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  • Birthday 07/28/1985

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  1. Simple very simple… So beautiful. I find spiritual things to be simple and not complex. The Physical Realm seems so large, and countless moving parts. Chaos and confusion everywhere. Infinitely complex. But when I see infinite simplicity, I feel good and giddy inside. You can find true spirituality in the Aesthetics. The magic of the moment, the drizzle of a warm rain. Dew Drops on roses… Picking up Dandelions and blowing them away. The mystical swirls of smoke as they form and disperse into emptiness. Those things you listed are ideas that you create. That’s what the spirit does. Create, not out of a reason. Just making life happen! Thanks for such a sweet message, Reena. As a side note. People like to Seek, Enlightenment or the Absolute. Well, the problem with that is that Before the Beginning was the decision to create…. Then the creation. So, the more you can create whatever you like, and turn it into actuality; the more spiritual you can be. You can be the creation (in which your goal is to survive and persist in what you call existence) or the Decision to create (which is to give things life and putting joy and love into things, creating the existence you want to have). Keep creating everyone. You can do something about your life. LOVE
  2. # Entry 2: How I can Help? The golden rule is…You help machines (robots) by finding what is wrong with them. You help people by find what is right with them. Problem is the consideration that you can’t do something about it (what’s wrong). That is limitation. Freedom/Solution is the consideration that you can do something about it. (what’s right/correct/good). You help people and improve them by finding the good and helping them find out what they can do. They do what they can… gradually improve what they can do. Never forget to acknowledge and admire any improvement. Finding ways to implement this will truly change the world. A truth is: YOU ALWAYS FIND WHAT YOU ARE LOOKING FOR. The one thing you CAN do is find something good and improve it. You are perfect and your viewpoint is perfect and you can find the good in something and make it grow. LOVE! Ajax How do you help people?
  3. Entry #1 I Love To Burn The Biscuits! Hello, I go by Ajax.. Something I pulled in from a past life. Anyway… I thought I would write ideas and thoughts just for the hell of it. No meaning, no purpose… Just to have some fun and express ideas. I will start with the title of the blog. It was a phrase I heard a lot in Texas as a child. I never knew what it meant, except it was an inside joke. Just today, I realized I should look it up. I typed it in the Google Search engine, and this is what I got from the “AI Overview”: “I love burned biscuits” is a line from a story about a mother who serves her son burned biscuits for dinner, and the father who eats them without noticing. When the mother apologizes, the father says, "Honey, I love burned biscuits. Your Momma put in a hard day at work today and she's real tired. And besides -- a little burnt biscuit never hurt anyone!". The moral of the story is about accepting others' faults and celebrating differences. It can also be interpreted as a reminder that life is full of imperfect people and things, and that it's important to learn to accept those imperfections and move forward. “ Hm. I don’t know about all of that. After all, my extended family who spoke those old-time folksy sayings have long passed on. But it is a nice idea to think about. So, I would like to imagine and create my own morals. Or opinion about the phrase “I Love Burned Biscuits” It shows compassion and appreciation for the little things that people do. No matter what mistakes one makes, when there is good hidden in the ugliness… It is all the more special. It is a lesson on how to treat people, friends, loved ones and even those that annoy you. Find the good, intensify the good make it bigger and better. Looking for the good making it glow makes burnt biscuits divine. Poof illuminated bread! lol If anyone is reading this, what is your idea on the meaning of Burned Biscuits?
  4. Awesome Question. Very good question.. thanks for taking the time to read my post! Here is some definitions of the word "Player" from the 1913 Webster's dictionary. Play"er (?), n.1. One who plays, or amuses himself; one without serious aims; an idler; a trifler. Shak. 2. One who plays any game. 3. A dramatic actor. Shak. 4. One who plays on an instrument of music. "A cunning player on a harp." 1 Sam. xvi. 16. 5. A gamester; a gambler. You could say that a Player(player of women) knows how to GIVE women the experiences they want to have? Could you not? When you give, you have to have the viewpoint of what someone wants, needs or how you can help in the best way possible. These "dating gamers" just know how to give women excitement, pleasure, fun, intrigue, suspense and amusement. You have heard of love languages Yes? Well, they know the "love languages" of attraction and you don't. They know how to communicate ideas you don't. They have been playing for years... You can't shoot a couple of "hoops" and expect to be an expert basketball player... when you know the basketball game and know how to play, the game is almost effortless for you. Bottom line, you have to give people and women, what they actually want... not what you think or assume or want them to want. If they are not hooked, that is just an indicator that you did not give them what they wanted or did not sell (communicate) your value well enough. Look at it like this. Have you ever had the greatest idea... and nobody seemed to see it? You told your family, and friends and inner and outer circle how amazing it was... but it was like talking to a brick wall... like it was invisible to them? That's the same thing... the value you are trying to provide to the woman is invisible to them, they do not see it. Why? -The idea is not real to them. It does not exist for them when they compare it to their past or experiences... it's not real. For them... -Things simply don't exists in your (or anyone's) awareness until you create it or agree to it. You have to have the intention to create and use give and receive and exchange to make it so. -The other side of this answer is the ideas of creating excitement, interest and fun and exciting experiences don't exactly exist for you. You don't know how to create them. Ok, yeah... I know this is starting to get complicated so I will simplify it. What I said is relevant.. but it would take me hours to explain the concept... so let me return to giving. When you Give. Just give, but give to all areas of life. Your work, your friends, your goals and targets, your "training" (your self-improvement practices), your health, your finances... give all while maintaining a lighthearted and unserious attitude, a playful and fun mentality, who is willing to experience and admire whatever comes his way. Organize your life to give as much as possible to the parts to your life. You see you give just to give... Of course, you will receive... but if your intention is just to give... without reason... you cannot use that reason to prevent you from giving. I suppose it takes a matter of "faith" to give and give and give... but as long as you keep creating that idea... it will happen as that is the real law of manifesting in its raw form. Of course, you should expect exchange and focus on the areas that give you more exchange as you can give more.... but the more you give, the greater your potential to get. Another way of looking at it is if you wanted to get alot of emails... or leads... you send out (give) an ungodly number of emails and you will get a buttload of emails and responses in return. That's why virtually every online business has a newsletter... to give information of your service and product and get some interested buyers in return. Is this clear or real to you? Does everything make sense to you? @Tenebroso BTW as always when I say "you" I don't mean you personally... I mean it in general. It's not personally directed at you.
  5. 1. Who said women like to be treated mean? 2. One should be willing and able to experience the many forms of human experience. 3. Solidity and seriousness is an undesirable condition. One should strive to be less solid and more unserious. A good rule of thumb is if you cannot laugh and smile you are off the path. (if you are off the path, you are lost) 4. The game Life could be said be infinite forms of reaching for something and pulling away from it. It’s a reaching and pulling away. An exchange of giving and taking. (Play your cards right and you are initiating a game of trading of push and pull.. you pursue her, she pulls back.. you pull back she comes toward you) What makes it good/evil is your power of choice and how much you are enjoying the game or not (and vice versa). 5. You give a woman hell, she takes it and gives you hell back. Do you think all the nagging, button pushing, criticism and not being in “the mood” all happened by random accident? 6. The “grand secret” to proper control is real communication. Invest your actions and resources in ways to improve your communication (consistently and on a daily basis)... only this and nothing more. And the magic happens. The rest are in "high powered decisions" like decide to do, decide to like, decide to approach, Decide you can experience anything, rejection or not. Decide to admire decide to create and assume infinite viewpoints. Decide to be willing. Decide to communicate. If you have control over yourself, you can simply decide, and it is. Like decide to move your hand, since you are in communication with your hand you move your hand. 7. I never had problems bringing women in. I simply decide to give women as many happy moments as I can, through conversation (for no reason at all... no agenda, no goal... nothing) and I receive in abundance. That's love... to give for no reason at all... to want to be with women for no reason at all. To share may space for no reason at all... That's what "pulls in women" because I love women. 8. If you have trouble pulling in women, it is because you are unknowingly pulling away from women, you are not loving women enough. You are not giving enough you are only giving a little to prevent from getting hurt... when you do that what are you doing? You are actually taking yourself away from women. GIVE AND YOU SHALL RECIEVE Why don't people do this? Because, of something in the past told you that if you give you will end up with nothing and get nothing in return. That you did it before, but it ended in a bad way. But see... that's the problem when you stop giving you end up dying why? Because to live you have to give and receive from the world. To the degree you don't have that you will lack and have more scarcity and less abundance. You are pulling away from life, which is dying. The result is more seriousness, solidity, unhappiness, lack of energy, loss of life... who is the one pulling away? Who is doing it to themselves? I could get more in depth but I am done.
  6. AWESOME! Glad to hear it. Just keep doing what you know is best! Good! How clever of you! You must really know a lot... nice to meet you!
  7. It's simple. It's a matter of trust. Do you trust either party? Yes or no. Be honest. Do you Trust the Liberal's 100% If you have to think about it or do mental gymnastics, then you have a level of distrust. You are uncertain about something. Right or wrong. The party that you distrust the least gets your support. It's a balancing act... Trump simply was able to tip the scales more in his favor through better marketing than Kamala. When your decision is.. "better than the alternative" you know you are screwed either way. You can cope by thinking your way into supporting your side... but that doubt... that uncertainty lingers. Are the liberals telling me the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth? Am I being lied to? (Same way goes for the other side) How do you earn the public's trust? Especially after the Post COVID crappy years... What is the truth about Biden? Is he really the one calling the shots? Who is the one really making decisions? Indecision and confusion is the road to hell... We have to find agreements that we can all relate to.. what are the key and common denominators that connect us all together?
  8. Looking for a book? Why? For reasons to justify your non-productivity? You don’t need a book for that… you do great with that all on your own. People have a natural talent at dreaming up reasons why they can’t do something. And they are right… because it is as they say it is. The secret is doing the opposite. Dream up reasons for why you can do it for no reason at all. It doesn’t have to be grounded in reality. It’s just a dream… just dream up why you can for no reason at all. There are steps that you can do be productive. 1. Decide you can do something about it. 2. Do at least 1 thing that you can do. 3. Keep doing it until you get a result. (a win) 4. Congratulate yourself on getting a win an improvement. 5. Know that the definition of success is the total amount of validated improvement. 6. Make it your mission to make improvements by doing what you can do and acknowledge and validate them. Those are your results. Consider those results to be “wins”. 7. When you create many more “wins” and overwhelm the losses by wins… you get to the point where you are being more productive and being able to win and lose with a level of enthusiasm… being able to have a viewpoint that it is just a game and a loss is something you can easily counter with an overwhelming amount of wins (doing a lot of things that you can do.) It’s important to know that doing what you can do is a win… even if you are not feeling great... do what you can do and call it a win. Even if it is to get up, make breakfast and put away the dishes. Just shift your viewpoint and see it as a win. The more you can create such “wins” the more productive you can be. Why does it work? Because you are creating a more causative mentality. The idea is to create a causative viewpoint which creates positive and causative thoughts.
  9. Of course. There is a law of certainty. What is the spirit? Knowingness. You decide there is something you can know. You decide to know. You start looking at things... knowing more and more until you can fully perceive it and know it exactly as it is. The secret is in simplicity. An infinitely complex problem has an infinitely simple solution. When you can know with certainty and total knowingness that "IT'S ME" and what does not appear to be me is just something I am putting there to have the effect of... That you know you know. And it is perfect in its beauty and simplicity than that is as it is... its you... you are it. Your basic freedom is your ability to assume any viewpoint and maintain your own viewpoint... to make any viewpoint yours by decision alone.
  10. Super! Fantastic! That's good. The first step would be deciding that there is something you can know about the post. Then, take a look and keep looking until you find things you can know. The more you look, the more you know. You are putting it there and getting the effect(results) of what you put there. Just look, look, look and look some more. Decide you know, look to pick up data, gradually knowing more and know what you need to know. That is the key step to spiritual practice. Good luck... Peace out.. LOVE
  11. hmm... If I told you I wanted to have a professional basketball championship and I pursue it by " doing basketball practice"... what would you think? A NBA (national basketball association) championship is not a thing for me... until the moment it is. Understand? It may be for other people but not for me. It is not something I have... just the effect... the experience of... not the actual thing its self. A reflection of what is... in proportion to how much you put into the effect of. Do you know where I am going with this?
  12. I see... Begin pursing a thing that is not a thing? Please explain... Also what is pursuing and how do you do it?
  13. Ok, that's good. So what is it that you are looking for?
  14. Well, if you have suffering, you have problems you don't want to have. Problems tend be related to survival... or at least survival potential. Look... Ultimate Truth can be said to be an absence of... It is an absence of things to act with or through. This means an absence of things you can or can't have... Including the absence of problems or the willingness or unwillingness to suffer. You have to remove the barriers holding you back before you can know the nothing-knowingness. As for your other point. Pursue what? How do you pursue an absence? Desire does not tell you what something is, what direction to proceed and how to get there. So how do you pursue if you don't know what it is you are pursuing?