Adam M

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Everything posted by Adam M

  1. Hey! Reading your situation was like looking into a mirror! I am 19 and have sure had my fair share of dinner-table arguments about silly stuff like politics and university. My parents are fairly young and liberal leaning, but their level of development is mostly ORANGE/green. This is a good opportunity for you to explore one of the chief challenges of being a stage-green individual in an orange society. That is, the belief that every single person is ready to move up to stage green and that you are a superior thinker and more empathetic human in general. In a way, this perspective is partially true, which is why it's so difficult to reconcile. As I have been moving more and more towards Yellow, I am a lot less emotionally triggered by the myopia and unexamined positions that are put-forth by my parents and by others in society. The best thing you can do in this situation is to expose yourself consciously to your own reactions to their stage-orange ideology. You are not ready yet to begin to try and "change" the thinking of another. Most people do not want to hear new ideas, especially if they are more nuanced and subtle than the beliefs they already hold. Basically, use this experience as fuel for examining your own egoism (devilry) in action! Try not to project onto others even though they will surely be projecting onto you. Cheers!
  2. Book recommendation: Models by Mark Manson, this book is very comprehensive and is probably the best and most honest dating advice I've ever read.
  3. Don't do Datura. Read the teachings of don juan by Carlos Castaneda if you are interested in learning about how crazy this shit is.
  4. @Shqipe Yes. Maybe not as a replacement for an hour long sit though.
  5. @Zak you control your environment buddy. It is natural for there to be TONS of personal resistance that you will have to work through when doing self actualization work. Some days you will feel like buddha and other days u will want to lie in bed and jack off and watch minecraft let's plays. You friends are unconscious? Choose new ones. Your family? Deal with it. Your environment will not support your journey. It's your job to deal with that. There's a lot more of Actualized videos that you clearly need more work implementing. - how to stop being a victim - build your infrastructure - setting proper expectations ^ and many many many more. 8 months is nothing. Get your theory straight and build a realistic long-term vision.
  6. This model has saved me from mechanical Vipassana practice. Very simple and important. Checkiut more of Daniel Ingrams podcast for more resources like this one. Rough notes from myself: Deconstructing sensory experience model Model for the stages of Vipassana deconstruction (Michael taft) Stages: 1. Thinking about the object. Conceptual. Thinking about the object, barely any sensory clarity of the object itself, most of the encounter is narrative and conceptual "I'm focusing on the breath. This is me focusing on breath." The mind conceptualizes experience for the purpose of efficiency. How to get to stage 2: get into sensory detail 2. Phenomenological object Awareness of object as phenomena, not an object. Much more detail. Trying to see as clearly as possible. Slow process...slowly gets clearer and clearer. Notice the "texure" of the breath. Take this to the highest level possible. Requires training. Notice finer and finer details. 3. Object flow. Awareness of object as process. "Flowy, wavy," objects appears as field of activity instead of static object. Things are verbs. Example: knee pain transforming into an enjoyable field of vibration "massage" Dark night of the soul: positive feelings and sense of self beginning to dissolve Solution: let go of that shit Next step: focus on emptiness 4. Nondual, only awareness 5. Cessation, awareness disappears and then reappears, this process (when clear) produces insight into nature of mind and world.
  7. I like this guy! Let me know what you think. His website: I don't know too much about this guy as of yet but he seems to be fairly spirally developed compared to the other candidates. I don't think that he will get in, I think that Trudeau will be re-elected because Canadians are extremely comfortable and lazy when it comes to understanding and caring about politics.
  8. Above I have left the questions that I am most interested in hearing your perspective about...bolding the ones I am most interested in I'm diving into the world of business and am very overwhelmed. Another question: How do I build a serious work ethic? How to stop avoiding tedious or laborious work when starting a business? Thanks I like your vlog style videos. I enjoy listening to you ramble because my thinking style tends to be very rambly as well (ENTP). I always learn a lot from your thinking style. Edit: Many of us, including myself can get stuck very low on maslow's heirarchy without solving these basic financial needs.
  9. Life Purpose! ( consciously create a meaning) 2 ways to look at life: 1. Life is meaningless.. 2. Life is meaningless!! Life is meaningless because meaning is a human construction. What is even more fulfilling is to understand how and why meaning is created.
  10. Meditation is the practice of steadying your attention on the present moment. Of course, one can be mindful while cooking, walking, driving, etc. However, it is extremely important for beginners to understand that being mindful throughout the day is NOT an adequate replacement for traditional sitting meditation practice. A very good way which I have learned to integrate mindfulness into my every day affairs is by going on Vipassana retreats. There, I do walking and sitting meditation. When I am not meditating (eating or using the bathroom) I am maintaining the practice of mindful labeling. So, as a beginner. It is important that you do formal meditation practice daily. Do not confuse focusing while you're reading or cooking as being an adequate replacement. I have a video called "How Meditation Works" with much more details and examples if you are interested.
  11. @Consilience This is my channel! I don't know if I'm even allowed to share this. It's a work in progress...I would like to clarify the vision and marketing.
  12. Overview Today I went to a beautiful forest area near my house with the intention of having a personal vision quest with mushrooms (4g dried). During this trip I had extremely profound insights about all of reality and consciousness, myself and my purpose and vision for the world, and I also lived through thousands of lifetimes. What was on my mind before the trip? Conversations with God Book 2 (specifically the parts about educating the youth in enlightened societies) Cook-Greuter ego development theory My own life purpose, programming my subconscious mind, and creating a conscious vision for the world Intention The intention of this trip was to clarify my VISION for my life purpose and for the world. To get a clear sense of what I am here to do in this lifetime. I consulted the cards ... they seemed to agree and so did my psychic good signs all around... It Begins I packed my bag, biked to the forest, and ate the 4g of mushrooms on a picnic bench while clarifying my intention. At this point I have not eaten at all except for some ceremonial Cacao drink from cacao parties in Toronto...Cacao doesn't have any psychoactive properties but it definitely can open the heart a lot. Its also super nutritious. I also had some lemon water. Then I went to go find "my spot" On the way to my spot I randomly ran into one of my best friends who I've done numerous meditation retreats with and had seen the previous night...he was also riding his bike... we talked and hung out a little bit and I just told him that I wanted to be alone while I was peaking. He understood and left me alone. I found my spot, sat and stayed present while waiting for the shrooms to come on. I experienced: energy welling up in my stomach area my body swaying from side to side slightly a feeling of yummy pleasure throughout my whole body (subtle but relaxing) more clarity of vision more attention to detail of the present excitement Peak So I was working through all of the energy that was welling up in my body by being calm and acceptive and conscious while also maintaining a cross-legged position. It got to the point where I naturally began to hyperventilate as my entire body started tingling and I was fully engulfed in wave after wave of intense vibration. I tried to keep my body open and full. I kept breathing consciously and fully experiencing every second without resistance. I was fully engulfed in this energy for probably a couple of minutes and then the energy started moving through my body and thoughts with less intensity. Thought Ideas Over the next 3 hours I was just sitting or kneeling in a child's pose in my spot and talking to myself and sometimes recording amazing insights (roughly listed below) So let's be honest...I'm not going to be able to explain every detail of what the hell was happening to my consciousness. But let's just say I was tapping into Stage Turquoise with a lot of my ideas and direct-consciousnesses. a profound ability to put myself into another's shoes and live an entire lifetime a feeling of total omniscience and understanding...feeling like I am the Buddha who sat under the Bodhi tree and lived a thousand lifetimes. heightened compassion and understanding for all of reality and being fully accepting of beings with less integrated consciousness ability to recognise how I am consciously (or unconsciously) creating my self in every moment. Reality is as I will it. I am the fucking Buddha I AM THE ONE! I AM THE ONE! I AM THE ONE! I AM THE ONE! Nobody else...just Me. understanding the beautiful interplay of masculine (sameness) and feminine (difference) yin yang Masculine want to resolve all problems with sameness (death) Feminine wants to create all problems with duality (life) Masculine is about the grand vision of reality...Feminine is about every detail every moment. Both are necessary and both are one. thinking about how to create systems of education for helping moving people up the spiral stages Being consciousness has to do with integrating intuition with every detail of life...and learning how to enjoy and learn from the duality and relativity with awareness ad mindfulness tons and tons and tons of gratitude for myself, my parents, my body, Leo and the sages of old and new I am a sage. Appreciating and loving the body...thanking my legs for carrying me appreciation for the infinitely intelligent and complex design of life we are making reality in every instance everything is perfect my job is to share these ideas and this consciousness through my YouTube help people reach Being consciousness so that they can enjoy every detail of creation...and participate consciously in the Well-Being for all I also had a very liberating realisation that this girl (psychic) who I've been talking to for a while has been sending me signal that she feels like I'm her soulmate or whatever... basically saying that she "chooses" me. And that was very liberating and made me feel good. It was like I could read and understand our entire relationship. Omniscience is so powerful and humble at the same time...also so understanding and compassionate. At one point this really sketchy old lady that I swear was a witch came around me with her dogs and was like stumbling through the bushes and was soooooooo fucking awkward...I was super high too LOL it was an extremely weird encounter. I felt like she would have cast some serious spells on me if I let her into my bubble. Finishing and Integrating I marvelled in my own beauty as I looked back upon the spot where I was sitting. It was like the Bodhi tree that the Buddha sat under. In this spot, one thousand lifetimes have been lived. I felt like I was fully blown I got to the root of existence (which I know I haven't) and the only thing left to do is create and have fun and integrate everything. When I got home I had a very important and open talk with my Dad about my experience. He was angry and fearful at first but I sat with him and hugged him and was super open and honest and compassionate. This was so healing and amazing. I also had good talks with my younger brother and sister...just being understanding and listening and learning from their perspectives and giving them the gift of my attention and appreciation that I feel like I have been lacking. Overall...I'm not going to say that I'm enlightened or whatever...but I definitely had a serious awakening experience and I am excited to integrate it into my life and see how far this new vision will take me and the world. Thanks for reading You can ask me specific questions about the nature of my experience or any ideas that you found particularly intriguing and would like a more clear explanation. U can see the aftermath of my spot after about 3 hours of tripping. Many lifetimes were lived in this spot.
  13. @Paulus Amadeus thanks to my parents for solving my basic needs, and for giving me the tools to move up into the higher needs. Also, my mind has always been extremely flexible and able to grasp complex topics easily. I am very lucky to be alive.
  14. yeah do it. smoking is fine... your lungs can heal themselves (as long as its not being done every day) Definitely do it in a safe environment (where u are free from life responsibilities) and have a friend around with which you can share the experience with... I don't know how sensitive you are...but a couple puffs of a small joint will be sufficient. However a small dose of edibles might be cool too (but smoking is nice) Watch a nature documentary or play some music...weed has this amazing quality to make everything so much more interesting and profound. Just don't make it a habit dude. I smoked weed almost every day for a few years...its disgusting when done too frequently
  15. @Leo Gura Leo is very right about the mushrooms. Also I think it's tragic that his wife has cancer and that he's dealing with these issues... Also, I love how ironic it is to see a man who knows so much about psychology know so little about personal psychology.
  16. Also! Thanks to Leo for all the videos. Without the videos I wouldn't have gotten here. I appreciate your work and hope to use your videos to help supplement my own content. I see that you are laying a serious foundation for the mass education of all of humanity with great detail and nuance. Definitely an astounding body of work, most of which is yet to come. Also I don't know if anyone will find this perspective useful...but my Sun and Moon sign are both Pisces and my Ascendant is Gemini... The Pisces energy has this crazy ability to intuitively understand different perspectives. Being the last sign in the cycle, the Pisces has already "lived through" all of the lifetimes and has great ability to jump into other people's shoes. Also, the Pisces craves mystical union and oneness all the time...this is sometimes manifested in unhealthy addictions and overindulgence. Idk much about astrology tbh..but I'm just sharing ideas...
  17. Just asking the question "Is stage yellow emerging" can be seen as evidence of stage yellow thinking. Just by watching, you have been exposed to systemic thinking that you can access at certain times. Just know, stage yellow is deep and also broad...dipping your toes in stage yellow is wildly different than fully embodying stage yellow values
  18. @CreamCat It's not like Leo posts every paper in the world on his blog. Obviously I'm not trying to convince you to read something that you're not interested in. However I hope that you can see the value and importance of understanding the content of the paper. We are learning about how everyone thinks, why they think the way they do, and how to facilitate their movement to higher stages of thinking. It's important ! If you're interested enough to find a summary of the paper, you might as well just read it.
  19. @tsuki Love of maintaining your current ego-structure. And love of being ignorant It is love! Just a contracted form of it. Love of the self!
  20. So... I've been having some insights recently while reading the Cook-Greuter 9 stages of ego development. I like to think a lot about why some people have a tough time grappling with these complex ideas that are shared about consciousness and expanding perspectives. I believed that some people don't have the necessary 'hardware' in their brain that allows them to move up spiral stages. This idea that some people are 'too stupid' to grasp higher consciousness ways of thinking like systemic and integral thinking in stage Yellow and beyond. But recently I've been intuiting that the primary problem of course is a lack of consciousness and access to higher-elevation perspectives. So my question is... are people bottlenecked in their ego-development by their mental "hardware" OR if we took someone who has a healthy brain and guided them up the ego development stages ... their entire meaning making system would be rewired as a result of expanded awareness. I realize my question has hints of the materialism and the belief that the cognitive functions of a person can be bottlenecked by their brain . Basically, if we took a normal person (like my mom) who has trouble grasping these complex topics, (like spiral dynamics and nonduality and such...) and gradually facilitated her movement up the spiral stages... in 10 years, she would be able to understand spiral dynamics and nonduality and stuff. I'm just trying to see if this belief that human growth is bottlenecked by their "brain type" or something is a valid belief in the case of a person who does not have any specific mental challenges (like autism). It seems like people with contracted sense of self appear more stupid and less nuanced in their thinking? Can an adult be brought from an earlier stage to a later stage? I guess it all depends on the person... Thoughts?
  21. @CreamCat the paper itself is already a summary of the model. The detail and nuance is what makes the model so useful. The more you simplify then the less useful it is. The goal here is depth of understanding. I'm currently more than halfway through the paper and I'm finding myself having to take frequent breaks because almost every sentence is completely mind-blowing. Simplifying any further seems useless.
  22. This video triggeeerrrrrs me LOL. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh I'm so scared and angry and sad... When he takes Leo's words and cuts it all up to make it seem like meditation is bad I cringe super hard.