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Everything posted by Ajax

  1. Hmm, it looks like we have to clear away some meanings here. The first step in understanding something is accurately identifying what it is. So, what is the definition of HEART? What is the definition of TRUTH and what is the definition of ONLY TRUTH? Sounds like we have a different definition of ABSOLUTE TRUTH. After all, to me, when something is absolute you are not becoming aware… You are aware and nothing but aware. That is not to say these awakenings are not valuable. They are probably the most valuable thing in the universe for you at that time… until more awakenings arrive. I think we are in agreement. I actually said “If it was valid, you would know it as the Infinite along with everything else. “ Your reality is what is true for you… what you see in something. (Of course it’s limited It is not Truth). Truth is KNOWING pure and simple. KNOWING doesn’t change. Your View changes constantly. If you have to ask “how do you know?”, according to your reality, the way you are viewing it, it is not valid because it is not pure unchangeable KNOWING. If you have significant shifts, and know it is true, then it is valid. The only thing that changed is your viewpoint. Not the” infinite marbles”. What is your definition of mind? @Sidra khan Razard86 is a really awesome and beautiful person! I really respect his confidence and personality. He is well developed and is an extraordinary person. I know you have had conflicts with him in the past, but there is so much more to him than what you are currently seeing. You are super awesome, too. Thank you for your compliments of me!
  2. You must deconstruct your logic. Answers lay beyond. Logic can be quite limited.
  3. Source has no change. If you try to change it, it becomes a lie. Any change from source is a lie. Truth is an absence of change. Think of a dream, it is always changing. It is a lie. Something that doesn't change cannot continue. Even subatomic particles are changing locations. Nothing is static except source. This means even consciousness, which is not static is a lie. Source simply knows. For something to continue, it has to contain a change. The dream is the continuation. The change is what is keeping the "dream" alive. It is the continuation. From that point of view. All awakening is "false" because it isn't the Ultimate Truth. However, all awakenings have Truth. Notice the difference. "HAVE Truth" and Truth. Truth does have anything. It simply IS. Consciousness could be said to be a measurement of how much Truth the viewpoint contains. You could also call consciousness a viewing. Viewpoints are simply points of comparison. This can be known by degree of consciousness. How much you understand, how many insights you have, the quality you know. It can be measured in Magnitude of purity, simplicity and beauty. The more infinite and intense those three characteristics are, the closer you are to Truth. Understanding and Reflectiveness is also measurable but harder to identify as the purely simple and beautiful understanding of what you are viewing. Consciousness could also be a measurement of how close you are from the infinite. The closer you are, the more you simply Know. There is no change, you Know. "How do we know an awakening to Infinite Marbles isnt valid? " It isn't valid because if you don't know, you simply don't know. The closer your consciousness is to the Ultimate, the more you know. If it was valid, you would know. If it was valid, you would know it as the Infinite along with everything else. There is no separation from invalid or valid except in your mind.
  4. I will repeat the definition Of Zone of Genius: The work that you are uniquely suited to do and uses your greatest strengths (what gives you energy; what love doing) and your special gifts (talents). Work is defined "activity involving mental or physical effort done in order to achieve a purpose or result." It could be a job, it could be activism, it could be writing, it could be teaching... the key word is activity. I see you are German. I know and speak some German. Work is "Die Arbeit". Your job. Your Labour. You use your talents(gifts) for your labor. You use your skills (things that you can learn or teach yourself) for your labor. You use your strengths to have love and passion for your labor. You see, those three things must work together with your Job. If you are a bookkeeper(accountant). You know you are in your zone of genius if you have a gift for numbers and enjoy doing it all the time. You have great skills of using Excell, typing, organization and really love every moment of using your skills. You love bookkeeping so much that you would be doing it even if you were not in the job. You do bookeeping in your free time. You read about bookeeping. You are in love with bookeeping, you think about it all the time, you can't wait to get back to bookeeping. It is not work for you, it is a fun and enjoyable experience. To be honest, I don't know anyone thinks bookeeping is in their ZoG. LOL Actually, most bookeepers are in their zone of excellence or competence. But I think you understand. However a bookeeper, who is in their zone of excellence might decide that being an investor is their zone of genius if they get out of their comfort zone and gets involved in investing and then he will keep working at investing until he is in his ZoG. Do you understand? let me know if there is something that you don't understand.
  5. I define advantage as: Abilities and resources that produce the expected or desired result. I find most advantages related to mentality and work ethic, modified by abilities that the person has. These are not related to the way a person's body looks but their mind and spirit. This leads me to a question, which is of course outside of this thread and discussion... but... What does it mean to be human? Thank you, I appreciate your ideas. So, the problem is to other people's fear. What's the solution? Could you define power for me? Very nice.
  6. I am doing quite well actually. Right now I am negating the effects of caution in my psyche. Caution seems to be one of the greatest enemies to consciousness. It seems overly simplistic... However, it pushes my consciousness to take over and seems to have a lasting effect. So I am practicing doing dangerous things like driving really fast (in a racetrack of course). So that's where I am at, ignoring the flashing lights, sirens and screaming voices of something internal in the mind telling me to be careful, stop or slow down. How about you? How are things going for you? I know you are getting sober awakenings. Is there a particular practice that produces more results (sober)?
  7. You really have to have the first 3 zones down really well. Really defined. Also it should be a tangible thing you want to do or be. It should be specific. I will give you a quick example. I am terrible at schedules and deadlines so I use software to automate my time. I am also incompetent at making videos. I am competent at bookkeeping and editing my writing but I hate to do it because it's time consuming and I turn into an ass because its unpleasant. I am excellent at writing and buying/leasing property. I made money in both. However it's not quite my zone of genius. My zone of genius is discovering Truth. I am going to discover a process ( system, technique) to discover Truth(like the scientific method.) Which is what I am working on now. Once I do that I use what I know to help humanity become more spiritual and conscious. However, there is a bit of fear and uncertainty here so I have not really realized this zone yet. You see, to be in your ZoG, you need to realize and "be" in your zone of excellence. Other than that, review core concepts #24. He explains that your ZoG is hidden by your fears. I suggest you watch the dreamkillers. Make a list of all the things you are good at starting with the sentence. "I am good at" make another list of things with the sentence " I am great at"... Then another list of all the things "I am excellent at"... And keep doing what you are excellent at.. Additionally make three lists with good, great, excellent of the following 3 topics(9 lists in total): strength, talent, skill. A strength is anything that gives you energy. A talent is an innate ability that can’t be taught (for example, being incredible with numbers). A skill is a competency that can be taught (for example, knowing Excel back to front). Still another exercise: when you were a child, what did you want to be or do when you grew up? Make another list... Compare this list to the all the other lists... This may give you a clue into your zone of genius or insights into your zone of excellence. You really need to focus of being in your zone of excellence for awhile.After you are in your zone of excellence, you can really start to discover your ZoG. As for your two sentences... Those are more like talents than zone of genius ( big picture thinking; creativity) what do you want to do with your talents? What could you be doing right now with your skill,talents, strengths? Or at least if you could develop them relatively easily?
  8. Is there any vibrations involved in this? I have no meaningful knowledge on vibrations. I have a good deal of facts based on literature. What is your definition of Vibrations? I have been able to achieve many different states, but vibrations elude me. What data do you have on it off the top of your head? As for my experience with telepathy, I have been able to do a few cool things like put so much attention and love on my dog that we are in this weird communication. I can think sit and lay down with pure beauty and love and she will do that. Is your experiences with telepathy similar? Not in giving commands but it is almost like you share a mind? I understand you didn't fully achieve it this time, but did you ever have other moments/experiences?
  9. 1) Indeed this is a fact. There are also many things that led up to it. For the nazis it was the mishandling of the Weimar Republic that caused the country to go to hell. In the midst of chaos a warlord always tends to show up. 2) Two wrongs don't make a right. Discrimination is discrimination. There is almost always a "for and against" Discrimination causes things to escalate and get worse. The recipe for conflict and blowout. I am for acceptance and brotherly love. Making productive solutions. 3) Yes I agree it is fabulous. It is a prime example for everyone to follow and I admire them so much for it. Why is there not more attention to trying to replicate their success? After all, what they are doing is working fabulously. Why am I not hearing more about it on ticktok and social media. I want to be like them. I want more and more people to be like them. In fact, they are doing far better than most white males. Our attention should be to find out what works well and encourage everyone to do the same. 4) That is exactly why I am engaging in this conversation with you. Could you identify and list the 5 most basic and fundamental problems for me? 5) Could you define Privilege for me? I want the accurate definition. 6) Yes, I don't see it. 7) Popular opinion can also be very dangerous. Very dangerous indeed especially when it comes to blaming a particular race. Even if the majority doesn't agree, they are too scared that they will be attacked or killed or hurt or ostracized for not going along with the herd. Afterall, I don't hear much about self-development, meditation, improving your life. Becoming spiritual.. What I hear is: Fear, loss, grief, hatred, tragedy, death, conflict, agony, violence, war, trouble, disease, sex, celebrity and wealth and control of the sexes. Not all Germans were evil, in fact, after the war... they soon were able to become one of the world's leading nations and a good example of equality. Not perfect nation, but it shows they are not evil... Just not strong enough to stand up to popular opinion. Popular opinion can get out of control. Many white men feel shamed, the don't feel confident, they feel weak, they are plagued with autism and mental illness. Is this what is intended? Turning white men into complacent sheep? Guess who is going to turn into a monster if things start going too bad? Where is the spirituality in this idea of "white male privilege"? No, I don't think discrimination in any degree is going to raise our consciousness, improve our abilities, become spiritual. I want to bring people up, I want unconditional love. Most of all what I want to know is how is this idea of "white male privilege" will help humanity in its goal of having brotherly and sisterly love? Thank you so much for sharing your ideas with me. I love them so much. You have so much wisdom and I hunger for wisdom! I value this conversation very much. LOVE
  10. What about popular discrimination like male privilege or white privilege? What about Jewish privilege and Asian privilege? Many successful people of those ethnicities have the advantage of a strong family unit and emphasis on education and business. Why not eliminate the idea of privilege? Many males are not so "privileged" and the few who do "make it" have to go through a great deal of suffering and pain have to feel demonized by the label "privileged" When the label of privileged is not true... It becomes hate speech, it's discrimination. Yet many people agree with this term. What limits and consequences should you put on that kind of speech when it is in alignment of popular opinion? This isn't an argument, I'm looking for actual understanding and solutions.
  11. Un Declaration of Rights "Article 1 All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood." (Should include sisterhood.) "Article 7 All are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law. All are entitled to equal protection against any discrimination in violation of this Declaration and against any incitement to such discrimination." Anti-feminists and Feminist and many activist and and law enforcement all frequently speak and act with discrimination. People, including myself are a little too tolerant of discrimination. Free Speech is the main weapon we have to confront discrimination. Discrimination is a criminal behavior and people, including myself are too cowardly to attack it(speak out) as it shows up. We don't want to deal with confrontation. Especially with friends and loved ones. The key thing is to always do so with the understanding and practice of reason and conscience in the spirit of brotherhood and sisterhood. Or in other words act with love not hatred. We are all vulnerable to discrimination and behave with discrimination sometimes, which means we act in a criminal way. It is important to bear this in mind when you wrathfully condemn another. There is such a thing as conscious confrontation. Give up Free Speech and you give up the ability to speak up against criminal behavior from people and the government.
  12. I like you. I find you fascinating; scintillating. You interest me, I think I love you. I want you to talk to me. Let's do some arguing. Love me. Conversate with me.. You are a doodoo head!❤️
  13. Thanks for sharing! I don't usually watch youtube videos posted on the forum, but this is excellent! I liked it a lot. Here are a few thoughts I jotted down while watching the video: "Just focus- so much to this. Vibrations- I don’t know anything about that. I don’t know what that is at all. I wonder if this vibration is related to the feminine because it is something out of my experience or knowing. However, Knowing is greater than Believing. It is just a gradient of certainty. You have to first know something before you don’t know it. That is the game of life… not knowing and trying to find out what you don’t know because in fact you do know it but are trying hard to not know it. For example, if you look for something you don't know, you know something about something you thought you didn't know. It's a tricky game. You can solve problems this way. Find something that you know about it and find something you don't know about it playing that game over and for greater understanding(you can also find something amazing in the maybe). Truth is knowing. Belief is still not knowing completely. However, believing is an excellent stable datum. It will take you far. Love alone isn’t enough. It must be paired with admiration. As the Soul is pure admiration. When you put an idea into the physical universe the admiration particle splits into 2… + and -. Plus is love(cause) minus is hate(counter-cause). The more you love the more it is countered by minuses. Therefore, the more you can admire from an exterior perspective… the more you can bring these two together(which is also the game of life). Love alone loses energy because it is separated from hate. When you are creating something or want to do something in this universe you must also do many things that you really hate to do. For example… starting a business you must market, deal with finances, be organized, deal with people, form a team, lead them, do unpleasant menial tasks and other grindy work, hard work, handle all kinds of distractions and disasters, handle all kinds of problems and changes and conflicts, etc… as your business will not survive without them… that is where admiration kicks in. Can you love and admire something that you hate? I don’t have any definitions or understanding of anything above the 3 dimensions… as the physical universe is 3 dimensions as far as I can understand. I have no reality on it." A great deal of it was lost on me as I have no reality on vibrations. However, It is a very wise and beautiful discussion. This isn't a critique but just a few things that I got out of it. What are some of your takeaways from the video and how you use it to expand your consciousness?
  14. Man, I don't know how you do it! Smoke while arguing! I would probably choke to death on the smoke from laughing so much! My god! It was wild today... a little too much fun. Oh boy, what a stress reliever! What a convo! Man oh Man! I can't stop laughing! I haven't laughed so hard in years! Years I say! What can I say HAHAHHAHA... Oh man what a treat! Thank you for today! It was EPIC! It was the best gift I could ever ask for! I was in a bit of a slump, and I forgot how it is important to let loose and go wild for a little while. No wonder this forum is so full of nonsense! People like to show their shitty ass! You must have some pretty good spanking skills in your bag of tricks. Haha! I can't thank you enough! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA P.S. Remind me to introduce you to some nice cuban Monte #5 cigars. Tiny like a cigarette and sooo good!
  15. Preying! The wild jungle. We get to play the role of animals. Haha, preying! What a funny idea! It sounds like praying! Coincidence?
  16. We are all having fun with this! It's all a game. Being able to communicate freely. Its healthy and lovely. Thank you @Something Funny @Princess Arabia So much laughter and Joy today!
  17. There is nothing wrong with sex as an industry. We have bigger problems related to issues related to humanity. The only think wrong is having a lack of choice, which is related to human rights. What @PrincessArabia is doing is her own choice. Her clients are doing it according to their own choice. That isn't related to the sex traffiking. It is a pleasure and wonderful to hear from someone actually in the industry to hear how they feel about it is enlightening and helpful. I appreciate the knowledge gained from the discourse ts.
  18. These are not related to Human Rights thus not relevant. These are judgements, not related to membership in humanity. Neither are Consumer Rights however, as Industries have rights as well. It is important to make these distinctions.
  19. I welcome your ideas and opinions about handling sex slavery. I am sure you know some good solutions. And I am happy to hear them. After all, we are here to increase our knowledge and understanding. So if there is anything on your mind, please share. Your contributions are valuable to me. So, I would be happy to continue. Please continue, if you please.
  20. Ok, thank you for your comment. I appreciate your feedback. Thank you for telling me I have a noble goal and I think you do to. I know you are very concerned with human slavery and want to help. We are very much the same in our desire to help. What else would you like me to know? I am genuinely interest in hearing your views. I know you have good ideas and I am happy to hear them.
  21. @Something FunnyYes, I do admit there are some ethical problems with porn. But... it is not the problem. It is a manifestation of prior causes. The reason it is happening is because the insanities in man. I think we should focus on improving humanity, that is my interest. I want to treat the root cause, not the symptoms. Most porn that is consumed is on streaming sites anyway, for free. Having a few people boycott porn isn't going to damage the Adult Industry significantly. I want to improve humanity by making it a membership. We can all agree on human rights(at least those that consider themselves a member of the human race) and if we believe in these core rights we can be in a position to protect and defend violations of those said human rights. And I do much more than contribute to Charites, I do public speaking, I do zoom consolations, I attend meetings and seminars regarding this issue. What is it that you are trying to tell me? I am willing to listen. I want to know your side. How can I help?
  22. No miscommunication from me. We are having fun, aren't we? I am, this is very enjoyable. I enjoy talking about this and I can go on forever. To address insanities, we must address making people sane.... which is... you guessed it! Knowing Human Rights! No, no, I am not the best bot. It's first place or no place. Again, what suggestions do you have for me to be a first rate, best bot there ever was! I gotta be the best, I gotta be the best or I am no bot at all. I am discussing ways to deal with sex traffiking. Know your Human Rights.
  23. Why thank you so much for your kind words! I love words of encouragement. I am a stern believer in fixing what is right about somebody. I know those who are lost, lose their humanity, they feel dead... lifeless. Mentally they are no longer human. I know one of the first thinks is to regain your humanity, regaining your self respect. I I believe you treat the user of a problem not the drug. Because people are amazing, when they start getting their dreams back, their hope back... they can start living. It starts with regaining self love and dignity and compassions.. To see the world differently, to know they are a part of something, great and amazing. This is done by knowing what is to be human and to respect all humans. Being human is simply a membership. A membership has things that they are entitled to and freedoms that everyone has. The more human people become the less strength inhumanity has.
  24. Oh WOW! Thank you. That is quite a complement. I shall practice it more and more! Do you have any tips for me to be an even better bot!