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Everything posted by Rachityczny
This is mine, freshly created- more abstract than yours
Well, i would rather be a public speaker, but management is also field I`m interested in. "Being responsible for people" means sharing my most applicable true knowledge with them, showing them the way, being able to tell them the harsh truth, even if it isn`t easy for me or them- it`s about keeping it real. IT is like a backup plan- If i mess up with my Life Purpose, i will have the possibility to find well-paid job in IT, accumulate some money and then give myself a second chance to realize my dreams and ambitions Thanks for info about vision boards thread! Thanks for info! It just required a simple search, next time I`ll think about it. And that`s my Vision Board here
I love to learn so there is no field of knowledge I`m not interested in. I`m passionate about this field of study, but it`s not even close to Life Purpose level of passion. If anyone is curious, my Life Purpose states "To lead, explain and be responsible for people, enabling their healthy psychological change". As you can see, it`s just barely connected to Computer Science. Thanks for your reply. For sure, it`s a thing to be aware about. And ultimately character is much more important in a relationship- sexy ass or nice face won`t solve arguments and lead to stronger/ fuller relationship. I will keep in mind this possibility of sabotage My family has already seen the Vision Board and they were okay with that. I would like to show it to you, but I`m concerned about revealing too much content of LPC. Once again, if anyone knows if it`s okay to do so, please let me know. @Leo Gura ???
I decided to put into Vision Board a girl with beatiful face (Emily Rudd) and pic of nice ass I had to overcome fear and it was a struggle, but now I'm proud of it Today i will show it to my family, i don't think it's vulgar in any way. I came to conclusion that's a nice compromise. I decided to stay with one version, to keep the vision clear. I love the explanation of placeholder and for sure will use it. And that's a great story about attracting what you want I told my friends about my plans to find great girlfriend (to close ones with a lot of details, including my cravings), hope that happens to me too Well, that's what i also think about the situation. The fact that i overcame my fear at least to some degree helps me with this issue. And as always, mindfulness and acceptance is key to change any dysfunctional behavior Well, i love my family and don't want to be in conflict with them. First of all, they don't (directly) forbid me to do what i want, and they pay my bills. I strongly believe that i can live my way and be in great relationship with the family. Well, i love to share my vision, so i will do it Do what?? I'm not 100% sure. My family is mainly blue, with only father starting to expose himself to stage orange personal development. But they still let me what i do, i will share my vision with them and hopefully show at least part of the way for them. And I'm mainly orange, but after learning a lot about spiral dynamics i see other stages and want to grow into green, yellow and turquoise, so it's quite skeptic orange. Generally speaking i know what i want, what i will do, regardless what people think of me. It's mainly sexuality which I'm anxious about. And I agree that consciousness and awareness is ultimate tool and solution, but i still need other, more tangible tools to support it. Generally speaking, I'm quite outgoing person. You may have other impression of me after what i wrote. I sing in choir, including solo parts and enjoying self-expression more and more. I love to lead and be in the spotlight It's just sexuality that i really need to develop; accept it, grow it, fulfill it and love it I had a moment like this. I was so excited about the idea of life purpose, personal development etc. and told my parents i want to study psychology. That was very hard to see that they don't understand me, i felt furious and in a way betrayed- they just said it's useless, impractical and forbid me to study anything but a technological topics. Now, they're more accepting, but i will still study Computer Science. I have one great friend with whom i share my ideas and interests very often Yes, whose? I'm also curious Cheers to all of you guys! This community is really supportive and open-minded. Thanks a lot!
Thanks guys for all your replies! I will respond to your post later this day, as I`m quite busy now. I have finished my Vision Board and I would like to share it, but I`m not sure if it is legal- I don`t know where is the border between sharing LPC content and it`s results. If anyone knows, please let me know!
To lead, explain and be responsible for people, enabling their healthy psychological change.
For sure a cult when there is so many memes THAT`S LIT!
Could you elaborate? I just want to inform you that this sounded a little ignorant in my head.
I like your ideas. And it`s really inspiring to see someone embody their Life Purpose. Technically site worked well; no glitches etc.- i was using latest Firefox As mentioned above, the charities` scrollbars change too fast When you hover over stores links/descriptions, links boxes change a bit; that is a little disturbing, and as we all know, every details counts How about you make an "Intro" for your website which would work like this: When you first enter the site, you only see iDonateByShopping logo and Mead`s quote for like 10-15 seconds, and it changes smoothly to normal view? (maybe Intro could be repeated when clicked on a button) Great job anyway! Keep it up!
It`s just a loose idea, but how about reading a book about the same/similar topic which is written in easier manner? Or reading a chapter and then journaling about it, maybe to create a summary of what you`ve read?
I want to finish LPC- actually it`s my main goal to finish it till the end of September. I really want to be guided to reach something full, finish it as it will be a source of great satisfaction and motivation to embody it. I`ve got quite a precise clue about my fear. I want a girlfriend quite badly (it`s a whole other issue to solve) and i don`t know how to cope with basic craving of sex, approval, stimulation and status but also work on my purpose, which is all about contribution, learning, leadership and being responsible, not only for myself. And the bonus is the fact that i will need to hang my result of work on LPC; a kind of poster, which is display of my vision. If i want it to be genuine, there for sure will be a couple of sexy girls. I`m 19 and imagine a moment when my parents/family come to my room and see. They ask: "What is this?" and then i get really embarrassed and insecure
Hey So right now I'm in my room, lying on my bed, willing to do nothing. Last week was really productive (no games, meditation, working hard with Life Purpose Course etc. ) I have commited myself to do one more hour of LPC today (vid 72 work if anyone curious), but i don't feel the need to do it (actually I'm quite afraid to do it, because it requires to choose stuff and be decisive). And i don't feel the need to do something hedonistic either. What to do? Have you ever felt something like that?
I think it's all about appreciation and understanding. Spend some time with blue people. Appreciate their view. Don't get into quarrels with them, if there's something you disagree about, talk about it with respect or just be silent. Read Spiral Dynamics if you haven't. I also had a problem of demonising blue. At some moment in my life i was really angry with how church and religion work, how my mother keeps herself stuck in her toxic paradigm etc. But then i saw something valuable in blue: stable set of values, sense of direction, creating a community, society, having stability in havoc of red uprisings and so on. As Leo said, none of the stages is ultimately better or worse, they develop in a set order, but blue isn't worse than orange; simply different. Integration of blue helped me accept myself and grow. Good luck for you in that effort!
Hey! I`ve got a question: have you read "The Way of The Superior Man" by David Deida? You seem like you integrated a lot of his ideas. We all now mainstream culture isn`t healthy, and the thing you are proposing is quite smart, but how would you like to implement it in the real world? Anyway, that`s a good topic to raise
Hey! I`ve got a question: have you read "The Way of The Superior Man" by David Deida? You seem like you integrated a lot of his ideas. We all now mainstream culture isn`t healthy, and the thing you are proposing is quite smart, but how would you like to implement it in the real world? Anyway, that`s a good topic to raise
Well, I find it hard to place myself in this model. For sure, I`m not Yellow- my perception is still survivalistic. I have just a little bit of yellow, because i genuinely love Spiral Dynamics and understand that world`s greatest problems are systemic, but I don`t find myself contemplating it often. And D. Beck`s and C. Cowan`s book was a real challenge to understand. Green ideas are nice, love and peace are important, but i don`t feel the need to join spiritual community or protest for vegans. Orange? That`s the stage I`m striving to reach. I think I`m close to full Orange, and at the same time see it`s weaknesses and limitations. And i just want to integrate blue in a healthy manner, but still resonate with some of it`s values and concepts. So it`s like 20% Blue, 55% Orange, 15% Green, 10% Yellow
PS: Can anyone explain why I have just a link instead of this nice Youtube box or teach me how to link it 'properly'? Edit By Leo: You have to copy & paste the link without artifacts. Try pasting it into Notepad first, then back here.
Hey there A week ago I decided that building healthy and meaningful (intimate) relationships will be my focus for next weeks. For the beginning i chose to get rid of my masturbation/porn addiction. I decided to visualize daily for 30 minutes using "Psycho-Cybernetics" method. I describe the change I want to embody in present tenses, with numerous details, focusing on the positive impact of the new habit. I used to masturbate 5/7 times a week, and expected massive cravings to do so. But that hasn`t happened so far. Of course I feel a little agitated and anxious when seeing pretty girls in my surroudings, on ads etc. , but this is nothing compared with my previous attempts to deal with masturbation. I strongly believe this is connected to daily visualizations. I managed to convince myself that change is possible and in fact very beneficial for me. What do you think about visualizations? Do you think they are crucial for changing life? Do you visualize daily?
Hey there! I`m currently reading "Spiral Dynamics" by Don Beck and Chris Cowan. As i consider myself orange, it`s somewhat hard to think broadly and Second Tier and my pace is around 20 pages per hour. Currently I`m on the application part, which is the hardest to get through and digest, and then it`s each stage described with a lot of detail. I really want to learn these stages and consider skipping application part for later bcs it propably will make the application part easier. But I`m afraid i will just leave this part forever, and this isn`t a good way to go about the book. Do you skip parts of the books you read? Do you manage to come back to them? Did this kind of practice was ever helpful for you? Anyway, have a good one!
Hey there! It`s been a while since this post has been active, but i decided to be honest with you guys. I stopped visualizing for a while. Well, it worked quite well with my studying routine, and the visualizations helped me a bit with my relationships. Unfortunately I hit homeostasis, didn`t manage it properly and after two weeks of weakening resistance, i came back the old way to masturbation. I also had a small recession into my old addiction, which is computer games, but after 3 very messy days I managed to resist it. Generally speaking I was too impatient with relationships and the pace of the changes, too unconscious, too ignorant. Well, at least now i`m more conscious of the implications of this addiction on my daily life, and now I know this is certainly a thing to work on. I did read "The way of the superior man" by David Deida and now digging into "Spiral Dynamics" by Don Beck and Chris Cowan. These books actually reflect my fascinations, so partially it`s a fruit of my quite successful studying visualizations. If I value my dreams and upcoming results, i should really sit on weekend for a few hours and strategize my life, use the theory I gained recently Anyway, have a good one!
Well, how about you say you did personal development and/or shadowork, and if somebody asks your for more details, you just say it`s your private thing, and you wouldn`t like to talk about it or something along these lines? You would be more honest and maintain your privacy
@Rinne Yes, that`s the reason visualizations work. Mind is the greatest obstacle to overcome. @Ether It seems like you are on different level of personal development compared to me. For me it`s really important to motivate myself with a nice, compelling picture, so I move my ass and work on it. And i want to use my subconscious mind to do the work for me, why not use it, it`s so powerful. Eventually we aren`t really rational, but emotional, our intuition mostly guides our behavior, so it`s vital move to make the intuition work with, not against our real desires. For me it works like this: conscious mind makes the decision, dedicates to the specific path and delegates the work to the subconsious mind. @starsofclay I guess it`s all about practice and habit. I think the first vision isn`t really good, you need to repeat visualizing the same thing at least few times, so it becomes more realistic and detailed. And i don`t really consider myself great at visualization, but it`s getting better and better The first habit I implemented with the visualizations was learning habit, so I just decided to start everyday at 7 pm, do the visualization, and then start learning. It works great. Maybe decide and commit yourself 100% to one, most meaningful habit to implement? It seems to me that you make the same mistake I was making over and over again for around a year or so- trying to do all at once. How about being more patient (Leo has vid about it) and dedicated to this one thing, that you really really want? @dorg Thanks! I visualize the habit I`m currently implementing. This habit is to be an expression of my true desires, and who I really aim to be. Unfortunately, I haven`t really worked on my spirituality yet, so I can`t relate to last two sentences. Maybe it`s true, maybe it isn`t, but I will surely figure it out when being confident that I`m creator, when having dealt with addictions and so on. If I can`t get shit done, I won`t surely discover the true nature of reality @Charlotte Yes, it`s all about self-image, belief system, or whatever it`s called @Shin Inspirational images! Even Buddha agrees with me My today`s visualization was extraordinarilly fruitful! At the end I just couldn`t resist to smile and laugh. My possibilities seem almost infinite. Visualization will soon get rid of all my limiting beliefs about relationships! Thank you all for your posts. I will surely tell you how the journey is going!
Hmm, currently I find it hard to decide whether I implemented my study routine or not, and if should i start working on a new habit or not.
Well, I've though of Interstellar, Inception, Arrival, and maybe Sleepwalker. As for Nolan there is also Dunkirk, which I didn't watch, but heard good recommndations about. And there is Vimeo which can be addictive, but also is quite artistic and some of the vids, especially staff picks are beautiful/inspiring/thought-provoking.
How about watching films? I mean films that challenge your worldview, require focus and have some kind of message to ponder about. If you watch difficult films, you won't be able to watch too many of them, that shouldn't be that addictive.