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Everything posted by Skrotus

  1. Just want to hear some thoughts on this subject. I personally believe there are interdimesional/higher conciussness beings that can at times shift into our reality. Paranormal encounters are mostly hoaxes but I belive a small percentage of sighting are genuine. Never seen anything of this nature dispite deeply wanting to. Curious to see if any of you have seen or felt something during meditation or otherwise that cannot be explained.
  2. I'm an infj. Sometimes I think I'm only an infj due to alot of past trauma. Almost like the extreme intuition is used to sense danger. Also when I'm comfortable with people I can seem extroverted.
  3. Sweet you just gave me a new hobby! Much thanks
  4. I have been on the hunt for shrooms for a while now with no success. I've taken them years ago when I was less conscious so I know what to expect.
  5. I want to know things go deeper than this. Im not depressed just curious. Something to work towards in consciousness work like a next level. Afterlife may have more meaning also. Not sure if you have seen event horizon or the mothman prophecies but those are good examples of the negative side of it.
  6. Suffering is scary to me but death not so much. Death is the beginning of another existence. We just don't know if it's better or worse. I'm curious to see what's next though. As far as being remembered, eventually everything will be forgotten so don't stress.
  7. Could you go into a bit more detail? I'm just starting my no fap journey.