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Everything posted by Amit

  1. When you invest too much emotionally into someone else, you suffer when that person is gone from your life. because you expect them to be like how they were with you, but truly they were with me in that way when they didn’t know all my ugly parts and they could only see what they wanted to see, The truth is they didn’t ever love me they loved their idea of me, and as soon as their idea of me got destroyed their love evaporated a new path is not always inferior giving myself some time is the whole trick is all about now I don’t have restrictions on myself that I already had it’s good to come out from such a bond.
  2. @Galyna is also communicating a truth, a truth beyond all concepts but it’s reframed as a concept itself. Now there can be truths of the Maya as well, communication happens in Maya itself. Concept of self annihilation can’t be justified in the human language, language is antithetical to this concept, therefore there is no point to have this discussion.
  3. The only how is to be way more sincere than you are
  4. Nothing implies absolute ceasing of mind, it doesn't happen for a reason, it is the ultimate dissolution. You are too hinged on language, your only chance is to stop intellectualisation to understand what is being said directly. Drop all the concepts, unlearn everything, don't be fixated at the pointer but the direction that is being pointed to, the path has to be walked.
  5. I am pretty sure there is no assumptions as well while dreaming, assuming is a function of mind, The watcher of the dream doesn't exists.
  6. Rephrasing you to nothing will be very funny. - Nothing is a collection of thoughts?
  7. There is this question which always bothers me, I seem to like women more than a normal person would do, definitely scarcity principle is on work, but apart from them I also end up overthinking. The spiritual states of higher consciousness makes it even more painful. Seems like my heart is trying to speak to me through suffering, suffering is definitely the greatest teacher. I really have to go through this for what I want. if it was easy to come by, then there will be millions in the line. There are so few people here and that tells a lot about how difficult this path is. people come here, the vent and then they provide some opinions on some current affair. Some people are looking for even dates, all of them are here to get either this or that. why am I here? am I here to find a sex chatter ? Maybe that’s what I needed so badly when I used to be here previously but after so many years of gap from the forum. I truly am not looking for sex or anything else. It’s more about the exploration deep within. When you are on a forum, it’s almost always because you want to share with a community, it might or might not be seeking for advice, but it definitely is about sharing experiences. also I am looking for some attention as well, I have been in pain for a lot of time and writing is a great tool for me to talk to myself and explore it from within. so Am I looking for a woman? no, but definitely she will help me in my inner journey. am I looking for attention? yes, I want people to know about my experiences and connect with me in a genuine way. So that I see myself in their reflection, it’s not necessary but definitely something I would appreciate.
  8. What makes sex such a taboo What’s wrong about sex how much time will humans take to understand and openly discuss their sexuality I don’t think it can happen soon it will take thousand of years to reach to this point human ego keeps us so ignorant it doesn’t let us talk about such an important topic this kind of topic is feared because of what it triggers it triggers jealousy, fear and literally a psychosis response and human doesn’t understand this enough to have a healthy conversation about a thing that you can not talk about will always haunt you down the road no matter how deep your meditation ever was
  9. Something has to go away from your life To new beginnings to start A tree has its time When it becomes a poison tree Whose thorns have hurt you already Destroy its root from your earth completely Then there will be new possibilities A new beginning Fear not of having wasted time To having been expected sweet fruits Because this wisdom is hard to come by Just completely remove this tree And let the ground be ready for A new sapling, a new beginning A new faith, a new love Time to create a new universe And destroy the old one
  10. Immense suffering that I feel What does it say to me It points me to a direction It punishes me for kind of thoughts I have And still I want to have such thoughts Definitely it’s a lack of self love But heart feels it and mind can’t stop it It’s addictive, for both mind and heart But heart suffers so you need to stop this You need to stop your mind To go somewhere where it will only get suffering And that’s almost everywhere Because Mind carries it’s subject everywhere Nothing will help only A genuine give up and let go of the subject However dear it is to your mind Let her go And inner peace follows
  11. @Ajax totally feel you man, going through a similar experience in my life but I have felt worst in life. Trying to impress woman and grab on to her is an impossible task. As a man you need to talk to your heart and love yourself more in this kind of phase. It’s time to work on yourself, it doesn’t matter if you still love her or not, you still have to do whatever it takes to attract another women in your life, because women doesn’t care about anything more that how you make them feel. it’s all hearts and that’s why they can leave you just like that and trying to hold on is a mistake. Give her freedom and that will give you space from her and she will also feel better. never make someone so important in your life who have failed you again and again, it’s a huge risk for your self, you need to move on..
  12. Why am I writing this journal at all? Do I want to attract some attention? Since this is the only such kind of forum, I know and are familiar with. I want my most intimate feelings to be hidden from people around me, because I know they do not have any chance to understand. Societal conditioning is so lethal to a human mind, it leaves them crippled.. they become completely unable to understand something which is from a different paradigm. They think that there paradigm is only true paradigm, they might not think it consciously but all their beliefs hinges on it. And when a new or different paradigm is introduced, they lose their mind because they have believed untruth their whole life and now it hurts them. So there is no point to teach to others, or tell it to someone who doesn't truly want it. On this forum on other hand people want to understand each other and themselves, and mostly people that remains seems more sincere. The attention of this community can definitely make my conversations with myself more interesting and at least can serve as a feedback mechanism from a more conscious circle than I would usually get. When I write in solitude, it still works, I can still express but there is a important difference of audience. writing to only oneself is being in your shell, it does not challenge you as much, although it can.. but for me it doesn't, when you get some feedback on your post, it works like a positive stimulus, and constantly keeps you alert, and this is exactly I want. anyway there are always some influences, as I am not living in a cave alone.. It's good to have an influence of this forum, because it have been authentic, sincere and awesome for me most of the times.
  13. @Leo Gura As a self help guru and as an inspiration for the teachings etc you have made an impact for sure. But I would like to bring your attention to the forum becoming a huge distraction for sincere seekers instead of a support. also I don’t like the fact that it’s a huge deal to remove your account and data, once you have joined the community, I have messaged @Leo Gura to remove my account for a week and he seems to avoid it without any response at all. do you think it’s okay to make people feel like they are trapped once they are in, just because you want to increase your business numbers ? I think Leo doesn’t have understanding of what he preaches, he doesn’t care about personal freedom of choice of others.
  14. It was a long post to go through covering different aspects to sex, absolutely deep and profound, kudos @Galyna Sex is not just bodies at play, it’s also an exploration for the mind to the direction of extreme pleasure when mind seeks asylum in the polar opposite in its duality, the physical sensations and emotions are the first thing that meets the eye of an ordinary lusty mind. For the advanced, sex is the whole of infinity what one calls god and other calls nothingness when Masculine hacks and penetrates the feminine essence of absolute beauty and brings her to bloom with ecstasy and shows her the absolute lucidity of truth. it is a transformation for those who understand spirituality and can source connect, the sex is about consciousness and the absolute intelligence manifesting itself to bring creation. God planting itself in the nature of duality creating absolute burst of divine potent energy and unlimited joy. Sex = Source of universe
  15. Consciousness You're wrong, that's what your confusion all about and it's your ego resisting truth right here
  16. "I am eleven miles away to the window of paradise." Not really "Illusory purpose will create the being on its own" As a being, it's your responsibility to create it and though absolutely it might be illusion but create it consciously. We live in the relative world, conscious purpose will help to create a beautiful dream, that's what God choose us for, to dream up more loving, more conscious world.
  17. You know how to do everything you knew before, making choice depends on your aim... And aim/purpose is just construction, so construct a purpose and then making choices will be simple
  18. Ambiguity nd confusion ... Well bc it's a new paradigm.. find out what the fears & confusion about, write down the thoughts that comes, now try to discover the truth behind your core beliefs, are they able to explain the experience you're having, mostly not, then adopt the better models in whatever confusion you have...
  19. Rightly said, It's never about what you think, but what is. Not letting your inner chattering stops you from doing what it takes is the real work
  20. Red pill is bullshit, patriarchy is bullshit, feminism is bullshit, socialism is bullshit, capitalism is bullshit... Any philosophy or ideology which tries to contain the infinity into finity is bullshit... As we're talking red pill, it has its purpose just like porn has its own purpose, killing someone for food has a purpose. Red pill excludes feminine and sees the world from a shallow, lusty lens, but it's a state of consciousness... Untill it manifests as a crime or something like that, we've to trust the process of evolution in the red pillers and give them chances.. Lastly this quote summarise the whole red pill cult, now only the men who had no chance and completely ignorant about woman will fall for it, and what will cure him is feeling of love and experience of sex, not ranting against this ideology. "A woman is a lock and a man is a key. If a key opens a lot of locks, it is a master key. But if one lock is opened by lots of keys, it is a dodgy lock." - reddit/redpill