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Everything posted by Ajax

  1. To know what you don't know. For example, Love. Do you know everything to know about love, how it works, how to develop it, how to manifests it, how to know source love? Do you know all the types of love and how they relate to each other. Do you really know? Do you really everything there is to know about love? Do you even know what it truly is? Does it even exist? Is it a creation? Or is a reaction? Or is a response? Is it an attitude? What is it? Where is it? Where is it not? Is it the same as Hate? How is similar to hate? How is it different? Am I love? Is Hitler love? Why? Why not? I could think of hundreds or thousands of questions. All someone can do is to shine a light on something they discovered in themselves. It is up to you to see if it is relevant or not to you. If you are lying to yourself, you and only you have to live with that lie. Not many people have the courage and tenacity to "bushwack" and cut through the jungle called self-discovery. They would rather follow a path that has already been taken. What they don't realize is that it goes in circles, and they need to carve their own way eventually. That's something you must discover for yourself. Only you have the answer to that question. When you are confident in what you know, you can easily handle other people's Pov and not be affected by them. You know that they, themselves are asking questions and acting like asses because, they are going in circles too. When you see enough truth and trust your inner truth, it is easy to view the rat race with amusement and love. It is like watching externally, like you were watching tv or something. So, if you are annoyed, you are too involved in the game. Which is totally fine, depending on the role you are playing.
  2. Do you realize that it is practically impossible to make money or distribute philosophy without business and marketing? Other than being a wage slave professor, I mean. Otherwise, great. Keep up the good work. There is still much to explore but it seems like you are on the right track.Kudos
  3. Great, now how are you balancing this with self-actualization? Do you feel totally in love with reality? Are you in total love with your environment? I mean honestly? I mean the material world you live in. The cars, girlfriends, your personality, your enemies. Your job, your freedom, your slavery?
  4. @Someone here How has this statement been improving your life? How has it been increasing your understanding? How is it making you feel better? How is it helping you get where you want to go in life? How is it making you happy? How is it increasing your abilities? How is it solving your personal problems? How is it increasing abundance? How is it making your life better?
  5. @Harman I'm sorry, friend. I don't know what you are asking. If you could simply it for me I would be grateful. Maybe make a short list for me?
  6. I can't listen to him, it's like sandpaper in my ear. I would read about him if I thought he had a chance, but... Well I have avoided the topic all together because of that voice.
  7. Oh... I don't know. I am really unplugged from social media and really don't encounter it in my real life. Soo... Be more like me I guess ?
  8. Just exude love and acceptance. Speak to them in a way they can relate. Be warm and kind, smile and show them you care are are willing to accept what they say with gentleness and serenity. People are quite sensitive and fragile and put many guards and faces to mask discomfort and uncertainty. I know that is a very general response, but I don't really know what you are asking.
  9. Lol alrighty, no more alien talk from me. Unless of course I get kidnapped by sexy 7 foot green alien babes.
  10. @Princess Arabia Wow, really... cool. It's a game we used to play in algebra class as kids with the TI graphing calculators. They spell a naughty word in Leet, lol. Angel... 58008
  11. I see "5318008" everywhere I go. The magic power of abundance! haha, I'm such a kid sometimes...
  12. What is your process to make life go right, by your estimation?
  13. I can imagine all the female pandas crying in unison... OH GOD, why me?!?
  14. @SQAAD Simple. You lack the tools and abilities to handle life. There has to be a balance of knowledge and power... if not what you learned in your spiritual journey is useless in regard to the Material Universe. The environment and planet that humans are currently operating. You raised a few points. I could write an entire book explaining each point, but I haven't the time nor the resources to do so. Consider this as the first sentence in a manual. Lovelessness- Be the source of love. Then you will have all you need. Egotism- Maintain an open mind but question all observations that are not your own. Rely on complete and thorough observation and unemotional differentiation. Arrogance -. Be able to see different perspectives and change mind at will. Do not take your point of view seriously. People believe what is most convenient and ignore everything else. Don't be that guy. Racism- By recognizing bias, narrow mindedness, hostility, hatred, anger, suppression, apathy, when they are present within. Prejudice means anything opinion or leaning that is averse to something without sufficient knowledge. Sufficient knowledge is total knowledge. If you are not aware of all the "racism" inside, you will be inept at handling external racism because you will send out racist communication thereby, fueling racism. (Much longer than a sentence. What can I say, I lied my ass off... lol) Wealth inequality- Wealth equates to mental condition and knowing wealth does not rely solely on monetary currency but in development in key components in your life. First by identifying and developing those key components within and then make sure it is communicated (taught) to others so that they could help disadvantaged people develop the critical traits as well. Making development viral by taking adequate and direct responsibility within your sphere of influence. Wage slavery- Gaining the ability to be resourceful and industrious. As well as being able to manage your energy and resources effectively. Resources can mean internal as well as external. Clear intelligent thinking, planning, doing. You are focusing your attention on things you can’t control and not on things you can control. The more you handle your business, the more confident you will feel that you can handle anything or die trying! lol Mind your own damn business! Focus on increasing your level of happiness by taking care of your own personal barriers. Survival can be reflected by level of happiness. Although it can be questioned whether it is possible to be happy most of the time. You can gauge your own personal relationship with survival by how happy you are most of the time especially when it relates to troublesome topics.
  15. I didn't explain myself well enough. The key to participate. First is proper instruction, then is doing it. When just starting on the path, it is hard to know what is good and what isn't. It is also hard to just start practicing. So, when starting out, it is a good idea to find a guide that will give you the opportunity to participate. Check Facebook groups for a gathering or your local listings or library to find events where you can participate. here is the key strategy. Find what you like through doing it, experiencing it. If you see potential...investigate it more. Sample before you buy. Leo has a list of potential practices to sample. I suggest you start there on the start here tab on this website.
  16. very clever! @StarStruck HHAHAha good one. A billionaire once was asked; " Just how much money do you have?" He replied: "Oh.. I don't know... If you don't know how much money you got... you haven't got much. You are so lucky she knew how many bodies! Lol, If she couldn't estimate a ballpark, I wonder how you would feel then! HAHA Bro! Open invitation to play!! What better way to master the sex game! Don't be so dense next time! lol When someone offers you an opportunity... fucking take it!! Unless it's a Trojan Horse... You better check that thing for yourself... because accidents happen... lol Still love you but you gotta shut down that big brain of yours every once in a while.
  17. @Israfil The government is supposed to be for the people, by the people. When people are not involved, the Government becomes for the Government, by the government. Your rights are what the government tell you what your rights are. Votes show that the people are paying attention. People can use their votes for electing state senators, and they should take it farther and choose delegates to keep state representatives accountable for people's needs. So what if a bipartisan system is full of shit... You don't say, it is a mess and disaster and there is nothing we can do about it so we will just ignore it and hope it will go away. That's absurd. You got a problem, you have handle it. Tell me if the citizens are not taking responsibility and participating in the management of this country... Who is? Who is responsible? Its not the system that is the problem, it's the idiots that run it and I am not just talking about elected officials.
  18. @Myagooshki Damaged is a choice. You can choose not to be. You ain't the only one who has gone through some shit. Believe me. You are playing the role of a victim. Victims want pity and sympathy; sorry I am not playing that game. You have to care for yourself before you can properly take care of someone else. That is just the way it works. You should feel like taking responsibility and control of your life. You should not feel that you have a right to be unhappy. You should feel it's time to decide to fix the disasters in your life, one step at a time.
  19. Not very scientific. For someone who wants to be a great scientist, you sure are not applying basic science.
  20. If you had past lives, your body count could be in the thousands, possibly millions... Hahaha
  21. If you are not participating, you are not even being a spectator. The less you spectate, the less you get involved.The less you get involved the less voting matters. I am sorry that is a defeatist point of view and it opens the door to having a Hitler or Stalin run the country. It's sad that an increasing amount of people are in agreement with this thinking. Very disappointed.
  22. A good retreat is really helpful in the short term. It helps you unplug from the world and get a small taste. Plus you get some leads and stories from the people there. It's a feel good experience. Consistent meditation practice is good because it sets up a good routine. Visit seminars and lectures. That is a good place to start.
  23. You give up your voice, you give up your power. The big reason we are in a world of shit is because not many care to vote. No voice is permission to allow abuse and exploitation happen. So that's a load of ?
  24. Vegan cheese and rice!!! Why would you want to do this. That would be enough to pull out my hair?
  25. We have the ability to put ourselves in the characters we imagine. As a kid, I had many battles as Robin Hood. Listen to some G.R.R Martin interviews. He talks like his characters are alive. You have a great imagination. A gift. Use it to make some money.