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Everything posted by Bob84

  1. For me Leo layed the foundation and Rali broke all walls i still had. If you like "no bullshit" check Rali from naked reality. Cant mis him with all his clickbait videos.
  2. Ego. By starting to dismantel it. How are you suffering?
  3. Pee in the showe. Just dont let my wife about it
  4. @Shin Lol, that might be a little dificult for a woman do. Or painfull depending on your interpretation. @spicy_pickles Either get a glass bole. Or stop trying to predict the future
  5. @Alex K See the relation and you can apply it to yourself you already have a point of reference. - How to motivate yourself. - Why is this character is any diferent from Alex.
  6. There all still thouths however you label them. Interesting, silly, amazing, scary, stuppid, etc. See them but dont attach yourself to them.
  7. Did you ever spend counless hours doing stuff that you didnt even like just to get that epic fishing rod? And did you identify so much with your character that you got emotional when certain things happend?
  8. "Im enlightend as fuck!".
  9. @JevinR Interesting read. Whats the point of this cult? heaven, happyness, power?
  10. Maybe strange question. Did you play WOW. And if so, lvl's and alts?
  11. @Hardik jain 31
  12. It started with the need for understanding and suffering. Because of that i started watching Leos videos. The more you learn, the more you realize how screwed up you actualy are. The more mindfull you become the more you see yourself doing stuff that logicaly stop making sense. Omg im so worryed about that and that and that. Logicaly you can understand that that is nothing more then mental mastrubation and that you should stop doing it. But for some reason you just dont. If you could just gain this magical ability called enlightenment all problems would be solved. Lets try meditation etc... I had moments in where for a short period there was no self (if you can call it that). And it was like heroin. I wanted it again and again but they didnt come back. Then after watching Rali's videos it hit me. Im just doing more mental mastrubation. And the only thing i can do is simply nothing and just open my eyes and see what has been there all along. When you let go off everything. And i mean everything. Including the quest for enlightenment. And you calm the mind to a point where its "voice" becomes "optional" you start seeing things without any labels. My advice would be to keep dismanteling the ego. And to calm the mind. Calming the mind you could say requires practes. As for the last 20 30 40 years (or what every your age) has been screaming like a monkey on steriods. Same applys for beliefs.
  13. @electroBeam By accepting it how it is. Reality doesnt care about your opinions. You getting frustrated because reality isnt what you want it to be is what?
  14. Everything we see, hear, feel or smell is an ilusion. As for when we turn off all filters we are left with nothing that our mind is capable of describing.
  15. @BeginnerActualizer If someone who has never had a hamburger try's to explain how a hamburger tasts dont expect a sensable awnser.
  16. @BeginnerActualizer All 3 questions.
  17. Nice vid. Welcome to addicts anonymous . Theres the mindfuck. Now realize that that exp has no value, no meaning, and is therefore pointless. As its only our egos that attach those labels. You obviously cry at its beauty. How amazing it is. But its nothing!? Let go and stop charishing those opinions. As you are only blocking what is and has always been there.
  18. Ethics is a concept of the mind/ego.
  19. Its harder to keep the mind still. But if you can it can in a sense bring you more results in a sense. I have done it everywhere i went during a time. Walking dog, driving car, bars restaurants, etc
  20. @BeginnerActualizer Not really. Atleast not compaired to long term goals. Focus on what you want and make it as visual as posible in your mind (and update and repeat to stay motivated).
  21. All resistance is ego.
  22. @Marina What worked for me is to be brutaly honest with myself and letting go. Enlightenment after a awakening experiance is for lack of better words a huge mindfuck. Ego loves the concept of enlightenment. It wants to be special. Its like heroin. Marina doesnt exist, she is just a character that you made up. So is enlightenment. Hope that makes sence.