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Everything posted by Ajax

  1. If you can do that one thing, you can see through mind games and mind fucks. Remember how you were mind-fucked in the beer thread. Look how much you revealed about yourself just because you said you like wine and some words on the screen said you were wrong. Not that you did anything wrong but notice how you were controlled. A skilled deceiver could use that information to further mess with your head and separate you from your inner authority and start to rely on him to be your authority (not you, but women in general). That's how the badboys gets the girl, mind fucks. I usually have to hold back some laughter when men complain about women only liking bad boys. I think my time on this forum is almost over for now. It is starting to feel like it is time to go on my way again. I may give it a few more days to decide. I have so much more Truth to discover on my journey. If you have learned even one thing from anything that I said, I ask you for one thing in return. Teach other women to follow their inner authority. Their inner Guru. That is the only protection from mind fucks that are destroying, marriages, relationships, families and friendships. Feminism is an unconscious reaction to mindfucks. Redpill is an unconscious reaction by being mindfucked by the mindfuckers. (when they are finishing screwing women's minds, they screw men's mind through propaganda and false "truths". ) Both sides are so busy fighting each other, they don't realize they are being played by a Monster that is playing both sides. The world starts to fall apart. I felt something really special in you, I hoped I could provide you with something valuable. I hope you keep living with your heart and teaching people to do same. Only when someone who sees enough Truth is successful in communicating that Truth to enough people, so things can change. The answer is not in political movements and activism. It is opening the portal to people's hearts. LOVE
  2. Truth is the best offense and defense. Attack with lies, you cannot defend against Truth. Try to defend against lies means you don't have Truth as your general. Because Truth and Lies do not mix. Truth will not allow itself to be corrupted and change... It just IS. Truth does not attack or react. It just shines. Lies cannot stand in the light of Truth.
  3. Indeed, you are so right. About creating my fear. *LOVE* That's the funny thing about blind spots, you know it is there but you struggle to do something about it. At least, that is how it has been for me. Thank you for letting me know I am not alone in this challenge. It gives me comfort
  4. @Sandhu HAHA, I see your game but, I will play... What is Leo's religion? Can you define it for me?
  5. ha, this is a problem for me. I can't deny. The hardest thing for me to do is to be hard. I guess, I fear that I will take it too far, or enjoy it or go down a tunnel I do not want to go. It is the biggest roadblock on my path. I guess I fear I will lose control and turn into Hannibal Lector or something. I don't know how to handle intentionally hurting people/beings... man blind spots suck ass...
  6. Freefalling...Except... there is nowhere to fall to... HAHAHAHA 1. People believe what is most convenient and block out everything else. 2. People have the ability to block things out like I have never seen! Hahahahaha
  7. lol Oh, man, do I got fantasies! How the hell am I going to meet all of them I am a fantastical fanatic... LMAO!!!
  8. Ok, I am listening. You got my attention. First question, Do you think the current education system is relevant and up to date and is adequately designed to prepare children to be as prepared as possible for succeeding in this new information/technology age? If so, please tell me why and provide me with some examples. If not, please tell me what has to change? Putting more money, without a design, plan, delivery system, and all other administrative tasks related to it. Therefore, after you explain to me the changes, tell me how more money is going to help. I am ready and eager to learn. LET's GO!!! It has to be fairly distributed because we got 50 states and each one of them has this systemic racism, So the states with lower education is going to need much more money to have a balanced education system. So how much money is it going to take to ensure every state to have the money they need to have the tools to survive in this new world. Are we going to have to double our budget, triple our budget? 5x our budget? I got many other questions, but the most important are related to either maintain the current course of education or the necessary changes that need to made to adapt to circumstances. So what are you suggesting, what does the lock down have to do with the potential of online learning, I am not making the connection, that does not make sense to me. Online learning is pretty much the only way we can navigate and learn what we need to learn in the information age. I take online courses that help me learn certain skills, like web design. If I want to learn about making videos, I will take a few courses on Udemy. You see, education is less about knowledge and more about learning how best to learn so you can learn the skills you want and need. It is more directed toward personal and self-learning. I am still trying to figure what your point is here... online learning was inadequate 2 years ago so, we should move toward an education system that using technology to learn relevant skills to prepare for the future? What? Help me out here... I did write a 50,000 word analysis of about the Standarization model works and possible means and implication however, it has it is in a rough form and so it would be illegible to show, but I could provide excerpts and refine some sections if you have specific inquiries. So like, what are you saying... The old school way of teaching kids is the best, with textbooks nobody reads, homework that people don't do or just half-ass. Please show me how that is relevant and more important than a transition to computer based learning. I am always excited to learn, tell me more. Yes, I have many, many questions related to poor neighborhood and education, but I will let you finish your reply before I ask some of them. As well as community connections, I would love to explore than in depth. I didn't really get an answer to this question, I would love to know your thoughts on it.
  9. Attach a pocket P***y on the computer screen and you have a date! Oh yeah, don't forget the candles and romantic music.
  10. Sure, decide to be. Can't do it? Well, gain the ability to decide at will. You aren't trying to change the shape of the planet, you know. All are trying is to use your ability to decide. Can't do it, well we know what you got to find out... HAHAHA
  11. 1. Failure to do what you know you should do. 2. Misunderstanding 3. Assumptions 4. Narrow Mindedness 5. Anger or other stressful emotions 6. Failure to face up to things 7. Denials, justifications, excuses 8. Drug abuse 9. Doing too much of something 10. Limited Perception 11. Falseness 12. Inadequate communication/learning 13. Sloppy work 14. Believing what is most convenient and disregarding everything else. There is no order to the list. Know why? There are a countless reasons why you could fail. Failure is simply making too many mistakes and giving up. Let's simplify. You limited your abilities due to falseness and lack of proper thought, actions, and activities. Let's simplify more. You gave up because you were being an idiot.
  12. Oooh my, skits have sure changed since SNL and MadTv.
  13. A good relationship is very intimate and personal. You need to feel your partner. You will not get the same experience behind a computer screen.
  14. It's your game, whenever you feel ready. I am sure you want to be the best for your family. Keep working on yourself and you will know when you are ready. It is not about age it is about development. My father was 54 when he had me and he was perfect!
  15. We need to put less money in education. Not by budget cuts but by being efficient. With Cloud storage and technology, it would be rather cost effective to standardize education and create interactive computer modules. The core classes should be in developing critical learning skill. Like reading, writing and arithmetic, and other learning related skills. Eventually, when these skills are learned and even mastered, each student can start taking modules to explore their interests and have a path to explore their fields of interest. Courses that do not include technology should be socially centered like small group critical thinking, debates, short speeches and talks and having a variety of non-mainstream activities that are social and noncompetitive, such as LARPs. An efficient standardized education system, that maximizes learning and thinking skills will reduce to eliminate privileged education by socio economic status and facilitate a more inclusive school system. Poor kids will get the same education as rich kids. It will reduce costs due to a more balanced distribution of government funds. Less costs for all the textbooks and school supplies and many other costs due to efficient spending. As for putting income into neighborhoods... I don't know I haven't put much thought into that. What are your own personal thoughts on the subject, not the ones of your political party? Many of us are SD yellow and up. I think it is time that we start relying on and cultivating and promoting our own ideas. It is time.
  16. Why do people confuse God with a Ruler? *beware of deconstruction*
  17. Hush you! Trying to get the boy laid! lol True, but you have to think about jobs, rent, life purpose, financial security, more bills, transportation, making the time to go to clubs. After college, you have to do many more adult things, which makes it harder right? Most of the things you have to worry about in college is getting good grades...
  18. It's great to feel special there is nothing wrong with it just make everyone around you feel just as special because they are.
  19. People like fapping more than fooding (unless starving). You are just asking to fail. You do not need to screw around with your integrity (which I define actually following through with your commitments). I rather have less "sexual energy" than less willpower because I failed to be impeccable with my word.
  20. Nice, I like it. I would add methods of collaboration including the effects on production, industry, work hierarchy, social hierarchy, fair distribution of profits... I don't know quite how to include it but the observance of practices and policies that maintain the best possible opportunities for all, including the methods to ensuring the prosperity of our planet's support system (sustainability, eco-management/regulation, etc...) It relates to the administration, prioritization, policies, research and identification and strategic handling of problems related to the community at a macro/micro or individual level. Well, when your (half-black. 1/4th white) 9-year-old daughter comes home from crying because kids keep calling her a racist because she would rather be alone and read in silence because kids are always berating her for being weird (plus she just likes to read) ... You kind of get disillusioned about all this racism talk. In fact, if it is not a specific incident (like videos of police brutality) ... you start to really question, what the fuck is going on here.... Most of the time (not always), when I look at racism, I see... Bias, narrow-mindedness, suppression, unkindness, hostility and the like that is present. Same old toxic human behaviors that used to be present during the Jim Crow era and decades after... now repackaged into and new label called racism. As for equal opportunities... I can look at the Cesspool of Bullshit written on this forum and almost shit my pants to think what goes through the minds of people who are not on this self-improvement/spiritual path. Can't make the horse drink the water, as the saying goes... But you can sure hear him bitch about how hard it is to get water. I think "systemic racism" is nonsense.