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Everything posted by Ajax

  1. A rule to live by: "Decisions by consensus are usually more wrong than right"... public opinion is foolish... One could make the same case of model's appearance and the obsession about being shaved... they seem to have pedophilic undertones to a demisexual like me. Leo reminds us to recognize the chimp behavior and not buy into it. You know that this world is run by chimps and you ask them to be something than the lowbrow animals that they are.... Forgive me but that is silly... It goes against nature... one has to evolve to be a new creature.
  2. The road to enlightenment is not paved with gold but with so much trash and garbage that it would make brigand of junk dealers break down and cry. This trip ain't for sissies! Fortunately we have a small support group here.
  3. I bought the Marriam -Webster's Vocabulary builder book. It is an excellent way to learn the root words so that you will be able to recognize and know thousands of words in a relatively short time.
  4. I like the analogy that a relationship is "one flesh" or "one body"... A body works together for a similar common purpose they are in essence extensions of each other. It seems that things are more independent or distant than that. Therefore, you are not working together for a common purpose... Of course it gets boring you are getting together for the purpose of pleasure and companionship... It is a relationship of comfort and convenience and it seems like a dead end from where I am sitting. What are your common goals? Where are you going together? A relationship is a partnership... what are you working together for?
  5. @TruthSeeker The reason I wish to be enlightened is so that I can see activity as a game and I can play it freely without getting trapped within. I don't imagine chimps can accomplish this for they are trapped by impulse. However, life is really a game and one should play it as they see fit.
  6. @Sigma I certainly understand your position, I am the same myself. However, the power to influence and seduce lies in social skills. Therefore a wise person can play the role of a charmer when they need to. Perhaps it is not totally necessary depending on what you intend to do with your life. It is an invaluable tool though... Only recently I have gotten into developing strong conversation skills when someone almost stole my wife away. I was able to immerse myself in the social arena to develop the necessary skills to strengthen my marriage considerably... So I would recommend if you have any meaningful relationships to make some progress in this subject.
  7. Looks may give you a woman but wisdom will keep her. Your appearance is about the easiest thing to change about yourself(within your physical limitations). Becoming a man of quality and value is bit more tricky.
  8. @FairyTale I would like you to first realize that one of the things that men desire most is a woman that is totally faithful and loyal. For whatever reason, he does not fully see those attributes in you and trust you completely. It goes beyond a first night encounter, there is something in the way you talk/interact with him that makes feel insecure and doubt that you will stick around and/or not cheat on him... Unfortunately, those are his issues to deal with and until he has emotional security... his walls will remain up. An unfaithful woman is one of man's greatest fears. All you can do is improve yourself, become more of a trustworthy and faithful person.. If it doesn't work out it is on him and he couldn't face his demons. In the least it will change you and allow you to be better in the future. Don't hope for instant results, be patient and hopefully it will work out.
  9. Oh my yes, I do enjoy my very much. I have a wife and child that I live for each day. I enjoy each moment. Even now I am listening to that nice song posted above and drinking a warm cup of coffee with some cookies that I baked. My heart is in alignment with the beating of the song. I am most greatfull of being able to create moments of pure bliss almost at will.
  10. @Zippie I will let Maslow answer for you: "What a man can be, he must be. This need we may call self-actualization...It refers to the desire for self-fulfillment, namely, to the tendency for him to become actualized in what he is potentially. This tendency might be phrased as the desire to become more and more what one is, to become everything that one is capable of becoming." If you pay attention to Leo's videos... You will see that his enlightenment work composes only a fraction of the material he covers in his videos. I would recommend that you take time to understand the meaning of actualization and what it means for you. It is actually a psychology term and is not necessarily spiritual in its self... You don't have to be enlightened to be self-actualized. It just so happens that there are no absolutes only levels and so the self actualized person can have the opportunity to climb up to higher levels, just to see what else exists there... I believe that even the enlightened person keeps trekking into the great unknown. I personally don't even think the Buddha reached the top yet.
  11. @FindingPeace Have you considered the possibility that it is you yourself that is suffering from low consciousness? People are like diamonds... multi-faceted... Thus a truly actualized person are polished on all sides and thus shine brightly. If you have trouble relating to others, it is because certain facets are highly refined and others have dulled. A refined being should be able to relate fabulously well with just about anyone. Your posts proves you need improvement on this area especially on the subject of communication. I know this because I have always been a recluse and the more I learn about life and people... I remain a bit of a recluse but I can transform into a social butterfly almost instantaneously. I try to enter any encounter with a person as a wonderful opportunity to discover a hidden gem about people or life in general. For example, you can take these "useless" conversation and learn about or practice charisma. Leo's latest video was about the traits of success and charisma and social skills is a fantastic way to manipulate (influence) people. In short, you are taking yourself and life much too seriously. After all, you and your work, is nothing!
  12. @Leo Gura Does that mean that person wants to be chased by the alien or can't escape the idea of being chased by the alien? It seems to me that the only way out is to deeply consider that there is no alien at all... However, the alien very clearly appears to exist to the rational person and it would be irrational to think otherwise. Therefore there seems to be a need to develop a method of deconstructing reality to know the difference.... Am I on the right track on my train of thought?
  13. As long as you can back it up and love others freely. That's what is really important.
  14. @Jay S The ideal scenario is to be meditating at all times, continually improving your awareness. Work toward this. If you are hitting a wall in terms of progress, the answer is in your thought processes and daily habits and activities. It takes a great deal of personal awareness to uncover personal obstacles. None of us have the insight to do that for you.
  15. The question to ask your self is what were you expecting? Meditation doesn't necessarily give you what you want.... it's not a magic elixer.
  16. Start with what you are most interested in. I don't know you so I can't offer a suggestion.
  17. Don't worry about what Leo said at the moment, you will get it eventually. Just remember this... The meaning of life is to have worthwhile goal(s) and go after it.
  18. Your mind is your greatest enemy because it is always with you and feeding you crap. To have the ability to still your mind in the midst of chaos and uncertainty is priceless.
  19. You won't like what I have to say... Eliminate tv and video/computer games from your life. Reduce books and computer if it is interfering. These are social barriers. Conversations was not nearly as difficult before the advent o the television. An introvert is someone who has too much attention stuck on themselves and not on the other person. Therefore you have to practice getting you attention on your environment and things around you. Keep your attention on the other person. There is an art form of conversation. It is up to you to discover it for yourself. Best of Luck.
  20. Just build it into your routine. For example, When I wake up in the morning. I get a cup of coffee, I hand-grind it and put it into a french press pot. Then I just sit and drink without doing anything else. I make sure that I am as mindful as possible throughout the entire process. You can also do it while performing some mundane chore. I only keep a few dishware so I usually hand-wash them when I am done. It is a great time to be aware of the sound of the water, my breathing, the soap, etc.. I also do it when I am doing things I don't like to do like sweeping or cleaning the counter. Catch yourself when you are upset or stressed about something then go into the mind state. It takes practice and perseverance, but is rewarding. If you fail to do it that day, make a mental note to do it next time. Discipline yourself to meditate daily. It is the best way to just get into that state whenever.
  21. There is an art form of leading and influencing people. A lot of it has to do with providing for and being aware of the needs of your partner and suspending your expectations of them. This alone is an extremely difficult task to do. The better leader you become, the luckier you will be.
  22. To state it simply, She doesn't exist. Just like your dream life, house and family doesn't exist... Fortunately, God gave us the ability to be creators as well as adapt and change things. Thus you must constantly co-create with your potential mate to design the qualities of a perfect mate in yourself and her. The catch-22 is that there are many qualities in yourself that inhibit your ability to make things happen, so if you don't take care of those... you are going to have problems.
  23. That wouldn't work for me at all. As the Bible states, a couple is meant to be one unit. That is hard enough, if not impossible for some. Three or more people serving as one unit? ...Too unrealistic for me. Seems like Hedonism. Of course, God gave me the gifts of open-mindedness and non-judgement so I am always ready to learn and grow from other peoples thoughts and ideas. I feed on it.