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Everything posted by Alex4

  1. Hi, I hope someone can respond me. when I practice mindfulness meditation I use to focus on my breath trying to count 20 breaths in a row. do you think this is a good method?, sometimes I put too much focus on my breath
  2. ive only experienced that by the moment
  3. I have copied your habit of drinking cold water and now Ive done it an habit, it feels better
  4. I think im far from enlightment but since ive been meditating I have evolve into a much better person
  5. I heard hillary practices yoga and meditation,
  6. I don't have many mottos but one would be "play the game for the game's own sake"
  7. I have recently start to put in practice the Leo advice which is when im (angry,sad, disapointed etc.) imagine Im outside observing the situation, but surely id put in practice the one you said about imagine myself far above when Im playing football because that adapts better!
  8. How can I stop being so competitive when I play an sport? Im too harsh with myself and sometimes with others when I don't do things correctly or also I can't stand when someone is doing something wrong and withouth passion. good videos and advices, keep it up!
  9. hey you can PM me if you like it, Ill hear your thoughts
  10. I have been recently thinking about this and Tomorrow Ill approach a girl I see every day in the metro, today was the day but I failed like a coward, I dont guarantee Ill do it tomorrow but Ill go for it.
  11. sorry to this late reply, but dont you think its better listen self help audiobooks fully aware while you are at home and taking notes than doing it while you are walking down the street?. Youd enjoy more the present moment.
  12. do nothing technique does it very good to me, all that monkey mind I visualize I think -"hey thats my ego talking to me"
  13. Play videogames if you really enjoy it. im now Implaying battlefield 1 which is oriented in the WW1 and Im in love with this game, its so beautiful to play it and I think meditation help me to enjoy it a lot more.
  14. I think you are doing it alright! but Im a newbie too
  15. maybe you should meditate twice a day. do you try to do many things in a day? ive recently discovered the many stupid things I wanted to do (stupid things like watch the same tv show every day, watch as many sports events on tv as possible, listen to music or radio shows whenever im walking down the street or in the train), play that videogame I bought last week... thinking that I had to do those things when actually I diddnt want to created stress on me, all that stuff only creates noise in your head.
  16. I prefer and do the do nothing, dont you think is better dont focus in anything?
  17. I lost it with a hooker when I turned 18 and Im not proud but neither i regret it
  18. so do you thinkg I should switch to a mindfullness meditation, if so how I should do it?
  19. What do you all think about the way I meditate? I lay down on my bed with absolute silence with my eyes open and I let my mind arise thoughts, sometimes when I Have had a stressing day I spend the whole 30 minutes session thinking but if Im relaxed before I start the meditation I have many and long gaps where I dont have a thought. I only try to manipulate my breathing when Im nervous and I want to get relaxed. I do it lay down because ive recently have back pain and I started to do it this way. Im a newbie because I only have been meditating for three months. But Im very happy because Ive done it daily as Leo said and in this short time I have experienced very good changes. Sorry for my grammar mistakes, english is not my native language
  20. after 2 weeks of meditation I started to feel that I didn't need alcohol on weekends to have fun. that was the first thing that made me think meditation is good.
  21. I've recently decided to reduce drasticaly the time I spend on youtube