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Everything posted by Alex4

  1. I have almost decided to join a union by September. It is a revelation I had recently and is part of my integration into green.
  2. How do you know he took mushrooms?
  3. You have a video exclusively about him with many views, as well as multiple comments you've made about him elsewhere. Your criticism of him is well-founded and well-intentioned, and it does not dismiss all his work. It’s not just to discredit him, and perhaps he was interested in talking to you. But it seems that hasn't been the case. Unlike other people you’ve spoken about, I have the sense that you hold a certain appreciation for Jordan Peterson.
  4. Do you know if he has watched your content? A conversation with him would be dope.
  5. I wonder every day how the bridge can be made. I believe it mostly comes down to addressing economic disparities. The ideological spectrum, from the left to the center-right, should be able to find common ground, we are not that different.
  6. I am conservative in spirit. Politically, I used to be much more conservative, but over time, and thanks to and reading high-quality books, I've integrated some progressive ideas (stage green). In other aspects of my life, such as finance, music, discipline, maintaining routines, and risk aversion, I remain quite conservative. However, I've never liked Trump—not now, nor when I was a staunch political conservative. I'm not from the USA, and I've never understood why the 'conservatives' there vote for this person. I think he's deceiving conservatives. I believe that honest and rational conservative politicians have a major problem—they fail to captivate the masses. Their discourse is more nuanced, less impactful, and therefore more boring, but at the end of the day, good politics should be boring. The mainstream media always gives more coverage to the politician who makes the most outrageous statements. Right-wing people are partly to blame, obviously, for accepting these messages without reflection, but many on the left are also at fault. For example, when a leftist demonizes a balanced conservative politician with good intentions. The left-wing press tends to lump them all together. I see this clearly in my country. We should all make an effort in this regard.
  7. There are many documented cases in history of empires in the East such Persian and later Parthian Empire. The West has promoted more coups primarily because it has more resources. Additionally, it has created more advanced societies in their own country that independent kingdoms have wanted to replicate. It's also important to note that interventions in foreign countries do not originate from Western governments. It is almost always the opposition in terribly poor and corrupt countries that first requests foreign intervention. It makes sense that if you achieve a society with the highest living standards in the world (despite its numerous flaws), other countries will seek help from you rather than from a developing country like Russia or China. To clarify I am not advocating for imperialism, I believe it has been quite demonstrated that this type of policy ends up being counterproductive.
  8. Hey Leo, I just listened to the first episode of Conscious Politics, where you criticize isolationist policies. Why do you believe the USA should withdraw its support for Ukraine? Wouldn't that be an isolationist policy? Maybe you think the European Union alone should support Ukraine?
  9. Hello everyone, I have been in a relationship for six months with an incredible woman. The only thing is that she has a 16-year-old daughter and I admit that it creates insecurity in me, although so far this fact has not affected the relationship much, it is true that I do not see her as much as I would like but in general terms I am satisfied. What is your opinion of dating a single mother? Do you think it's a bad idea? I see a lot of opposition to this on forums but in my case so far I have been very happy and made lots of plans (luckily her child is old and mature enough to stay home alone). I am very monogamous and so is she, I see myself with her all my life. I'm not fucking around. In my head I see no much problem, but it's the general opinion to no date single mother which disturbs me.
  10. I recently discovered my life porpuse which I don't know how to materialize it to align it with my job/career. I currently have a corporate career that I like and I'm good at but it's not my passion, it's not something I would do for free, far from it. My purpose by the way is to live according to my values, trying to be a good example to my community. It is very influenced by stoicism which is a philosophy I read daily. Do you think I should make an extra effort to find a more concrete purpose and thus align it with my work? I'm thinking of doing the life porpuse course for the second time. What do you think? Could you give me examples of your life porpuse plus how do you make a living from it?
  11. I'm almost in the same position as you, change economics for international trade and we are the same. I enjoy the corporate world but I don't plan creating a business probably due to my financial conservatism. Recently two weeks ago I think I discovered my life purpose. I realized that I am a simple person in a good way, I do not have great material aspirations in life or desire to have fame, therefore my purpose had to be modest. My purpose now is to live according to my values which I'm still redifining and try to be an example of these for the people around me. So right now having a job which can potentially have a huge positive impact on the world is a desirable but not an obligation for me anymore, I'm happy if at least my work does not contribute negatively to society.
  12. What is your opinion of working in the alcoholic beverage industry? I am a procurement officer, I recently left my old company because the environment was very toxic and it was affecting my mental health. Luckily my profile is attractive enough and I quickly received an offer to join a company in the beverage sector, it would be the same position I held before, near home, earning a little more money and thanks to a contact I have there it seems that the work environment and bosses are good. Even so, I am reluctant to enter a company that earns a living by selling alcoholic beverages since I consider that they do not contribute to the improvement of society. Sorry if there is a grammar mistake, English is not my native language. What are your views on this?
  13. I think working in commerce (sales or finance) and joining a sport competitively can help with that. Try to build discipline and have the goal to improve every single day even though you realize nobody cares how you perform, but still you try your best for it's own sake.
  14. When I was 21 I was in your situation and I did volunteering. is a very good website to find hosts. Maybe this is not what you are looking for but I think in your situation having one year off doing lots of different stuff might help you to find your thing. It's also a cheap way of traveling and meeting new people.
  15. this dude is quite stage blue conservative but in a healthy way. Also his videos are filmed in the forest which are nice to watch. I used to be conservative and watched all his videos, you can get a grasp of how conservatives thinks.
  16. I prefer blue individuals over orange any day of the week. maybe it's because orange it's everywhere in our culture and got sick of it
  17. Let's stop all the talking bomb Iran!
  18. Fuck bro difficult to explain it better
  19. Thanks for sharing ! I enjoyed the videos on how capitalism hurt you I agreed on most of the points he made. I'm noticing I'm starting to embrace green values, I was a very blue/orange individual before and have never considered to listen leftist people or liberals. Since I have tried psychedelics my counciousness has expanded and I see the devils of capitalism although I still think it's the best system we have in the world before we advance to something better. I really love this mega thread because you people share good green content, while if I turn on the TV I see a lot of toxic green and I categorize them as bad and then reject them all.
  20. Healthy Red against unhealthy red
  21. I think people from this forum is mostly yellow, I can not imagine an Orange person listening Leo's videos every week. I think must of us here are Yellow with Orange and Green influence.