Hugo Oliveira

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Everything posted by Hugo Oliveira

  1. Thank you guys for all the answers. @hamedsf Could you explain your position better?
  2. Sorry for this up. UP!
  3. I know I'm being a bit egoistic for put this topic on top again. Would really like to know your thoughts about it. Now I'll be very egoistic and tag @Leo Gura. Hope it doesn't border you too much. Thanks a lot.
  4. Some years ago I had a really bad psychedelic experience. It was full of paranoid confusion while I felt all the doors of my unconscious opened. Sometimes I feel like some bad thing from the experience had penetrated me. Since then I've been struggling with hard emotional and psychological pain and a strong feeling of misunderstanding reality. After it, I felt in many other experiences with psychedelics an intense magnetic force pulling me into a terrible state of mind with looks to have the power to destroy my sanity and my life. Now I wonder if the only way to get there and heal this trauma is via shamanism. Or should I run away from it and make my path using different and safer spiritual practices. This doubt is consuming myself for some time. Please, let me know your thoughts. Thank you.
  5. Thank you for all advice. My worry is the possible necessity to "go there" to fix the trauma. And the only way I know for fast deep consciousness exploring is via psychedelics. Once it can make me bad I feel really divided. Totally agreed with you all about the necessity of building a foundation. Very grateful.
  6. @ajasatya Could you be more specific about this recognition of the illusory nature of your self-image? Would it be like "perceive myself as consciousness"? Or "Realize the true nature of being"?
  7. Yes, for sure. There were many videos talking about meditation as well, I think he stopped the work with PUA to dedicate himself more into spirituality.
  8. Looks he delete his channel on Youtube. Really good content. Many stuff connecting sexuality + spirituality. Does anyone who download his videos could help?
  9. Just finished a training about tantric therapy and would like to share some thoughts with you. I got into it intending to observe the results over my sexuality, energy, psychology, and spirituality. It took 4 weekends and I practiced active vibrational meditation and learned about the massage. The point is that even after finishing, I still skeptical about the real benefits of the method. In Yoni Massage for women, we use a vibrator and they have really powerful orgasms. People get in touch with emotional content and there is a possible trauma release. Non-ordinary states of consciousness sometimes are experienced as well. For men, similar stuff happened in lower intensity. For myself, I could see nothing more than someone playing with my penis while I listened to evocative music and I had normal orgasms. Why am I skeptical? Well, all the other students seemed not to have any skepticism at all. They were all very involved and even passionate about the idea of learning the message and get the capacity of provoking orgasms in their patients. The teachers talked a lot about how much money we can make with it. occasionally, terms like "oceanic experience", "superconsciousness" are mentioned. But I'm not sure if someone was capable of experiencing these states truly. Well, my doubt now is if I should persist in receive this massage from a more experienced therapist and try to get some result or just throw all this stuff away. Does anyone have any near experiences? Thank you for reading!
  10. Hey everybody, I was in doubt about which forum or topic choose to post this question and now I think this is the best one. After few and short but intense experiences of "perceiving reality without a veil", "perceiving myself as consciousness", "no mind experiences", I sometimes wonder if this experiences affected my acceptation of ordinary life. Sometimes I feel that enlightenment were extremely necessary, otherwise, nothing will make sense. Everything is conceived based on conditioning so I can't see the truth anywhere. I'ts possible making me lost interest in almost everything. Did someone pass for something similar? Any advice to deal with it? thank you
  11. Hello everyone! I know this is a very vast subjet that includes a lot of experiences and concepts. So I intend to be very specific about what exactly I want to relate. After the amazing diving LSD proportionates, about 10 hours after the high state, I saw the line that separates the egoic common experience than the "enlightened" experience. At this moment I wasn't feeling the "efects" of the substance anymore. But suddenly the peace was gone! OHH NO! I concentrate for a while and like a clap, AHA! Here I am again. The sensation is perfectly like the spiritual masters discribes. I felt myself as an intense presence, a presence who observes everything. While this presence can perceives itself, everything becomes clear. There is no doubt, no alienation. But I losed it again! And find again, losed again and find again. This "enlightened" state, in the moment, doen't looks bizare, it looks the most commom thing in the world, but at the same time, makes a total difference in the way you realize life. I'd like to know if someone lived something next to it and if used some tool to keep in the presence. I'm curious becouse this "hide and seek" happened twice. And in the moment looks very, very easy to get there! Thank you