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Everything posted by Ajax

  1. WOW! Super cool! thank you so much for sharing this with me! LOVE
  2. Ok, what do you mean in the moment? Time is the "great enigma". For humans... the moment (right now) is put here by mental considerations due to accumulated past experiences. Have you considered the implications of no-time related to consciousness? If so then where is our viewpoint? before time? Or after time? In the future looking in the past or in the past looking at the future or all at once... if so... how do you explain the continuation of events(moments)?
  3. Yet you can postulate (put ideas into the space of existence). You can have a postulated future. Having the idea that you will invent something, create something, discover something, have something and it will happen through ideas. Experience can help you create new ideas or build your ideas better... but ideas bring into being. It is a creative action... a spiritual action. A founder or leader(s) comes up with the ideas and has executives and staff brings them into being. Plus ideas create experience. You can have decades of experience but lacking in scope or depth of good ideas... look at Academia. Science. Politics and Humanities.
  4. Ideas are creation. They are the closest thing to what you are. Therefore, they result in effects and prior cause... experience. They are not the experience themselves. An idea is not measured in time. It is certainly not time. It is not measured in change: Let's look at component parts of what constitutes a nothingness: No space, no time, no agreement, knowingness, source, and cause, and creation. ideas take up no space.... unless they are filled with component parts of experience. Ideas are in no-time... manifesting (putting them into existence... making them real) them uses experience... Ideas require no agreement... you have them for no reason at all... they do not have to make sense. Experience is related to prior cause... ideas are cause. Ideas are source and ideas are certainly creation. If you notice... those are traits of a dream. First you put out ideas, ideas have no separation... therefore to have limitations... the idea separates into duality to have existence... experience... disagreement... distinctions... reality (which are sets of agreements) ... It is also infinite... they are as abundant as you can dream. You dream using ideas (then experience)... you don't dream using experience. First there is an idea...then a result or not. Then there is another idea, then a thought (which is comparing one thing to another thing...which is something. Not nothing.), which is another effect. You don't suffer from bad ideas... they are nothing. You suffer from bad results... which are something. That experience is the something. In fact the ideas isn't even bad unless it actually produces bad thoughts and bad results... You see a "bad idea" is a production. Production is an experience or effect. Experience is effect... you, the person, are part cause and part effect... which is experience. Lol I was joking about experience as being doodoo, I was trolling for a response... My conclusions are...unique to say the least LMAO. I just wanted to talk to someone... thank you for reaching out lol! I am being dead serious! lol... not... or am I? ? .
  5. Nonsense. Experience is doodoo.... Nothing is more powerful than ideas... loving your actions, results and loving others. Being causative effect... Just having an experience is a mixed bag... especially when it relates to the past is doodoo put in new ideas, demonstration of your abilities, facing up to things .. creation that is awesome Universe is your sandbox not the other way around. As for your quote... nope that is tenacity. Oh man I am sleepy ?
  6. ? it just happened... But I am still kicking lol... just extra silly.
  7. IDK man... people want to be spiritual. It is who they really are. I was into all kinds of meditation and shit at that age... lol I wanted to be a samurai assassin like in the movie Ghost dog lol What were you like in that age?
  8. Awesome ? you are so smart. I love to see how you express yourself. True❤️❤️❤️ I am boooooo sleepy lol. Insomnia is an ass lol.
  9. I just like to play sometimes just to unwind and have a cool group to bullshit with.. is that a sin? I say no way because I am God. In the beginning was the word... because I said so. Boom bang crash ? smash
  10. Do you not see a world outside your window? Do you not see that you need to love your actions and results as well as creation... you have to see God's potential first and move your ass and use the game piece you call your body to play and create. I think you are limiting yourself enough as it is.
  11. Kinda like how I am after I eat Mexican food. Experience is the result of prior cause, it is a mishmash of misunderstandings and randomities like a child writing in a diary with crayon and writing it over and over again becoming coloured and obscure to the point of blackness and mud. It is an unreliable measurement of abilities except when it is but more often it is not.
  12. OMG, did you use too much pepper sauce again? Those damn scotch bonnets. @TheGod God is a big fat bacon slab smoking and burning in a pan being basted with tallow and lard. It is pancakes doused in strawberry sauce and a yummy nasty creme brulee made by 2 month old eggs and sprinkle with foot fungus. You don't want God you want material and financial security so you can get a woman ? When a man is ready to receive a woman she will come like an inverted fart in the wind
  13. All is fine if you don't waste your time. As for me. I am about objectives, purposes, targets and aims. I want to live life to the fullest. Sexuality is quite elementary in the grand scheme of things. There is so much more amazing things to discover and truths to find. Sex as entertainment has limited workability and can inhibit productivity. Companionship can get quite stale without having a strong vision and purpose. That is all. Phew...sleepy.
  14. Love is the urge to be together for no reason at all. There isn't a reason. There is no shortage of love, just a willingness to demonstrate it.
  15. Lol, my ass is tired... lol I have been up for the last 52 hours... Life is a game and those that think life isn't fair don't understand all the rules. lol I will leave with that. Nice post. Love
  16. LMAO Well done! And very well done for NOT choosing a shake this time! Have this instead. Not for your benefit... but for mine! So I can laugh at you! GOD I HATE AVOCADOS! lmao
  17. LOL! There is not a damn cold thing about you that I see! You are warm and inviting... as well as smoking hot from every angle! lol Just between you and me... what do you do with all the numbers? Make wallpaper? Paper Mache Lamp? Sell them to other girls for a profit and play matchmaker? The possibilities are endless! Oh, excuse me... Infinite!
  18. The less able you are to be “causative effect” the more the “effect” causes you to be less able. When you are unable to do something, face something … The more your resist having something happen to you… You blame it on everything and everyone and especially God. It is simply a reaction… a manifestation of losing at the game of life. It is an admission you are failing. It is a dramatization of losing… a show. Like dropping a bag of potatoes on your toe and cursing and swearing because of the pain. That is all. There is an imbalance of happening to something and it happening to you. Another way of looking at it is you resist controlling something or being controlled by something and resist your natural ability of creating the creation. YOU(Source) cannot resist. Instead, you put something to resist or something that resists in order to have an effect… to have a game. Here is another way of looking at it. You get a family with a lot of money or “are privileged” like the Kardashians and watch them on tv, dream up all kinds of conflicts and drama and problems. To resist you have to resist seeing all of the pieces of a situation. You have to blame somebody or something. You must have all sorts of miscommunications. You must have a fixed viewpoint of right and wrong. You have to assume a judgmental viewpoint and insist you are being “right”. You must decide somebody hurt you. You must hold on to the past. You must decide to have blinders on. These blinders can be called resistance. What you resist, persists and the less of “YOU” exists. Resistance isn’t necessarily bad. It is how we entertain ourselves. It is only bad when we decide we are not willing to have it... don’t want it. Can’t have it. When it severely limits our freedom of choice and we consider that it will affect our survival or happiness. Then… GOD DAMMNIT!!!! That is the only thing that you really objected to you know… your lack of choice. A person has to really get this down on a personal level, before they can understand it on a country or planetary level. Otherwise, they won’t understand the suffering of humanity and all lifeforms. And they won’t understand it. And they will assign blame to God, or anything or everything else they can blame. And they will dramatize. OH, what a performance they make! What a delightful show they perform! What a soap opera they dream up!!! I just sit back, enjoy the movie and marvel at all of the silliness they dream up and amuse myself with the entertainment. For God has infinite potential for creativity and imagination. That is not to say I am not playing my own role and goals for contributing for humanity… It is I can also assume a viewpoint of being a spectator as well. “Your most basic freedom is the freedom to assume a viewpoint.”
  19. @Gennadiy1981 I believe he mentioned he is working on his new course. All is well, most of his teachings can't be understood by the public. It would take a course or seminar to explain the component parts and the traps involved in his new discoveries. Therefore, the lessons must be explained carefully and step by step, level by level, is my guess. Such an endeavor would require immense planning and revising to ensure that it is communicated adequately. @Princess Arabia Wow! Amazing picture! Beautiful Smile!
  20. A basic problem in understanding something is having the right definition. So, it is important to separate ethics and morals. “Ability is best measured in results produced.” A way of viewing this is your ability is best measured in whether it works or not. As for morals. It was constructed by sets of agreements, through trial and error of what works and what doesn’t work. If it works well, it is right. If it doesn’t work well, it is wrong. Through the eons of reinforcing what works for a society… what is produced is morals. What holds morals together is agreement. For a certain time/place in history or not. It is moral because society agrees that it is moral. However, things change over time. People change. Agreements change. Morals change. They are rules of conduct. Values. Problems arrive when things change many people no longer agree to past moral… they do not see how they work in today’s society. However, there are many people who strongly believe in the past agreements (morals). Now for ethics. Ethics are personal. It is measured by the effects that you cause/create and the results you produce. It is about finding the best solution. The better the solution, the more ethical it is. As for your spider example. It is ethical because you caused the effect of compassion toward a lifeform. You allowed it to live another day. It is also ethical if you kill the spider if it is a danger to you, or you just want to remove the pest and make sure it doesn’t come back. Two different results? Which one is better for you? If you are interested in practicing compassion and love for all life, I would say the first one. This option has a better result and better solution. So, it is more ethical. Now, if you take on certain morals. For example, protecting climate change by not eating beef, and if you eat a burger. Well, you may feel like you violated your own personal values. Feeling guilty and hypocritical is not producing a good effect. So clearly, it would be unethical for you because it doesn’t result in an action that will work well for you. Inner conflict does not work well. Ethics should be an evaluation of your actions or inactions, the quality of your solutions and the results (or effects) it will bring to you. Will it contribute or detract from your life, your values, your purpose and goals, your basic personality and identity. Yourself. Your family and friends. Your neighbors and social circles. Your country and race. Your fellow human beings. Your planet and even the spirituality of man. It also includes application of that solution. This way there is no dichotomy between ethical/unethical. Good/bad. There are levels of ethics, and you have the freedom to choose how ethical your actions are. I didn’t go into values, but it should be self-evident. As for your question about how to choose. Not a problem. We can answer that. Choose ONE value or conclusions or moral that will help you have real results. Results you want to produce. Focus on increasing your ability to apply that one value in everything you do. I already told you one very important ability to have. I will repeat it for your convenience. “Success is the sum of all validated improvements.” This means that you should validate every single improvement in your life. When you eat a healthy meal… validate it. Tell yourself, “Well done for eating healthy”. Give yourself a dose of love and admiration for doing something well. Do not focus one what you are doing wrong but reinforcing and acknowledging what you are doing right. What you are doing well. You should have told yourself… “Well done for showing that little spider some compassion, well done me!” " Wow, wonderful! I got a chance to practice loving compassion on that little animal! well done!" That would be ethical LOL
  21. Enlightenment means liberation. It takes the idea that you have lived many lives, had many past existences and past bodies. You are free from the continual cycle of birth and death and can BE and operate with or without a physical body by decision and choice alone. You are liberated from the bondage of negative reactions, worry, fear, regret, remorse, ect…. You are liberated from the harm of nonsurvival or nonoptimal thoughts and feelings. You completely unite or “melt” into total spiritual absorption and become one with the universe… dissolving personal consciousness and attaining universal consciousness. Western Man tends to disregard and ignore and reject the most important part of the idea of “enlightenment” which is literal immortality meaning that you preserve your most basic identity/personality/individuality you can bring it into to the next life. In other words, If you killed your body right now, would you be able to enter a new body and be the self you are now? Could you recall your experiences and things you had done in your previous bodies? Traditional Buddhism is very clear that this is the case. So unless you have that understanding/ ability. It is not enlightenment… Unless you change the meaning of enlightenment into a different concept. Therefore, it would be logical to coin a new word or adopt an existing word to explain the state/realization you are referring to. Enlightenment is ok, I guess. But, it needs continual explanation to what you actually mean and what it actually is from your POV. Interpretations complicate communication which makes it much more difficult to attain the goal. This needs to be made crystal clear. P.S. I like God-realization far better… lol
  22. I am in love with you, my friend. I am probably the oldest active (regular) member on this forum, yet I only have 700 or so posts. I would not comment if I didn’t see something truly beautiful and amazing in you that has sparked my interest. You have so much potential, and I really wish you would see it too. I know I can act like a smart-ass. I am only showing affection. I see you as a brother and as brother’s we can get on each other’s nerves. I do truly care about you despite my obnoxious behavior. Understanding karma can help solve problems. Karma means work/actions+results. Karma also includes the effect of any an all human actions. I do not say basic Karma as an offence, but as a path to make your life the way you wish it to be. A method to use Karma in a practical way… a tool. Let me put it in another way. Success is the sum of all validated improvements. You measure your improvements through your actions. You build your mind by validating the improvements you make, dozens or hundreds of times every day. You do this by loving and admiring whatever improvements you make every single moment. You must improve your certainty that you know that what you did was correct and was an improvement. You see the perfection, the beauty in your actions and things that you perceive. This is how you build your mind. All the beauty that you have is the beauty that you decide to create. Only with a strong mindset can you turn your dreams into a reality. Then, you can put joy into your actions and/or have hope or faith in the grind and work that you are doing. And yes, I am in love with @Princess Arabia She is a sister to me. I have a special attachment to her because she reminds me of a daughter (and looks like her) I had a few centuries ago, named Cedella. Which means princess, I believe… I forget. But yes, she is very special to me. I like to tease and joke around with her because she is dear to my heart and I really admire her humor and way of thinking. You may think me a fool and delusional with this, and I am happy if you do so… I am who I am and that’s all I am. @Razard86 You are a Nothingness. You can not resist. However… You can put something to resist or something that resists. What resists are thoughts (or manifestations of the mind) that you don’t know or a lack of (love+admiration). These are impurities because to experience something to have an effect or be an effect, you must hold on to the illusion. You must resist and not know that you are putting it there. This is the essence of assuming a viewpoint which results in the consideration of existence/nonexistence duality. I know that is exactly what you are saying in your post and GOD DAMN ...It is music to my ears! I love it so much. Thank you for that. You never cease to impress me. LOVE!!!
  23. What is infinity? Does infinity have continuation? Is it continuation? Doesn't infinity imply as starting point... A beginning? What is the beginning? If you always are and always have been... how can there be a beginning? Where are you located, if there is a beginning? If you are viewing Infinity, where are you viewing from?