
Member Apolitical
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Everything posted by Yarco

  1. IMO the biggest threat is widespread power outages. They could take the banking system (+ debit/credit cards) offline temporarily, but I assume there are enough backups in place that it could get back online pretty quickly. Electrical grids everywhere are very interconnected. I remember living through this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Northeast_blackout_of_2003 If you live in EU, if one country's power grid comes down and your country's grid is connected any way, it could take you offline and keep you offline. It would have a cascading effect: One reason why the following is probably one of the dumbest things you could do: https://www.reuters.com/business/energy/europe-ukraines-plan-link-power-grids-2022-03-01/ If you link Ukraine's grid to the rest of Europe, Russia just has to launch a cyberattack on Ukraine to potentially knock out power for all of Europe. Keep in mind that water pumping stations need electricity too. So if your electricity is off for longer than they can run backup generators, you won't be getting water either.
  2. It's the next-most reassuring thing after the idea of an eternal heaven-like state. Most "spiritual but not religious" people aren't naïve enough to believe in heaven, but they can't cope with the idea of non-existence after death either. So reincarnation is the most convenient option.
  3. Doing the life purpose course and committing to your life purpose are two different things. I would say do the life purpose course in your spare time, even if it's only an hour at a time, once or twice a week. If you're so time limited that you'll only be able to do it less than once a week, then I'd put it off, since you'll probably forget stuff from the previous module by the time you do the next. Just finding out your life purpose doesn't mean that you need to commit your entire life to it right away. It'll be valuable just to have your life purpose in the back of your mind when making decisions, and to have an overall long-term path for your life. You can always come back to the course later if your priorities change.
  4. Totally out of touch. Talking about higher wages, job growth, etc is so ridiculous sounding to the average worker right now that it's not even possible to gaslight them about it any more. Out in the real world, things are beyond bad right now. The price of stuff has gone up so much that people aren't just living paycheck-to-paycheck any more, where an unexpected expense will wipe them out. Many people will get wiped out on the current trajectory even if things stay the same. They won't be able to afford upcoming expenses like car insurance because they spent all their money on food, then they have no way to get to work, and it snowballs from there. None of the stuff he's suggested will help average people. Trying to tax corporations is a losing game, they will always find loopholes (or loopholes will intentionally be put in.) $15/hr minimum wage won't help people. You can't live on $20/hr most places now. The cost of a house in my neighborhood has gone up $200k in the past 6 months, and prices were already insane before that. It's impossible to save up a down payment fast enough. More than 40% of young homebuyers are receiving financial help from parents. Parents are gifting their kids $82,000 on average just to afford a shitty starter house. Even if you're a couple that makes $70k/year, you can't buy a house right now without help from your parents, you're fucked. One guy working a factory job (no university degree) used to be able to have a nice house, could afford to have his wife stay at home with multiple kids, and retire with a nice pension. Now a Bachelor's degree gets you $30k/year when houses cost $800k. It should've been a "We know things are bad, we're all in this together and have to come together" speech instead of blatantly lying and saying things are good or improving when they aren't. People aren't even at the point of panic any more. They're beyond panic, they're completely hopeless and have given up. Inflation is going to keep screwing low and middle class people until AT LEAST the end of the year. Lying politicians aren't going to help you with that. They lied about reducing or eliminating your student debt. They lied about defunding the police and just did a full 180. They lie about everything. They will keep bleeding you until things get so bad that people have no choice but to rise up en masse.
  5. Right now this statement seems way too vague to me. If you say it could either increase or decrease depending on the scenario, then this is basically an unfalsifiable claim, except in circumstances where it has no effect at all. I think we can all agree that someone dying will have some effect, either positive or negative, unless it's literally some hermit living in the woods who has no contact with anyone. The way this part I've bolded is worded is very confusing, but I'll try to interpret it the best I can. Will the death of my mother make me appreciate my father more? Maybe in the short-term. When I lose one parent, the realization that I can lose the other one might make me want to spend more time with them for a while. But I imagine this will quickly go back to a similar baseline level as before. If I don't have a good relationship with my father, I don't think that the death of my mother will suddenly make me want to spend more time with him. I don't understand how it could go both ways for you simultaneously. If your mother died, you'd both care about your father more and less simultaneously? Or am I misunderstanding? From a parent's perspective, I think the same applies to the previous example. If you see other kids dying in war, it will temporarily make you appreciate your alive kid more and take them less for granted. But over time, people revert back to taking everything for granted. For a sibling, the death of a brother or sister increases their value in some ways. They now get the undivided attention of their parents, instead of having to split it with a sibling. When their parents die, they will inherit all of their wealth instead of splitting it with a sibling. On a national scale, each person eliminated increases the value of remaining citizens. Less people to share retirement funds, social security, and other benefits with. On the other hand, less tax revenue. And national debt will be spread between less citizens, so technically each citizen owes more on paper (not that I think national debt will ever be reduced or collected.) If all elderly and disabled people who no longer contribute to society were killed, it would increase the value of all remaining people in the society, at least from a financial perspective. Not advocating for it or saying it would be ethical at all, purely theoretical.
  6. Surprised this doesn't violate the geneva conventions or something similar. I know the French Foreign Legion anyone can join, but I doubt Ukraine has something like this. Basically a way for American citizens to go to war with Ukraine without the US formally entering the war. If I was a Russian soldier and every body I came across had a US or EU passport I'd be pissed and want Russia to declare war. Isn't there a no-fly zone around Ukraine, how are they even getting in?
  7. Almost entirely genetic. I wouldn't waste your time and money with supplements, creams, oils, special routines, etc. For most guys it will get thicker and denser as they age. By 25 or so you should be able to grow a better beard. Maybe get bloodwork done by your doctor to see if you have low testosterone.
  8. Consider whether this is just busy-work preventing you from actually accomplishing your goals. Do you really need all this stuff integrated, giving you automatic reminders? How much benefit or organization does it really give you? I would spend the hour or two it would take to set all this up, and just work toward your goals instead. After a week or two, you should get into a routine and it should be relatively automatic as to what you need to do next. All my goal and life purpose stuff is in a single word document on my desktop. All of my goals and ambitions from now until 2030+ are in less than 2 pages, it's not that much work to skim through it whenever I need to re-prioritize.
  9. Great way to find yourself suddenly in hospital dying of a mysterious illness, like Russian spies who have defected in the past. I don't agree with this vigilantism. I don't even agree with a Russian billionaire getting their yacht seized in Germany. If they're a private citizen and not a member of the Russian government, they're basically an innocent bystander. What gives them the right? Neither Germany nor NATO is officially at war with Russia and they're just grabbing people's stuff.
  10. If you guys want a real laugh, check out his RationalWiki page https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Leo_Gura Imagine writing this shit and not being able to see your own bias
  11. If you're posting on a forum, you arent computer illiterate. It's not either illiterate or comp sci major, there is a huuuuge gap between those two. To the average person, comp sci is like magic, you might as well be talking about rocket science. For the vast majority of people, their computer knowledge is limited to using social media and email, and paying bills online. Those people are perfectly computer literate, knowing just the absolute basics needed to get by. Go sit in a university computer lab for 15 minutes and listen to the questions that support people are being asked, and you'll see just how little even the average young person knows about computers. To the average person, even creating a free 1-page website with Wix or starting a YouTube channel would be considered in the "advanced" computer skill level. Even though you can start either in like 4 clicks and it's incredibly easy, people have self limiting beliefs like being computer illiterate that prevent them from even trying. The main skill you need to do anything with computers is to be able to use Google. If you can look up solutions to problems you're facing, that's like the golden key that unlocks every other computer skill. The reason parents are always like "my kid is so good at computers" is just because kids are willing to mess around and try. Theyll figure out what every button does through trial and error. The good news is you dont need to know anything about computer code to do 99% of things with computers. Today you can build websites or even computer games without any coding. You already can build your own world or items in the metaverse with the 3D equivalent of MS Paint, basically just snapping shapes together. And everything to do with computers is only becoming more easy and user friendly with time. As long as you've got the willingness and ability to learn how to use new programs in the most basic way, you won't become computer illiterate. If you lack the problem solving and analytical skills to do that, you probably wont get very far in any other area of life anyway.
  12. Go watch some old Elliot Hulse videos, learn to breathe into your balls, do some primal yelling. Society doesn't give us coming-of-age ceremonies any more so you have to create your own. Otherwise you'll always be a boy and never become a man. Get together with your bros, go out and sleep in the wilderness for a night or two, fight with them, cook over a fire, kill an animal, drink animal blood, do painful stuff.
  13. I'm trying to find statistics of how many Americans actually support Russia, and it's literally not even a poll that anyone is doing. Either out of malice, or because it doesn't even occur to the US mainstream media that it could be a possibility. You can find stats on what % of Americans support direct military action in Ukraine, sanctions in Ukraine, etc. But literally no one is asking how many Americans support Russia. During covid they at least told us how many people were for/against mandates, vaccines, etc. Not telling us what % are for/against Russia just seems really fishy. I bet you it's 10%, at least.
  14. You haven't gone deep enough into kriya to fully understand. (Disclaimer: Neither have I really) But I've gone far enough to surmise that Nadi Sodhana, Ujjayi Pranayama, Talabya Kriya, etc are basically preparatory exercises for things you will need to do later in your kriya practice. My understanding is basically that the goal of kriya is to achieve a "breathless state" -- literally you stop breathing for a few minutes and temporarily become enlightened during this time. Being able to stretch your tongue far enough back to block off your own airway seems to be a critical part of this process. It weirds me out and I'm worried about my tongue getting stuck and choking to death so it was a dealbreaker for me and I stopped lmao Again I haven't read through the entire book, past the exercises that I got to before quitting, so I could be talking out my ass here.
  15. Some people roll bad stats and start off with a bad-looking character sheet, at least in conventional terms. If you're only looking at the top 10 most valued stats in society like strength, dexterity, socialization, etc then yeah you can look pretty bad in comparison. You have to take a wider view and look at the top 100 or top 500 stats though. Look at Stephen Hawking. He stopped walking at 20 and doctors gave him 2 years to live. If you wanna talk about "bad at everything", the dude couldn't walk, talk the conventional way, or probably even go to the bathroom by himself. But he lived 79 years and found that one thing he WAS good at (physics) and became world class at it. Also did you know he managed to have two... TWO wives! Incels take note If you want to be good at conventional stuff, you just have to accept you're below-average and work harder than other people. Or you can search for a bit and find what you are good at. It might be something really obscure you've never even tried before, like sewing or basket weaving. You probably just haven't found your thing yet, keep looking!
  16. You could specialize in one item.... used record/CD shop, used video game shop, used book shop, game shop selling used trading cards. Offer people to trade-in their used stuff for a fraction of what it's worth. Then people come to you and you don't have to go out to thrift stores for hours a week. Although I've never seen one of those kinds of shops thriving. Maybe create the online equivalent, and be "the go-to place online" for that one type of item, for a global audience. If you wanna list your top 3 - 5 interests/hobbies (independent of any business idea), I can try to suggest some ways to tie one in. If you're passionate about something it'll be a lot easier to work hard and be successful
  17. If it turns out I'm actually gay, and all of this ideology was just my way of repressing all of my self-hatred and societal pressure, I will be sure to come back in a couple years and let you know, and give you your big "I told you so" moment Love you buddy (only platonically, for now )
  18. Oh wow. Huh. I've never thought of empathizing and putting myself in someone else's shoes before. Not only has this thought exercise cured me of my homophobia, but also my racism and misogyny as well. Amazing No, please stop. This is actually a huge part of the problem. This guy expresses a slight curiosity about what it would be like to be a woman, and you immediately start down the path of trying to convince him that he's gay or trans. It's an epidemic in schools today. A girl is a slight tomboy, a boy picks up a doll one time, a kid doesn't like something about their body, and the teacher is right there to start convincing them that they're LGBT. Kids are highly impressionable. I think we've swung too far to correct from LGBT being shameful in the past, to it now actually being something that makes you cool and special. Now kids want to identify as LGBT just to have a unique pronoun or orientation to put in their social media bio. It's boring to be cis. Teachers shouldn't be suggesting kids into thinking that they're gay or trans, any more than it'd be appropriate for them to convince or diagnose a kid as bipolar. If it's causing issues, talk to the parent and refer them to a professional. I've got a friend who is a primary school teacher (pre-pubescent kids,) and like 10 out of 30 kids in their class classify themselves as LGBT or use pronouns other than what matches up with their biological sex. It hasn't been normal at any point in history for 20 - 30% of people to identify as LGBT, and I think it's going to have huge implications when this generation grows up. IMO a lot of adults are turning to LGBT due to a lack of meaning and purpose in their life too. Thinking it will be that one issue they never considered/realized that will solve all of their problems. In a lot of ways, the LGBT community seems to operate like a cult to me. This "Are you 100% sure you're straight?" thing is basically the kind of stuff Scientology does. Look, if my kids turns out to be gay or trans after their own introspection, I'm going to love and accept them. But I'm not going to allow teachers or society at large to gaslight them into it and permanently damage their mental state just because it's currently the trendy or progressive thing to do.
  19. You don't have to join the military to get all the knowledge and skills that the military offers. All US military field manuals and basically anything that isn't classified is available online. Focus on urban operations if you live in a city. Download some PDFs to a device that you can access offline: https://irp.fas.org/doddir/army/fm3-05-70.pdf https://armypubs.army.mil/epubs/DR_pubs/DR_a/pdf/web/tc90_1.pdf https://irp.fas.org/doddir/army/fm3-06.pdf If you're in the US you probably have a state militia that you can join. Otherwise just find some like-minded people who want to go on long hikes with a 120 lb pack on their back. Just watch out for LARPers and unhinged rambo types. Take some self defense classes to learn hand-to-hand combat. Go play paintball and test out the theory you learned from field manuals about using cover, how to safely breach doorways and clear a room, etc. Get a firearm license and buy a firearm if your government allows it. Otherwise find the next best thing.
  20. The world's been actively getting worse and worse for the past 2 years and doesn't show any signs of getting better any time soon. 2 years isn't a very long time, so maybe this is a short-sighted approach that will hurt you in the long run, so proceed with caution. Maybe war with Russia will be averted and 2023 will be the best year of the decade. Maybe everything will work itself out and we'll have a golden age and everything will be awesome for the next decade. But if I was betting, I'd bet against it. So many of us who are into self-help are all about optimizing our lives. Often this comes at the cost of suffering in the short term. Eating healthy food that doesn't taste as good. Doing exercise that is painful and uncomfortable. Working on a business that won't pay you anything for the next 2 years. Constantly trading off short-term gratification for long-term gains. What if going forward, you no longer have the ability to enjoy any of the luxuries that life will have to offer? What if the world becomes so unstable that you won't have a chance to travel abroad for the next decade or two? What if money becomes such an issue that you can't buy video games or entertainment stuff any more? Or the economy is so screwed up that your business idea is no longer possible. What if the government cracks down on climate change to the point that buying steak or meat in general becomes either illegal or cost-prohibitive? What if you end up dying before age 60, before the effects of poor health really have an impact on you? What if you die decades before your retirement savings were due to run out? Of course the opposite is true. If you pursue short-term gratification and life goes on as normal or things improve, you're going to need triple bypass surgery or just die early of diabetes, or you'll live out your final decades in squalor. But maybe it's worth taking that risk to get as much enjoyment out of the next few years that you can, while it's still an option. There's no bonus points for finishing your life with a nice body or tons of money in your bank account. So why go above and beyond? All of your advanced spiritual knowledge doesn't help you connect with people. If anything it just makes it harder to spend time with people and enjoy normal stuff. I can't control what's happening in the world right now. I can't control what my own government does. I can't control how much stuff will cost next year. What I can control is ordering a large pizza and cracking open a beer, and washing it down with some Doritos and Mountain Dew as I play video games, or binge watch every anime in existance, or watching tiktok meme compilation videos on autoplay all night, or whatever else you enjoy. Get as much pleasure as you can now, because there's no guarantee it'll be available in the future. The Great Depression lasted nearly 10 years. WWII lasted 6. And at the moment it seems like we could be on the precipice of either. Or both. Are you prepared to be miserable until 2030? How about one last mukbang first. Let's mukbang while the world burns. Grab 10 of whatever your favorite fast food item is and let's go.
  21. Dude, stop trying to enforce your narrow view of every little aspect that you think the forum "should be" onto it lol. The meditation section also has the word "paranormal" in the subheading. That means we can talk about ghosts, aliens, bigfoot, ESP and all kinds of stuff there. How are you going to account for that? You're okay with us discussing personal experiences we've had with Bigfoot, just not general philosophy about Bigfoot?
  22. Yeah, writing is my ideal medium as well so I get that. I would still challenge yourself to try branching out into other mediums. If you can only make 1 blog post per week, you can repurpose it and easily turn it into content for other platforms and make the most of your limited time. You can literally just read your blog post into a microphone and upload it as a Youtube video. Almost everybody feels awkward being on camera at first. But if you really hate it, you can just read your blog post with a static image on the screen, be a Vtuber, or make one of those animated writing videos. It might feel cheap and like you're cheating to repurpose content. But the people listening don't know that. There's no real difference between people getting your blog in written or audio format. I also think editing sucks and wastes too much time, so I just don't do it. You might be surprised how receptive most people are to raw, unedited content. You can take quotes from your article and make them into Instagram posts, and all kinds of other stuff. See: https://www.garyvaynerchuk.com/how-to-create-64-pieces-of-content-in-a-day/ You might be surprised which platforms you blow up on, that you wouldn't have even tried. Get extreme about it and even livestream yourself writing the blog posts if you want . I've literally done that before. Livestream myself working on short stories, upload the finished written short stories to my site, and also upload videos of me reading the stories to multiple video sites.
  23. Sometimes you have to break the law to do it. Illegally cutting curbs, breaking bylaws. Don't worry, the law will catch up and illegal actions you're taking today might be things that your city makes mandatory in the future when they see how beneficial they are. That's what happened with the actions this guy took in Tucson, Arizona. Documentary: Anarcho Permaculturist Transforms the Tucson Desert with Water Harvesting: https://odysee.com/@jackspirko:a/Dryland-harvesting-home-gathers-sun%2C-rain%2C-food%2C---more:c
  24. $$$ Why are our governments taking private jets to go discuss climate change You don't have to. Stop turning to your government for permission or guidance and just do what you know is right. Don't look to bureaucracy. We don't need any more laws. You can't start something sustainable on a national or international scale. Just like you can't cut a full-grown tomato plant and hack it off at the ground and just transplant it somewhere else. To start you just have to PLANT A SEED (in the minds of people around you) You have to start at your roots... GRASSROOTS. (okay these analogies are getting cringe) Start a community garden. Volunteer to help people create a small backyard herb garden or replace their plants with native annuals. Create a charity where you farm local food using volunteers and then donate it all to a homeless shelter. Support local farmers that grow food sustainably. Get people to start composting. I don't know, probably dozens of things if you brainstorm about it for a while.
  25. If you had to estimate the % of people on this forum that fall into Red / Blue / Orange / Green / Yellow, what would your guess be? If you wanna ban every orange-and-down person on the forum I think you're gonna be banning at least 50% of the users and probably 80% of the most active ones. (Very conservative) You might find the forum is a lot less fun (or useful) with just a couple dozen green people and like 1 or 2 yellows