
Member Apolitical
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Everything posted by Yarco

  1. What America needs to do right now is something Americans aren't very good at. We need to shut our mouths and let Russia/Ukraine work their shit out themselves. We don't have to pick either side. Being non-interventionist isn't pro-Russia or pro-Ukraine, it's pro-American. There are like 200 countries in the world, and at any given time about 50 of them are at war. There's almost always a clear "right" and "wrong" side in every conflict. Why aren't we jumping up and down about those conflicts? Why don't we care about conflicts going on in central Africa right now? What is so special about Russia/Ukraine? Don't get me wrong and think I'm pro-Putin either. Every politician is just a thug willing to use power to get what they want, Putin is no exception. Just relax. The media and people in charge don't want you to realize how INSIGNIFICANT this whole situation is. It's significant to a Ukrainian or Russian, but as an American this means fuck all to you. Why is this forum blowing up with posts from people who probably didn't know what/where Ukraine was last month. How did getting involved with Afghanistan or Iraq work out? Did that benefit either the US or the people living there? Ukraine/Russia has no benefit to the American people. This also isn't going to become WW3 unless someone does something really, really stupid. The best way to avoid WW3 is to stay out of it. Why do we owe Ukraine anything? How is Ukraine our ally? Does the US have any formal agreements with Ukraine? Ukraine is not our friend. Ukraine is not a democracy. The president of Ukraine has had his political opponents arrested simply because they were his opponents. Sanctioning Russia just makes them more powerful. Russia has no economic power when oil is below about $70/barrel. But paradoxically, you sanction them and cause the price of their oil to skyrocket, and their power actually goes up. Someone is still going to be buying that oil even without a pipeline. Just stay out of it. The world isn't going to end if Russia takes a little piece of Ukraine. We have much bigger problems to deal with at home.
  2. I think I can follow the solipsism idea pretty well, but here is where I get a little bit lost. Is the past also imaginary, even the first-hand experiences we've had ourselves? Obviously stuff like WWII, even our own birth, ie. anything we didn't directly witness is imaginary. But what about our life yesterday, or even a second ago? Is the entire idea of time passing an illusion? There is really only the present moment and I imagined even my own life up until now? I understand that the idea of death is imaginary, or at least purely conceptual. I have never died myself, only witnessed other characters in the dream dying. But is it possible for us to know what happens after death? Or if death is even possible? Are we are stuck in a present moment, essentially immortal? Is the idea of my body aging up to this point also a lie, so I don't have to worry about getting old and dying? Or is dying possible in the same sense of waking up completely? I get that if death is possible, everyone else and the world and universe will all blink out with us. But assuming death is possible, what happens after? Is it just absolute nothingness? How do we differentiate the scientific nothingness that awaits after death from the spiritual absolute nothingness of god? Is there possibility of starting over as a new character in an entirely different dream? How would god go from nothing back to something? Or is this unknowable?
  3. Realize that you needing Leo to give a take on every issue is the same problem that led to everyone freaking out about the solipsism video being taken down. You are way too attached. There are tons of political experts out there already giving their takes, you don't necessarily need your guru to give his to shape your worldview around it. Figure it out for yourself. Like 30% of people on the forum @ Leo at the top of every post they make, or make an appeal for him to answer it specifically. There are hundreds of other people here who can answer you too.
  4. Yes, this is what real and proven conspiracies almost always boil down to. See: MKUltra, COINTELPRO, Watergate, Tuskegee experiment, NSA mass surveillance, big oil / big tobacco lying, etc etc
  5. I think a big part of this work is being able to hold multiple contradictory worldviews in your head at once. Most people cant do that, its either a conspiracy or not for them. I am equally okay with 9/11 being a conspiracy or not I am willing to hold all these possibilities below in my head and be okay with the fact that I simply dont know. Of course I assign my own probability to each: Jet fuel melts steel beams or not, controlled demolition, plane was actually a missile, remote controlled planes, no actual passengers on board, government allowed it to happen to justify war, real terrorist attack with negligent response, real terrorist attack and government did everything in their power to stop it, Bin Laden did it, Israel did it, America did it. Most conspiracies have a kernel of truth to them that get blown way out of proportion. You have to do your own probability analysis and determine where on the spectrum the truth is. In an ideal world you can eventually rule out false info and converge all your probabilities into one true statement, but in many instances it's impossible to get enough information to do this. Watch out for controlled opposition on the extreme ends trying to make the whole idea look insane. Another example... If you believe the entire government covid vaccine narrative you're too far in one direction. But if you believe the vaccine puts graphite nanobots into your blood you're also way too far in the other direction. Find the truth in the middle where nefarious or profit-driven stuff really is happening, and ignore the smear labels of pro vax, anti vax, etc. I probably shouldn't use actual examples because that might trigger people to defend or oppose certain ideas, so try to just look at the substance of what I'm saying. If you want to argue about a specific topic feel free to DM me so we don't derail this entire thread
  6. Definitely not. I derealized about a week or two ago and there was nothing spiritual about it. No wisdom or insight. Just a scary shift in perspective. I guess you could say there is "less attachment" in that state but moreso simply because of a distortion in your senses. In a TV show or movie where someone experiences trauma, like gets stabbed and is about to die, and time is all distorted and their vision is messed up and they're stumbling around and voices are muffled, that's actually a pretty accurate representation. By definition, derealization is not marked by a detachment from reality. To experience solipsism I believe you would need to go past just derealizing, all the way to psychosis where you are actually disconnected from reality. I dont think you can seriously believe you're the only real being in existance and still be in this reality in the traditional sense. Not to say that enlightened people are insane. But to a psychologist I'm guessing it would present that way.
  7. What are the necessary ingredients that you think you can only get by consuming meat? Find out what those are, and then see what the levels of them are in chicken, pork, beef, fish, etc. If it's just protein, there are plenty of vegetarian ways to get enough protein. You want to eat meat as close to natural as possible. That's hard to do at places where low and middle class people eat. Steak would be your best choice but it's expensive. Cooked with just a little salt and pepper, maybe a little butter. No crazy sauces. No preservatives or chemicals added. That means no lunchmeat, shawarma, etc. Don't get it overly burned/charred as that can be cancer-causing. Plus what are you eating it with? Most restaurants won't prepare you just pure meat. They'll try to sell it to you with some kind of bread, fries, or other stuff. Basically, it's very difficult to do what you're asking. Street vendors and local eateries are going to be using the lowest-quality meats they can buy to reduce their costs and maximize profits. If you haven't eaten meat in years and you aren't low in any specific vitamins/minerals, I would say there is no reason to start. If you do start, I think learning a couple basic recipes and cooking it yourself is the ideal way to go. It's not hard. Just buy hamburger, steak, or whatever and cook it in a pan until it turns brown.
  8. Playing devils advocate a bit, calmness could be a toxic or negatively-motivated value. The easiest way to create calm is to seek comfort, to be avoidant, to be static. Calm/peace of mind/tranquility is a natural byproduct of a fulfilling and balanced life. But if you seek it directly, it could prevent you from the temporary discomfort needed for growth. The easiest way for me to be calm is to not take risks, to not engage with other people (especially people with differing views and opinions), to not try anything new, to totally opt out from society. I'm at my most calm watching Youtube videos and eating Doritos alone in the dark. It's good to remember to be calm sometimes, to take a deep breath and center yourself. But sometimes in life, you have to set the calmness aside for a bit. Calmness is stillness. And the most calm and still you can be is when you're dead.
  9. Many of the books in the course are popular enough that they've been translated into French if you look for them https://www.amazon.ca/grand-saut-Bien-être-12634-French-ebook/dp/B07RZQYS59 https://www.amazon.ca/Deep-work/dp/B06XXVRZJC/
  10. Probably my fav - Dropping Ashes on the Buddha: The Teachings of Zen Master Seung Sahn by Stephen Mitchell If you want an all-in-one giant text of everything you'll ever need - Mastering the Core Teachings of the Buddha: An Unusually Hardcore Dharma Book - Revised and Expanded Edition by Daniel M. Ingram kiss kiss
  11. I'm no psychologist, but I don't know if I've ever seen neurosis exist in isolation. My hypothesis would be that everybody has a predisposition toward a certain amount of neurosis, but then it has to be triggered by environmental factors, namely stress/pressure. You rarely see a neurotic hippy or monk. Kids aren't naturally neurotic. Only once their parents, teacher, society starts applying too much pressure. You can't change how genetically sensitive to stress/pressure you are, so all you can do is reduce it. I don't think it has much to do with your level of consciousness. Aside from the fact that when you're in survival mode, you can't really worry about higher consciousness things. This is the problem that has to be solved. It's not sustainable. CEOs don't even need to plan their days out in this much detail. Or maybe their schedule is full during working hours, but then they have time off. And they have a personal assistant to schedule all their work stuff for them. Without knowing any details it's hard to say how to do this though. Delegation or cutting things out are the most obvious.
  12. Get prepared, but don't go crazy. Don't go converting all your money to gold and silver or ammo. At the same time, I think everyone should have enough food and supplies stocked up so they don't have to leave their property for months if it ever gets that dangerous, which most people would find pretty extreme. It's not that expensive to stock up on nonperishables like pasta, rice, beans that you'll eat anyway. 10 lbs rice, 10 lbs flour + some yeast, 5 lbs peanut butter, 10 lbs pasta, pasta sauce in cans, canned soup and other foods, a couple bottles of honey or bags of sugar. A couple bags of oats. 5 or 10 lbs of beans/lentils. A couple bottles of olive oil. That's enough food for 1 person for 100-ish days. You are min/maxing survival at this point so throw your grain free organic whatever diet out the window. Inflation is just going to continue this year. So if you can afford to stock up now, anything you buy will likely be 20% cheaper now than if you wait until the end of this year. If you live in a country that borders Russia like Norway, I'd have a plan to leave your home if it gets to that. In North America, I think the worst we'll see is really high gas prices. In which case you might want to buy a bicycle and stop being dependent on your car for short trips. I'm not worried, if this plays out naturally I don't think it will lead to WW3. But if the US or Nato wants war they can certainly trigger it, through aggression, false flags, etc. During dangerous times, even unfortunate misunderstandings can go south really quickly. But at this point it's just a local conflict to me. There isn't really any reason for the rest of the world to get involved.
  13. Probably not even for $2,000/hr. I think he used to charge $500/hr when he actually wanted to coach. Go make a Youtube channel with 50,000 subscribers and invite him on, maybe then it will be worth it. Imagine having such an ego and thinking you're so special that your problems can't be solved by the 504 Actualized.org videos that already exist. Go watch every one of those first. Oh so you literally don't even have a question or problem to be solved, you just want to talk lol. There are already hundreds of people on the forum to do that with, including many that claim to be enlightened. What makes talking to Leo so special?
  14. If you can manage to be apolitical, I think you remove a lot of stress from your life. Focus on your immediate needs and creating a satisfying life on the ultra-local level (neighborhood/community, below municipal even.) I think a lot of what makes people neurotic is stressing about trying to control things that they have no power over. Politics is fine if your views are mostly in line with the status quo and you just want things to move 10% in either direction. If you're a leftist, social justice, environmentalist, progressive type, you'll never be happy with any of the choices that have a shot of winning. If you're a based and redpilled alt-righter, you'll never be happy either. Even governments in US and Western Europe are too corrupt to reform through regular political means. Plus the majority of people are just too stupid. People are too comfortable with food delivery and Netflix, things will have to get way worse before any meaningful change can take place. Just focus on improving yourself, making a little bubble of community. Play within the rules of the game that are already set, it's futile to try and change them. Just look at Trump vs Biden. Sure Biden is marginally better in some areas than Trump, and worse in others. If you're a Bernie-or-Bust type who gritted their teeth and voted for Biden, are you really any happier or better off right now than if Trump was still in charge? To change one single policy, you have to basically devote your life to it full-time. Imagine being someone trying to get weed legalized in their state where it's currently still illegal. Imagine working on one stupid issue like whether you can ingest a plant or not full-time and getting nowhere, watching states all around you legalize but where you live go nowhere. I tried to get my city to allow backyard chickens. I did a big study about cities larger than ours that allow them, I explained how they could do it in a way that addressed all the concerns people had about noise, smells, animal cruelty, etc. It was still just an immediate no. They shelved it and they have a policy where they won't even consider the same issue again for at least 4 years. It's IMPOSSIBLE to make a change at any level. As you can imagine I'm getting pretty blackpilled. I'm pretty much done with the system. I'm just going to try to take as much from the system as I'm legally allowed, while contributing as little to it as legally allowed. That even means earning less money and having less luxuries, just to deny the government their extra tax revenue. Maybe if enough people do that we can collapse the system. I don't see any other way except just opting out. I mean, now with covid-19, mail-in ballots seem like they're going to be a standard thing going forward. So maybe I'll request a mail-in ballot and drop it off if I happen to be going to a store near a mailbox. I'm not gonna go wait in line for 30 minutes somewhere though, my time is worth more than that. I also have no illusion that I'm going to actually bring about any kind of change. It's more just an F-U to vote for the most far out-there party than anything.
  15. I already publicly told Nahm in a reply weeks ago what I thought about his posting style and how unhelpful it was. I can't find the post now, but basically what's already been said, so I won't bother going in-depth. Anyway, I think there's a bigger mod problem afoot. I don't know how mods get selected, if it's people that Leo meets in-person on retreats, or what. But they always seem to suddenly pop up without having ever seen them in the community before. Usually there's just suddenly a mod I've never heard of that pops up and starts posting very biased and intentionally inflammatory comments in the politics section, then I start seeing the same mod posting garbage takes everywhere else too. There are good mods here that I respect, but some pretty bad ones too. One mod basically let Thestarguitarist14 turn this forum into pure chaos for days straight and gave him way too many chances because of his own white guilt, all while handing out warning points to people who probably didn't deserve it. (I definitely deserved mine LOL. I'm not just salty about that.) I never saw him here before or since. I don't think mods should be getting involved in heated discussions themselves. There's an inherent messed-up power dynamic there when you're arguing against someone that has the power to ban you. At the same time, I realize I'm playing in somebody else's sandbox, they can make the rules and I'm free to take my toys and go home at any time. But I also think this is a problem that's just going to grow and metastasize over time.
  16. Maybe he's gotten better about it in recent months, I haven't watched any recent interviews. But for over a year it was very much a "Sure, this isn't therapy *wink wink nudge nudge*" thing with his guests. Until the day he died, Reckful legitimately didn't know if Dr K was his doctor, coach, or friend. Saying "this is not therapy" and then proceeding to do therapy isn't any different than the people who write "No copyright infringement intended" in their Youtube video description when they rip and re-upload videos . If it quacks like a duck...
  17. Doctors, psychologists, psychiatrists are held to a much higher standard of ethics than almost any other profession. His liscence prohibits him from doing stuff like taking clients out for dinner, being their friend, offering to go on a trip with them. It also prohibits him from bartering for his services or doing pro bono work for people who can afford to pay for it. You aren't allowed to be a therapist for your wife or friend. There needs to be a very clean line and distinction drawn between doctor/patient and any other type of relationship. I'm a fan of both Dr K and MrGirl so I don't really have a horse in the race. But I would bet money that Dr K is going to lose his medical license over this. MrGirl's position is that it's not about net good. Most serial killers do net good over the course of their lives.
  18. Personal preference, cultural norms, and what the individual woman wants. All I know is when I see a 2-inch pube on a urinal it almost makes me puke. I feel sorry for anyone who has to go down on that. Pubes: Beard trimmer with no guard, or lowest possible guard (0.5mm - 1mm) to avoid cuts. Realistically I think majority of women would prefer short to none though, they don't want a pre-pubescent boy either. Ass: Nothing, too much work, women never see your naked ass unless you're into butt stuff. Maybe trim within the crack to reduce sweat. But shaving your butt is itchy af and leads to ingrown hairs since you sit on it all day. chest: Probably short, but this has the most wiggle room of any body hair imo. pits: Shave with a razor in the shower. The difference in sweat / body odor between no hair and some hair is immense. If you're always sweating through your shirt with pit stains, you have to try shaving them. happy trail: Depends on chest hair back: Most guys can get away with nothing, maybe clean up weird straggler hairs on shoulders. If you've got a rug on your back you need to either own it or get it waxed. arms & legs: leave alone
  19. Marriage has some benefits. Tax benefits of course. If you got married young and decided to be a housewife (or househusband) and never went to post-secondary education or got a job because of it, then you have nothing on your resume and no job experience if you get divorced and need to start working. Spousal support / alimony protects you in that regard. If you split you're entitled to half the stuff, even if you made non-monetary contributions over the course of the marriage, like cooking and cleaning and taking care of the kids. If one of you dies and you don't have a will, the stuff automatically goes to the spouse instead of ending up in legal limbo for a long time. Basically marriage has a bunch of legal and social protections built in that might not be immediately apparent. It's more than just a piece of paper. As much as guys (especially divorced MGTOW guys who have been burned) will complain about alimony and child support and the courts being unfair to men, it's a pretty good system overall. Overall I agree it's pretty overrated though. If I'm honest with myself, the main reason I got married is probably not to be alone when I'm older. So when you're dying in the hospital someone is there to hold your hand, or someone is there to call 911 when you have a heart attack. I guess you could accomplish the same thing with a really good friend who is a life-long roommate, although even when you're in the hospital, there is special visitation privileges for only spouses usually. Plus after being with someone for so long, just being alone in a home and especially going to bed alone at night is weird and a bit spooky. That being said, don't settle into marriage (or relationships in general really) from a place of scarcity to lock something in because you think you'll never be able to find a replacement or something better. I definitely wish I had more casual sex and relationships when I was younger before settling down into a committed relationship, those sex-ed lessons are traumatic though and will make you think you'll simultaneously get someone pregnant and catch AIDs the very first time you have sex.
  20. Get a breathalyzer, they're like $50 on Amazon lol. Although then I guess they could just say you're high. Sounds like just a convenient way to discriminate against you for something else they don't like.
  21. I ended up getting the Tenga Fliphole, plus a 6-pack of the eggs (which I've tried one of so far.) The Tenga Fliphole is... very efficient at what it does, it gets you off really fast. But it's not necessarily that pleasurable, if that makes sense? Like if you were making a factory where you had to milk 1000 dudes of their semen per day for some kind of breeding program or something, the Fliphole would be my go-to tool. It's literally a tool designed to get dudes off as fast as possible. That's not necessarily the reason that I masturbate though, just to get off. It actually takes the pleasure out of masturbation and treats it more like a problem to be solved. Like if you asked AI how to make masturbation as efficient as possible... it'd come up with the Tenga Fliphole. It does the job but completely lacks soul. It's nothing like pussy and that's fine. From the reviews I didn't expect it to be realistic. Nothing can be as good as the real thing. But it's so different from the real thing that it's just a bit of a bizarre experience. I don't want my toy to be THAT GOOD, I want to get more than 10-20 thrusts out of the process. The buildup of masturbating is arguably the better part than the actual orgasm. Just 3-4 Kleenexes is probably still going to be my go-to going forward. Optimal softness with no lube required, no messy cleanup. I guess the Fliphole is the ideal tool if you wanted to stop watching porn while still fulfilling the urge of getting off without any imagery required, if you think porn causes negative effects on the brain. Or if you're masturbating to porn for hours per day and you just want to force yourself to get off quickly so you can stop wasting so much time. It's a great way to make yourself no longer enjoy jacking off.
  22. Okay that's fine. I won't bother trying to correct or arguing with people about it any more then. They're gonna believe what they're gonna believe, and I'm gonna believe what I believe. Until for one of us it eventually stops being a belief any more.
  23. Incorrect. Just because something makes sense to you doesn't mean it's the truth. It doesn't have to make sense, especially at a human level of understanding
  24. INTJ-T (Architect) I think it's interesting and accurate. I don't know if I'd center my whole life around it. It's a bit better and more scientific than Chinese horoscopes. Honestly, knowing I'm a fire rabbit in Chinese astrology has probably provided me with a similar level of benefit. I've done Jordan Peterson's Self Authoring program (all 3 modules - past, present, future.) I think the Future Authoring Program is great, almost on par with the Actualized.org Life Purpose Course. Especially considering that the cost and time commitment is probably 10x less. The other two are more limited in usefulness. I've also done the version of the Big 5 test that Peterson offers (understandmyself.com), although he didn't create that framework. I found it a lot more useful and in-depth than Myers-Briggs. But my results were also EXTREME, either extremely high or low in most categories, so it's more clear-cut and useful for me than someone who falls in the middle on most areas: Agreeableness: Very low (8th percentile), Compassion: Exceptionally low (0th percentile), Politeness: Typical or average (52nd percentile), Conscientiousness: Very high (93rd percentile), Industriousness: Moderately high (67th percentile), Orderliness: Exceptionally high (98th percentile), Extraversion: Exceptionally low (0th percentile), Enthusiasm: Exceptionally low (0th percentile), Assertiveness: Very low (9th percentile), Neuroticism: Typical or average (59th percentile), Withdrawal: Very high (91st percentile), Volatility: Low (17th percentile), Openness to experience: Low (20th percentile), Intellect: Moderately high (67th percentile) (Don't confuse with IQ, this is a measure of interest in abstract ideas, whereas IQ is a measure of processing speed, verbal ability, working memory, and problem solving capacity), Openness: Exceptionally low (3rd percentile) Honestly, if you're on here you've probably done enough self-help work that none of the results would surprise you. But $10 USD for the personality test and $15 USD for the future authoring program, I think they're a very good value. Paying $30 for the entire self-authoring suite is less good, although for an extra $15, if that's not a big deal to you, you might as well.
  25. You've never played a video game and had a conversation with a character before? They can assign quests to you, explain their backstory, etc. Now imagine the video game is so advanced that every character can explain most of the lore, several generations deep. They have billions of responses they can give you. Of course a character in a game is going to tell you they exist. It'd be super weird and pointless to break the 4th wall and tell you they're just computer code. No it's not. I am denying you that experience! Do you see the mindfuckery of this whole thing? From my perspective, you don't exist and you didn't write your original post. You are trying to deceive me by making such an outraged post. It really adds to the realism as if you actually existed. No one Yes No Yes. No. I deny that you typed that message. I deny there is a you that could've typed that message.