Vlad Sandu

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About Vlad Sandu

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  • Birthday 02/27/1986

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  1. I have the same problem. Took me years to get over it. She found another guy and moved on. You must do the same. No matter how hard you suffer, just take it as a lesson and try learning about attraction and how women's mind work. You got Leo's videos. Follow it step by step and you are done. There is not a lot of philosophy in this subject. I still suffer from my last break-up, but I understand that I deserve a better girl, as I develop myself. Good luck my friend!
  2. I don't believe it's a myth. I've been friend-zoned many times, and I'm not angry with that. There is nothing wrong being friend-zoned. Many guys just get it wrong. You don't have to hit any girl you meet.
  3. I do relate to this. I actually work myself out to get rid of it. It could be ereditary, or from your parents. I know that I had a lot of problems as a child because of my parents and family issues. My belief is that, this forum and you guys can help one another, moving on!
  4. Yes, you are right. You need a program (schedule) for yourself, that includes 8 hours of sleep. Think about why would you wake up early? What's the reason you wake up early? Does waking up early helps you in a way? Contemplate at it!
  5. Wishing is good, as well as wanting. But what do you want? What do you seek for? All these answers are inside you. For example, I want and I wish my own space, where I can create purposely, anything I want, from Art to Zen
  6. Thank you for the invitation. Great materials awaits all of us. I guess this forum is good for those with imagination. Use it well!