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Everything posted by Ajax

  1. What is the measurement of distance from Truth? 10 meters? 100 Km? 1.5 million Km? Is it measured in quantity of experience and knowledge? 3 Qualities... Humble. No experience. No Knowledge. And they are closer to truth? What does it mean? Closer to truth?
  2. I didn't get the answer to the question. Is someone with more experience and knowledge closer to Truth? I know because I am. I am without. Not with. A nothing is not something. I know because the absence is so recognizable... that it could be nothing but what it is... because nothing could describe it.
  3. So someone with more experience and knowledge is closer to Truth? Know there is nothing to know.
  4. What decides if one is closer to the truth or not? If you can only assume based on your experience and knowledge... how do you know you are closer to the truth?
  5. Who put those feelings of discomfort in you? Them or you?
  6. touché, Princess, touché. I love you so...❤️
  7. Misunderstandings on both sides. That's all. Very few tests are accurate. Bringing about expected results is a much better test.
  8. If you are in the physical universe, you are fighting.
  9. We have the same power. You find what you look for. It wasn't there before you put it there.
  10. The past leaves no room to create something out of nothing.
  11. Unless you are an exact duplicate of a person... you won't have the same agreements.
  12. WOW! Super cool! thank you so much for sharing this with me! LOVE
  13. Ok, what do you mean in the moment? Time is the "great enigma". For humans... the moment (right now) is put here by mental considerations due to accumulated past experiences. Have you considered the implications of no-time related to consciousness? If so then where is our viewpoint? before time? Or after time? In the future looking in the past or in the past looking at the future or all at once... if so... how do you explain the continuation of events(moments)?
  14. Yet you can postulate (put ideas into the space of existence). You can have a postulated future. Having the idea that you will invent something, create something, discover something, have something and it will happen through ideas. Experience can help you create new ideas or build your ideas better... but ideas bring into being. It is a creative action... a spiritual action. A founder or leader(s) comes up with the ideas and has executives and staff brings them into being. Plus ideas create experience. You can have decades of experience but lacking in scope or depth of good ideas... look at Academia. Science. Politics and Humanities.
  15. Ideas are creation. They are the closest thing to what you are. Therefore, they result in effects and prior cause... experience. They are not the experience themselves. An idea is not measured in time. It is certainly not time. It is not measured in change: Let's look at component parts of what constitutes a nothingness: No space, no time, no agreement, knowingness, source, and cause, and creation. ideas take up no space.... unless they are filled with component parts of experience. Ideas are in no-time... manifesting (putting them into existence... making them real) them uses experience... Ideas require no agreement... you have them for no reason at all... they do not have to make sense. Experience is related to prior cause... ideas are cause. Ideas are source and ideas are certainly creation. If you notice... those are traits of a dream. First you put out ideas, ideas have no separation... therefore to have limitations... the idea separates into duality to have existence... experience... disagreement... distinctions... reality (which are sets of agreements) ... It is also infinite... they are as abundant as you can dream. You dream using ideas (then experience)... you don't dream using experience. First there is an idea...then a result or not. Then there is another idea, then a thought (which is comparing one thing to another thing...which is something. Not nothing.), which is another effect. You don't suffer from bad ideas... they are nothing. You suffer from bad results... which are something. That experience is the something. In fact the ideas isn't even bad unless it actually produces bad thoughts and bad results... You see a "bad idea" is a production. Production is an experience or effect. Experience is effect... you, the person, are part cause and part effect... which is experience. Lol I was joking about experience as being doodoo, I was trolling for a response... My conclusions are...unique to say the least LMAO. I just wanted to talk to someone... thank you for reaching out lol! I am being dead serious! lol... not... or am I? ? .
  16. Nonsense. Experience is doodoo.... Nothing is more powerful than ideas... loving your actions, results and loving others. Being causative effect... Just having an experience is a mixed bag... especially when it relates to the past is doodoo put in new ideas, demonstration of your abilities, facing up to things .. creation that is awesome Universe is your sandbox not the other way around. As for your quote... nope that is tenacity. Oh man I am sleepy ?
  17. ? it just happened... But I am still kicking lol... just extra silly.
  18. IDK man... people want to be spiritual. It is who they really are. I was into all kinds of meditation and shit at that age... lol I wanted to be a samurai assassin like in the movie Ghost dog lol What were you like in that age?
  19. Awesome ? you are so smart. I love to see how you express yourself. True❤️❤️❤️ I am boooooo sleepy lol. Insomnia is an ass lol.
  20. I just like to play sometimes just to unwind and have a cool group to bullshit with.. is that a sin? I say no way because I am God. In the beginning was the word... because I said so. Boom bang crash ? smash