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About Inspir8tion

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  1. Hello Everyone, I recently got a new job in sales, but for the past month I've been unsure if I made the right decision. Yes it pays the bills, but I'm missing that fulfillment feeling. http:// I would like to share an article about a women who went from job to job seeking fulfillment and found it where she least expected it. After reading this I feel a lot better and know this is a stepping stone to the path, in which I belong on.
  2. Hi everyone I was just reading this article about how Shaun Livingston discovered his life purpose, after a lot trials and tribulations. I've learned sometimes you go through hard times or may not know exactly what your purpose is. But you do have a purpose and you must share your story.
  3. @Reality Think about what you really want to do. See if you can find a job or internship doing that. Learn and save money, then maybe branch out and do your own business.
  4. @LoveLotus30 Thank you for opening up and sharing your situation. A lot us go through this whole process of stressing about life purpose or feeling like by a certain age we should have completed all of the above. I think that is our main problem, instead of enjoying our journey, we are focused on the finish line. Have you ever thought you're going through this situation , because someone needs to hear your story? You're not pathetic , you are aware that you have a purpose, its just not crystal clear to you yet.
  5. I really like this topic. I feel the older we get, the more we need to stay intuned with our inner child.
  6. Maybe this is telling you to create a new lane for yourself. If it is something you love and gives you purpose, you will find a way to do it.
  7. Great video and very helpful tips. I really like tip 3, feeding the mind knowledge is so important.