
Member Apolitical
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Everything posted by Yarco

  1. Google: Benefits of dry fasting
  2. A ball of empathy, wrapped in a ball of rage, wrapped in a ball of steel that prevents most people from seeing either of the former. Peppered with delusions and misconceptions throughout all layers. If you want to go less abstract than that, uh... enterprising, growth-motivated, and mercantile in nature. Make big number go up = happy. Whatever big number happens to be at the time. Money, audience size, etc. For most easily accessible understanding, just INTJ I guess.
  3. It's been 49 days since he first mentioned it. You wouldn't expect someone to write a bestselling novel or make a blockbuster movie in that amount of time. You wouldn't start pestering them about when it will be done, or if they're still working on their #1 passion project. Why would you expect them to be done or near-done the most important course they've ever made on the ultimate topic in the universe? He has to be happy enough with the product that he feels justified charging people $500+ for it and they're getting their money's worth. Maybe you're worried that because he's stopped making weekly videos, that for some reason on a whim he decided to stop making the most important course in the universe too? Did it occur to you that maybe he's stopped making Youtube videos to direct more of his effort into the course? It sounds like instead of "just curious", you're impatient and want it now, or very soon, under the guise of just being curious. What do you want updates on how progress is going and reassurance that he's still working on it every single month? Don't expect it to be done for 2 years. Like I said when people started asking when the next Youtube video was going to be, I hope he pushes it back a week every time someone asks
  4. I've been in communities with much higher than normal incidents of polyamory. 50% of monogamous marriages end in divorce. But on a long enough time scale, I've never seen a poly relationship last a lifetime. Especially once you have kids, it gets pretty confusing and messy. Most people think they aren't the jealous type or will be able to handle it, but it turns out they can't. Lots of problems. It's kind of paradoxical to me, because being poly seems more widespread in more spiritual woo-woo communities. But it also seems more low-consciousness and focused more on sexual variety vs. considering an overall relationship to me. If you are going to engage in polyamory, I'd at least have one dedicated long-term partner who you live with and have a strong emotional connection with. Then you can both have fuck buddies on the side and keep it superficial and about sex, but don't develop that emotional bond with anyone but your main partner. I would probably have a rule where you don't sleep with a fuck buddy more than 5x to avoid developing something deeper. When you are emotionally polyamorous or living in the same home with multiple partners that's when stuff gets most weird. Emotionally monogamous, sexually polyamorous. We aren't in ancient Africa. Just because something has a long history doesn't mean it's superior or even good. I don't want to go back to eating bugs, living in mud huts, or dancing for rain either. Maybe monogamy was a factor in why Europe became more advanced than Africa.
  5. Go stand in a sewer, and realize you aren't any closer or further from God than anywhere else. Really breathe it all in.
  6. On Youtube: Teal Swan (1.1M subs), Christina Lopes (495k subs) Historical: Mother Theresa, Catherine The Great, Madame Blavatsky, Jane Roberts. Definitely less than men, but they're out there. When you get into more of a wicca/witchcraft side of things it's generally 80%+ women. Lots of 100k sub female wicca channels out there.
  7. Man, if I was Vegan Gains and she started accusing me of yelling I would've started shouting at the top of my lungs and shown her what yelling and being rude actually sounds like.
  8. Hopefully the same enforcement for people spreading pro-Ukraine misinformation as well. Example - talk of mobile crematoriums and Russians wiping out evidence of 10s of thousands of deaths above. Even Snopes says this is "unproven" - https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/russia-mobile-crematoriums/ Those machines are made for burning garbage and medical waste, not bodies. The process of cremating a body takes about 12 hours and those machines are only big enough to fit 1 body at a time. It's debatable if they even reach a temperature capable of cremating human remains and not just bags of trash. But even if we grant that and Russia had 10 such machines going day and night 24/7, it'd take 50 days to make 1,000 bodies disappear. The idea that they've killed and cremated 10,000 people is proveably false with some basic logic and math. At the same time we're supposed to believe they're also cremating killed Russian soldiers on top of that to hide their own casualties.
  9. Above video is not masculine enough. Masculinity needs to be shouted. Here you go Breathe into your balls. If you don't have balls, breathe so hard that you create a pair.
  10. You can get ones with a camera and light on the end so you can actually see the earwax in your ear and make sure you're actually getting all of it. I'm scared to try though, don't want to puncture my eardrums. When I put foam earplugs in, sometimes it'll pull a bunch of wax out when I take them out. That seems like a bit of a safer way to go, because they expand and naturally pick up the wax instead of taking the risk of digging in too far. I feel like maybe I'm starting to get tinnitus even just from using earplugs though, so idk. I've been a lot more sensitive to high-pitched buzzing noises from electronics lately. So I would mess around inside your ear as little as possible. Your ears have wax as a protective mechanism for a reason.
  11. If they painted the keyboard it should be pretty obvious. I don't know if you can even get the kind of paint that would normally be used on a laptop, so it'll have a very different look and feel if they've touched up the paint at all. Nobody except a professional painter is going to perfectly paint tiny keycaps, especially the letters on the keys. You could pop a couple keycaps off and look underneath them to see if there is any signs of paint. Maybe they had it kept in a room while they were painting and then immediately boxed it up or something? I would just put it in a room that you aren't in very much, and the smell should dissipate in a couple of days. I bought an arcade fightstick off someone before described as "like new" and it smelled like cigarette smoke from being in their house. Within a week or so it totally went away. Some people just have weird smelling houses, so much so that it transfers to items lol. Most stuff I've bought off eBay has a kinda weird smell to it.
  12. I've made it work before, talked to someone online for years then moved to another country and lived with them for years. Unless she's your 10/10 dream girl I wouldn't recommend it though. It's way easier and less emotionally difficult to date someone in your own city. Every time she goes out with friends it'll drive you crazy, wondering if she's going home with someone. Don't do it just out of a place of scarcity because you feel like you can't get anyone else. If you are sure you want to do the long distance thing, then you're going to need to escalate soon. Pour your heart out and be totally vulnerable, tell her how you're feeling and what you want. And get her to agree to be exclusive. You gotta get past the jokey are-we-arent-we something stage, otherwise she's just going to be texting and flirting with you while fucking other guys. Alternatively you can take that route and try to find someone locally, and then fall back on her if nothing else works out.
  13. If you're describing someone as a fuckboy, then you don't have enough respect for him to ever have a relationship or something work in the future. So just end it and move on. Nothing good can come of it. Even if you get back to a good spot with him, you'll always have these toxic words and feelings for him in the back of your head. Only exception is maybe if you're using the word fuckboy as a defense mechanism to protect yourself.
  14. I would go back to your childhood and look at what you were passionate about as a kid for clues. A lot of people can relate to feeling like they have no purpose or interests I think. Most people have their passions and sense of purpose beaten out of them by teachers and parents by around age 12/13. Definitely in high school when you have to start thinking of realistic and practical jobs. If your parents discouraged any potential career paths at that point as unrealistic or not a way to make money, look at that. My LP was one of those things. Think back to around age 8 (if you can remember back that far) up to about age 16. What kind of stuff would you do to pass the time if just left alone to your own devices? What kind of stuff interested you, and you wanted to learn about even if nobody was forcing you? What stuff did you seek out on your own? Are there specific projects in school that you can remember actually enjoying working on?
  15. You might be surprised at the degree to which money talks. Yeah Joe Rogan got quieted a little bit, but far from silenced. Ultimately the leftists at Spotify, Neil Young etc got BTFO'd. The only way to get cancelled is to allow yourself to get cancelled. If you don't apologize, and you have no job for people to get you fired from, you're untouchable. If people inside Twitter try to have a coup, he'll probably just move Twitter HQ to Texas or something lol. I hope Elon is able to resurrect Alex Jones, Trump, etc out of the Twitter Graveyard. That might be a bit of a stretch, but I can hope. The government is too busy just trying to survive right now, they don't have even the resources and ability to get involved with something like Twitter. The average age of a Senator is 64.3 years old. They're so far out to lunch when it comes to modern technology that they have no idea what's going on. Something big is going on behind the scenes of technology and the internet right now that most people aren't aware of. I personally know a handful of Web 3.0 millionaires and I'm in their private groups so I can see what's going on. There are a lot of tech millionaires on Elon's side in this. Not only that. Big name celebs (I was going to name drop some here to shock you but decided against it, if you dig you can find them) are partying in Miami with Web 3.0 people with a shared vision of decentralization and censorship-resistance, and donating huge sums of money or buying in at the ground level. Otherwise uncontroversial celebs that you've never heard involved with politics or free speech, that have never been banned or had issues. People with enough money to own sports teams and hedge funds are involved with this. You're going to see every aspect of entertainment and culture crack down the middle on this, with huge names on both sides. A new internet is coming, and blue-haired cat ladies in Silicon Valley aren't invited. Do you want links? LOL. Mostly Telegram, Signal, and people's individual websites behind paywalls. The thing is, those isolated groups of discontent aren't dying when they get cancelled off Twitter, Youtube, podcast hosting sites, web hosts, etc. They are thriving and multiplying in the shadows, and one day they're going to pop back up on those platforms with full force. You have no idea what the actual popular opinion in the US and the world at large is right now, and what you'd see if you actually got an uncensored and unfiltered view of what people want. Youtube and social media has completely eliminated the ability for competition to show up on their front pages, suggestions, trending. Yet somehow those opinions are so popular they're still growing anyway. Why do you think Twitter stock price went up 25% yesterday on the news? All they can do is keep tightening the grip more and more. Now even relatively tame internet personalities and their audiences are getting banned. Eventually they won't be able to contain it any more and the dam is going to burst. Then you're going to see the original "wild west" style internet make a comeback in a big way.
  16. No, I literally can't understand why you're posting what you're posting and why you think it's relevant. We are operating in entirely different worldviews and universes that are so different that we can't communicate about it. My brain can understand what Lyubov is saying even if I disagree with it. But what you're saying is like posting a bunch of unrelated facts that don't even make an argument to me. Russia also wanted to have an independent investigation to get to the truth about the "massacre" but US, NATO, and Ukraine declined. Also 11 people isn't a massacre. Show me the supposed 500 other bodies that exist. I'm not saying Russia isn't also false flagging. It seems like Russia blew up their own depot on Russian territory too lol. Everything about this is fake on both sides.
  17. Germany has like a 6 week reserve of gas left, at which point it'll have to start rationing and only providing it to only essential stuff like hospitals. Better hope winter is over and people don't need to heat their house any more by that point. And then yes, factories requiring fuel to run will have to start laying off thousands of people, and it'll have a huge domino effect on the entire economy. Russia is doing just fine. The ruble is back to its pre-Special-Operations value. Western Europe are the only ones that are going to get hurt, the longer this goes on. Something like 80%+ of Russians support what Putin is doing too. If you want to cope and believe those numbers are fake, fine. But Russia isn't going to be destroyed from within either.
  18. The fact locations exist debunks everything??? I've seen videos with bodies in the streets and I don't even buy that. You can move bodies after the fact, even dress them up differently. Also the video I saw, all the bodies were in the middle of the road. So how did Russians drive tanks through there? Even if Russians are killing civilians, so what? Do people not remember when Ukraine was giving AK47s to any citizen that wanted to fight and teaching people how to make and use molotovs? My assumption is that any dead Ukranian civilian was probably there trying to fight back. Everyone else already fled the country
  19. I wrote about it pretty extensively here in the past:
  20. If you cant talk them out of it, maybe you can at least talk them down to starting with a weaker extract. 1x, 2x, up to 5x extract is going to be a lot less traumatic than if they jump right into 10x, 50x, 100x.
  21. There is no we, there is no us. There is only you. There is no Leo to believe or follow. Leo can't be the most conscious person. He can't be conscious at all. Only you are conscious. No one else. When you dream at night, how many other entities that you see in your dream will ever wake up? Only you. What do you find paradoxical about his statement? What is preventing you from being the only awake thing in existence, or what proof do you have otherwise?
  22. Tell women exactly what they want to hear* *But only if it's authentic/genuine anyway and you feel like they're a good match for you. So I guess the same as any other stage: "Just be yourself". If someone doesn't want you for you, then you're engaging in some form of lying or manipulation to get them and keep them around. If the feelings don't develop then they don't develop, move on. If you're looking for a high-consciousness woman that isn't on dating apps, doesn't go to typical dating places, and doesn't want to text, then yeah you're fighting an uphill battle and looking for a unicorn. You've already weeded out 95% of the dating pool. Go to places where high-consciousness people hang out. Aside from retreats and yoga and stuff, I don't know what that would even be. In the organic section of the supermarket I guess.
  23. You can't counter it in the next 9 months. You can't turn the economy around in that amount of time, especially while sanctioning Russia. Biden's dementia isn't going to get any better, Kamala isn't going to become any more likeable. Instead of trying to fight a tsunami, just ride the wave. Let it happen, don't waste resources on it, and start preparing for the next battle. Find someone for 2024 that's charismatic and that isn't totally out of touch with the American public, and hope Trump doesn't run again. Cut the far-left members of the party loose and move back to a more centrist position. Even most Democrats don't support the stuff that people like AOC believe in. As much as all the stage green people here would like for US politics to move more left, you just have to realize that the majority of people aren't there yet, and you can't push it any faster. You'll just get a backlash if you try.
  24. It's Catholic doctrine that Jews go to heaven. The Catholic Church explicitly rejects replacement theory or supersessionism -- the idea that previous promises or commitments God made to Jews no longer apply because they don't recognize Jesus as the Messiah or because they killed him.
  25. In-group preference (which yes, is synonymous with racism in this case) is a very powerful survival strategy. If Jews didn't separate themselves culturally from Canaanites, Phoenicians, Galatians in Biblical times... I would guess that they wouldn't exist today as a distinct racial group. Only in a high-trust society like among Jews can you create something like the Chaverim. Basically free 24/7 roadside assistance provided for Jews, by Jews in New York. You need a group where everyone knows exactly what the rules are, and everyone plays by the same rules, to make that happen. If you're part of the in-group, it's awesome. If you're not part of the group and don't have your own group, it sucks. Note that historically the only people calling to end racism are those in the weaker groups (although now it's also self-hating "woke" people.) If you're on the winning team, why would you ever want to willingly give up your advantage? Europeans largely succeeded for a similar reason. They can work together, and they're great at colonizing and warfare. It's why America is what it is today. On the other side of the coin, if you're the group who has been colonized then they're oppressors and barbarians. Is a disproportionate part of Joe Biden's cabinet Jewish? Yes. Is a disproportionate amount of the media and financial institutions owned/run by Jews? Yes. Is there a grand conspiracy behind it? Kinda, but not in some illuminati way. It's just in-group preference. It's the ultimate form of networking. You know another Jew who's right for a position, you recommend them. Or you hire a Jew over someone else either consciously or subconsciously because they're most like you, you're on the same page, you understand each other and you have the same common goals. Discrimination and looking out for your chosen people is how your in-group stays strong. Historically, Jews are always the minorities and outsiders in whatever larger culture they're in, so how can you blame them? Are most Nobel prize winners Jewish? Yes. Do Jews have some of the highest IQs in the world? Yes. Does that make them intellectually superior to most other races? Probably. Of course there are other factors like economic status, nutrition, etc that hold back some others too. As long as a group isn't using their feeling of superiority or feelings that they're the "chosen ones" as justification for violence or oppressing others, then I don't really care. Let Jews think they're superior, let Latinos think they're superior (viva la raza), let Black Panthers think they're superior. It's a natural thing for all groups of people to do. When you force people to de-segregate and see everyone as equal, and live in a society with conflicting belief systems, that might cause more violence to erupt than if people were just kept separate and only voluntarily associated. Will feminists really stop and be satisfied when women are equal to men, or will they try to go further? Will BLM stop and be satisfied when black people are equal, or will they try to go further? Even the groups calling for equality have a secret sense of superiority behind-the-scenes. They will only play the equality card until the scales tip. Then any group would naturally get greedy and try to take more. When white people become a minority in the US (projected to happen by 2050,) do you think other previously-marginalized groups will draw on their historical experience and have empathy for them, or just oppress them like every other more powerful group has historically done once they get in power? They'll find a way to dehumanize white people because of how they were treated by white people in the past, and justify future bad behavior against them. It's human nature. All else being equal, if you had to pick a side to go to war on... would you rather pick the US side with people from a wide range of different races and backgrounds, religions, sexual orientations, etc? Or the Chinese army where everyone is the same race, religion, values, background/upbringing, etc? What one do you think would be the more cohesive group in battle? In business? As a neighborhood to live in? I don't know what Islam thinks, but that's definitely not what Christianity at large thinks. Most Christian denominations believe that Jews are God's chosen people and get into heaven on that alone, while Christians have to work for it. Most Christian denominations are also pro-Israel.