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About Alex4

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  1. Do they never get bored of doing the same crap all the time?
  2. You sound like an annoying high school teenager. There are genuine right-wing and conservative intellectuals out there.
  3. Well spoken Sir, It’d be awesome if globalism became the next trend instead of all this MAGA backwards nonsense and stage green snowflakes. We need a global power that keeps all the potential tyrannies in check, so they stop fighting their neighbors. Otherwise, we will just keep looking at our neighbors with distrust and spending more budget on military. We need to to convince people that the outdated 20th-century belief that more competition leads to greater efficiency is false. Huge goals will be achieved if we join forces.
  4. Europe, Africa, America and Asia. That's my list.
  5. I believe that if we reduce government structures to 5 or 6, along with all the military spending that comes with it, and combine that with advances in AI and automation, we could free the majority of the population from working. Only a small, ultra-ambitious group of people, like technicians, programmers, engineers, and those in industries and services that can’t be automated, would continue working. We could have a healthier and more intelligent society, with time to eat well, rest, pursue their passions, read, and enrich culturally. It would something similar to ancient Greece, but without the slavery factor. Our attachment to national identities is an obstacle to progress. It is true that there would be a risk of many cultures dissolving, and this should be avoided, it’s important to preserve the world’s cultural wealth. But in tangible aspects (economy, defense, administration, justice, etc.), we should be unified. It’s in our hands to create a better world. Let me know what you think.
  6. Caesar by Adrian Goldsworthy isn’t exactly a politics book, but it dives into a crucial time in history and shows how power worked back then, surprisingly, not much has changed.
  7. I was going to answer with a firm NO, it's unethical. However, you've made me think of something. Would you torture a terrorist for a month straight if, in exchange, you could obtain information that would dismantle a terrorist cell that could potentially kill 50 civilians? Torturing for revenge or pleasure not only seems unethical to me, but I also see it as counterproductive. What you're going to achieve is giving ammunition to your opponents by lowering yourself to their level and providing them with more reasons to fight against you.
  8. My intuition tells me that if it has been done for thousands of years, it must work. You may not always get reliable information, but it's better than having nothing.
  9. I’ve listened to it in its entirety, and it has shaken some of my convictions. Thank you for sharing, I didn't know this guy and he seems a reliable source.
  10. Leo has lifted many of us out of spiritual misery. I'm glad you made it, the world is a better place. His no-nonsense approach appeals to many of us with a high level of masculinity.
  11. Totally agree. What I propose I know it's not a realistic goal within my lifespan, but I believe we should aim in that direction. Something that is feasible, however, is fostering a greater sense of unity within the EU. An executive power with real capacity to command defense, economy and strategic plans is needed.
  12. You don't necessarily need to create a country to protect a culture. With responsible politicians who respect regional sensitivities it’s possible. I know this well because I live in a country where different identities are preserved.
  13. America has a culture. Denying it just gives ammunition to these bigots.