Keyblade Viking

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Everything posted by Keyblade Viking

  1. This is the most important part if you ask me, whatever you do don't run from it but embrace it fully and "dive in to the abyss", at least that worked for me when I was depressed. I wasn't trying to forget things but whenever you have a problem you need to face it until it's not a problem anymore and don't ever run away from it. Edit - When I did that I came out feeling better than ever once I finally cracked and went from bottom to the absolute top when everything suddenly clicked and I realized it was just my stupid selfish ego self loathing and then I staid there for several weeks if not months
  2. There's so many great ones but The Lego Movie and Maleficent are two movies that really stand out for me. The Lego Movie should hopefully be quite obvious though Maleficent might need some explanation but just know that Maleficent and Aurora are both the same people and they are both you and that should give you a pretty good impression if you're able to see the symbolism. Inside Out is also fucking amazing. If we bring in video games I'd say Persona, Kingdom Hearts and Dark Souls
  3. Great thread, my favorite is Theocracy - Mirror of Souls
  4. The idea that we wouldn't be allowed to use certain words to express ourselves is fucking whorseshit and nothing but pure mind control. Forcing the word fuck in there to sound cool or hip and get likes is just the other side of the polarity and is of course just as stupid but if you're afraid of cursing or get mad or whatever when someone else does it you have a problem and not anyone else. It's your mind control setting in telling you how things are suppose to be but if you live through the spirit and understand that you are nothing then there are no silly laws like that.
  5. The best attempt I've seen to create a better system is the Venus project which would take us almost completely out of orange an din to green. Really though what will eventually need to happen is not that a better society is structured but that people somehow wake up to the truth of everything and start living their lives through the spirit, everything else will come naturally. Of course that will be pretty much impossible today but just try to wake up everyone who are ready for it y'know. It would be so fucking cool if everyone who were seeking real enlightenment and truth without following any religion and can humble themselves when their mind control is broken would gather together and build a new society but then the communist would come and tell us that everyone is equal no matter how stupid and ignorant they are so if you don't let everyone in and change your ways we gonna kill ya all bitches!
  6. I've noticed it as well mate and it's not only shown in the most obvious ways with people singing about humbling yourself etc (which is also fucking awesome) but the symbolism is hidden everywhere in plain sight. I made a thread about it named " Symbolism & The Truth of Everything reflected in Everything " and even though I mostly brought up the bible it can be seen everywhere around us in video games, movies and all kinds of art etc etc. Maleficent is a fantastic and incredibly simple example of this when you can see that Aurora and Maleficent are the same person and they are both you, the Lego Movie is another favorite of mine. As for music videos my favorite is by far Katy Perry - Wide Awake, I'd hate to spoil the learning experience but once you can see it you're mind is blown. Here's a playlist with some of my other favorite music videos just in case anyone is interessted:
  7. The body is the vehicle - the car and you have to treat it like it was designed. Leo made a fantastic video on the main differences between males and females, I think you'll find it on his channel if you simply type "male and female" or "masculine and feminine", something like that. As for meditation I truly can't see it as a con in any situation or circumstance.
  8. You can also see this in all kinds of movies etc like I mentioned because the world or holy spirit reveal the truth through creativity (physics like atoms and electricity etc also work the same as human psychology etc). Watch the Lego movie for example, it's so fucking perfect, like there's this one place where they explain how all worlds were divided long ago but they were once one, this story appear in many other places like in Kingdom Hearts but is all about how we used to be different but share in our differences because we built the world out of spirit (call it what you will, mythology is just language) but then we started building the tower of babel out of handmade brick and everyone think themselves higher than everyone else because they follow a certain propaganda which is based in opinion and not self observance and truth etc. Now we are all divided in our egos, in Bioshock Infinite there's a perfect twist to this and how Elizabeth is the holy spirit which can break those boundaries between dimensions. I'm not gonna spoil the end but yes, you are Booker Dewitt and all that that entails if you know what I mean Edit - if I want to link those Adampants videos should I do so in "Self-Help Product & Book Reviews" or the Self Actualized forum?