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Everything posted by Ajax

  1. @Amit You are not fooling me. You are not ready for a relationship. You already admitted it. You know you are lying to yourself and I know you are lying to yourself. I have done my part. Believe me or not. It's your choice, I am moving on.
  2. See, you already admitted the problem with your own words. Now that you know the problem, you know what to do. All you need to do is.... Just do it.
  3. The world is dualistic at least in terms of human perception. Until that is deleted from consciousness it is always in people's thoughts. So, tell me when are you NOT assuming?
  4. 1. Could you explain, how questioning assumptions. Is small? The reason I ask is because I don't want to assume I know what you are thinking about without asking you ... 2. The saying " quality friends are golden", is correct. Relationships are very important, but so is knowing the secrets to having and improving and keeping great relationships. Don't assume you can have a good relationship without finding the secrets. How to change your thoughts? Look for the assumptions every time you make a mistake or see somebody make a mistake. If you keep seeing one in mistakes, you know it is not a small deal.
  5. I was married for 15 years and it was amazing, I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. There really are some secrets for having a great relationship. However, I felt the need to pursue Truth and knew my wife could not handle the transition, so I ended it. There is a piece of Truth. " To change your life, change your mind." Not many people have this basic ability, but I do. I don't regret it even a little bit. We remain very close friends to this day and work well together in raising our daughter. That is my story. Increase your ability to find pieces of truth, be able to find the secrets of a relationship and be confident in them and things will turn out just right. I for one am happy how things turned out in my life.
  6. @Bobby_2021 At this moment.. no. You still have unfinished business. If you conquered enough of your piece of the world and start feeling lonely, or desire to share your life, then it might be time to start planning on having a relationship. Of course... Don't be stupid and choose the wrong mate, or fuck it up. Which I sense is the part you are dealing with. These difficulties can be handled skillfully, but this is a rather extensive subject.
  7. Make some money and hire a communication coach. You need one on one assistance to help you develop the skills you need.
  8. @Girzo Here is the first thing it says when you do a Google search: "Implant. Our brain-computer interface is fully implantable, cosmetically invisible, and designed to let you control a computer or mobile device anywhere you go." It doesn't say anything about disabled people. A video from Tesla space said it initially rejected approval and then approved it. The FDA is supposed to be in the interest, but I hame having a hard time finding additional details. I am not a conspiracy theorist, that just makes me concerned. I see it as a red flag and I need to keep a close eye on the developments. I definitely don't think he is stupid and that's what scares me. He has been able to progress faster than anything science has ever seen. That must take an unprecedented amount of leadership skills and maneuvering. Real Power.
  9. If you have to ask, it is probably not for you. With any job you sacrifice some freedom. I see it as an "all in or not at all" kind of deal.
  10. The only absolute is God... Truth... Source... Whatever you want to call it. Relatively can't be absolute. No, that would true if truth wasn't buried in lies. So when you get a piece of data it is only partially True, the rest of it is lies. Your job is to find the difference. The gameboard ( or dream) of Source is the physical universe It pretends it can be hurt or destroyed. It has rules. It is also dualistic. However, when you do spiritual work, you realize dualism is a lie. So perspectives are not equal in quality or quality because they are contain varying amounts of falseness. People used to believe that there were gods on my Olympus in Greece. With technology we know that isn't True. We know succubi don't sit on people's chest and suffocate them in their sleep. Today's facts contain more truth as our capacities increase
  11. Delusion is false belief. All perspectives not equal. I don't even understand that statement. 1. False reality. 2. There is Truth. 3. The game is to separate the lies from The Truth. 4. #1 rule. Think for yourself.
  12. So you fill the void with knowledge? Keep asking yourself; Why do you have a void? What are you hiding from yourself? When you have your answer, follow through with it. Make it happen. Spirituality is getting shit done.
  13. Hmmm... I don't get it.
  14. @Majed ? How is it ok to take advantage of somebody?
  15. Lol, I often wonder if Elon Musk is an alien. The FDA approved the testing of brain implants in humans. I don't hear anyone talking about it. There is no controversy, it is the most bipartisan issue I have seen in recent times. It is like no one cares. Why is that? There has been some very strange occurrences lately and it would be good to be vigilant and look at all news events when major events occur or the news is reporting something incessantly... you might just miss something. #misdirection
  16. @Hojo So if you wanted to measure a person's state of perception and quantify it for the purpose of assigning a rating to evaluate a person's quality of perception... How would a person go about doing that?
  17. @Boost I tried to visit his profile, but... "page could not be found". Could you kindly tell me what a dimension is. I understand a dimension is a unit of measurement. So far there are only 3 dimensions that can be measured, used, and handled. It is simply a measurement of physical matter. Dimension is simply a scientific tool. How can you use a scientific tool to examine something that has not been examined by science? I have no clue what you mean by dimension. However, I am always happy to learn and to update my knowledge.
  18. "If you got some fruit to share with me.... Just give me the damn fruit... Not all the shit that comes with it. " -S.A.