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Everything posted by Yarco

  1. You can build your skills and get paid for it at the same time. Don't be afraid or feel like you aren't good enough. Everyone has to start somewhere and fake it a bit. Everybody has a first client where they've never worked with someone before, everyone has invoice #1. If you have to start by working for less than minimum wage just to get some experience and confidence then do that. 1. I don't. Websites like Upwork or Fiverr are a great place to get started and get some freelancing experience. But eventually you have to break out of them or it's not much better than being a wage slave. Upwork takes 20% for the first $500 you bill to a client... that's f***ng absurd and you'll never get rich that way. To be a successful freelancer you have to be a business owner and learn to do your own client acquisition and marketing. To start off you can look at job boards related to your freelancing topic if they exist. The pay rates aren't that high, but it's better than paying 20% to the platform like Upwork. Eventually you want to start cold pitching companies and asking if they want to work with you. The way to get work is to just go out and ask people to pay you to do stuff. Counter-intuitively, the really low-paying clients on sites like Upwork and Fiverr are also the biggest dicks and the most petty and picky when it comes to your work. Good paying clients tend to be a lot more chill and easy to work with. 2. Writer but it doesn't matter, do what you love. I love writing. If I decided I want to be a freelance photographer or video editor or voice actor or logo designer, I could get all the knowledge and start earning $1,000/month in any of those areas in 2 months. I've actually been debating getting into voice acting just to see what it's like. 3. No formal education or training related to my freelancing. I went to school for something totally unrelated. I have 3-4 years experience now, but when I started I had 0 days in writing aside from maybe being a little above-average at English in school. Here is all you need to get started as a freelancer... Watch like 5 hours of Youtube videos related to your freelancing skill to get a feel for what it's like and if it's a good fit for you, then find the best online course related to it that you can for $200 or less (probably it will be offered by one of the Youtubers you already watched), then make a website with a couple example pieces of your work and start applying for jobs. You don't know how to make a basic website? I didn't either. There's Youtube tutorials for that. A big part of having your own business is being able to Google stuff and figure it out for yourself. Don't let not knowing how to do something stop you from getting started or making progress. Don't let yourself say "I don't have experience" or "I don't know how" any more. You don't need a university professor for validation to tell you that you're right, you can just go learn it yourself and do it without getting permission from anyone.
  2. 2-4 hours per weekday to make $20k - $30k a year, never work weekends. The only time I'll work 8-10 hours per day is if I have a really busy month where I want to earn like $10k in a month or something. Raise your rates. The people paying for your services don't have to pay all of the payroll expenses of having an employee like employment insurance, tax, vacation pay, pension, etc. So you should be aiming for at least $50 - $100 per hour or you will end up needing to work weekends and burn yourself out. Otherwise it isn't any better than a job.
  3. Moving to a bigger and better area, it's important to keep in mind that your cost of living will likely go up too. So you'll want to crunch some numbers with rent and other expenses (or gas if you're going to commute -- and don't forget to factor in your extra driving time too) to see if it makes sense. There's no point working harder or longer but ending up with the same bottom line. Have you attempted automating any parts of your business? My guess is that your biggest strength in the business (and probably the most fun part) is going out and identifying items that are profitable to resell. I'm guessing the more repetitive and grindy part is creating listings, which you could probably outsource to a virtual assistant fairly inexpensively, and free up a lot of your time to explore other things. I used to watch a bunch of flipping/reselling videos on Youtube and watched a few guys progress from doing it all themselves, to getting a small warehouse and some staff. If you're able to completely remove yourself from the process and create a system that works without you, that's where I think big growth can happen. Most people never get to that step because hiring good staff, training them, and developing all the systems to have your business run without you can be a huge headache. I've debated doing the same thing in my freelance writing business and hiring a bunch of other writers below myself and working more as just an editor. But it's definitely a daunting task. Personally I'm planning to shift to other things within the next few years, so I don't know if it makes sense for me to set all that up. But if you're planning to be reselling for the next 10 years, it might be worth the upfront time and investment to try and automate a bit. Then in the long run you'll hopefully have a lot more free time to explore Youtube or other options.
  4. That's the point of life... that's survival. Most people would be even more unhappy if they kept getting less and less, or stagnated and kept only getting the same. More is what drives us. It makes us reproduce, it builds civilization. If you have like 60 more years here, do you just want to sit around and do nothing? Or experience more? You don't have to feel overwhelmed or defeated by the idea of more. You don't have to do absolutely everything. You can prioritize and do the stuff you want more of. Scarcity mindset, there's enough to go around for everybody. True but once you become aware of this you can break free from it to a degree and be satisfied with what you've got.
  5. I feel like to escape wage slavery, paradoxically, first you have to be able to just put up with working a job. To get fired from a new job after days/weeks/a couple months you have to really screw up or have a pretty bad attitude. If you can't just grin and bear it for even a short period of time, that seems like an ego problem to me. People who get too much in the "I don't want to be a wage slave" mindset and have distain for any kind of employment can come off as a "holier-than-thou" jerk even if they lack any sort of skills or experience. If you can't suck it up and work a regular job for more than a few months, you probably lack the discipline to start a business or anything necessary to escape wage slavery.
  6. You can't erase suffering. You can only remove attachment to the things that cause suffering.
  7. 7 per hour is 56 coffees per day. 56 coffees per day if you work 8 hours a day, 7 days a week is 20,384 coffees per year. That's 61,152 coffees sold in 3 years Even if I grant that you can sell 7 coffees an hour (unreasonable), how are you ending up with $16 per coffee? (Or an average order of $16 per customer, at least.) Even if you work 12 hours per day, every single day, that's 91,728 coffees sold in 3 years. That's still $11 per coffee. If somehow you never need to sleep or use the bathroom and you can work 24/7 without hiring any extra staff, that's 183,456 coffees sold in 3 years. That's still over $5 per coffee. Please show your math. Let's work backwards here.... If you want to earn $1,000,000 in 3 years ($333,333 per year).... If you can reasonably sell an artisan coffee for $3 (somewhere between Dunkin Donuts and Starbucks)... You gotta sell 111,111 coffees per year That's 304 coffees per day, every day of the year. Or 25 coffees per hour for an entire 12-hour day. Then realize that $333,333 is your gross profit, not including all of your expenses like raw ingredients, advertising, staff, permits and licences, taxes, and many other things. Then realize coffee is coffee, it's basically a commodity. Unless you absolutely nail it with the branding, you're just going to be some generic guy selling coffee in plain white cups on the corner. Your coffee is totally interchangeable for anyone else's. Car dealerships and churches will give you the stuff for free when you come in.
  8. You're at the peak of Axie Infinity, like 6 months too late. Not sure how much longer it can go on for before the bubble bursts. Why not just invest in stablecoins or any number of altcoins that are paying 5%+ and also appreciating at a healthy percent per year?
  9. Both. It's not as bad as roulette or something that's just dumb luck, but it's still gambling. You can have the right cards, play based on the correct statistics, and still get a bad beat. It's possible but probably not as glamorous as you'd expect. It's not going to WSOP tournaments in person and being on TV and winning big bucks. It's going to your local casino and fleecing money from gambling addicts and drunks. Or grinding 6 low-stakes tables online simultaneously for 8 hours straight. Bad idea. Professionals don't want to play other professionals, it's not a winning proposition. They want to play fish. You might be able to create a platform that bankrolls promising up-and-coming pro poker players, or you represent them almost like an agent. But if you're looking to create another Pokerstars or similar gambling platform, chances are you won't be able to make one better than what already exists. Pure stage orange. This isn't a life purpose or business idea that would give anything back to the world. Poker is a win-lose game. Someone wins, someone loses, plus the house takes a rake from both of you. In the US you have online gambling laws to contend with. Bringing poker to Africa seems like an evil thing to do. The most profitable solution would be to train a bunch of people in 3rd world countries who have a natural aptitude for math to play poker. Then basically put them in a sweatshop and force them to play Poker for 12 hours a day. Similar to Chinese World of Warcraft gold farmers. But that's also probably one of the most cruel things you could do.
  10. Dissonance between these two paragraphs. You have plenty of ideas and hobbies, you're just worried that they aren't "acceptable" things to pursue. If you feel that the way to best try out different possible jobs to find your passion is by jumping job to job, then going to school and going all-in on a degree in only one subject is definitely not the way to go. If you spend 3 more years studying for a particular career and hate it, that's a lot of time and money down the brain.
  11. What's the point of creating a piece of art that nobody will ever see or appreciate? Why make it a blog then? Why not just write your thoughts in a notebook?
  12. Forced covid vaccines are the least of your worries when it comes to becoming a world-class athlete Are you already playing on a local or state-level team that's winning championships? Are you being recognized and scouted as a promising up-and-comer? If not, the chances that you'll ever get picked up by an English or Italian football team is slim to none. Start there.... make a name for yourself and start proving that you're the best. Covid isn't even going to be a concern in another year (hopefully.)
  13. Yup. You can swing dangerously far to the left into violence and extremism, just like with the far right. I think to reach stage yellow of spiral dynamics, you need to realize that both sides have their own merits and value to offer, but on the other hand, they're both kinda fucked up as well.
  14. Learn a programming language that can be used for either VR or web dev. First you need to see if you like programming or not. Because if not, you're going to hate either option.
  15. .COM is and always will be the king of domains. .org is only better for nonprofits. If you ever want to sell a product or a service, or you're making a blog to earn ad revenue (why else would you make it) then a .com is better, don't get hung up on .org because that's what this website happens to be. No, you're going about it totally backwards. People don't come to your blog for a cool name, they come for quality content. Figure out what your blog is going to be about and then make a name, not the other way around. Conscious living, spiritually activated, etc all say very different things about the website. I think you should write at least 30 blog posts, at least 1,000+ words each, before you spend the money buying a domain and hosting. That way you can see if you're serious about blogging, or if you're just going to write 3 short posts and never come back.
  16. Drill deeper into video games. At surface level they might not be your zone of genius or life purpose, but they are probably contained in it. Is it the artwork? Is it the storytelling? Is it the sense of awe and inspiration that they create? Could you combine drawing + video games and find an overlapping zone of genius between both? Creating pixel art or designing assets to be used in video games?
  17. To play "Devil's Advocate" for a minute... sloth and laziness were required as a survival adaptation for most of human history. When you're a hunter-gatherer, there's a much bigger risk-to-reward ratio for getting all ambitious and running around to try out crazy new ideas that might not work. The safe thing to do is stick to what you know, and do the bare minimum to conserve energies (calories). Go out and get the minimum nuts and berries that you need for the day. Snag any injured animals or literal low-hanging fruit you see. Hunting healthy animals or climbing trees wastes precious energy, and risks life-threatening injuries (which is most injuries if there are no hospitals.) Look at other animals like lions... they sit around in the shade doing nothing for days at a time, and only go out to spend energy on killing something once they're hungry. Deer and other animals lazily meander and graze, only running if they need to escape a predator. Even animals like squirrels that have an instinct to stockpile for winter likely do the bare minimum they think they need to survive. The risk of doing too much just to have your food rot or be stolen by another animal makes it not worthwhile. Ambition is starvation. It used to be a last resort, one final try to avoid death when the slothful approach wasn't enough. Obviously we're in a very different time now with lots of abundance. You're 1000x more likely to die from obesity-related diabetes or heart disease than starvation in the 1st world. But I don't think that naturally makes laziness "disgusting". Even if you earn a million dollars per year, you're in some kind of comfort zone. You earn just enough money to get the comfort and security that you desire. What's to stop you from earning 2 or 10 million per year? Where is the cutoff between sloth and ambition? What % over baseline survival should we strive for? Where at the other end of the spectrum does over-ambition become equally self-destructive and disgusting, when people don't have time for family at night because they're so busy accomplishing big things. Especially when so many of those tasks that are important to us right now, will be meaningless and forgotten once we're dead.
  18. In the Hero's Journey model, first the hero rejects the call, but the calls persist until they finally accept. So if you're having trouble deciphering multiple calls to action, you can filter out the ones that only come up once, and then die out. If your brain keeps coming back to the same thing over and over, or opportunities keep popping up in one area, that's a pretty good sign.
  19. All of the old "black hat" SEO tactics like keyword stuffing, buying backlinks off people, etc have been fixed and will get your website blacklisted by Google. The only way to get free traffic to your website in 2021 is to provide real value to people for free. Answer the questions that they're searching for. Then upsell them coaching, a course, affiliate products, or whatever once they trust you. Income School on Youtube is about the only source I trust on this. (Full disclosure: I'm not affiliated with them, but I have paid for their $450 course and paid $250 per year to renew it for the past couple of years.) Even most SEO industry leaders like Neil Patel are super sketchy and giving bad info. Alternatively you've gotta pay to experiment with stuff like Facebook ads until you figure something out that provides more lifetime value than it costs to run the ads. Paid courses will help flatten the learning curve if you go that route.
  20. 80% of your traffic is going to come in through your blog posts You need to make your blog posts so they're answering questions that people would actually search. Eg. https://www.logoshealth.co/blog/intro-to-metabolic-typing-djl99 - eg. instead of just having the second header called Metabolic Typing, it should be something like "What is metabolic typing?" Type the question into Google and look at the "People Also Ask" and "Related Searches" sections and answer those too: What are the 3 metabolic types? What is metabolic typing test? What is the metabolic survey? How do you determine your metabolism type? It's also probably not a good sign that the #1 result is saying in bold that metabolic typing is a pseudoscience. Google will penalize you if it thinks you're spreading medical misinformation. It sucks because I can tell that you put a ton of work (or money) into those blog posts, but they aren't going to be generating even a fraction of the search traffic that they should be. "THE 6 FOUNDATIONAL PRINCIPLES" -- of what? I assume "Of Health". But it doesn't say in the title, let alone even in the whole article itself. Are the 6 foundational principles of health a common idea that people will actually be searching for? Or how are people going to come across this post? "ALL STRESS SUMMATES" would probably be better titled "The X Types of Stress" and a bunch of other tweaks. "INTRO TO ORGANIC EATING" is 90% about organic farming, not organic eating "INTRO TO STOICISM" doesnt seem related to your niche enough to be writing an article about it. The keyword is also too competitive and your article isn't high enough quality to rank for it. "FUNCTIONAL EXERCISE" is too technical, it reads like a textbook or encyclopedia, and lacks info people will actually search for. Inner unit and outer unit don't come up in Google searches. People want to know what functional training or a functional workout is, what kind of equipments it uses, examples of exercises it includes, what are the 7 functional movements, whether you can do it every day or not. Man, it's brutal to see like 20,000 words written that are basically accomplishing nothing. Everything else on the site looks great, you've even got your own app it looks like. But none of that matters if nobody is seeing it. I would also like to see a larger "About Me" section though. Right now it's literally just 1 testimonial from a customer. Ideally I'd want to see it as its own dedicated page. Tell about your experience and education as a personal trainer, any related courses or education you have, your own fitness accomplishments in competitions or whatever else. Google has actual people that go through and review websites... part of what they're looking for is that you're actually a subject matter expert who is knowledgeable and trustworthy in your domain. Probably worth starting a Youtube channel too for this niche
  21. Haha spoken like a true wagie. If you've got a job and get fired, 100% of your income is gone overnight. If you're split between a few things, you can lose one income stream and still have 75% coming in from other stuff. How is it a nightmare? I have multiple companies that just pay me passive income each month. The money just gets deposited into my bank account every month. It couldn't be easier. Hardest part is opening a spreadsheet once a month to enter amounts, just to keep a running tally for tax purposes.
  22. It's becoming mainstream news now that Johnson & Johnson baby powder may contain asbestos. Not only that, but the company knew about it for decades and kept on selling it: https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/johnsonandjohnson-cancer/ Now that the lawsuits are starting to pile up, they're considering passing on all the liability to a separate company and just bankrupting it, which would basically allow them to get off scott-free (aside from the irreversible damage to their brand): https://globalnews.ca/news/8038379/jj-baby-powder-bankruptcy-company/ Talk about the epitome of devilry. Makes you wonder how many other things we're putting on or in our body that are actually toxic or cancer causing. Especially products aimed at the youngest and most vulnerable among us. Petroleum jellies like Vaseline are literally made of petroleum byproducts called hydrocarbons, so almost analogous to rubbing gasoline or coal on your skin. But most people will still default to it over more natural products like coconut oil or beeswax. Although studies apparently haven't proven it, for some reason everybody has this idea that aluminum causes dementia. How did that become common knowledge among the average person? But we still put on deodorant containing aluminum and put our food and drinks in aluminum cans. If you look up aspartame, Wikipedia will tell you that it's basically completely safe and there's no association with cancer. Society is gaslighting us into accepting these toxic products. It's impossible as a consumer to know if something like aspartame is actually dangerous, or just a mass-hysteria among health nuts. We're always told to trust the science, but in this case, the science is usually bought and paid for by the same corporations that are selling the products. Bottom line: Don't trust companies with a profit motive to tell you if their products are actually safe or not. Apparently the FDA and other government agencies must also be bought off if they aren't catching this stuff, I can't think of any other explanation for it. So use your intuition... lean toward using more natural solutions whenever possible, and avoid stuff containing chemicals that you can't pronounce. More than anything, trust your body and listen to how it reacts to things. The worst part is that natural alternatives are few in number, not stocked in most stores, and tend to be significantly more expensive. Plus when it comes to food, most of us are so addicted to sugar and salt that it makes quitting unhealthy food a monumental task.
  23. You might find the book The $100 Startup by Chris Guillebeau inspiring, it's got a few dozen startup stories in it. For my own story, I found what helped was breaking it down into little chunks like you mentioned, listing them all on a Trello board or something similar, trying to assign some level of priority, and just working through them one by one. Even something like "make a webpage" you can break down into.... buy a domain, sign up for hosting, connect domain to hosting, install Wordpress, create a home page, create an about page, etc etc etc. It's much easier to do small tasks that take 30 minutes at most, instead of sitting down in front of one giant task like "start a business". To move a mountain, just start with one little rock at a time.
  24. You can find a non-spiritual life purpose with the course, I did. Just be aware if you find yourself being pulled in that direction, and try to avoid it. Don't even allow yourself to put spirituality as one of your top values or when filling out the other exercises. If you answer a question with spirituality or consciousness, force yourself to find a more practical answer instead. I found the same problem with business gurus selling courses. Everybody ends up making a business out of teaching other people how to start a business, instead of providing an actual product or service. Defaulting to spirituality in the LP course is the equivalent of this, it's just inadvertent laziness on the part of people doing the course. It's easier to just emulate Leo than find your true purpose. And doing spiritual stuff all day generally seems like it'd be less grindy on the surface than other options.
  25. Easily Google-able, this is not a tech support forum. But really it's going to vary depending on which editing software you decide to use. Based on this post, I'm guessing you aren't even at the point of selecting a specific editing software yet. So first Google that.