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Everything posted by Ajax

  1. Keep a close eye on they/them. People tend to be on their best behavior when they are being closely watched.
  2. Then the mystery is solved. It has been written by the one by davecraw by clarification of this post. Unless, unless it is all a lie! OMG lol don't mind me, I am just being silly.
  3. I don't subscribe to the concept of ego, because ego means your identity, your ideas about ego become entire new identity. The hell is that! To hell with ego! Nope, I don't even know what the hell is self-love is. What is it?
  4. Right now, I am thinking that I see= black markings on a screen that contain ideas that I would like to consider. Who is typing it, does not enter my mind. So, I have to make up an answer on the spot. I am faced with questions. What do you mean by typing of this post? Do you mean the one that I am currently writing? Typing is an action, reading is a reception. Since the question is offered in present tense and I am currently typing, Obviously, I think I am the one typing this because I can feel my fingers clanking on a keyboard and can see a letter pop up after a button I push, so it leads me to the notion that I am the one currently creating the effect. This is my current perspective. I think people try to force high-consciousness concepts right up their ass, hoping that shit will stick. Well, good luck with that one, lol.
  5. Why does a thinking/pensive face often have the mouth of a sad face?
  6. I see that I got a little to philosophical for the practical nature of this section of this forum, so I will try again. It solves problems. It makes life better. It is worth doing. No, there is knowledge, power, position, health, relationships, management, technology, abilities and money. Truth is simply a higher power. Nonexistence. 1. I have no idea what you mean by "absolute material truth" so any response will be off the mark. The creation of civilizations is a major subject, I don't know what you really want to know with this question. 2. What? The point of civilization is to make your life easier by working together with others. What are you asking? Do you even know? 1. "The Truth will set you free". A very basic meaning is that it is liberating. 2. When you start learning, experience is the only thing you can rely on. You can only judge truth for yourself. However, the more you advance, the more you realize....experience is bullshit. It is about realizations, then it is about realizing those realizations are bullshit and on and on....But now, we are going off the rails... Great stopping point.
  7. The more you understand, the less you need to follow the rules. It is there, you just don't see it.
  8. Compliments can make you feel uncomfortable. A complement comes with an expectation or obligation to respond, which makes things awkward. I you use a complement; it should be mixed with a joke or immediately move on to a different subject, because it will give her the opportunity laugh it away, or not have to directly respond to the complement by moving on to a different subject.
  9. These are concepts. They are not real. Thanks for sharing ?
  10. White or brown rice? Brown is much more nutritious because it contains more fiber and B vitamins. But I prefer white because it is more yummy and I get a big Buddha smile after eating it. That's gotta be spiritual right. is raw ginger good for you? Yes, it is also good in tea. But I mainly eat sushi ginger because it is super yummy. is kombucha good for you? That is what people say. The science is not definitive. And it may contain added sugar. it also contains alcohol. However people swear by it's health effects like probiotics and antioxidants. I find it super Uber yucky so I don't mess with the stuff. I would rather just have some nice hot tea... what are the most important supplements to take? It depends on your situation. I take a good multivitamin/multimineral capsule, some protein, and some fish oil. Also a probiotic. That is pretty much it. This body is healthy so only the basics are needed. best book to read on nutrition? You know, I don't believe I have ever read a book on nutrition. Leo has" rich food/poor food" in his booklist. If you want to learn about health issues and nutrition, then I would recommend you check his list. Personally, I took a few nutrition courses and some lectures offered on audible.
  11. yes and it's good we agree that you are insane ?
  12. Haha good one, I am going to memorize that quote a recite it in a crowded restaurant, just to provide entertainment. Dinner and a show, baby!
  13. Lol I am just messing with you ? I didn't say anything is insane. If I don't like something, I am sure as hell not going to choke down the whole damn thing. I also found it funny that you think drinking down a bottle and enjoying it is insane. ?
  14. Really? Really? It's insane to stop something you don't like?
  15. Haha, this put a funny image in my head. Imagine begging in the street for quarters to buy some condoms from the vending machine. Oh man, I got a good laugh.
  16. There are 3 people in the relationship. You, her and jealous. In this case, three is a crowd. If there is any chance you have to kill that 3rd wheel ( the shadow) For me, selecting a mate requires that they have certain traits and not have certain ones either. I would not ever date a woman with promiscuous tendencies.I got better things to do than deal with that shit.
  17. Oh God I hope not the bride was 87. My dad married my mom in his mid 50's He had my younger sister at 64. He was an amazing father He did pretty much everything a younger man could. You'll need lots of naps though!
  18. I can't evaluate your dating techniques since I am not there to watch them. You mentioned logical conversations... Hmm that flashes a warning light in my mind. Would you provide examples of how these conversations typically go? A helpful tip to keep in mind is that a date should require very little thinking and a great deal observing. You should keep most of your time on her. Pay attention to her non verbal cues. It would be time well spent to study the awesome threads on body language that are on this forum. You should pay attention to signs of interest or let her initiate subtle flirting. Other than that, dating is the time to get to know her. Your job is to keep the conversation light and fun. Being funny is a major plus. There are many other things to cover but, it's time for me to stop!
  19. Could you? Yes. Should you? Well, that depends on your character. Will it help you get where you want? Or will it distract you and delay your goals. No one can answer those questions but you.
  20. Because the law is based on past experiences rather than truth and ethics ( which I define as implementing the best possible solution). Imagine taking on a task and making a new rule for every new problem and decision made. Eventually, you are going to create an ungodly mess of complexity. Just like any chaotic game, the people are structured in a hierarchy so that the semi strong will take orders from those above them because they are comforted by the fact that people are below them so they can feel secure. Anyway, the advantage of the hierarchy is that someone will make a decision and many people are willing to go along with it because they feel secure in their position. These legal decisions are then made by the top accordingly to the time, place and their worldview. So now that some decisions are made and this massive mess of systems is starting to run smoothly so they don't want to really mess something up so they go along with it every if it isn't so relevant anymore. That is one perspective of many, but I am ready to do something else lol.
  21. That just means that you have never seen truth. Just because you have not seen Truth does not mean others haven't or that it doesn't exist.
  22. 1. Truth is important because it is what remains when all the lies are removed. If you even saw a sliver of truth, you would not ask that question, you would simply know. 2. Everything that is not you is a lie. 3. To experience, you create stories, these stories take a life on their own and then you believe these stories to be true. 4. A "person" can only see truth, only when an identity is created, the lie, things go weird. What happens is that you know Truth when you see it, but you imagine that you don't. So, each identity is looking through his own screen that distorts truth, he knows it's true what he sees but is oblivious to the distortion. So no, it isn't what you decide it to be. It is what you see and its appearance is changed by the limitations of the identity. However, it doesn't really change. 5. " What does it mean for something to be true?": You can't explain what it means. It supersedes words. You can only describe some characteristics. For me an experience was just infinite awesomeness. Imagine the most awesome experience that you have ever had in your life. Then double that experience, then double that experience, and keep doubling that experience to infinity. Another is that you just Know. I can't explain in other than that, it is just know. pure clarity. There is no such thing as complexity, just infinite simplicity. I can't go on about it, it just defies human experience.
  23. Your opinion about love is simply a lie. That's all. You have no idea what infinite love is. If you did you would know the answer.