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Everything posted by Ajax

  1. Selfish is a label or an appraisal that someone gives to you. It is a way of judging you and telling you who you are. I don’t agree with that one bit. I define who I am not other people. I decide why I do something, not other people. Selfish is a false appraisal that serves no value and does not explain what I do and why I do it. It does not establish what is excessive or exclusive concern. It does not determine what is the deciding factor of what constitutes a disregard for other people. Selfish is a bullshit concept. It has no value for me in either a self-development or spiritual development context. Am I to agree that I am selfish because some black words on a screen tell me that I am? Lol, nope. Not today. I know I am more than that, much more. Much more. So are you, my friend. Don't let people confuse you and tell you that you are a nobody. Don't let people say you are Autistic or strange or creepy or narcissistic. You are who you say you are, not who people say you are. LOVE
  2. Freedom is the ability to do whatever you want. Human freedom is the ability to do whatever you want; but is limited to the limits of a human body as well as the laws and rules of conduct and etiquette agreed upon by the current or perceived majority in the environment the human lives as well as their attitudes toward life.
  3. I kind of take a conscious based perspective. Accordingly, I don’t have a preset routine. I find it too limiting. One of my goals is to overcome all limitations. As for the Why, I reduce it to the most basic form. So basic that I could state the reason in one word. I can’t tell you that one word, because everyone is different. The only way it will work is if it is truly authentic for you. My word is DISCOVER. When I realized that word, everything changed for me. It isn’t something that I have to force or program or remember. It is what defines me. Everything I do is with the intention of discovery. Even when I am listening to music, I am not listening for entertainment, I am listening to discover as much as possible, the lyrics, the instruments, the beats, the patterns, the mistakes, as much as possible. I am doing this from a place of fun and joy, so it is something that is incredibly enjoyable for me. Funny, isn’t it? When I take a break from work, I am still working at making discoveries during my “free time”. I continually make discoveries every day, hundreds of them, in fact. I keep validating them. People wonder how I can work long hours. It is because, in my mind, I am not working, I am making constant discoveries as it is in my nature to do. The desire for more discoveries keeps fueling me. Essentially, if you have to remember why, you don’t really KNOW why. It isn’t the right why. I am not sure what you are asking. Are you asking about how to keep making spiritual discoveries, while still making money? Well, by only accepting what makes sense to you and what helps improve your life. Existential truths should be applicable in your life if they are of any use. Like I said, my viewpoint is mainly through the lens of finding discoveries. So, if there are some concepts that don’t do it for me, I put it aside and look for concepts that do provide me the opportunity to make discoveries.
  4. @Butters Well, great. I am so happy to hear that you are determined to make this coaching thing happen! It is very rewarding and worthwhile. I can tell you that when you put yourself in those position of responsibility... It helps you grow like you wouldn't believe. You come up with all of these ideas and understanding that will just amaze you. I am excited for you and am excited to learn more about your victories and accomplishments. I know you got this! LOVE.
  5. If you say so, tell me what services am I selling? What programs am I peddling? What advertisements am I selling? LOL nonsense! My direction is toward infinite bravery and certainty. That's all. The spirt has infinite potential and the less cautious one becomes; more potential they have at their disposal. And I reiterate... Advanced Spiritual work does not respect weakness. It will chew you up and tear you to shreds. If this applies to you, well, friend you better get busy raising your consciousness. You can do it, I know you can, but only if you are strong enough to handle it.
  6. I see each and every person as a person with infinite potential. Their suffering is not my suffering. They are creating their own suffering. The more I learn to increase my abilities, the more I can help others escape the traps of their own creation. My issue with selfish is that it is a limiting concept. It's not only me, its "me and+++..."
  7. No. I care deeply for humanity. I can’t agree with that. I know that the stronger I am, the stronger I can be of service of humanity. The betterment of humanity is one of my main goals. Here is the definition of selfish from Meriam-Webster “ concerned excessively or exclusively with oneself : seeking or concentrating on one's own advantage, pleasure, or well-being without regard for others” I continually have high regard for others and go out of my way to have regard for others. I will not consider myself “selfish”. That is false.
  8. Well, to make a business profitable. You must have order and structure. These are the foundations. You aggressively hit your targets on a daily basis. Your life is well controlled and planned out. You know exactly what you are going to be doing every day for the next, week month, year, etc... The plan can be flexible at times, but most of the time it is not. Production and results are what you admire and cherish. As for stage green. I am really not sure what you are asking. What is it that you are asking?
  9. Hey, it's your sandbox, bro. Just don't give up, until you have tried at least 15 million different things.
  10. Without responsibility, at least be willing to accept and enjoy whatever terrible thing goes your way. That is the direction you are headed, so if that is what makes you happy, go for it.
  11. A genius is someone who works on their craft and don't stop. That's it.
  12. @Enlightement It sounds like you just gave up. Spiritual work is not for the weak minded. The spirit does not bow to cowardness and weakness. So, it is your choice of course... but good luck in your spiritual work. You have just made it much harder for yourself.
  13. @Butters I did coach in the past. Nowadays, I just run properties that I own. But, to answer your question... It was 9-17 hours a day just reaching out, writing email, calling prospects, etc... Just grind bro. With the right mentality, it isn't as hard as it seems, but it does take long hours and "thinking" on your feet.
  14. @Enlightement It took you about the same words as a high school essay to assert that you don't care (385 words)... That means you do care. If you don't care to take care of the things you care about... well, it is going cause you to care a lot less about the things that you should care about. You become too careful... Haha... I'm just playing around. Look, all this resistance is a good thing... but you have to keep going and not stop. You need the mentality that you have already achieved your goal and never stop until you get there. Even if it kills you. It is all about mental toughness. If you fail, note the improvement and keep going on. It is only failure when you stop.
  15. @Butters Haha, nice one. I don't need to pick up women. I just enjoy playing life and opportunities present themselves. Just last month I was doing a speech in a Karate seminar for a friend. It was just as a favor for a friend... and a $500 fee. I actually ended up with about 15 numbers and even when out with 2 of them. When you just go out and play around with no expectation, meeting women isn't really that hard.
  16. Just do some work. It doesn't matter what, just put everything you got into something. The best it can do for you is give you a super tough mind.
  17. The book that gives you the knowledge to complete your targets in the most productive and efficient way possible.
  18. Don't consume, create. Simple.
  19. Just participate. When you solve other people's problems, your own become more approachable. If you are only watching the game and not playing in the game of course you are going to get bored.
  20. Do both. Nobody can stop you for doing it all.
  21. Well, he certainly does display unshakable confidence. However, you don't need him to create that attitude toward life. Just be confident. All you got to do is sort out the bullshit.
  22. See my response here: Other than that, I would suggest contemplating the moment you decided to be cautious and careful about being around people. It relates to confidence. You are quite spiritual, but spirituality needs to be balanced with actualization. That means handling the things that are not going well in your life. Job, career, relationships. You have to use self-development on these things to be able to have confidence in yourself and your abilities. It could be about believing in yourself. To simplify. You got to be the boss; you can't be bossed around. Build the ability to be the boss.
  23. @not-a-faerie Great questions! You a very deep and insightful person! Well, you will have to realize what love depends on by yourself. I will give you one perspective, however. Love has no barriers. So with this piece of information, you know the more barriers that you, yourself have... The more limitations you have on love. It is a personal discovery. You are beautiful. LOVE
  24. Great information. Good start. I would add some constructive criticism that the idea of the home, in the way you presented it, is kind of abstract. A metaphor allows complex ideas to be connected to an image. While reading, I totally forgot about the metaphor, so there needs to be some adjusting and rearranging there. Here is the first google search for metaphor. "A great metaphor recasts the familiar or mundane as something strikingly different yet truly parallel. It gives a startlingly vivid picture or brings a surprising insight. A bad metaphor fails to achieve the parallel, or the fresh insight, or both. The element of surprise is an important part of a great metaphor." I could not relate or connect with your metaphor. Again, I could be interested in buying your book, but I wanted to give some honest feedback. I think your book has potential. LOVE