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Everything posted by Ajax

  1. What is the definition for power? What is the definition for wisdom? What is the right direction and how do you know when you get there? What is the definition of virtue? What is the definition of masculine? What is the definition of feminine? We all have a reality based on how we perceive the world and what we know. Therefore, for the sake of communication, it is important to see things clearly and similarly.
  2. @Sugarcoat Very cool! Awesome. Thanks for that detailed explanation.
  3. Ok, thank you. It is kind of weird for me, I think much differently. Influence means inflow, so the environment (outside the body) changes you... I guess is what you are saying. Hmm... thank you for your response.
  4. @Danioover9000 Great assessment. I have noticed that many of his original students also practice a "behind closed doors policy". For instance, about 20 years ago I had the good fortune of having a private seminar with Steve Golden. He doesn't actively teach or take on students, but he does work with advanced students privately. There isn't much available online but here is a sample that I was easily able to find. He prefers to work one on one with students, teachings Bruce Lee's principles with your own moves. Through your own techniques, you learn JKD. I think that was BL's original teaching method. Incidentally, Ed Parker had a similar approach however, the whole American Kenpo Karate, also denigrated to trash. Thank you for telling me about Paul Vunek, I actually didn't know about him! Awesome! Wonderful thread, I really love your explanation about how "capitalism, pragmatism, and skepticism" infects the quality of martial arts techniques, philosophy and spirituality.
  5. @Sugarcoat Actually, I don't quite see your viewpoint. I would love to know more about it. I believe a person is as free as they are able to assume multiple viewpoints. Very interesting! Thank you for sharing. Could you provide some examples? "how suffering is independent of outside" Outside of what? the spirit? the mind? The body? Your environment? Your security? Your financial/social situation? Your possessions? Your past? The voices/energy/thoughts that are not in alignment with your intentions? Your ability to handle things? Your problems? And yes tensions is ambiguous... I don't get that either. "by focusing on yourself you’re dealing with it directly" Dealing with what? The focus on yourself, or the need to focus on yourself? Dealing with what? What exactly are you dealing with or not dealing with. Here is my understanding of focus on yourself means... "Focusing on yourself means prioritizing your own needs and desires rather than those of other people." This can and does often lead to selfishness and sexual frustration and reacting to those frustrations as that is not conducive to for healthy relationships as opposed to flexible considerations and viewpoints. I don't understand. "instead of looking for outside solutions . " What does this have to do with the male/female dynamic?
  6. @Danioover9000 Would you say JKD relies heavily on skepticism in that it aims to reduce techniques to its most basic and simple form? Especially its focus on combat effectiveness. The basicness of form transcends to all areas of life. I have been contemplating this lately. I also admire the transcendence of intention in that the only goal is to strike and to intercept all counter intention. I do agree with you on the video in that they are not focusing on the essence of form but rather arbitrary actions that do not substantiate the actual teachings.
  7. Communication is great. You can always stay or leave whenever you want. I am pro-communication. I try to make friends everywhere my love, it is about me loving unconditionally maturity and spiritual growth. Not what someone did or what happened to me. I would take it as an opportunity to exercise my ability to love and admire people, without restrictions. You don't have to continue the relationship if you don't want to.
  8. That's amazing! What a miracle! You have a great game in front of you. Keep up the good work! Success is the sum of validated improvements. The higher the quantity of improvements the better the success. You have the wonderful opportunity to start practicing. Just keep looking for improvements and acknowledging those improvements. One cobblestone at a time.
  9. To me, the value of face-to-face interactions cannot be understated. If it were me looking for a guy, I would get involved in activities that I am interested in and would more than likely find like-minded guys that share common interests. If not, I would be willing to move to a place (city or country) where I would find such guys. If I want something bad enough, I will do whatever it takes to get it. No excuses, no justifications, just making plans and working constantly to make it happen.
  10. Sure, do it. Just have a purpose and intention to know. What are you hoping to achieve? Decide to get it.
  11. I don't understand. What is the basic message?
  12. I doubt these "experts" can explain how Magnus Carlson can create amazing ideas at will. They can just marvel at his tactical genius. "Hikaru doesn't get it, chat" lol I think the higher the competitive drive, the greater the necessity level. That necessity level is what creates "rags to riches" stories, miracles, Succes stories, and the development of space rockets and atom bombs. It creates something out of nothing. Women don't have the same competitive drive or necessity level. Simply because they choose not to take on the suffering and burdens that comes with it. After all, it's only a game. However, that is changing as online chess and livestreams are becoming more popular. I think you will find better women chess players online or in parks rather than these long ass FIDE tournaments.
  13. Haha! You get the hidden joke! I knew you would
  14. @Razard86 WOW congrats on your breakthrough! Thanks for the update! Keep the amazing results coming!
  15. Living; taking risks. Being upopular(disliked).
  16. HAHA... Sorry.. I just had to do it!
  17. The test below. To be honest, I don't know what awake is and I am quite happy not to know. At the same time. I am happy Knowing.
  18. Lol. I tested 6% on green the last time I did an SD test. Damn shame because Green has always been my favorite color. But I LOVE your post.
  19. oh... I don't mind not being awake. I am too busy living in paradise by my own estimation. Thanks for the test.
  20. Love just for the sake of loving. Love to love. Love for no reason at all. If you can really do this. You can really know someone. You can be with people for no reason at all. If you know yourself as a creator. You decide what you want to create in a relationship. I create loyalty through my own action. I create being there for people. I create being patient and caring for those for no reason. I create infinite admiration of people. I create love in my words and behaviors to other. I create acceptance. I create helping others. I create the attitude of working with other and leading people and be lead by them. If someone is willing to create these things with me. If they are able to create these things with me, they are my partners, romantic, sexual or not. Sex is not a prerequisite for having partners. Even if they are not, I still create love and admiration for them for no reason at all. I know what I want to create. My metric is growth and improvement. If I can help them and they can help me, I know we are having a great partnership. My evaluation is not on spiritual knowledge but what we are actually creating together. My attention is on improvements.
  21. What makes the imagination persist? What makes the distinctions real? Who creates the distinctions? Who is created by the distinctions? Does reality create the distinctions or is it created by the distinctions? What are the differences, identities and similarities?
  22. Define reality for me. Define distinctions for me. Looking is a more intelligent act than thinking. Try this: Find a physical object (coin, stick but preferable a tree). Stand in front of that tree(or physciall object, but preferably a tree). Set a timer for 5 minutes. Give yourself the intention of only doing three things. They are looking, seeing asking "what do I not know" about what I am looking at or seeing in detail. Give yourself only 3 commands for the 5 minutes. Look, See, What do I not know about "look-see)"? All about the tree of course.
  23. That you so much for your gudence! I will keep you words in my mind. I love hearing from you!