Keyblade Viking

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Everything posted by Keyblade Viking

  1. I don't usually do this but because you misspelled it twice and "how" actually mean something entirely different, the word you're trying to say is "Who" That said you Also need to focus a lot on yourselves, especially in the beginning, after all, how can you help others if you can't help yourself?
  2. No but I've watched some videos on the topic and it make complete sense to me
  3. "We are all One" 1. 2. (the part with the particle experiment where it show how everything is truly one) 3. At the very core of our being we are all identical, in a way being the same is almost like being one but let's take it one step farther than that, what if we are not just the "Same" in the sense that we're identical but that we all share the exact same core except we can't see it on this 3 dimensional reality. Imagine a Light Orb and there's a bunch of 2d lines going out from it and we're all individual lines but we're all that exact same light orb, aka we're all one. In this example you can imagine that the fourth dimension is time (although I'm not sure if that'd be correct but that doesn't really matter for now) and we're all arriving from the beginning from the same "nothingness" but we think we are different from each other because in this 3d world we can only see the so called "present" and thus we can't see how we are all one on this level unless we bring that "Blast from the Past" in to the future (or vice versa as everything is cycling, waiting to return to source) to light up the world. 4. You contain the entire cosmos within you a thousand times over because the world is holographic (that one should also be explained in the second link)
  4. I wrote this in the "Evil Vs Good" thread:
  5. Mainly focus on the psychological part, it will explain how there is no choice on the matter
  6. lol, it's hilarious
  7. Wise not to be interested in these charts but the symbolism and mythology can help you a lot when you learn from everything around you
  8. Honestly, there's so much to it that it's hard to say where to begin but that's the nature of everything. What planet belong to what "Sephiroth" (the circles) is already written out along with a few other things, if you look up some mythology about those planets and realize that every single thing you read is symbolism and that all the planets are inside of you (As Above So Below) you can start to think your way in to it. When you're done trying to think your way in to it let go of it because it's impossible, walk about your daily life and let the answers come to you; I'll probably come back and explain a bit in a while but not right now as there's so much to say (It's always better when you abstract your own meaning anyway). Actually I gonna create a thread on the topic when I'm ready but if I remember I'll link it here, hopefully I'll spark some discussion
  9. I don't know exactly where you're coming from with that but don't deny half of who you are, there is such a thing as a "you" and "I". I can almost guarantee you that almost if not all the people reading that is gonna misunderstand it even if you're coming from the correct place and they gonna try to deny their ego in a way that's not possible, just let the ego be the student and not the master That's all of you The blue pillar / white pillar (it changes from time to time) is the subconscious side and what make you part of everything else. The middle path is in between.
  10. It's the Tinsel on the Christmas tree It's the two pillars of reality that your life is based on, the red one was the serpent in Eden. The male and the female one have to travel through the seven seals at the back of the Book of Life where everyone's names have been written since the dawn of time until they reach the pineal gland. When you combine them and smash them together for the marriage in the Bridal Chamber - Third Eye the Christ is Born and you are enlightened as the Buddha. Something to that affect, I'm aware I left the Crown chakra out so there's at least some mistake in there lol.
  11. It might be because you let everything out while meditating little by little and then when you start to get good at it everything come over you. This is great, truly awesome, embrace it
  12. @Dhana Choko Damn, I've thought about that before but he take it so much further, fucking awesome
  13. And she buried the seed of the Father deep in our hearts but if we let it grow we can surpass this world!
  14. You need the bad parts
  15. lol, oh well. I think it comes down to 2 main reason: 1 - People don't know how to communicate anymore and instead of talking TO each other they will talk AT each other and on top of that they often feel like they have so many secrets they can't admit to each other or sometimes even to themselves and these can be the silliest things. For example a child might not be allowed to say that they simply don't want to do something or that they're scared or certain things or whatever (social anxiety for example) because they're afraid that their parents will judge them for it and they often times do just say stupid shit like "Get over it" or "You'll have to face it" and then they won't help you at all. So that's one problem. 2 - The other problem I'm not sure if I'm allowed to talk about (lol) but it comes down to 1. respecting who we are, 2. being our best selves and 3. helping each other becoming our best selves. The reason I'm saying I might not be allowed to talk about this is because I want to use the "Being a Man" and "Being a Woman" example. In a relationship the Man has to be the man and the woman has to be the woman and if they both have (and I use this word lightly because there's probably nothing "wrong" about it) a dysfunctional brain so the man have a female brain kinda and so on they can change the role but both roles need to be filled. These days the man in particular is not allowed to be the man and the woman take up both roles, it's not gonna work out, you need to repeat the inside on the outside, the left male brain and the right feminine brain, it's just how it works, it's how we're genetically designed. The woman is not made to be the man and the man is not made to be the woman, feminism have caused such huge problems for both sexes. So we often times don't respect that (probably because of mistake 1 - that we don't communicate anymore) and we teach our kids to be like the world we live in, preventing them from becoming their best selves and causing all kinds of problems and then we don't want to be what we're physically designed to be either. This causes a huge mess.
  16. Just be aware that whatever you do the subconscious never work in negatives, if you "don't" want something you can't use words like Don't, Not, Can't etc because the subconscious will ignore that. In other words "I don't desire a bunch of porn and don't care what people think of me" =will become=> "I Do desire a bunch of porn and I Do care what people think of me". A far better way to go about it if you use repeating terms like that is to say something like "I reject porn and gather my manliness by evolving above that (just improvise lol) and I Stand on my own rising above the opinions of those around me!" It's also important to already be at the finish line, never say "I WILL be good with girls", instead say "I AM Awesome with girls" or whatever you want to accomplish, and the more emotion you put in to it the better. If you can use symbols rather than words or something that tie in to your childhood and is already established in your mind that's even more powerful but I'm not sure if I have any example of that yet, I'm currently trying to learn the same shit
  17. You can use your enemies to humble yourself if you're early on the journey and need to let go of your anger, then you can just be super nice to the dude, if you're instead a pussy who can't stand up for yourself here's your chance, face your fears. Someone enlightened would probably do what Fishy said earlier (unless they're really weak physically lol) That's the spirit!
  18. Yeah, I can be a real sloth when it comes to taking action as well, at least in the outside world but I do do a lot of self work like Leo mentioned in a comment so no one can call me lazy there
  19. This is the "Good" kind of pain I know: The second one might apply to you, you can't rationalize shit so instead start with focusing on everything bad and cry your eyes out a bit. Then when you're able to think clearly think about what kind of future your son would have if the two of you still lived together, would you fight a lot etc, maybe you just did what you had to do with the cards you were given. Now keep on doing that whether you have before or not, be the best mother you can be when he's with you and if the dad is a real ass hole, teach your son how to handle the situation best you know how to. I don't know if it's different in America or where ever you live but I know we have shit social bureaus (or whatever they're called) here in sweden, my Aunt's 4 kids have a horrible dad but they can't "Prove" all the things he've said so apparently it doesn't matter. Also if you get cancer, this mental pain is probably the reason, I feel like I recommend these videos to everyone but listen to all of these as well:
  20. I forgot about the question in the title there, no Love don't hurt until after you've rejected it, it's the lack of love that hurt. Trying to get it back will also hurt because you have to go through all the bullshit you have created for yourself to get there. That video is so fucking awesome, look at poor Mathews face from 9 minutes and onward (or better yet, watch the entire thing), now there's some real fucking humbling Other than that Lust can hurt and it can hurt to see everyone hate themselves and suffer when you know how easily they could just throw all that ego bullshit away, that's true so in a way love can hurt. You can also learn to laugh at it though because you know they will reach the promised land in due time
  21. To copy paste myself from that other thread about unconditional love: (PS. If anyone is curious I can go in to some detail about what Adam and Eve actually represent and their story) "Like and Love is not the same and Love is not what people think it is. Love is Truth and it pretty much have to be unconditional for it to be real, it can only be experienced when you move passed the ego and open up to the full infinity of who you are Now is someone is just straight out "evil" or whatever you'll see the condition they're in and you still love them but unconditional love does not mean (at all) unconditional fluff, anything but in fact. "If you love something set it free" right? you'll want to help in whatever way you can to break down their ego regardless of what people around you think of you for it. If you love your body you will take care of it, exercise (to break the body down), feed it well and rest it (to build it back up even stronger but also healthier), it is the same when you love everyone else, you don't want to go easy on them if you know it ain't gonna do them well in the end, beating someone down can actually be the same as stopping someone from committing suicide as you bring them closer to their true self and real life. A relationship in this case would be something you have with someone you fit well together etc but what you really 'love' above all else is the spirit itself (which in a way is everything lol) and this person that you spend so much time with you would't love any more than anyone else (or it'd be conditional love) but you love yourself enough to be with the one who make you the most happy and fulfilled."
  22. Love is in the middle, it's a synonym for Truth and it's "out of this world", in other words it surpass the dualism and it's not simply about one person "loving" another or having a great crush on them but to just 'be' Love itself. It's not New Age at all (altough it's certainly no fucking Old Age and thank God for that cause the old age suck lol). That's extremely conditional lol, did you not see how many conditions you just wrote down? When you can see past all that in everyone without putting any conditions on them, then it's unconditional
  23. I'm not exactly sure what you mean by Catalyst but if you want to understand what Satan is listen to this guy who I can not recommend enough: And no, Gods way isn't exactly "flawed", it's just the way it is, it's the way the universe work and you also become what you are meaning if you try to control people you will be controlled, if you love people you will be loved, perhaps not by those same people or even anyone outside of yourself but you will become closer to God which is love itself. After watching the first video there is should be obvious why it matter who you follow And for everyone to lazy to do that, he/she doesn't... do it anyway lol, no short cuts or muffin tops here he he
  24. And in this case God is the human and we're the machines so how does God punish us? I see, well that's what we do pretty much 100% of the time already when we always come from our ego instead of following the true direction inside. When we do that we punish ourselves by blocking out the true light and causing more and more suffering for ourselves, God just let us take his role until we return to him because he's no dictator At most he simply put a blind fold on us and that's it.