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Everything posted by Amit

  1. @ajasatya thanks, actually I want to learn more about frequencies of reality. Can you tell me some good resource, will be grateful to you. @Ilya thanks, but I also wanted to know " can we become so aware that our awareness doesn't identify with thoughts? "
  2. language can't answer your question. It can only point you toward it. Now reality is that you are reading these words by applying awareness , so these words are made of that substance which is the only thing present, making the reality.
  3. can awareness exist without the body and the mind? Please help someone, I am very confused. Because if yes, then how? and why it is not found, floating in space without body?
  4. @Joseph Maynor Any conceptual sense of self aka role seeing yourself this way or that way, whether positive or negative is Ego. behind every positive self concept is the hidden fear of not being good enough. Behind every negative self concept is its desire of being greatest or better than others. Behind the confident ego's feeling of and continuing need for superiority is the unconscious fear of inferiority. Conversely, the shy, inadequate ego that feels inferior has a strong desire for superiority. That's why its important to drop the ego (false you) and to identify with true you(awareness) which is formless consciousness.
  5. in last 10 days, there are strange events are happening around my locality. Around 15 woman's hairs have got cut by someone while they are in sleeping, walking or perfectly waking states. Daily new events of such kinds are happening and people are very frightened as they have no idea what's happening. the most stories are like someone cut their hairs in their dreams and then when they wake up they find there long hairs are cut short. two story are of perfectly waking state when only the wind came and their hairs are down to earth. watching Leo's video about paranormal and infinities also, I can say that there is someone doing tantra. Does anyone have any idea about it?
  6. @Prabhaker but all these are speculations and the consistency and spread of events is indicating that this is not the case. Or maybe their are some tantriks who are super conscious and can detect person with week consciousness and then attack them with proper planning. It is a big feat that they don't get detected and can even cut hairs of wake person and remain invisible.
  7. maybe police can't understand what is happening and that's why they just blamed women themselves ?.
  8. @Prabhaker I am talking about recent news from my district Bharatpur, and these news with photos are published in a well reputed newspaper "Rajasthan Patrika" and these are coming daily. Police is investigating it and women are in hospital. I don't think they are cutting their own hairs. In some cases there were people present while this happened.