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Everything posted by Amit

  1. if you see everyone as a part of you, then everyone is equal and there is no point discriminating. You can choose a strategy, play the game and keep improving.
  2. Depends on kind of skills you have. And then it’s just doing the work. You need to sit down and figure out where are you stuck at.
  3. Initially when I found these terms they used to mean a lot. Someone I found who loved me and felt like I found that special person. Now after a long time into relationship, when rubber met the road, when romance has been burst by truth. All those concepts TF/SM seems superficial and delusional. It is depressing to see how all these labels fall, but the heart still wants to believe, and still can’t deny these labels. what do you guys think from your direct experience ? since truth is like an elephant in the midst of blind, all we can do it to try and explore and be sincere about it.
  4. @Chrisd interesting 😂 @Jacquelope I think one also has to be lucky otherwise you cross your soulmate without even knowing. It’s interesting how simple it is to identify them when you know yourself.
  5. Since I was young, my way to learn anything was to make mistakes. For some years, I was in a phase of romance in my life, it’s bittersweet symphonies are the most addictive ones. Even though there was a great chemistry between us, it didn’t fit practically so had to let go. Lesson that I learned from it is the most important. 1. Nothing is more important than yourself. 2. Second most important thing is your identity and that is your history, your parents and your culture. 3. Your purpose of life originates from these above 2 points. Now I would never trust anyone blindly and always think practically before investing emotionally. Why make any bonds that has to broken later. If it hurts once and your partner doesn’t listen… it will hurt next time and it will hurt until there is no relationship so never compromise what you feel bad about. Even if it is just a suspicion.
  6. It’s not that I dismissed it, I said I will read it. My only complaint that it was too long because it was very general sort of advice. Ofc I don’t care guru or not, and definitely it was easier to read as it was simple. Thanks for sharing… 💜
  7. @Princess Arabia thanks for writing it all that you had to say on this. But for some feedback it would have been better if you have only made your point briefly for people to actually take your wisdom. Honestly It feels like you are listening to some YouTube guru and you have regurgitated all that you have listened. Anyway I appreciate the effort and time, also a lot of wisdom in this, but it will take time for me to fully make sense of this long writing.
  8. @CoolDreamThanks thanks for sharing your perspective, although your idealistic position doesn’t serve much as everything is false ego. Even the new identity you might want to make out of your culture is going to be a new kind of false ego. All these points you copy pasted from somewhere was not needed, Theory is easily available everywhere. finally, try not to get triggered because you don’t know my specific situation. And it’s better to be kind since you don’t know how heartbroken I already am.
  9. Yes that’s where all my issues begin with, to not have enough maturity in the beginning of the relationship. Identity and culture might not be too important for most people but in my specific case they were crucial. Thanks for pointing it out 🙏
  10. When and where did you see this blue light, what’s the center of this light. Also was it exactly blue or some other version of blue ?
  11. My ex didn’t want me to make any female friends. So naturally it doesn’t work, even though I was fully committed, it created so much tension between us, getting doubted all the time. So this is a red flag… if a woman ask you to not have any female friends, you better leave her for good. We all make mistakes as beginners in dating, even though we can have purest intentions, a lofty vision with your partner together. These small mistake grow and destroy the whole thing. Let’s share all the red flags when screening a woman to date long term and as a possible life partner. Basically minimising the chances of divorce, it’s just too unpredictable but still there are some basic traits and red flags which should be filtered out. please share if you have any.
  12. @Princess Arabia you are so on point about self love and all the philosophy around it. But there is a whole lot of idealism when it comes to not having expectations, normally the relationship starts with expectations to begin with.
  13. @NoSelfSelf parents and culture are important, it makes up your DNA. Although it depends since your cultural identity might be very different.
  14. For me personally, I will not engage emotionally with any female if she puts any conditions to be with me. Even though they might sound fair for her situation, you never know which direction her emotional minds slips away and to keep her, you would have to put a lot of energy into it, which means Relationship will be very tensed and destroyed. Only with a lot of hurt and lessons to be derived from it .
  15. Thanks a lot guys, I conclude that all these terms are labels which might be true or untrue depending on the nature of relationship.
  16. @Galyna how am I not ? or do you refer to yourself. I don’t think you have to be integral to see the lack of integrity. So that’s a false statement.
  17. @Galyna When you say “words mean nothing” and then use words to “discuss” and “communicate”. What would you call such a person who do opposite of what they preach? I don’t know about you but I don’t see integrity here.
  18. @Galyna stop contradicting yourself… you just said there is no me and you… then why use words such as “I” and “you”. and you said that words are pointing to only themselves then why use them at all.
  19. @Yimpa not looking for change, please refrain from any further unasked advice… makes me cringed
  20. “There is only one perception real, only one, and this perception is YOURS. Look around, feel your body. Your perceptions are creating this chat, me, room. You think you are talking to a human being“ @Galyna If only my perception is real then does it not mean that your perception is unreal? if so then all of what you said from your perception becomes false and not needed
  21. “There is only ONE thing that exists, and this thing is YOU ( call it perception)” @Galyna so you contradicted yourself in a minute… said “there is no you and me” and then said “only exist is you”. can you please think before putting out what you are trying to convey, too confusing
  22. @Galyna Are you aware what this mean?
  23. I think this interpretation although alright, has few things which does not make much sense. This is the drawback of using AI. AI is a good helper but bad guide. I think I definitely have fears lurking in my subconscious stopping me to totally dissolve myself in the process. This dream is a good reminder of what I am dealing with beneath the surface. There are dangers if the process is not followed properly. Going on my own requires so much more, than going together with someone. But the journey is worth going into when it's challenging, and this is what I have looked forward to my whole life. The time is finally there. Let me unleash myself fully, It's time to set the foundation of a totally new journey, foundations to not give up in toughest of weathers. Need to write down Unchangeable values and principles. Time to ask the important questions.
  24. Tonight I had a strange dream.. there was this strange place where there was a lot of rooms filled with water and it was dark. There lived a lot of to rtoises which were really big. And they were like floating. I was there and I could walk while putting myself on those. And then rajarshi was telling how a certain process has to be followed at the time of the birth of a tortoise or they become after they grow into like monster tortoises, like ghosts who are uncontrollable and can even digest humans easily. And then I saw myself facing a big tortoise and he was chasing me and I was horrified… then rajarshi came and controlled it and then there were few more of his kids looking like crabs who was trying to intimidate me and I killed them. Then he took me to a room where normal healthy tortoises were being taught at birth… he was saying a mantra of some sort in their ears and I got to know that it was necessary as tortoise needed it to remain in touch with their soul and not turn into ghosts.. And then someone told me that it was similar to rabbits as well, a little evil bunny rabbit came to my mind suddenly.