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Everything posted by Ajax

  1. Well she looks like a real woman to me, she got all the right parts in all the right places. She sure looks like everyone other woman I have seen. Real? Yep pretty real.
  2. Hahaha you get it. That was beautiful, Thank you. My aversion to concepts is a practical one. pure and simple. How the hell can you communicate if everybody has a different concept of the same word? That just invites confusion and argument. If you don't explain your concept well enough, that's confusing. If you take too long to explain the concept, you are wasting every one's time. Stop blocking traffic. If you explain concepts with more concepts. Well then you are making clear water ugly and muddy. Let's make things purely simple and beautiful. That is what I want to see. Everybody must walk the the path on their own. Let's not confuse the living shit out of fellow travelers who visit us...
  3. @Rishabh R *Sigh* walked into this one... No, I am sorry. I had to Google the sgpa. I don't know anything about architecture. Or how to pass the test. So any information I tell you is bad information. Sorry.
  4. Ohhh? pretty cool.??? That would be the perfect girlfriend if it had a nice body and a voice. Actually be a dream come True. Are you getting blackouts like you did last year. That ? must suck!
  5. @Yimpa lol thanks, I did even know about Google Bard. Lol, I am a little behind on the AI game. how do you personally use it?
  6. @Danioover9000 What does the body language tell you in this speech? His manners seem quite odd, would you tell me what you see off hand... Lol I hope you haven't seen an analysis of this one before. I wonder what this looks like to clear eyes lol What do you think? Also do you notice any expression around the eyes that stand out?
  7. So what do the teachers need all that money for?
  8. @Hojo Well, thank you. It can be pretty fun to be gaslit! Thanks for playing with me.
  9. @Hojo Ok I was specifically saying that if you are not happy or in a bad situation, it is nonsensical to blame someone for what is going on now in your life. It has nothing to do with changing feelings or turning it on them. I am stating the importance of playing your own game. Changing feelings have nothing to do with that all. If you do that you are not playing your own game, you are playing his game to. This "gaslighting" has nothing to do it at all. Now, that being said... I see what you are saying. If someone opens a communication with someone about a traumatic event, it is not right to make them feel wrong. I get that. If they are doing that, they are trying to tell that person that the only way you can move forward is not live in the past. That is the problem, if some memories or your life is stuck in the past. It is harder to understand and move forward in the future. So, blaming someone will not help you grow, spiritually. Now they have a shitty way of saying that. I would try to avoid that, and If I did that, I apologize for any harm I may have caused. it wasn't intentional. But saying the Truth might crack some eggs. Unconscious or not you don't have to be hurt. I must state the Truth as best as I am able at the moment. I do get, what you are saying. That they are just telling a story. But they don't have to feel bad, that is playing someone else's game responding to other people. But their emotions are theirs, they have total control of them. They don't have to feel sad or happy. If you "have" to do something you are not playing your game. You are not spiritually developed enough. See playing your game!
  10. @Hojo What is gaslighting? What is the definition of gaslighting. I don't know what this gaslighting is.
  11. Yep. Yep. Yep. Just remember. If your human life is trash, you are not playing very well. The mega game is to realize that you are perfect, so you are not taking the best route. Don't blame your parents, your relationships, other people, your shitty job... It was all you. All you. If life does not seem like a game to you, the rules you play by are not getting you very far in your ultimate realization. So change your game.
  12. Nope. Thoughts are creations. Symbols if you will. You take some data that you observed in the physical world, process it, analyze it, quantify it and turn it into facts. The more you know, the more the facts change. What is the most known scientific law and principle? Newton's Laws? Thermodynamics? They are not exact, and there is no way of knowing if it is 100 percent true because we haven't studied every single planet, every single galaxy everything. The first thing that science teaches is doesn't know anything for sure. You can only make educated guesses based on experiments and observed or examined data. Science is not about knowing or even discovering Truth. Quite honestly, you have way too much false data to be able to really know, you have to keep deleting data that is false in your mind. The main road to knowing is deleting thoughts. You are getting way ahead of yourself. Focus on deleting the nonsense. Then you can worry about existence.
  13. Haha, The 10k rule would not be for my students benefit, it would be for my benefit. So that they will STFU and do the damn work, lol!!! maybe that is not how it is intended but that is damn sure how I would use it. There are levels above Mastery, so the 10k rule is rather arbitrary but sound enough to work. Even Magnus Carlson has coaches. GOATS have blind spots too... They also need someone to help them from unconsciously sliding off of their peak. And that is all I got to say about that...
  14. For some reason, Elon reminds me of a Archetype of all the tropes about people with too much money. They feast only on rare endangered animals, orchestrate the Hunger Games, Hunt humans for sport... In other words, derive their entertainment from human misery. All the want is to FSU just for shits and giggles.
  15. I don't really know active recall is. However, I use the Upgoer 5 rocket text editor. If you can't explain a concept using 1000 of the basic words. You don't really understand the concept well enough. It was developed by Rocket scientist to explain and conceptualize rocket science, or so the story goes. So if you have trouble remembering a concept, use Upgoer because you probably don't understand it well enough. Also make a rule for yourself to never go past a word you don't understand. It is important to know the meaning of every word used in a sentence. If you don't, you are remembering something that you don't understand... Which is a problem. Also use "toys" or props to demonstrate the concept. There is a reason people like watching a movie rather than reading a book. You can visually see it out in space and not abstractly. Using props help make the abstract, concrete. @Yimpa HAHA, I only responded to this thread so I could ask you a question but still remain on topic... *chuckle* How useful is GPT-4? How good is it relative to the free version. Is it worth getting if you only use maybe once or twice a week if even that? I am wondering if it is worth getting it for me.
  16. Ahh, morality is overrated. It forces you to make agreements (promises) to yourself you can't keep. Breaking promises to yourself is like walking a tighwire... very risky... very easy to fall. How many people condemn pornography but do it / watch it anyway. Now that...that... is immoral!! hahaha Just being facetious. BTW, Leo is right forcing someone to the industry is cruel and evil.
  17. @Danioover9000 I already know that they already know what they know and so I know what they are going to say so no sense in hearing and learning, I will just talk about how I know that they know what they know and that is all they know. Spin, spin, spin the dog chases its tail.
  18. We got sexual insanities because we got insane viewers. What crazy wants, what crazy gets. Fix the crazy and what we got left is some pretty high-quality instructional videos. Though I am starting to think there should be an age limit or at least a don't try this at home disclaimer. This body doesn't move the way it used to! HAHAHA
  19. But Trinadad curry... much better
  20. @Princess Arabia haha, not a language meant to be written! They teach English in schools! haha, You want to know Jamaica, try the real food! Curry and the patties. Can't handle the heat STFU! But seriously, my point is... you are so right. People are so quick to judge, they don't realize they care judging their own ugliness. And showing their ASS!
  21. Translation: If you go to Jamaica once, everybody becomes Jamaican
  22. @Princess Arabia No bodda bawl em soon cum bak, dem a wan no good bunch. haha, just playing around!
  23. Excellent, that is a good tool! I am proud of him for doing so. It is his game. He must play his game as he sees fit. The game is to recognize Truth in your own way. It must be his concepts and not anybody else because he, himself recognized the Truth in them. That is rule number 1. Then, he can play around with them and deconstruct and construct them any way he chooses. The Truth is that You are perfect and anything that isn't perfect isn't you. You must realize that for yourself, not have someone realize that for you. Beware of the concept that there is no concept. Realize that you are being really forceful. He has a right to believe as he chooses. He is not hurting anybody, he is not forcing his truth on anybody, but you are. I know you don't mean to be, but you are.