Keyblade Viking

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Everything posted by Keyblade Viking

  1. If it's guilt you struggle with you probably need to contemplate on how you are not responsible for a single one of your actions but have always been deceived in to sin etc but you still need to be 100% honest and truly innerstand this to move on. Also realize what you are - nothingness and don't let your ego get in the way because really you are just feeling that you're so important and mighty and therefor you should have taken more responsibilty etc as hard as that might be to grasp if your not ready but that is the blue mind control of all the good spiritual people including the awesome social anxiety folks. Not to make you take the opposite pillar of course where you just shit on everyone and everything because you take no responsibility but eventually you'll understand that paradox PS. the event and feelings are the lessons and the mind is the student, just something that came to my mind right now
  2. I haven't reached this state yet but I suspect you just learn to let go of it and realize that you can't change someone with a closed mind OR heart so you just stop putting any real effort in that and instead only talk to those who are able to move on. Eventually you might just give up on the world and focus on yourself transcending though but that might very well be the truly blue mind control when you fail to see the reason for this world existing and just want to sit and meditate all day long. The reason is to express ourselves as individuals and share in creativity etc btw while also evolving in all kinds of ways but in a "perfect world" it would mostly probably only be through creativity and skillful mastery of some art because I don't think we'd be as mentally insane if we didn't inherit that mindset from our parents and ancestors (not talking about dna here, just the system we live in).
  3. Don't play but instead just observe your mind working. If you are mad or angry, laugh at yourself and be aware of it, eventually the enemy/ego will give up like a child crying for attention. PS. I love how the forum save everything you've written in case you accidentally reload the page or something stupid like that
  4. There's the red left eye and the blue right eye (or the opposite because the left eye connect to the right brain hemisphere etc) and there's the purple third eye which combines the two. Each eye can only see half of reality and they are both based completely on everything you see outside of yourself but the third eye smash the pillars together and discover truth from within, the only way to open that up is to be nothing. This is what Virgin Mary represent in the bible btw and when all kinds of voices are screaming all over the place there is no room for her to stay anywhere except at the very center of the brain. (Jesus being born in a manger also represent how you wake up to find yourself surrounded by wild animals once you become enlightened)
  5. Imagine making meditation a mandatory thing in all kindergardeners (mandatory for half a year maybe because you can't really force an awakening on anyone) and then showing stuff like your videos or at least the same teachings from 1-9th grade (and onwards), what a wastly different world we'd live in. Within 15 years at the absolute most all the kids would seam like wise guru's in comparison to the modern adults.
  6. First of all Leo isn't perfect but I can see a reason for that, it's good if everyone can understand each other well and grammar help with that. As for the rest: Parents are fucked up and want to make sure that their children follow the same mind control as them, why do you think children find it so fucking funny to say words like poo and pee and talk about "things we are not allowed to talk about", why do you think there is such an incredibly unhealthy desire for sex and strange perversion that we for some reason find so funny, why would rebels or "bad people" use so many words that we are not allowed to say? As a wise man once said: The answer can be found in the question The bosses holding the job interviews are not always the most sane people but more importantly, they have a business where their goal is to make money and in order to be successful in the world you often times (not always but especially with customer service jobs like shops etc) have to become a part of the world and follow all of it's mind control in order to buy over all your customers. If you think news broadcasters, teachers or fucking Presidents are good role models then you should think again, all they do is work for the system to encourage the mind control (generally they do this because they are part of the world and sick themselves but when they don't they usually still have to do it to a large extent to keep their job, not trying to "blame" anyone). Why is this? because they are trying to make people look up to them and seam respected, because they judge their lives by someone else (listen to Mirror of Souls by Theocracy) Edit: about opinions - that we are not suppose to curse is nothing but an opinion, I might be slightly of on something I've said here but if you live in truth you don't care about if you or anyone else curse or not, if nothing else it's a great way to keep the close minded "civilized" people away because all they can do it hear your cursing and that means they aren't ready to wake up, at all.
  7. Don't run, dive in to the abyss and face all your negative emotions head on. Eventually you won't be able to take them anymore and the mind get so tired it just give up on them and let go, after flipping the switch you should be feeling more relieved than ever before Another great practice is to always just observe your mind without trying to intervene (just like the first stage of meditation) and rather than being angry or sad about being angry or sad you laugh at how stupid your ego is and just watch the emotions run hammock pushing you from left and right until it give up like a little child crying for attention. I like to talk about my ego and thoughts in second person thinking stuff like "look at how stupid it is" or "look it's trying to think and work things out on it's own". Honestly it works remarkably well.
  8. First of what a great question And really there is no difference, they're (almost?) exactly identical. The word Judgement is just used more when talking about people but what's more important is that you can move beyond and above opinions by very close self observation just like you did when you discovered this and keep an open mind, then just keep asking questions like that Leo is great at explaining all this is several of his videos but if you want to beat your own mind control even more here's a guy who will never go easy on you and will seam at first like he's incredibly judgmental and mad/depressed but if you keep watching you will eventually learn that that is not the case at all, in fact it's quite the contrary:
  9. I was completely obsessed with this a few years back and it really seam like a perfect transition in to a great green society. There's a few small problems but they aren't that big and can easily be solved by making different cities work under different preferences so let's say one city keep money even if it would only be used to a very limited extense and one city might start using that language Jacques keep on talking about while another city might be a nudist city or something, who knows. Do that and the only problem remaining is how to start everything of, to answer Quantums first question - They don't plan to build it in this monetary system but want people to gather together and build it without payment (except they'd have a pretty awesome reward being able to live there afterwards). In theory this sound great but people are so stupid I don't think it ever gonna happen which is a real shame.
  10. That absolutely seam to be the case, we are reborn until we're ready to leave this world behind. There are many reports of people who remember shit but that's all I can say for now, any more understanding require a lot of walking. Keep in mind "As Above so Below"
  11. I've heard about it too, tried it several times but my willpower is not nearly strong enough and I don't (consciously) suffer much from it so I don't think I gonna stop fapping anytime soon but inspiration or tips are always good. I did "stop" watching porn about 2 years ago though and sometimes I fall back but it's really difficult to even find something good because you just see how disgusting it is and how much damage that shit have done to my mind in the past, mostly because it's all so fake and detached without any intimacy what so ever (except for certain lesbian porn but that's pretty much all I've found). That's probably a good thing though because it means I won't become addicted or anything again but not fapping is fucking impossible, maybe because I never get laid like I've been programmed to need but idk.
  12. Racial pride is the most stupid thing ever, the exact same thing goes for being pride over the Nation you were born in just because you were born there even though you haven't helped building it at all. Is there a real form of Nationalism that could actually be good? Honestly I think so but only for a while until society have evolved in to a much higher state of being (or fallen back in to the broken pieces of Babel that we live in now). What you need to ask yourself is what is the reason for this country's existence? Do this and you'll find that most countries exist only to exist and separate people etc and the people who inhabit the countries are constantly fighting over how they should be run and what the laws should be. A real country would be based upon a set number of ideals and mentalities and if someone live in a country where they do things different then they want to they simply move on to another country, it's as simple as that. This way there would be plenty of different nations etc but they would all work under completely different laws and rules and you can if you wish be proud to contribute to that but in the end it will still just satisfy your ego as far as I can see however you can at least love that specific nation for a very good reason. The only law that all nations would have to follow in this case would be for everyone and anyone to be free to leave to whatever city they wanted. Ultimately you can't build any perfect utopia and people will simply have to live in the holy spirit but start like that and you might evolve through learning about all the different systems and how well they work etc and start to unite more and more with time. Either that or like I said previously, we break the principle and become to attach to the ground we were born at that we need to fight for it to change and we go back to a world just like the one we live in now. PS.
  13. Two advises, first just like the above post be aware of it and learn to laugh at yourself as you observe what you do and eventually the mind will give up like a little child. The second advice is a bit more brutal and I'm not sure if it's the best idea but if everything else fail try to be as mad as possible all the time and always exaggerate it and never hide it. Eventually you'll learn to just grow tired of it and flip the switch. Personally I would only use the second option as a last resort because you will loose all your fake friends most likely but then again fake friends aren't all that good to have anyway right? The comment above mine is really great though so try following his advises first
  14. Biologist Bruce Lipton and this guy (Jonathan Adampants) are great at explaining this shit
  15. Prayer is like Tantra and affect your subconscious to make you subject your life to God (or the cosmos/force, whatever you call it) but you have to do it like Jesus said and pray only for yourself and for you to change. You can't pray for other people because that won't change them or you (at least not for the better) and you can't pray to get that hot red head down at the convenience store, y'know the one with the eye patch and wooden leg or whatever but you have to pray that you will do the will of God and let the Holy Spirit work through you without your ego getting all high and mighty which ultimately only cause you pain and suffering. If I sound religious when I use those words I'm not, mythology is just a language so don't confuse my words with that of the common day religious people. (or just read Leo's comment above mine where he apparently described this lol)
  16. A child that have never heard of any of this stuff can still seek it by asking questions and being honest to himself. What Faith is really about (the real version, not the one everyone use) is being honest to yourself and have faith that as long as you live in truth things will work out and they might not even work on on a physical level but you will be fulfilled etc and that's what matters.
  17. Know the feel, I guess it's impossible to flip consciously because our entire mind need to be so sick of it all that it just let go or so aware that it can transcend those stupid habits. Like Leo said " Stuff like that shows us that we don't have as much control over ourselves as we like to pretend we have. "
  18. Have you listened to Twenty One Pilots? They sing about Cars constantly but they really talk about exactly this all the time. Another really funny music video is "Avril Lavigne - What The Hell" and I'm not if this is at all intentional by the creators as mind control or the subconscious working this all in there but it's the most hilarious shit ever. (spoiler below the video, watch it yourself first) Spoiler: She steal a 'taxi' car, she break the mirror and she smash it in to the ass of another car at the left side of the bridge and the way it's portrayed it represent the pillars of reality, positive & negative, ego & spirit etc so she crash in to the red pillar to the left, the left brain hemisphere, it's the same as that other pop song - "I crashed my car in to the bridge and watched it burn, I don't care, I love it", that one is pure mind control.
  19. Be a virgin child Just explore what it is you like to do and be creative, do you want to play music, write books or anything else. Then go do whatever it is you burn for and evolve through creativity which will become the language you speak - the language of God. A tips is to use a lot of symbolism if you draw or write or whenever possible, it really spark creativity if you ask me. For example in the first Hobbit movie you see the Dwarves digging for gold in the mountain until they find the heart of the mountain and use it to become Lords of the world but the Dragon come to those who do that. The Mountain is your ego or mind, the gold is creativity or brilliant ideas (and the stone is probably the thirde eye and all that that entails) but when you use that to control people your mind is taken over by the dragon and you are forced to wander the dead outskirts of your mind like the jews did in the dessert. Stuff like that is brilliant. If you can't find anything after a lot of looking then just pick an instrument and master it, try to play from the heart without any paper though you might have some other music in the background or mute movie if needed or something else to inspire you.
  20. There's so many but a recent one I heard and really like is "You are not a Drop in the Ocean, You are the Ocean contained within a Drop"
  21. This exactly everybody be so judgmental but in a perfect world we'd all be artists (or great scientists/researchers etc but still with a creative mind)
  22. Very important to know is that the more emotion you put in to something the more it stick so if you just let go of everything bad that happen instantly without feeding those negative feelings and overreact when something good happen (or something go just as planned, those are the moments we usually just ignore) that's a great start. Let's say you play golf and you do a really bad hit, don't get mad at it, it's simple but when you hit the ball you scream "FUCK YES!" and make some physical bodily motion and you will make sure that your subconscious seek to recreate that experience rather than the negative one. Be careful to not run away from pain etc though, if you can drop it do so, if not face it head on.
  23. There's countless brilliant artists out there giving out the truth in their music and other arts like movies, books and video games etc. I don't really have a favorite band or artist but Angels and Airwaves are really good and Twenty One Pilots and Theocracy and many many others.
  24. What it means to be yourself truly is to be honest with yourself and be aware when you lie to yourself and the people around you or act in a certain way only to fulfill your agenda. Leo's video about lying to yourself is great on this but also take note when you do something or avoid doing something because you are expected to act in a different way and you just want to be true to your identity rather than your true self interacting freely with the world. The Law is the greatest evil. I also see people talk about how we judge people and get mad at them or categorize them etc. Here's a really mind opening video about what people might really be doing when they scream out racist obscurities etc: (Leo also have a video about demonizing people and a more recent one about how we are all just shaped by our experiences etc and don't actually have free will but this is a bit different from that) And how people react to these poor idiots just asking for help: