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Everything posted by Ajax

  1. Proper education requires knowing your human rights. It is by living by these precepts and ensuring others live by them as well. The more people know constantly know and practice human rights, the more they can help others who have been enslaved and oppressed or deterrer and influence others to maintain and protect their human rights.
  2. You know what is better than that? I give 20% of my income to organizations that promote education of human rights and provide literature on a grassroots level to spread awareness of human rights as well as organization that file criminal charges against those who violate human rights. #Knowyourrights # Teachyourrights #Influanceandencouragepeopletoeducatehumanrights.
  3. Porn consumption is a private matter, and no one should be subjected to attacks on his honor and reputation. Everyone has the right of protection of the law against such interference or attacks.
  4. Here is an excerpt from article 12 (UN Declaration of Human Rights): "No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honour and reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks." This is my position regarding porn.
  5. You are right, sex trafficking existed before porn. Drug addiction contributes to it, Broken hearts contribute it, financial disaster contributes to it, Broken families contribute to it, poverty contributes to it, starvation contributes to it, sexual abuse contributes it... There are countless things that contribute to it. Do you know what also contributes to it? Lack of education and encouragement and collective responsibility to protect and maintain Human Rights. Drinking some coffee right now, a good Puerto Rican expresso, black and bold. #Knowyourrights
  6. Sex Trafficking has been around far before porn consumption. You can't regulate porn consumption without violating human rights. You can support causes and continually educate people of human rights. You can encourage people to know and exercise their rights. That you can do.
  7. As a member of the human species. I agree to abide to the UN Declaration of Human Rights to the best of my ability. This is senior to any moral considerations of should or should not. Here is an excerpt from article 12: "No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honour and reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks." This is my position regarding porn. As for sex trafficking or treatment of those in the Adult Industry: Article 4 No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms. Article 5 No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. According to these basic rights, those that are members of the human species should protect the basic rights of self and others. However, it should not be done by violating the other parts of the Declaration, but by abiding by it. Don't protect human rights by violating human rights. Personal responsibly is paramount, but so is Human responsibility. Rights ignored are rights lost.
  8. @Buck Edwards Honesty: Wouldn’t you rather have a simple policy than a complicated one? Your current perspective is not a workable approach. This results in a damned if you do, damned if you don’t. Either way you are damned. Truth hides from no one. So, when you introduce lies, you are hiding your amazing qualities, and limiting your abilities and getting weaker and weaker, and becoming useless and failing in life. You are willingly committing spiritual and mental suicide. Why? Because someone says a bunch of words, that you attach hurtful meanings? Don’t look to the past. Let the past pass. Do you know what the mind is? It is simply a diary. A record of everything that you lost. Nothing more, it is designed to limit you, to inhibit you, to incapacitate you, to paralyze you. To destroy you. The past is all composed of lies, death… nonexistence. Your incredibly powerful consciousness recreates the energy(pictures) of the past and creates a perpetual hell for you. That is what hell is, you know. The past. You then bring it to shape your present and future. Your future is damnation. What is the antidote? Mental toughness. What is mental toughness? The ability to handle the energy of the past, the voices that tell you to stop, the voices of doubt, fear, regret, failure. The voices that tell you can’t succeed. The voices that make excuses and justifications. Fighting through the sickness, the disease, the discomforts that come your way. Mental toughness is the solution. You do that by making constant improvements in your life. It is by validating your improvements and making it your life mission to keep improving, no matter what. Massive action is the key here. It is the gradual realization and development of your near unlimited potential. A good way to start is with your fitness goals. If you are not improving, you are sliding down into the abyss. SD orange is right about one thing. Achievements is the grease of life; it loosens the friction and make life worth living. First you want to achieve the status of winner, and you want to be able to win and lose with the same level of enthusiasm. Have the mentality that you can't lose, because losing is giving up and you are determined to never give up. When your purpose is strong, you are strong, and you care much less about what people think... what most people think is full of shit anyway. Sorry for the pep talk. I usually don’t bother with the motivational stuff. I leave the motivational stuff to people like Tony Robbins or the like. It’s your life. You are source. Use your life as you choose. I am moving on from this topic. P.S. As for your police example. Know your rights. Study the constitution/Bill of Rights. Or your countries law. You generally are not obligated to speak to the police in the interest of being able to defend yourself in the court of law, fair trial and not incriminate yourself.
  9. Man.. jiminy xmas... I am only 38 but, I feel I am as old as a petrified tree! Not body wise, but like I took a time machine and nothing around me makes sense. That is what social media feels like to me. Rip Van Winkle... course, most kids don't even know who that is or the story! Like what in the world is the definition for toxic and what is the definition for masculinity? And what is the definition of Toxic masculinity... These are just empty words in my mind... As for the video.... Once a person studies and understands the basics of deception, it is like getting a vaccine. The only way you can get trapped is by negative emotions and inflexible considerations and viewpoints as well as misidentified or false definitions. Or in other words thinking. Thinking is a substitute for action or awareness when it is not used for differentiation because it is going back in the past, which is booby trapped with lies. It is programmed with a stimulus-response mechanism. Which is the problem with "EGO" which was originally conceived to be a set of defense-mechanisms (which are survival related). Hence, the spiritual practice of "ego" death. However, an improvement on this idea would be "ego" creation, which is more in alignment of demonstrating our native abilities as creation and source of creation. With this idea in mind, we have the "beginners mind" or child mind or better still creative mind, that is actively learning about reality. In this state you are creating reality, rather than operating on the programming of authority(what you learned from a talking heads, media, education, videos, books, entertainment, social media, science, facts.. ect..), or what everyone "knows or believes. (Which is a crock of lies)". I have found this approach exceeding fruitful in handling manipulation tactics. Jokingly, I am too naive for them to work on me. It is better to be focused on present creation. Creation Mindset> Thinking mindset.
  10. My dad fathered both me and my sister after age 55 and we both turned out well. Not quite true. Judgements and assumptions. Not necessarily, many middle agers and older men don't have healthy relationships. Something is missing here. False, many people prefer to date people their own age. They may change their mind after a while if they come into difficulties. Not necessarily. I have worked with many couples and married couples that are under 25. Most are still going strong. Indeed, this is very accurate. And I am not refuting your advice one bit. My interest is in accuracy and truth. We have to gear toward more constructive conversations. I mean I am with you. It is preferable to consider relationships after 30. There are 2 women on this thread, sharing how they see the world. They are grossly outnumbered, poor Princess had to sit there and debate 3 or more men at a time. That takes a good deal of strength and courage to be open and honest about how she sees the world. If you went to a forum with all females and were debating all feminist, how would you feel? Lila and Princess are here to learn about God and consciousness and about life in general, not to have their personal worldviews being attacked and dismantled. Love embraces understanding, not hatred. I might feel bitter too, if I was in the same situation. You said "I hope you already have children if you ever wanted them, because it's this kind of cope and denial that sabotages other women who might think they have all the time in the world." What is the point of this? Judgment assumptions and lies... That was not the intention of Princess' post. Not relevant. My interest is making this world a better place. I hope that you can help. It is not by proving who is right or wrong, it is by increasing one's awareness and understanding.
  11. Understanding embraces love, not hatred. Women are the prize. They are worthy of praise, admiration and love. They contribute incredible value to the world, and it is just amazing with them. It could be said love is the ability to bring something together for no reason at all. When you have love for something, it is because you are creating it. You are putting it there. In order to have difficulties, there has to be misunderstanding and miscommunication. To control someone, you have to submit to an authority. What does authority mean? It means the "author of right." Who wrote the book on being right? Feminists? Antifeminists? It remains a mystery, but it is following someone else's book. It is not thinking for yourself. You are playing by someone else's rulebook. Some authority is controlling the narrative. This authority keeps repeating these ideas and "facts" so often in social media and traditional media, that people accept these facts as their own. It is brainwashing. Just look at the results of what is going on... there is argument and disagreement and chaos and uncertainty. There is fear and mistrust of everybody and a lack of ability to make things going right. There is hurt, there is conflict, there is confusion, there is craziness. If these "facts" were so true, there would be improvement and less of the bad. Something isn't right with these ideologies. There is some poison residing in it. All that you experience depends on your ability to think for yourself. I think it is time to take the reins and start being source over the facts. This is done by eliminating false data... finding the lies in what we see and hear and relying on our own observations and evaluations of something. Don't look to the internet for understanding and explanation. That is not actualization, trust in yourself and be source. That's what we are doing all this work for. Women are the prize. Women are amazing, I love women. They are basically good and just awesome!
  12. Indeed! Perfect appraisal! There is nothing wrong with this idea! 1) Some men say they want youth and good looks. That is not true for all men. They may admire beauty and feminine traits, but that is not all they want. 2) Very true, great observation. 3) Actually, men feel exactly the same but both sides have great difficulty, defining what that means, understanding what that means, communicating what that means. There are some serious communication blocks. 4) Men are wondering the exact same thing about women. Love is only part of the problem/solution. In fact, love alone will not last. Due to mindsets and programming like the idiocies and brainwashing from school/university, youtube, ticktok, social media... There is virtually no quality data available for forming and maintain healthy and long-lasting relationships. To simplify, love and relationships are in danger and doomed to fail because of people's inability to to separate lies from Truth.
  13. Indeed it is deeper. I imagine this is something most guys don't understand. Feelings change constantly does that mean love changes? Love is not consistent because it is related to feelings? How would a man know if it will change if it doesn't seem reliable? What if the feelings are stronger for someone else? What if he is really having some "bad" luck and her feelings change? No right or wrong answer, just contemplative questions. Actually I see it all differently, but I know that goes through men's minds and it builds a wall of ice around their heart... making it hard for men to love.
  14. What is your definition of love in regard to relationships?
  15. Beautiful Post Love it! Thank you for sharing! It warms my heart to see this expressed so artfully! Actually, the only thing wrong with arrogance is whether or not it delivers the expected results. The metric should be on improvement. Not winning or losing. If you start doing stupid things to avoid losing, you are not delivering the expected result. This is coming from a place of uncertainty. Be able to win and lose with the same level of enthusiasm. Thus, Arrogance is a manifestation of certainty. If you feel you can't be strong, without putting others down... making them feel wrong... you are right, you are not strong and you are operating with uncertainty. This is why people often have a problem with arrogance, they recall past experiences where they felt suppressed by someone making them feel wrong. It is a reaction... a dramatization of past experiences. I won't go into humbleness right now, but it is also based on a consideration of certainty and being right or wrong. Confidence is an ability that is also based on certainty. It is important to differentiate between knowing and belief... just as you said... know thyself. Arrogance and humility are related how you deal with other people. Confidence is a more personal thing, how you regard and treat yourself. With a great deal of confidence, you can say with certainty, that you are an immodest man that truly has much to be modest for (as well as state the opposite of that statement). That way you can operate with both + and - and not be fixated on one or the other and be able to express and experience innumerable viewpoints at will. This makes you source. Thanks for the wonderful post. LOVE
  16. @integral I recently responded to a post about intimacy here is what I said: "The word means, to make known. Or innermost. This means that you have so much admiration that you admire the positives and negatives with infinite intensity. This means that you love the negatives of a person just as much as the positives. Even more... Ideally, with highest levels you can love a person being a complete bitch and breaking your most valuable possessions (like and x-box/PlayStation, mobile device) with the same amount of passion and love as getting a blowjob. Obviously, there are levels to intimacy. " Like most things in the physical universe, there are + and - in everything. There are + in your GF and there are - parts of her personality. Actually, it appears from what you said... you are doing a bit of fault-finding yourself. Try this instead: When she brings up something like " I hate the dog"... say wow! Amazing! Beautiful! That is an excellent expression. Wonderful! I l admire your opinion so much! The idea is not to add data, or correct, or change the behavior, or positive reinforcement but to genuinely express admiration. Creating +. We all get a little overwhelmed and start focusing on the minus. We all suffer from being effect, no matter how developed we try to be. Actually, I believe practicing gratitude is not workable in the long run... because you focus on the things you want... and try to take away the things you don't want by intensifying the good things. That is often from a place of effect and trying to resist the bad. Rather, a better spiritual practice is to freely practice admiration. Free, uninhibited admiration good and bad. No journal... just actively creating admiration. Practice on your dog... watch how she reacts; she will be almost mesmerized by your expression of love. I volunteer at an animal shelter, and I have taught and rehabilitated many animals with that one ability... pure admiration and consistent communication. It's the ability I am referring to... not relating your gf to a dog... lol
  17. MEIN GOTT!!! Too much symbolism and interpretation... Truth has no continuation (a part that is attached to and is an extension of something else; the fact of continuing or a thing that continues or follows from something else...Oxford/Cambridge dictionary). Simple is best, nice... and purely simple and beautiful..understanding..
  18. My metric is simple. I either know or I don't know. Viewpoints are infinite; thus, my main activity is in perception and making distinction. Points of comparison. Words, are merely for collaborative efforts. To teach and learn. Thus, they are of limited value. The only thing that is true is what is true for your according to your viewpoint that is continually changing. A lie is a separation (or alteration) from the original unchanging truth. You can add meanings and interpretations, however as they are changing, those are also lies. Thus, all awakenings are lies. Because total awareness of truth as truth is a nothing. Human or even spiritual perception cannot conceive of nothing, because all physical must be a something just as a human body must be glued to a planet or grounded to a solid object. Human perception must be grounded to a "something", but as soon as they can perceive a nothing, they are immediacy pulled into something it is an automatic response, just like gravity and the human body. This is not to say a "nothing" is nonexistence. Which is something as it precedes or succeeds "existence"... A Nothing is nothing, we can identify the nothing as consciousness, but consciousness itself is a something, thus "nothing" is imperceptible to human consciousness.
  19. What is the part of you that causes a person to act irrational and insane?
  20. Simple enough... Empowered women want empowered men. "Woke" isn't exactly empowering to men which can be a significant barrier to self-improvement for men. So now you have stronger females and weaker men. Ideally, you want strong females and strong men. That is the best partnership. Men and women tend to gravitate what they consider to be the best partnership regardless of ideology.
  21. The word means, to make known. Or innermost. This means that you have so much admiration that you admire the positives and negatives with infinite intensity. This means that you love the negatives of a person just as much as the positives. Even more... Ideally, with highest levels you can love a person being a complete bitch and breaking your most valuable possessions (like and x-box/PlayStation, mobile device) with the same amount of passion and love as getting a blowjob. Obviously, there are levels to intimacy.
  22. Wow. Wow. Wow! I love this post!. Yes, that is a challenge that all creators face. This shows your power and magnificence! The thing is you can't make a copy of yourself. It's impossible. That is why it will never be good enough. That is why when someone sees something really beautiful and amazing like a landscape or rainbow and wants to take a picture to keep that moment with them and never lose it.... ultimately to put that photo aside and almost never look at it again. In this one post you artfully described an essence of spirituality. I have listened some amazing musical pieces and actually got to talk to the creators of those pieces and they showed me things about their song that totally blew my mind. Now that I listen to the song again, it is a completely new song with so much depth and scope, but I have to be content with the fact that it will never be an exact duplicate of what the creator had in mind. Although, it is not an easy pill to swallow, it is important to accept that you will lose something in translation. It is important to be ok with that and be willing to move on to the next thing. Believe me, artists are never fully satisfied with their creation. The only thing you can do is just put your attention on to the next creation. What's the alternative? Join the band of amazing artists who sunk into a spiral of depression and self-destruction and marched right into the graveyard because nobody could appreciate and understand what they have in their heart. What path will you choose? Creators know that it is their life's mission to create and keep creating new things and not be trapped by their own creations. Love the post, thank you for making my day! LOVE
  23. There are 2 kinds of people: consumers or contributors. You reap what you sow. Ideally, a person finds the right equilibrium between those two. If someone doesn't understand this, they are too much into being a consumer.
  24. Well, I will suggest taking a more SD Orange approach. Books are often a kind of passive thing, so are videos. You got to get out and do shit. You got to make shit happen. Many times, it is better to learn the good stuff when you put some money on the line. I continually buy courses or enroll in Udemy courses to get knowledge. Passively watching a video is not going to fire up all the cylinders in your mind and get busy making things happen. Leo’s LP course is one of the best investments I made in myself and it gave me the power to really hone in and focus on what I want. Don’t get me wrong, I love reading. I have read at least 20 of Stephen King’s books for fun and to look for ways and ideas to improve my own writing. Action is more powerful than consuming data/information. When you do that, whatever you read becomes so much more powerful.
  25. I have no clue what a serious romantic relationship is, and I question its workability. A lasting relationship is based on a strong bond of agreements, whether it is spoken, unspoken, or written. That is why many religious tend to have longer lasting marriages. A couple subscribes to a religion, agrees to what that religion says about marriage, and practice marriage according to what is written, or what is agreed to by the group(s) they relate to. As for “serious”, and “romantic” … these are just words. Ideas that require additional comparison to be of any value. For example, what does romantic mean? It originally meant knight in shining armor. An image of a hero doing amazing things to impress and win his lady’s heart and affection. Well, that idea has changed considerably today. As far as I can understand it, it mainly means having sex and spending some time together. And what does “serious” mean? Just sexual exclusivity and having a priority in companionship and emotional support? Yes, these terms have far more questions than answers to me. I have no clue… maybe to see if it works or not or make discoveries. Pro: Get into some trouble to challenge the spirit to make something amazing. Con: Not having a clue what you are getting into. One might not be willing or able to handle the troubles that could come your way. Pro: An adventure.