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Everything posted by wavydude

  1. The latter. So you have little to non understanding of them and you think you understand deeply. You sound like 12yo who saw porn video and now brags to his friends that he know what sex is. No, he doesn't know, he needs to have the experience to know and after that there is so so much more to explore. You talk like you know it all but you haven't even try. You stand at the feet of the mountain and you tell people what kind of view you have from the top. That's deep ignorance.
  2. Tell me what else is there other than direct experience ? What thing did you deeply understood with something else then direct experience ? I'm curious.
  3. Ye he would have easy time unless you put programing into his mind that such thing as enlightement exist and he have to achieve it which is nonsense.
  4. No, no person can ever become enlightened. Enlightenment is seeing through the person.
  5. @Keyhole Nice, it's more like you can feel vibe of the tree and it can feel you rather than conversation. Did you have these experiences sober ? I wonder if that's possible.
  6. That actually made me think, interesting. @Keyhole I spoke to a tree on shrooms, it was very wise.
  7. It's not like they grow beards, the beard grows by itself they don't need to do anything. Better question is why do you cut yours ?
  8. For sure, also when you're in very negative headspace you're basically drawn to negative action.
  9. @Leightonm Sorry, I misunderstood your question. In that case I think it would be possible to think your self into for example heart attack also negative beliefs can lead to all sort of illnesses like cancer brain tumor which will kill you over time. I heard of cases where someone's loved one died and then the spouse dies from heart attack/loneliness, I'm sure it's not that uncommon.
  10. Of course it can, It's called depression with suicidal thoughts.
  11. There are infinite things to learn and experience. There is one Self.
  12. From my understanding enlightement has nothing do with the person ( your character ), it's realization that you are not the character. That said it doesn't change the fact that character still have to eat, sleep, have desires etc.
  13. American culture requires a lot of tolerance to bullshit and fakness. It's perfectly logical that lot of Americans are bunch of snowflakes that love to make up ridiculous problems like cultural appropriation, toxic masculinity etc. When you can't complain about the real issue that's bottering you, your subconscious still have to find an outlet for that.
  14. Very cool, thanks for sharing.
  15. Enlightened people are constantly entertained by the present moment Depends on what type of entertainment you are talking about. When a person is fully being themself and expressing in the moment that can be entertaining for them and others and that's quite beautiful, like seeing life happen in front of your eyes. When you become an entertainer you try to create an illusion of something real to amuse someone which can be flashy but ultimately fake. That's why most of mainstream entertainment has little to no value at all. For example often when child play or do something random adult will notice that and tell them to repeat for their amusement or to show off to their friends but that's just trying to repeat unique moment that will never happen again and polluting child's innocence.
  16. @Robert Leavitt That sounds very interesting man congrats on your work. Did you try to stop all the thoughts or only the negative ones that create separation ? For example often I have thoughts of me commenting on what I'm doing or trying to figure out what to do, these are not negative per se but they seem like unnecessary layer of thinking over reality.
  17. @Robert Leavitt Can you tell more about this "thought stopping procces" and how you worked to silence the thoughts ?
  18. Passive gay feeling what does it even mean, this therapist sounds kinda...gay If you have gay feelings whatever that means it's fine don't judge yourself for that. It's not like you are going to become gay against your will, the whole point of exploring your feeling is that life becomes more authentic and effortless. If you are afraid your family will judge you it's only more suffering that you creating for yourself. If they are going to judge or reject you it's only due to their unconsciousness and if you fear that you're buying into this. Your upbringing is probably the reason you have these repressed feelings in the first place. If they are religious you can tell them you are their son and you are created by God so if they reject you it's like they rejecting themselves and God's will that will make them think
  19. One day you are going to die anyway so you basically got two choices : 1. You can just live your life and enjoy it while it last. 2. You can ponder on that question which according to some wise people for example Ramana Maharishi leads to death before death aka disidentification with false self aka the ultimate freedom. So whatever you feel like do that or maybe you can go for both
  20. Usually anger arise because you cared about something deeply and wasn't heard, didn't express that. You can ask yourself some questions like: What was the thing I cared and was denied? What can I do about it ? In what other ways can I express this passion ?
  21. I had this thought that the most unspiritual thing you can do is get into spirituality and I think there's a lot of truth to it.
  22. I wonder how many total awakenings Leo is gonna have before he realize he should probably chill with the DMT.
  23. Well I don't think I have experienced the mystical that you speaking of so I wouldn't know about that but orgasms every night can be draining.
  24. what's the difference between spiritual experience and regular experience ?