is a game, and you must be willing and able to win and lose with the same level of enthusiasm. Have the viewpoint that you are just playing a game and discard the ideas that you can and are able to lose. This is done by having the goal of putting your original ideas that you want to create in a relationship/woman into action. The game is creation. If that is your purpose, you can’t lose because you are doing what you want to do which is to create. After all a relationship is a co-creation and finding a partner that is willing and able work with you and share in the ideas that you want to create. It is about finding a woman receptive to your postulates, who agrees with them, makes them her own and even builds and creates new ones for you guys to share. PHEW… This post is too damn long lol! Sorry for the book, I tried to cut out as much as possible lol. I don’t know if I am ever going to discuss this subject in any depth again LMAO.