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Everything posted by Amit

  1. Very inspirational, I'm struggling with organization and distracted mind. this journal gives me hope, thank you
  2. @DrewNows Yeah I liked it, even though I have heard it before, but my own realization has not been that deep, so It gets deeper for me with every video. I watched it all at 1.5x, also I was distracted in between. I get bored as he is deriving from scratch every time. OverSimplifation!!
  3. @Galyna I can see from your comments, you are trying to get the metaphysics right, so just pointing it out. what is the confusion? the stream of content is the pointer, but get what is being pointed
  4. Leo is coming from the same metaphysics, but what he is saying in the video is not what has been said here, but it might seem to you so, as you're just getting the hang of the basics yet. Anyway it's good that it will ground your understanding, but I will advise you to watch it again after a year or so, and then you will be more close to what he is pointing to
  5. 12 July Insights: With people, the root cause is the fear of the void. Upon that you project yourself in them and it makes it worse. So the solution is meta-analysis. No perspective is whole, It might be difficult to hold a thought that's not logically consistent with your beliefs and assumptions, yet it might have greater truth than your subjective truth. It's not always possible to explain an insight into language,.
  6. From today now on, I will put two compulsory posts, first about how much time I was focused and details of it, and second all the insights I got during the day. focused time will include anything that was a flow state, like if I wrote a good long post, organized it, edited it. maybe made a video on youtube out of it. If I look into codebase working into a feature, learn something, worked on my personal website, or solved problems. but it should be more than 40 mins of duration. to track this, I'll start the stopwatch, every time I sit to study, and stop it if I get distracted by pornhub or anything of that sort. the frequency of reporting will be daily. so It will have some meta-information, such as date. the insight post, will be anything comes to mind which was a potential value, to log it. think about where it might be used and accordingly tag it.
  7. Another realization was about the importance of mantras, till now it was a theoretical concept. Mantra shifts your perception at the moment, it's like the quantum shift. you're lost in the issue, and feeling bad while struggling with it. Now, you use some willpower and do the mantra pronunciation, after some time you are again in the aligned state, and found your flow again, now resistance is gone, frustration is gone and if you are not majorly struggling with the lower desires, you'll be able to switch to the flow in the work. it's truly magical in its transformative power.
  8. @DrewNows you're quite right in saying that resistance to it, is the main cause of not being able to sleep. Your tips are great, but in my case, not able to sleep is not an issue. when I sleep it is very deep sleep indeed for at least 6-7 hours. But the issue is about my timings, It has been constantly shifting from 10 pm to now being 7 am in the morning. I don't like to be constrained by sleep timings, but sleep is better in a calm and quiet night than in a noisy and warm day. but with meditation and breathwork, it's easy to sleep whenever I like, and you're right about it.
  9. Even though I like just flowing freely while writing, organizing helps so much recollecting later. I can't even go back to my old notes and find a summary of it. I'll try to organize text from now on, to increase its value. even if I don't read it again, someone else reading it will easily get what's being said and not lost inside it. If it's just journaling I can just flow, but good if I give the text a topic name, and edit it for brevity. It's good to write whatever comes to mind in the first draft, but it takes quite a large amount of editing work to make it premium.
  10. I'm going to have some questions, which I'll ask myself and find out how much I've improved on a particular dimension Ego: How much Can I take a sarcastic remark on me? Am I really listening to others truly, or degree of projection is just too much? Do I understand him/her before commenting, am I sure It won't hurt him/her? How often I'm opening social media, and looking for if my post has got new likes, views, comments. It's ok to make posts, comments, and replies. but checking in for likes, views, comments are ego chimpery, a very good indicator. How much distracted I am from a commitment. Time Management: For what duration, I am able to focus at a time and how many times a day? How many times do I check social media and chats? Am I having time for meditation and contemplation? Organization: How much brevity is in my texts? How much clarity, can a child follow along? How much Meta tagging I'm able to do?
  11. woah, never had this I am so lost in my thoughts, that It just keeps running all the time, and it's very tough to stop, somewhat relatable to newton's first law.
  12. I get somewhat you're talking about, myself is having sleep issues because of the hyperactive brain. what do you mean by coping mechanism, any examples?
  13. @Galyna absolute love and hierarchy are not in conflict abstractly, but in this context I agree.. I don't need and try to offend but as it's a text message, people tend to get the tone wrong at times. They project on me, but you guys seem to be quite healthy so It's an non issue. @DrewNows I believe sleep is smooth when you don't care about it, also being tired along with a calm environment with dim lights are important..
  14. @DrewNows good question, I sleep when tired and it makes me feel fresh, energized and calm. but can it be optimized, is the answer varies for people to people?
  15. @Galyna thank you for the privilege, but I am gonna skip your long posts on zodiac sign.. I also beg for sorry beforehand, I tend to offend people often being a leo.
  16. Although I think essence of astrology is only higher vibes and positive language games, and not the typical categorization, but you can count me in as a Leo. But please let me know if you don't want me, I've been rejected quite a lot.
  17. Nothing to be sorry, I know it and understand
  18. @Preety_India ?
  19. That's called zooming out aka going into settings and changing configurations so that your mind-body instrument serves you better... Yea it takes patience and aligning your emotions.
  20. I think you still didn't get it in your life's context?
  21. What if I didn't misread you, and I was trying to use the same analogy as you. Nice that made you laugh?
  22. Go to settings and click on the right buttons, be extra careful because you might end up losing data. Maybe backup if you're not very confident