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About avk123
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Seek professional help, I have entered the same practice of trying to fix things on my own and things have tumbled down further, dont lose more years in your life - go seek a professional therapist now.
avk123 replied to avk123's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I found my answer, Im going to post it here incase someone may find it usefull in the future. http://psychologytools.com/cbt-thought-record.html Good luck -
avk123 replied to avk123's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Says who ? -
Good day everyone, I would like to know if there is someone here who is capable or aware of the method of investigating the thoughts that make our life unpleasant. Mindfulness helps because it displays the thought that is giving you an unpleasant emotion, If you can disbelieve that thought you automatically feel better. Is anyone here aware of the concept and has practiced this approach in their life ?
Be Vulnerable with your kids, dont hide your emotions and trust yourself, you were a kid too once , what would you want your mom to have do in this situation ? Read books for Brene Brown it will help you: Daring greatly, Men, Women, and Worthiness: The Experience of Shame. Good luck to you sister.
OP Why are you overthinking this in the first place ?
Good day community, I would like to discuss this issue, I have recently contemplated about my first hand direct experience with meditation, and it turns out its just another form of BS. Similar to prayers and supplications, meditation doesn't add any value to the table. Now i'm not giving it any value judgement, but turns out that we require some form of BS in order for us to survive and prosper. What I realized is that I personally used to value judge religious people as "sheep" or "blue pills" but turns out there is really no red pill or blue pill. Whether your "new age" or religious or athiest, again every person has their own direct experience but this is what im contemplating on lately.
"You are not what happened to you you are what you choose to become" When you become the coolest motherfucker you have ever known - everything else will come into alignment. Good luck brother Here this may help
Go to Meetup.com and find any meetings of your interest - if you can't find any make one and invite and get to know people. The more you expose yourself the more chances you have - be vulnerable
"You are not what happened to you you are what you choose to become" When you become the coolest motherfucker you have ever known - everything else will come into alignment. Good luck brother
I'm working on creating more room for potentials by getting exposed more often in social settings. Have you tried that ?
Depends on every individuals own experience, personally I don't mind getting rejections my only problem is creating opportunity for me to meet potentials. Others may have potentials but they lack the capacity to handle rejections, again everyone is different in their own experience.
Your just not the right fit, there is no right or wrong , triangles fit with triangles and circles fit with circles, whether you improve yourself or not that is up to you to decide - focus on emotional healing first. Good luck.
Good day community, I live in a very isolated country and workplace, to a certain extent i'm cut off due to living in a very conservative society, additionally I'm not being able to find the right fit in terms of a suitor. Would anyone perhaps have a good lead on a reliable and professional dating international company? If you have any prior experience, please add an average statement to describe your experience. Thanks,
When you ask a person these questions and they respond back to you in a heartfall way to you, thats the first step into connection. Read "Daring greatly" by Brene Brown. Good luck,