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Everything posted by Ajax

  1. What makes sense to me is the mindset that I am the source of what I do and think and experience. It all comes from me. So If A passion comes into my consciousness, I am the one that is creating it, I am the one that is developing it, I am the one that is nurturing it, I am the reason it exists and I am the reason it remains. It is all on me. So it is not about finding the purpose or where I fit in, or what I am supposed to do. No, I create it. If I dont have it, I find it or I build it. I am the one who decides not the one who has decision made for me. I create my passions. I choose to demonstrate my powers and abilities freely. I am the one who refuses to accept others labels of me. I am the one who rejects accepting blame. I am the one who loves. Of course this is a perspective and consideration and it would not say this aloud, publically. I might get punched in the face or worse?
  2. Character traits are important. Yes, they are. You can't accomplish anything without them. Actually, I don't know what that means. Rising above your emotions. To me, passion is a superpower. I can use it to grind through the roughpatches. Just because someone doesn't use their power properly doesn't mean it's overrated.
  3. I agree with @Danioover9000 . I think Robert Greene missed the rocketship on this one. Passion is something you create with your emotions. They give life to your actions, motivate you, power your dreams. Emotions give life. Passion is important. Dreams spring from passion and nobody can be truly happy without a dream in their heart. To me passion is magical and nobody can tell me any different. That being said, if you don't put the work in... If you are not disciplined and diligent and consistent and committed, and conscious you will 100% fail. These are character traits. Passion is a type of energy, not a character traits. Passion should never be overlooked. A man with little passion is like a robot.
  4. I think it is much better to attack the actions of someone rather than the person. There is nothing wrong with criticizing something that a person did or didn't do. Like it is totally ok to criticize Trump for spreading lies and for his criminal actions regarding classified documents that are a serious threat to national security. It is fine to say he belongs in jail for sexual assaults. This is being objective. This is using reason and logic. This is being fair and impartial. However, criticizing him as a person. That is demonizing. That opens the door to toxic behavior, prejudice, hate, and all kind of negative side affect. Such as mob mentality. It just invites irrationally. The problem with irrationally is that it completely severs and communication. Without communication, you can't change minds. When you can't change minds you have an adversarial dynamic. With adversarial viewpoints, you have self righteous attitudes, blame, conflict and hate. Now, if you can have a civil discussion about the evil things Trump has done, like sexual assault, it helps open communication lines and might change minds. As opposed to demonizing Trump, If I was a Trump supporter and you were comparing him to the Devil well then you are making me feel wrong, by implication you are making me seem/feel evil for believing in Trump. So now I have to defend him, I am now totally unwilling to listen to what you have to say. If someone is judging you, would you rather being for your actions or you as a person?
  5. Actions not people should be Judged. When we lose that we lose our civility. It's about setting a standard for all people. Many have lost their way when it comes to this topic. Otherwise I am very impressed how deep and expansive people are regarding other subjects. May the journey for Truth be fruitful and prosperous. LOVE
  6. Nope, you got it! You just had the perfect thought, see... inspiration just hit you. That was really beautiful, thanks for sharing❤️
  7. Why would I think some men are only attracted to hairy burley men? Not all women are attracted to hairy cavemen. Not all women like the tall blonde men. Some women are attracted to fat men some are attracted to really petite men. Women have different likes and dislikes in their preference in men. Do you really think all gay men only have one type of man they they are attracted to? Straight men have all kinds of sexual preferences, do you think somehow when a man comes out, he just magically only like feminine men? And what about bisexual men. The may be attracted to masculine males and females or a masculine male and a feminine female or vice versa. What are you talking about, bro? Love you, bro but you have no understanding of sexual attraction of either male or female or gay people whatsoever.
  8. To me, sex is intimate communication with a partner it is a special way to get to know someone I really care about. I have never done porn an I have no idea if it is the same way. But why don't you do some porn and have sex and let us know what you find out. That is really the only way to know for sure.
  9. You got to clean up your life man. Prioritize your life. First is diet and exercise. Proper nutrition and sleep. Daily meditation habits. Going out for walk, bike rides. Handling stressful emotions. Building an ethical code. Make friends. Work with a coach to cleanup your lifestyle habits. Start a daily journaling habit. Cut out toxic people. change toxic behaviors. You got to take care of yourself first. That is step 1. You are going to have to complete step 1 before you move to next step (which is relationships)... Especially as damaged as you are. I mentioned many starting places, now it is up to you to do some work.
  10. I am curious what the community thinks about this issue. For me, there is no second chance. I am gone the second I find out. No discussion, no working it out, bye bye. Sayanora. Gone like a fart in the wind.
  11. To what extent does a creator not create? If a creator is not creating, he is not being a creator. He can create the role of a creator, or he could not. Of course, the value of the creation is dependent on his abilities, including his ability to use his abilities. Great Question, love it. And to answer your question, yes, he is creating a mess, he is creating a problem. He is creating litter.
  12. Ego: Imagine always wearing these sunglasses that fuck up everything you see, which fuck up everything you know. Everything you think and do. Everything you feel and believe. Everything that makes your aware. Imagine wearing those sobriety goggles but infinitely trickier. Awakened God: The eventually realization that you are wearing these trick goggles, and really Knowing. Realizing that everything you thought you knew before was utter garbage. Of course, there are stages of insanely powerful realizations in the process. To explain infinity would take infinitely long to explain. To reduce as simply as I can. The Ultimate Realization. Because you are living your life on a concept of the truth not the truth. You can't fit all 5 oceans into a shot glass. Now, concepts can be incredibly powerful... like the concepts related to science and technology. But they are nothing compared to higher level concepts, that lead to higher concepts, and so on... that eventually lead to truth. To simplify: You could, most people do, but you will be missing out. Ever heard of blind leading the blind? That is enlightenment in a nutshell. It would be useful not to think of it as a goal or destination, but a Knowing. A major limitation we have is that we don't know the difference between truth and falseness. AT all. Imagine Jane has made these amazing realizations about love and shares them with John. John isn't a total idiot and he realizes..."Hey" there is some Truth here I am going to keep that with me. And yes, John now has some Truth. The problem is... he didn't have the same realizations that Jane had. You see, so it is a partial truth. A weaker and deluded version. So now you have some partial Truth that is filled with Bullshit. Now John starts talking about these amazing revelations with friends with his own shit-Truth concoction and the friends will then create their own Shitty Truth. Remember when I motioned about the Trick-Goggles that are composed of near infinite deception? This is one feature of deception. So, when you say it is stripping of all beliefs. It is true, but at the same time it is very deceptive. You have to be able to really know what that means. You could Say EGO is nearly infinite deception. But unless you can really understand that you are going to be deceived. Even If I tell you that Ego is like a set of super tricky googles that completely distort your perception, causing you to limit your consciousness of God and it was one of the highest Truths you could put into words. You should not accept it as True. Because it is not True from your perspective. You did not make the realizations about it that I did, you did not conceptualize it like I did, you did not make the deductions that I did, you did not contemplate it like I did. IT IS NOT TRUE FROM YOUR PERSPECTIVE! Even if what I tell you gives you a magical feeling, The most magical feeling, like stardust flew into your face and it completely changed your life. You should not completely accept it as true. IT STILL IS NOT TRUE! That is the great deception. If you are close to something that is True, the EGO will weaken and you will feel amazing, better than you have ever felt. But before you can enjoy it. The EGO will conceptualize it in its own way that Is not true. You experienced truth and the EGO rearranged it for you. So that in essence even the concept of enlightenment is an idea that someone's ego fucked up. You are getting a Shitty Truth here. Some truth mixed with a giant pile of steamy hot shit. People have no idea what enlightenment is, they just don't. Your realizations about enlightenment and suffering are worth much more than what anybody has ever taught you about the subject. It is ok to learn about them, just don't place any value of them unless you have had your own cognitions of magnitude even then... beware of booby traps. I dunno, what do you think?
  13. That really is beautiful. To deny love is to limit yourself. A limited being has limited willpower. Limited willpower means he can only serve his impulses which in turn hurt the ones he loves. To hurt the ones you love, is to deny more love to yourself and the cycle continues... To love yourself, is the way to not limit yourself and keep hurting the ones you love. Yet another reason to implement a no tolerance... I love myself too much to let my partner hurt herself on my account!!! Oh man I am dying!
  14. A creative person creates. Simple. How to be truly creative? Demonstrate your creative abilities at every opportunity. Reject any excuse or justification for not doing so.
  15. Does that include a body? Could you not own a body and still be happy?
  16. I have seen wardrobes so big you could literally sleep in them. I would have a hard time fitting in your wardrobe.
  17. @Sidra khanHaha, nice so what is the first thing that comes to your mind when someone tells you that they have laundry day?
  18. @Sidra khan Congratulations. The victory is all yours.
  19. Eazy, zero. I have absolutely no clothes or shoes in my mind.
  20. This picture got you thinking too much... Time to minimalize your thinking. You are a non-minimalist; we have to minimalize the non-minimal people for us to achieve our state of minimalism. See how a good idea can turn into a whooping stick to rule over others? That is the problem with a "revolution". Am I being over dramatic? yes and NOOOOOO DAMMIT!
  21. It is a helpful method to reduce your desire to chase after things if it is negatively affecting your life. However, the survival game demands that you have the ability to get what you want, when you want it (within reason of course). If you limit that ability or resist demonstrating that ability, it can invite problems. It can be useful if you are facing certain difficulties. But, I reserve my right to obtain whatever I choose! lol
  22. Neurotic can be described as nervous. If you can't sleep, you are usually moving around or keep thinking about things you got to do or should do. Your body/mind can't sit still. Tell me that is not being nervous!