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Everything posted by Ajax

  1. I always do after I return from the mountains. Lol
  2. I am watching you watching yourself. Stop staring at yourself, weirdo ?
  3. Love you for this Man!!! Isn't there a point where every discussion, debate, argument, teaching, becomes transrational? Every disagreement contains many different transrational viewpoints. In which such loops must be agreed upon as such contrary positions depend on an absence of direct experience (willingly or unwillingly). What is the common denominator? The solvent that becomes a form of consistency, convenience, and cooperation (a workable delivery method of understanding)?
  4. AH WOW, That is beautiful! What a dream. Or nightmare! Lol I like your perspective. What the true definition dream? Things that happen to you or that you make happen. How do you know the difference? I love your perspective and the way you look at it. How would you describe this dream to someone who doesn’t know? I love your communication style and the way you phrase things. It is great how you can both look and discover truth and communicate about it. Communication brings about understanding and that is what brings value others and society at large. I applaud you. LOVE!!! LOL. I have no concept on it. To me, it is a lie. A trap. It is a trick to keep your mind occupied. It is a manifestation of the space I created. Through intention, I put an idea into place. Since an idea is what it is and nothing else, it has no continuation, but it is only what it is and nothing more. Thus to view it, and for it to be real. You must create a consideration by viewing it from a distance and asserting what you are viewing is what it is not. Therefore, you assign the infinite meanings and considerations to what you are viewing is what it is not… therefore you have infinity. It is dropped confrontation… resisting what you are viewing or not viewing it directly. Dropped viewing, which is pretending what you are viewing doesn’t exist, similarly to ignore communication(lines of perception, speed, truth, viewpoints, responsibility(knowing or admitting to yourself that you caused it, Knowledge (asserting that you don’t know) and considerations of control), Such an accumulation of miscommunications result in misunderstandings, assignments of meanings, limited experiences, holding on to prior causes, sins, denials, justifications, pain, suffering, and continuations. These are many attributes that continue indefinitely. And until something that continues indefinitely can be referred to infinity. Thank you for your answers, I really value what you have told me. It really illuminates various viewpoints and that makes all the difference in the world. Your words has brought me infinite value! HAHHAHAHHAHAHA I LOVE it so invigorating and exciting! LOVE!!!!
  5. Thank you so much for your reply. I LOVE IT! Actually, I am looking for more than answers. I have many viewpoints on the subject and I am 1) looking for other viewpoints in order to seek viewpoints I may be stuck on. 2) Seeing how very general terms relate to specific questions. 3) amount of agreement/consensus on the most basic. Seeing where such viewpoints connect and where they are different. There is also a great deal of other things I am looking. I am looking for depth and scope. Basics, with details! Lol Just having fun and playing games! After all, if you can’t explain the basics simply… and from multiple viewpoints… You have less chance of bringing understanding to a society who has no concept of these ideas. After all, a feature of society is ideas that we can freely understand and communicate about. So yes, I am looking for answers… but for the viewpoints and nuance within the answers! LMAO If it is ok with you I would like to ask follow up questions: 1. What is the definition of infinity and eternity? What is the most basic definition where these highest quantities of viewpoints converge? 2. What causes the sequence of events that we experience? Just about everything that we experience in the physical universe has some sort of continuation. What is that continuation. How would you describe it? How can you have continuation with no beginning and end? 3. I have a viewpoint on whatever I put my attention on, but where am I located? Where is the “I” located. How would you spot nothingness? How can everything that is physical have a location, but consciousness doesn’t? 4. How does agreement play into this? After all we share a reality. How does infinity converge into reality? Ok, how do you define true nature? What is True? What is nature? @acidgoofy What are your own thoughts on this? How do you integrate this into your awareness and life.
  6. Marry me!? You are already a pain in my ass... might as well make it official ? I'm kidding ? kidding ?... or am I?? Actually bro, you need to get your shit together and have a career and life stability. That is when you will be ready to have a wife or not. Whatever you wish.
  7. OH God Oh God! I gotta do it, gotta do it DAMNIT
  8. If you can't define it... It isn't real. It's nonsense. You are already perfect and anything that isn't perfect isn't you. If you ask what is good, look at yourself. If you can't see it, you are holding on to imperfections (false realities). This is resistance. Therefore, the more false realities that you remove from your awareness, the more you know yourself. The beauty and goodness you already are. You remove false realities but looking, completely and thoroughly. Not resisting, admiring the Non perfections... until the resistance goes away, and you KNOW. Looking, Observing and Knowing. LOVE
  9. Would you explain this? What do you mean by this? I understand happiness to be on a dualistic scale, as a result it is both on a gradient and impermanent and ever-changing. I have noticed states above this such as: Sereness... where you are completely tranquil and no resistant and tranquil. Unbothered and completely at peace. Aesthetics... where you are being with the highest wavelengths and particle flows. Where it is full of magic and love, and everything is beautiful and... Heaven. The Static.... Native God-state... Perfection. LOVE
  10. You would have to define "Good" and "good" for me. I don't know how you see it.
  11. Experience is non-confront. When you confront something, there is nothing between you and it. You are it. This relates to KNOW. KNOW is the result of putting the particles together (Truth). Confront is the end result. Experience is not full confronting... therefore it is bullshit.. it is composed of separated particles.
  12. Imagine looking at a beautiful portrait. Every stroke, every color, every form, every object... contributes to that masterful painting. It's ok to have opinions and differentiate and compare. However, it is important to know at the same time that what you are looking at is what makes the beautiful portrait what it is. You can't have the mona lisa without her smirk or her eyes in the exact position they are in. Understand whatever, viewpoints, judgments, meanings to you attach to something is only an opinion because what you are observing is only part of the larger whole. It contributes to the overall effect, no matter how minute it may be.
  13. Definitely one of my favorites. It is worth reading.
  14. Lol thank you for the heads up, my guardian angel ?,?
  15. Boooooo, don't play the psychedelic lotto you have even less chance to win the jackpot than the cash lotto!, ?,?
  16. I don't even know what the definition of Awake is... but I know things Lol ?? 1. A masterpiece. Like being there with Rachmaninov when he was conducting a concerto. Or when you stare into the sky and all form cease and all you see are intense musical chords between the start dust. It is light, eitherial and magical and adventure... where every moment is created anew and is fully of excitement, joy, suspense and discord... ah yes sweet discord like sucking vischessous by candlelight with a golden spoon and eyeballs pop out of the soup❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ 2. Naw.. I am about producing results. Polyamory, is unworkable to what I want to create. It's about creation not moralizing so I am willing to watch these free love relationship with curiousity and interest and see what it produces after all roses can grow in Shit. Or so I heard. 3. Being solo is just as perfect as having a partner. I can obtain sexual gratification in my mind without involving my body at all.. so I don't need a partner for that. I do like high level communication with a partner though, that is paramount to deciding to commit. The higher the communication level the more willing I am to create with that person. I am in heaven either way LMAO ??
  17. LoL I only smoke cigars. Big time cigar afficianado. Let's share an 11 year old Cuban Sancho Panza I saved just for this occasion!! LMAO ?? I should explain that. Sancho Panza was Don Quixote's faithful companion. Lol Lol just havin some fun!!!
  18. Lol yep! What? What? ...In Da Butt,,,??? I said: I LOVE YOU❤️❤️❤️?
  19. @Bazooka Jesus Cause and Effect. You are the creator of effects. Not the effect. Consciousness and the mind and "oneness" is the creation. Consciousness and experience and the mind is the "Matrix". Not the Source, you know because you put it there. The more you separate Know from "everything", the more you realize, you put it there just to have a game, just to have things happen to you. It's your creation, you put it there, but it isn't you because it is a consideration, a game with rules and automatic mechanisms... a game. Cause and Source is not the same thing as creation, it is specifically designed to be a creation so it will not be you...and you can Have something... an experience. Everything is a something and you are a nothing. You are separate and outside of everything. You were never in everything to begin with. You created a viewpoint ( the unit you consider to be you) to view everything and consider that you are everything. However that is just an aparancy. You are that which KNOWS. You are not an "is" isness is the creation, not Source. The more you realize that you put it there... the everything, the more you know and understand, the better you can play the game and have all the joy and experiences that you want to have. The less you will be an effect because you are the creator of effects... Source. How do I know? Nothing bad ever happens to me because I can fully have it because I know I put it there. I am saying this as a human entity. This might seem totally unreal to you and that's beautiful... please disregard❤️ Love you❤️ LOVE
  20. Deciding is greater than wanting. Here is an ole blue folksy saw. Wish in one hand and shit in the other, see which gets full first. Just jump in and do it ?
  21. Playing the lotto is like scratching your ass and only finding Shit! Butt don't get behind me on this. I'm just being a bum.
  22. Lol, this is a tribute to one of my old teachers. We met on this day 15 years ago... He was both brilliant and one of the craziest people you could imagine. RIP? Hidden in the silliness are some very powerful truths related to the "you" that does not go away. That is forever. Your natural abilities. It is hard to see the truth in it and how it relates to everything, but if you can... WOW!!!
  23. Very cool, what kind of music would you like to play?