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Everything posted by Yarco

  1. Are these the guys on Reddit that volunteered to go hahahahaha. Don't go to war and then try to quit when things get hard then lol. I don't even consider them mercenaries. They're volunteer conscripts. They are part of the Ukranian army now. And in virtually every army, abandoning your post is traitorous and punishable by death. Rightly so or you could never win any wars when things got tough. Don't go to war unless you expect to either die, or not come home until the conflict is won. This sounds like the training base that got bombed multiple times, so yeah no shit they have no more weapons to give you. They all got blown up. If you care about the cause enough to go, you care enough to go into Kiev carrying just a stick.
  2. First off I don't believe anyone can go from unenlightened to absolute solipsism in less than a month. But I'm not enlightened at all, so someone else will have to shit-test you. What does "realised" mean though? How have you realized it? Even if it's true, you're basically saying that you've bypassed every spiritual teacher in the entire world except Leo and you're still not satisfied. In which case you're at such a cutting edge that you really can't be relying on other people any more. It just comes across really immature I guess. First step wait for the course and pay $1,000, or else literally the only other option advanced enough is to figure it out yourself Why does he still have health problems then lol
  3. Focus on the fact that you're doing it because you like it and the creative self-expression aspect of it. Don't compare yourself to anybody else. Once you start comparing yourself to world-class music stars, thinking about how maybe you can get famous from this or make a lot of money, you bring toxic values into it and start to ruin the experience for yourself. Most musicians don't write their own lyrics, by the way. There's like one guy who has written basically every pop song you've ever heard. If you do decide that you want to become a world-class music creator, that's perfectly okay too. But then realize that it's an entirely different game and it takes an insane amount of time and effort. Also most people who go that path will hit what Seth Godin calls "the dip" where it stops being fun. You have to be really committed to something to keep going when it starts to be a chore. Most will give up, only a few will make it out the other side of the dip and be super successful. So for most people it's better to keep things as a hobby and only do them as much as they bring you happiness.
  4. Caloric restriction can extend your life expectancy by up to 50% and reduce aging-related illnesses. Google and do your own research, there's a shit ton of evidence for it. The problem is that going through your life constantly feeling like you're starving doesn't necessarily maximize quality-of-life. If you don't want to starve yourself, then the best things you can do are: 1. Avoid DNA damage (wear sunscreen, avoid x-rays, avoid radiation from flying, etc) 2. Eat less (restrict your calories, intermittent fasting is the most realistic compromise vs starving yourself) 3. Eat less protein 4. Do high-intensity interval training 5. Regularly make yourself uncomfortably cold or uncomfortably hot
  5. Some natural pesticides are fine and even desired (ie. caffine.) Others not so much. Some healthy veggies like spinach also contain chemicals like oxalic acid that can cause kidney stones. But normally these fears are way overblown and you'd have to be eating a crazy amount to experience negative effects. You can read all that you want and it'll only help you so much though. As you're probably coming to realize, "organic" is just a label and something that farmers can easily fudge. There are all kinds of "organic" forms of pest control and fertilizer that you might not necessarily want to eat. If you're just buying your organic food from a grocery store, there's no way to know the details about what's going on/in your food beyond the organic label. If you truly want to know, the only way really is to form a direct relationship with the farmer growing your food. Go to farmer's markets, buy from stalls at the side of the road, etc. Even then you don't know if they might be lying to you or not. So if you want to get super paranoid about it, then the only way to really, REALLY know is to grow most of your own food. Root veggies like carrot, potato and stuff with skins that you peel off like melons are less of an issue to buy. But for stuff like leafy greens, you need to either find someone you trust or grow it yourself. Truly healthy plants can fight off pests and diseases themselves. So a grower who is really providing optimal soil to their crops will not have an issue with pests and need to use pesticides in the first place. Those plants will also naturally be more nutritious (can be tested with an inexpensive BRIX meter). There's also supposedly healthy sprays that can remove pesticides from your food better than just water, although I haven't looked into them.
  6. I highly recommend it and I've written about it on the forum a couple of times in the past. If you do a search for "future authoring" and look for my avatar you can go look through those posts, rather than repeating it here. Maybe I'll collect all my thoughts and make a comprehensive post in the "Self-Help Product & Book Reviews" section eventually. Of course it's not as comprehensive as Leo's course. But it's 10x cheaper, takes 10x less time, and yet I feel like it still provides a great level of value. There are some practical things it'll reveal that aren't even covered in the Life Purpose course. If you want, you can buy just the Future Authoring module. I think that's where the vast majority of the value comes from and I'd do it first. But for $30 you might as well just buy the entire Self Authoring Suite, in case you ever want to do the past/present modules later. His Big 5 personality assessment (Understandmyself.com) is less practical but still gives some interesting insights about yourself. For another $10, why not. Do a quick search for coupons/discounts before you buy, although it looks like they have a 2-for-1 deal going right now so there might not be any discount available. If you've bought a video game or something similar for $60 within the last year without this much thought and research, ask yourself why you've got so much resistance to buying a self-help product for half that price that has a chance to dramatically improve your life. If you're considering the program, then Jordan Peterson has probably already given you more than $30 worth of value to you through his talks/interviews even if the program turns out to be complete garbage. Consider it a donation for everything you've received already, and anything extra is a bonus. Then you can't go wrong or be disappointed There's significantly more depth to it than just this
  7. We already have restricted-use money -- Food stamps, gift certificates, money locked up in retirement accounts, etc. CBDC would actually be worse than the current system for these things. People could take advantage of decentralized exchanges and trustless swaps to trade their restricted money for unrestricted money at a slight loss. I know I'd buy food-dollars off people at a discount if I knew I was going to go buy food that day anyway. Why would you willingly go from your employer paying you in unrestricted dollars to restricted when CBDC becomes a thing? Same thing will happen as if one day your employer says they're now paying you exclusively in Amazon gift cards... FUCK NO! The government wants people fat, lazy, and docile. And they're lobbied by companies that produce the unhealthy foods. Why would they restrict you to eating healthy foods? You should be more concerned about them restricting your ability to buy vegetables. The whole thing seems like a mess of a bureaucracy that the government isn't prepared to handle. Every time you program a new CBDC unit with new restrictions... it doesn't quite become an NFT because it's still fungible, but it essentially becomes its own currency. So we would have an infinite number of sub-currencies floating around. Your wallet would have real USD, your employer USD, Walmart USD, and a mish-mash of other random crap in it. And if you break a restricted 1.0 USD down into 0.1 USD it'd still be restricted. Also when you pay for stuff with restricted dollars at the store, what's the incentive for stores to want to take it? Are the dollars restricted for them too? Or do they cash them in to the government and get unrestricted dollars back in return? At least now we know how much money the government is printing. When it all goes digital, that info might go dark. Then nobody would have faith in money any more if there's a risk it's being infinitely printed. Not covered in the video is the idea of money that expires, which I think actually is a concern to consider, as they will probably use that to counter inflation.
  8. I watched a different documentary on Slab City that basically said as much. One guy was constantly getting his house robbed and looted whenever he would leave to go shopping or something, you basically have to live in pairs and always have one person on-site to defend. And it basically said they had retributive justice where if you have a disagreement with someone, they'll just burn your house down. Seems like IRL version of the game Rust.
  9. Turtles don't enjoy being in the oven or a pot of boiling water either my dude I agree that raw food is probably the best way to go though (except in the case of turtles, they are covered in salmonella.) I've been trying to pay special attention to this when eating raw foods lately and I think there is something to it. Especially strawberries lately for some reason, I actually feel like I can taste "life force energy" when eating them, which sounds totally insane.
  10. Contemplate death and dying Imagine having to take blood pressure meds or inject insulin every day for the rest of your life. The cost, the side effects. Imagine when the day finally comes when it all catches up with you. The helplessness you'll feel as you think "This feels like a heart attack for real this time. Is this it?" You try to reach for a phone to call for an ambulance, but you don't have the strength. Or you make the call but can't hang on long enough until they get there. Your last minutes are spent thinking about your diet and lifestyle, full of regret and how maybe this could have all been avoided. If your doctor catches it early enough, imagine what it's like to have triple bypass surgery. Go look up some videos on Youtube of people getting their ribs cut open with a hacksaw and cracked open like a rotisserie chicken. Imagine how excruciating the pain of healing from something like that will be. (I had chili cheese dogs and fries for dinner and french vanilla ice cream for dessert. I'm fully aware that I just typed out my own future above, but in the present moment it feels too good to give up. I keep telling myself that maybe in 5 or 10 years I can turn it all around and reverse most of the damage. I bet you'll probably keep doing the same too.) You can start small I guess. I gave up soda for Lent. Been a long 2 weeks already hahaha
  11. From my experience, I would say 95% of "psychics" are scams, 5% real. Of that 95%, probably half know what they are doing and are straight-up fleecing people. The other half may sincerely believe that they have a gift but are fooling even themselves. I still think tarot cards are possibly a useful tool for personal introspection and exploration. They're a tool you can use yourself, so there's no reason to get others involved. I've done free tarot card readings online from time to time. I always ask for feedback afterward and the feedback is almost always positive and that I was accurate. I can't explain to you how it works though. It might just be vague cold reading like astrology. Or maybe something is really there. I do kind of feel like I'm "tapping into something" when I'm doing it. I can tell the readings where I'm really feeling it or nothing is coming through. I've done invite-only tests with the Institute of Noetic Sciences and do seem to have some kind of underlying psi ability, so maybe something real is happening, but idk. (Most likely I fall into the group I described above, of people fooling themselves.) I recommend a gnostic approach to paranormal/psychic phenomenon. That is, try to directly experience it and see for yourself. Don't take other people's word for it or rely on others to interact with them. So buy a tarot deck for $20 and give it a try. I'd get a Rider Waite or Thoth tarot deck, whatever one appeals to you more, they're the most tried and tested. Get regular playing card sized ones. Sometimes they come in "large" sizes which I made the mistake of getting. They're awkward af to shuffle and handle. Either deck will come with a handbook explaining what each card means / symbolizes so you can just deal the cards out and then look up the meaning. I'd start with a basic Celtic Cross spread * One usual disclaimer I'll give: If you are Christian and worried about opening yourself up to the demonic, then I would avoid tarot cards in the same way you wouldn't want to mess around with an Ouija board or anything else occult.
  12. @Miguel1 In Ayurveda, food cooked in a microwave is not considered sattvic. I'm not sure if there's actually any scientific literature to back up that microwaving is less healthy though. They also say things like you shouldn't eat leftovers, which rules out meal prep too. Or fruit that is either under or over-ripe... not sure if I've ever had the exactly perfect fruit lol. In fact, microwaving can help keep more nutrients in tact: https://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/microwave-cooking-and-nutrition#:~:text=Some nutrients break down when,that break down when heated. https://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/ask-the-doctor-microwaves-impact-on-food Focus on "good, better, best". It's better to do a little bit better than nothing at all. For most people, giving up a microwave is probably an unnecessary burden.
  13. Why tf would they make daylight savings permanent instead of just doing away with it? I want to go back to God's time. Noon is when sun is directly overhead. If we're told that 1 PM is noon all year long, we're still living a lie. Just not one that changes twice a year. In a totally artifical world with street lamps and where only 1% of people are farmers, do we really need to be saving daylight? Does it actually save daylight? Just wake up an hour earlier if you want, we don't have to artificially adjust the clocks to do that.
  14. Death, and hope that you reincarnate as an earthworm or a plant, something with sufficiently low intellectual capacity that you don't have to worry about these things. Specifically, I think some schools of thought believe that committing suicide will make you reincarnate as a lower lifeform instead of progressing upward or staying as a human. Most of the things you seem to have a problem with are exclusively human in nature. Some animals still have to worry about social order, and you'll still have an interest in survival / self-preservation. But money, beauty, fame, drama, etc don't exist in nature. There's an estimated 10 quintillion insects on Earth vs 8 billion people, the odds are in your favor.
  15. Anything without a non-stick coating is probably fine. Personally I'd probably go with cast iron. Full hypocrisy disclosure: I use Gotham Steel pans which supposedly use a ceramic coating called Ti-Cerama. They are kinda shit, stuff sticks to them and I'm pretty sure using them on high temps has burned the coating off in spots so now I might be getting aluminum in my food lol. I also have some old Teflon pans that I still use from time to time. Be careful also if you're using plastic spoons, tongs, and stuff. I constantly catch little pieces of black plastic flaking off my cooking spoons and spatulas, I'm definitely ingesting a non-zero amount of it. You probably want to use wooden or bamboo utensils (without poisonous lacquer/varnish applied.) Or if you're using plastic, at least don't let it sit in boiling water or on anything hot for long enough that small amounts start to melt into your food.
  16. Redpill means a lot more to me than just MGTOWs. Dating is like 5% of what makes up the redpilled mindset. It's about being a free thinker, and not a normie. People who are redpilled also tend to be BASED. I don't agree with everyone that labels themselves redpilled. Most people I know who consider themselves "based and redpilled" think mgtows and incels are losers. But there is definitely a sense of comradery, brotherhood, and shared persecution there for me. We are all memers and should support each other.
  17. What ridiculous claims does he make about eating meat? I don't feel like listening to a biased vegan give his take on what Rogan is saying for 40 minutes. I got in as far as talking about cholesterol. Doesn't Rogan mostly eat elk that he shot himself? That seems like about the most ethical and environmentally-friendly meat you can get.
  18. Time to make the natural progression up to Stage Blue cartoons, like VeggieTales
  19. Probably 4 Hour Work Week by Tim Ferriss or $100 Startup by Chris Guillebeau. Not necessarily for the practical information inside that you can actually apply. Although both are good for that too. Just getting you into the mindset of what is actually possible. Which I'd argue is way more important. The amount of self-defeating and limited thinking of the average person when it comes to business still catches me off-guard sometimes.
  20. I agree with him that we are living in terrible times. I disagree with some of his reasons for why this is / I think he missed a few major factors why this is. I think we need more splitting in specific ways to return to a state of peace, not less. I disagree with his idea that owning material things is worshiping death. Or that worshiping the dead is bad. Most cultures venerate their dead and those that came before. His idea that all magical and occult thinking disappeared after the enlightenment and is only now making a comeback is also incorrect.
  21. If you can do whatever you want with no obligations to anyone, indefinitely, then why bother working? This post reeks of someone who considers themselves ultra-spiritual but still lives at home with no responsibilities, and is a drain on their parents, and society at large. I don't think I can help you. You're too far gone into spiritual woo-woo land. You already said you'll challenge anything I say, which is exactly what I'd expect your ego to do, but I don't feel like fighting that battle. You'll just have to wait until your life takes a turn for the worse and you no longer have the luxury of sitting around and philosophizing all day. Then you'll be forced to actually do something. It's not going away, you're repressing it. Are you sure those voices are exclusively in your dreams and you have no conflict in your waking life, or actual people call you lazy and stupid as well? If you really examine this, I don't think it's true. You can't do whatever you want. Right now you're able to do just enough to be satisfied. If you could do whatever you want, you could just go buy a home right now. All of this only makes you weaker and more detached from the real world as time goes on. I wish nothing but suffering upon you (by the grace of the universe.) I hope you're put in a position where you're forced to do hard physical labor for 10 hours a day to survive, because that's what you need most right now to balance all this out. Facing true survival is the only thing that will wake you up from this spiritual delusion.
  22. It sounds like you've been listening too much to leftist Youtubers and it's made you into a victim tbh. Make a list of countries in the world and see what economic system they use (capitalism, socialism, some mix in between). Then look how they are doing. See if there are any socialist countries that are doing well. If you think you'd be happier there, then move there instead. I'm guessing if Austria is like much of Europe, you're already way less capitalistic than America and other places. You have a public healthcare system? Transit system like busses and trains and stuff are nationalized? I thought Austria had a cap on how much CEOs were allowed to earn per year even, but maybe that's a different country. Also maybe every system sucks and as bad as capitalism is, it's still the best of the options available. If you don't like any of the options, then you can opt out of the system and go live on a commune. Look up stats on how many people in Austria are employees vs run their own business. I bet more people own their business than you think. Basically every restaurant, retail business, etc that isn't owned by a big chain. Do you think this stuff doesn't happen under socialism? People just get put on committees by public will and not greasing palms or who they know? Every country has corruption, I'd argue that in non-capitalist countries they're even more corrupt. Fundamental misunderstanding of supply and demand. Yeah it'd be dandy if corporations always offered stuff at as low as prices as possible lol. It's not like only businesses set the prices and people are powerless and forced to pay them. You can choose not to buy stuff to signal a lack of demand and prices will drop if enough people do it. Prices only exist where they are because enough people are willing to pay them. Do you have any suggestion on how to fix this? You seem to think the problem causing this is monopolization. But under a socialist or centralized system it'd be even more monopolized... 1 bicycle company, 1 car company, 1 can of beans company, everything more standardized. You only have a lack of a voice if you're not willing to speak up. That might mean going through some shitty companies first and quitting to look elsewhere if you find the situation unacceptable, until you find a company willing to work on your terms.
  23. You paid for the course already, just do it. Your mind is finding 100 different excuses to procrastinate even in your post. It's like 30 hours of your life. Less if you want to watch the first half which is all theory at 1.5x or 2x speed. If that's the difference between doing it at all or not, do it. Do you really have something better and more productive to do during those hours instead? Just substitute it in for whatever normal YouTube / Netflix watching you'd do in a week. If you just watched the latest Actualized.org video, that's 2 hours you could've put toward the course instead and it would've been a lot more practical and applicable to your life. In the time it took you to write this post you could've watched 1 or 2 modules. You don't have to read any of the recommended books. Stop assuming what's in the course and just do it. It'll be easier than you think. Yes it had a profound impact on my life in the short and long term even though I more or less already knew what I wanted to do. It's one of the best uses of my time ever. I've come back and re-done the course every December for 3 or 4 years in a row now. If you go into the course and some of the videos are down, there's a problem with the video host at the moment. Don't you dare use that as an excuse. Come back in a week and try again if it's unavailable. Why am I wasting my time to convince you so hard to do the best thing possible for your life. What the fuck. If you want to fail so bad just fail, flounder and figure it out alone if you really want I guess. But it's all sitting there on a golden platter already. If you dont take the course, are you REALLY going to start building the skills you need, or are you just going to dick around and waste time? Be honest with yourself.
  24. Sounds like they're on nobody's side then, they're just gonna take advantage of the chaos to rape and pillage everyone involved. Getting official endorsement from Putin to lend them legitimacy, maybe some free weapons, is just a bonus. Like hiring the Mongolian horde as mercenaries. They're probably fucking up the ethnic Russians in Donbas too. If North Korea wanted to get in on the conflict and NK soldiers were throwing babies out of incubators in Ukraine, would we blame that on Russia? Or would we hold NK responsible? This guy is basically a warlord with his own rogue republic.