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About Mark96

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  1. @Salaam Can you give a bit more context , How did you measure that? did you take an administrated intelligence test like before and after?
  2. Hi, I know this question covers a wide topic and that intelligence/IQ is suppose to be static depending on genetics. And unless they develop something in the near future we are all stuck with what we have. But you can perform at your peak levels if you lead a healthy life style. I don't ask this because i worry whether i am dumb or smart, i simply want to know your thoughts on this topic and take your wisdom if you're smart hehe. So thanks responses would be appreciated.
  3. I am suppose to attend a teaching with this Reiki master, i met him already once.. He seems like a pleasant person, has this pleasant vibe to him. But it could very well be just some placebo effect bs. Not a teaching worth attending for enlightenment, i hope i am not missing something out? I had a few experiences were i was aware of my true nature but that passed and now i dont know if i should push this enlightenment thing aside and focus more on getting my life handled. Because it is just awful. 20 years old weird guy, no skills, no job, no girlfriend. And what i find most ridiculous is that i already have a job in real-estate (with years of service and all that) but i dont feel motivated enough to work. I dont know whats the fcking issue.. A part of me just want to end my life. How do i approach all this? Were do i start? I would much appreciate Leos input if he sees this..
  4. If i recall correctly it started around my stomach area and proceed tru all my body, but i had control over it .
  5. What about the intense energy streams i felt guys? Was that some kind of kundalini awakening?
  6. I had a stream of great energy that I could barley control after I was meditating on my 3rd eye
  7. @Xpansion You are right I try do the next step tomorrow.
  8. I'm scared to start living a real life because of the fear that i am not capable enough to live up to the standards i set myself to achieve. How to proceed step by step to achieve my goals? Eng is not my native