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Everything posted by Alex4

  1. could you post the link of your channel?
  2. thats basically my story. Ive never get fat but at some point I realised how tired I was in many parts of the days and I decided to cut it. Be ready because at the beggining its very difficult to start eating healthy, the worse part for me was cutting sugar, it looks like a drug to me.
  3. Do you think this technique is productive?, I let my mind wander and explore wherever it goes, is it another kind of meditative practice ? I ask this because lately Im spending a lot of time meditating and only doing this technique and I wander if im wasting my time. I hope there is some expert and can give some directions.
  4. Yes, I normally stay there and watch my thoughts as if I were on the cinema. and about those gaps.. I love them it is when I simply be and there is no pain
  5. I can sit for 1 hour without problems, my doubt is if let the mind get lost in thoughts is productive or am I doing it wrong
  6. in fact ive experienced a lot of improvements in my life. and I think I have fear of lose this capacity I gained of improving myself. Now I see my progress is nothing compared with what I still can do and want to get the results fast. But yes I have to be calm and have patience. also I would add I see most people practice the kind of meditation where you pay attention to your breath. it creates doubts about if am I doing right
  7. sorry I decided to do it with microsoft word. I dont like the idea of sharing this on internet and I think I can not be brutally honest writing here. Please someone close this thread
  8. for 4 months, I sit in a chair in front of my closet so thats what I look at but I normally dont pay attention to what I see
  9. hey, I do the do nothing technique too and I always do it with the eyes open
  10. yes, I do it similar like you. sometimes when many thoughts from a similar background pop up I try to think why this occurs
  11. to me it has been a long journey to cut sugar. I gradually reduced the consume, with diferents periods of time where I consumed more and others I consumed less. Now I only eat sugar if I have a meeting with friends and there is junk food on the table. My advice would be eat as much as you want but healthy and also do sport. if you dont like sport dont eat that much.
  12. when you do that you simply let your thoughts arise? or do you concentrate on something?
  13. donald trump or hillary clinton are not the real life for me, I dont know who they are
  14. I do it every morning for 30 - 45 minutes and I think this is the technique works the best for me. in the evening I practice the do nothing. what do you think and what works best for you?
  15. This topic makes disappear some dubts I had, thank you all One last question. do you consider counting your own breaths a meditation? or it is an exercise of concencentration.
  16. its only healthy if you do it naked
  17. yes I really like do nothing too, it helps a lot to realize where thoughts come from and recognize my feelings
  18. I know that I dont know anything about it and I think focus on that is a waste of time. i may be wrong on the last one
  19. I have a similar issue here, Im far from getting it right but Im improving by understanding why my parents behave as they do. Watch their personal Biography maybe you could find something which makes them take bad actions
  20. this is something I always considered important, even before of starting self actualization. hardly never stoped doing something I liked and I have the same hobbies that I had when I was 8.
  21. To be honest, I think rich neighborhoods have in general a higher level of awareness. You can also live in the country there is not much people. Otherwise if your area is like you say you can obseve how people behave and how their bad habits affects their lives and then dont implement it in your life.
  22. I select the videos I watch, by the moment im focus about mindfulness, awareness, conciousness and meditation techniques. Maybe you could do that. Leo has so many videos and im sure you can learn from each one but dont surround your mind with too much information.
  23. is it right combine the two techniques?
  24. hey, thank you for your answer. So how do you think I should practice the mindfulness meditation? noticing my thoughts and feelings ?