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Everything posted by Amit

  1. @Preety_India true, there have been wars for that.
  2. @Preety_India agree might have a seemingly good big picture view, but there is a whole lot to know when you zoom in and make a comprehensive rich view.
  3. you have to fake it if you want your dick wet, otherwise it's just needy attraction.
  4. why this repeats every time in my relationships
  5. How shallow you can be, huh, unbelievable. Growth, what you want to grow to, there is nothing like that. These are just thoughts, relativistic maya, absolutely there is no difference, there is no growth. Absolutely we do what we're supposed to, changing the world, are you kidding me, noo really. Well... you can't change the world, though it might seem like you are. But there is still no change, you are illusory, world changes itself, you don't matter.
  6. Wow, nice documentaries thanks for sharing, how wonderful, we can experience far African land and people from a distance. Are you going to compile all the artifacts found in there. Is it so interesting for you?
  7. @Preety_India wrote it after someone played with me, while I put my heart out for her, at that moment, I just wanted to write whatever was coming to the mind. But in retrospect too, It's okay, because I was not aligned at that moment, and looking for happiness in her, it was ego's desire, at that beautiful moment, I was having a conversation with god. I really want to transcend relationship and other lower needs, and was constantly thinking about fulfilling it, I notice it's just a vicious loop, So after each meeting with God, my neurotic tendencies decrease. Thanks, what you're saying is wise, But I constantly keep forgetting it. It's a pattern for me, but it's losing its intensity. In the last 3-4 months, I have recovered from some heavy gross addictions with the help of higher learnings. Only issue is I'm not being at my full potential, because of my needy patterns, which I am working on, and hope to finally break free. Also, I'm thinking to start searching for someone compatible to marry and make it fully stable, so I can merge in the work.
  8. You're a quite an explorer traveller, you will understand better by going on field and meeting beings, people and animals alike of these places. Anyway a good start in that direction?
  9. I am tired of this, I want to die, can't take it anymore, Deception, lies, manipulation all they know, God If you're really in me, give me the power to rise above all this, Rise above this cycle, I'm really so tired of all this, And it seems to go nowhere, I just want to die to pure bliss, Give me that, my Lord, I am tired and fed up of the chimpery, Please I want to give you my life completely, It's not worth living seems like, better if you just kill me at birth, I don't want to live it's so ugly, Disgusting, can't take anymore, Give me the forever peace, make me desireless, Please God, take my fears away, this world is not for me.
  10. 6 July - cut the clutter
  11. When I'm thinking, it gets derailed, When I'm talking, it gets more derailed, When I'm writing, I find it again, The peace while writing is so enchanting, Being merged and putting it in words, what a flow, Everything else is falsehood, I didn't know, Suffering, trapped into desires, is a wrong path, I keep going in Writing it down, makes me feel happy at peace, Texting is what I do to express myself, Can't chase her around like animals used to do.
  12. Such empty and blank it is, I've assumed it to be so full, Full of people they are so repetitive and empty, like machines beautiful yet, so empty it is, Imagined her to be what not, thought she would be the most precious to get, after finding her, she's the emptiest, I don't like this emptiness, please save me someone, please help me someone, give me what I imagined it to be so fulfilling, It's a rollercoaster, it's an addiction to keep checking out, yet never getting fulfilled, It's so empty after you sleep, and I keep waiting when will you miss me again, Please merge in me forever, I don't want to feel empty again.
  13. It's tough to get into the flow, but tough to stop once in it, Keep writing to flow in one direction, so that it makes an impact, For survival of ourselves, we sacrifice ourselves, Writing also helps in exploring our subconsciousness, Put out the work, and never care for appreciation, Keep doing your duties, don't care for fruits, Keep loving being what you are, let them be whatever, Sacrificing for righteousness, makes you a winner forever.
  14. I had this fragmentation of seeing survival as something against me as a wise person, picked it up from leo that it is something of inferior kind. Now I can conclude that survival is not a bad thing, we all are trying to optimize our survival and even God tells us to self love, and that love your survival too. Survival is not an isolated process, but an inherent one, other things born out of survival and not vice versa, survival is primary, but it will feel dearly to only once you see yourself for what you are an conscious being, not the ego construct, which you keep mistaking yourself for, and as conscious being you have choices to set your agenda. From an aligned perspective comes the righteous of self agendas. No don't try to chase alignment, because it's what you are in this moment, you're already aligned once you empty your brain, and choose to be here, choose to detach yourself wisely from things which are against your survival of your consciousness. Never get stuck on words but try to see what they are pointing towards, as words can't be truths, truth is you to directly experience and explore and build over what you realise to be true.
  15. @Preety_India you're welcome, I've changed my attitude a lot since the last time we met, thanks for calling out my bullshit.
  16. @Preety_India Perfect, I am very happy to see you realize the importance of love, keep growing mate ❤️ ??
  17. Now I see, how arrogant I was. though I am growing so much still when I see other people going at a faster pace, well it makes me humble. Thank you, great people, I won't name them but they are an inspiration to me. After I got Deeksha from my Guru, it has become quite a journey of beauty and positive, daily something happens which moves my heart significantly. Oh god, I am still in my shell, thinking that I'm great, I surrender myself completely to you in the worship of your infinite beauty have yet to be seen. Please master take me to the higher planes, make me yours. I don't want anything else, that I've seen you. I want to just merge inside you.
  18. I finally understand why it's good to be good with people. My whole life, I was a good person but not authentic, when I became authentic, all my animalistic nature came to the forefront, everyone could see it and judge and reject me for it. And the circle is becoming complete again, I am good again, but it's different as I also realise badness to good people. That's survival, attachment to false self. False self have desires, desire to be in comfort of a kind loving person, desire of being appreciated, desires never end, untill you realise you're not the desire. Desires are thoughts, attachment to feeling good. But life is a roller coaster, and Truth has to be accepted, and chased, not happiness and feeling good. Also I'm it, others are me myself, I'm rude and unfair to myself for not being perfect.
  19. @loub thanks for being optimistic for me. And I agree and appreciate your point.
  20. Yesterday I was confronted by one of my friend of being a bully, and as she was very close me, it made me remember all the past events when I was bullying people without realising it. I happens to do with people who have been the kindest to me, when I find them being lazy, and for not being up to my standards. It happened after I got the idea of romantic love being mythical and real love to be about growth from the road less traveled. Here is quote from the book.. "Confronting and solving problems is a painful process which most of us attempt to avoid. And the very avoidance results in greater pain and an inability to grow mentally and spiritually" Having a traumatic childhood just like most, the idea of helping in hardcore way couldn't get out of my head. I have had abusive relationships, and tried to make sense of them by this idea. So I started to be hard on people who I find that are not trying hard enough to their full potential, I did everything which was too harsh for them, they've started making distance from me. But I tried justified it to them, and they didn't get it, but it made perfect sense to me, it gave me happiness that it was growing them better, but I was also suffering the huge pain of loss, as some of them blocked me, never talked to me. So finally I search for new people, made friends with them and at a point I hurted them too and lost them. This behavior of insulting people got hardwired to my subconscious and It was going untill yesterday she called me a bully and I started realising that how tough it would be to the person and the hard love can be given only to the point the person in front can take it. I am happy that I experienced this and now I'm wise and try to reach to that balance for the person. But sad to lose and break so many kind hearts.