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Everything posted by Butters

  1. This thread is a good example immaturity and not taking any personal responsibility.
  2. I don't watch his content often but on a day like this where I am low on energy and focus, it's a wonderful mood booster. This video has everything; it keeps me engaged and combines humor with emotional hooks. It's really cool to see the candidates have empathy for each other and not only act selfishly. A while ago there were some posts on here abour MrBeast being really unhappy or something? I cannot find the threads anymore. This to me seems a strange criticism, there is something to be said for making such wonderful and engaging content. Much better than dumb scripted shows. I think the criticism was "no artistic value", I strongly disagree after watching this video tonight. Very good stuff, much better than mindless streamers or Youtubers.
  3. That's interesting because you've talked about the existential beauty of your own pubes on the bathroom floor and now you act like we should all listen to Mozart while sipping on the finest selection of breakfast tees. What makes your pubes higher quality entertainment than Mr. Beast or Sesame Street?
  4. I absolutely love manipulating other people. The more I conduct myself in business and learn about the world, the more I enjoy manipulating my surroundings and other people in it. This is the definition of the creation process. Leo has said that karma isn't real, and I will continue to enjoy this fact. Moreover, please note that, even though my spiritual ego would make it seem as if I think people are equal, I believe and act in a way of being superior. I believe I am superior to other people. Even when I admit my own weaknesses, I think just the act of doing so makes me superior and more advanced than other people. I will lie when I think I can get away with it and it doesn't make me feel bad. For that reason, I don't think I lie too often. When I lie and manipulate consciously, I thoroughly enjoy it. I believe I am allowed to lie to the extend I see fit. For example, if I market a supplement and I promise it is fantastic and will make you fitter, even though I know it won't, I will not feel bad. In fact, I believe I deserve the money and will spend it more wisely than the next guy. Other marketers are average whereas I am a self actualizing one, so the money goes to me. Sure you can poke holes in this, I understand all that, but I will continue to think and act in a way that favors my survival over others. Just to be clear: I do not enjoy hurting people, that has nothing to do with it. I enjoy asserting myself into the world, sculpting the world to the image I see.
  5. That's your bias. I literally linked a 20 HR long in debt business course on YouTube.
  6. I didn't check reactions until now cuz I was embarrassed lol. Yeah obviously this was a fleeting thought I felt like expressing on the forums to see what kind of reactions it would get, and they are quite interesting. But I did feel like this when I posted it. If I was a manipulating maniac I wouldn't be this candid. I thought that would be self explanatory. I think I am less manipulative than most people which is why I rarely create new relationships or engagements with people, even though I easily could. I think last week I was just on the phone more often than usual. Lastly, I think I am easily influenced by YouTubers, and I was watching these types of dropshippers. This week I've found a much more legitimate business teacher and my whole mindset is more authentic around the topic now. It's very rare to find SD stage yellow business teachers who teach everything for free with little to no financial interest.
  7. R Kelly has done evil things, you can read about them on his Wikipedia page. But reading that, I also think some of his childhood experiences explain it: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/R._Kelly What an awful and traumatic set of experiences. Then as an adult he went on and did that to other people. But what if, hypothetically, he got some sort of NLP coach to help him reframe those childhood experiences, would he then go on to not be abusive? In other words: could we solve many trauma issues in high-school kids by implementing therapy / NLP into the school system? Can we prevent evil like this?
  8. So I haven't had the flu in at least 12 months but it could be longer, I'm not keeping track. But this week I did get the flu, possibly Covid but I haven't tested. It's pretty obvious to me why I got the flu: I didn't get proper sleep for over 2 nights in a row and then spent the entire weekend around people. But I did do some preventative Wim Hof method in that week, which clearly did not help. To what extend have you noticed Wim Hof or other breathing techniques Prevent flu Helps you get over flu much quicker Is there a wrong and a right way to use WHM / breathing techniques to either prevent or quickly get over flu?
  9. I've observed something similar, but I've also had sex with an Indonesian chick who had a small penis but was 100% feminine in every other way, except for bone structure. But behavior, non-verbal communication etc. I just treated her like a girl. But I've also seen trans who get completely thrown off by a strong masculine presence and they have to force themselves to act feminine including the voice.
  10. You can only be one for the rest of you life... Man Type 1: You can always get laid INSTANTLY with ANY woman you like All attractive women are automatically, biologically attracted to you You can never be in a relationship with a woman You can never get married or live together You can never create any type of emotional connection with a woman, nor is she interested in that from you You cannot be friends or spend any time with women beyond just a quick fuck Man Type 2: You can only get laid after an extensive courting process You have many female friends You can have relationships, emotional connections, girlfriend You can get married The love of your life exists and you will meet her
  11. I asked this question to ChatGPT and I found the answer fascinating: Then I asked it: Then It replied this fascinating answer: __________________________________________ / \ | ALL POSSIBLE REALITIES | | (Imagine this is infinite) | | | | ************************************** | | * * | | * 50 Cent Rap-Video * | | * Subset of Realities * | | * (Also infinite) * | | * * | | ************************************** | \__________________________________________/ https://chatgpt.com/share/679a98d2-c7ec-8004-a4a5-6055a18287d3
  12. Have you guys done any thought experiments with the new o1? It's really impressive. Here, we discussed an alternative historical timeline where Coca Cola was named Coca Cniuitinliyu, and it gave some alternate history timelines using its imagination. Very impressive and nothing like the older ChatGPT versions that were clearly just putting some text together, this version actually thinks.
  13. Here is a photograph of Sabrina Carpenter carpentering my stairs:
  14. Tomorrow I will do a full dopamine detox: No screens (except for emergency) No music No food Just black coffee, water, reading, writing, walking outside. I assume it will be boring, but that's how people lived 100 years ago how bad can it be. If anyone has done something similar I'd love to hear your experiences, even though I won't be able to read them until Friday.
  15. Didn't check replies until now but I think there's some truth in each one, thanks! This past weekend I was at a big NLP event and it was so amazing, so even though I was around people it energized me and grounded me like nothing else. I think it's unhealthy when I sit at home all the time and the only social contact I have is just being in the proximity of random people in public spaces. I also think I've developed a sort of shield when I go out in public (masking) that is total BS and just a mask to hide the fact that I am a vulnerable human, equal to everyone else, so I subconsciously use my large physique to act stoic and not really have to deal with other people, but this is really only hurting me.
  16. Yes again, narcissistic hippie alert, hello! But seriously, I go out in public to buy socks and a shirt, and 1.5hrs later I come home and I feel worse than before I went. Its like people try to suck my energy out from me non-verbally on the subway or just out in the street. I come home and I feel unpleasant and an unpleasant feeling in my penis. Do they upset my first or second chakra perhaps? Yes I live in a relatively poor area, maybe that's part of the reason, like there's crime in the air or something. It pisses me off.
  17. You can spread maximum DNA like Genghis Khan.
  18. Curious where you've been to the sickest parties. I'm planning to go to: Bali, Jakarta, maybe Tokyo or Australia.
  19. On Tuesday, another curse was placed upon me. I had an appointment in the morning with a lady from the government. It consumed my energy and for the rest of the day I just wasn't myself. I was sighing a lot, not lightness in my energy. Then at night I lay in bed, still feeling frustrated as I've spent the entire day ruminating rather negative thoughts, and I accidentally click a video on my timeline to remove a curse. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y-756Bqa7T4 Immediately I realized: that bitch had placed a curse on me. After watching the video I felt amazing and the lightness was back in my body and mind. But I think I've now identified a common theme, since I also recognized the last person who cursed me (I made a thread about this). The common theme is this lady was trying to be my friend, even when I showed no signs of interest in her advances. It was the same with the last guy. I guess there's just an aura around these people that seems "fake" to me or something in their energy that keeps me disengaged, and this must trigger something so deep in them that instead of backing away like a normal person would, they double down trying to force their personality on me. I'm not sure if they consciously use black magic to cast a spell or if my ongoing effort to exclude them from my being creates bad feelings in me that act similar to a curse. I have a strong sense that these people have NPD and that me excluding them triggers such deep-rooted feelings of shame that they cast this curse in response. Perhaps you're thinking "oh you are just creating this because you walk around all day thinking about curses" but that is not the case. It didn't even enter my mind until I accidentally clicked on that video and then it clicked for me then I watched the video and I was cured. It's also not like my YT homepage is full of these videos, it's mostly business stuff. If you have experience with this exact situation, could you share tips on how to deal with these situations better? OR if you believe you have a more rational explanation then I'd also like to hear it. Edit: I asked the new ChatGPT o1 for both a Machiavellian Self-Help Mentor and a Tony Robbins answer 😂 https://chatgpt.com/share/6792b005-d390-8004-8f83-0005017112fa
  20. Well that's nice. And your channel wouldn't get any traction because the video makes people feel bad. Unless your curse video makes people feel good, in which case that's not a curse. Yes this.
  21. Yes, I think not looking at my phone for the first couple of hours of the day so I have a clear mind to think made the biggest difference. By constantly being reactive to notifications (events) you sacrifice your ability to think. Same for YouTube, I always thought it was smart to watch educational videos but 95% is just going past me anyway, it's not concentrated study.