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Everything posted by thewidgetsnurse

  1. I'm not by any means condoning the use of pot. What I am doing is relating my own personal experience with it. You'll take it as you will and obviously, we're all free to have our own opinions. At 39 years old, I had my first stroke. At 42 years old I had my second that ended up with also causing seizures. Both strokes are due to a structural abnormality in my brain. After the second one, my mind went into overdrive. I couldn't concentrate due to the loss in some of my mental capacity and neurological pathways in my brain being scrambled, which caused anxiety. My neurologist prescribed different antianxiety meds, which my body didn't take well to. I used to be a nurse before this all happened, so I know that it can take time for meds to work, but after 2 years, I went a different route. He knows that I've been smoking a small bowl once a day. He also doesn't condone it, but has noticed the impact that it and the practice of mindful meditation have made. The use of both has created a drastic change in slowing my mind down. No, one hit doesn't get me "stoned", but has given me the opportunity to pursue hobbies that have enhance the quality of my life. Do I believe that with continued practice in meditation and striving to be a self actualized person will have me not needing pot as a crutch? Only time will tell, but I'm very hopeful that I'll get there. To the young man who began this thread, you've already stopped using it as a crutch. Be proud of that fact. Let your past go and concentrate on your now. The future holds what it will. The only thing you can control is in how you face it when that time comes.