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Everything posted by OBEler

  1. @Ishanga what I know about you is that you never tried any psychedelics by yourself but you talk like you are an expert in this field and constantly attack psychedelic users as some narcists. If you make such big claims expect some criticism.If you cannot handle that then maybe think about your writing style. By the way your writing style is confusing and hard to read. Please use correct grammar and punctuation here at least.
  2. @Ishanga @IshangaI mirror your dictator style, how do you think about if someone tells you how to live life without being asked? Please keep in mind, that we are not here in spirituality section so again keep this for another thread.
  3. It sounds ridiculous to hear this from someone who never touched any psychedelic to give such an confident advice. You never had any God experience at all. You never had any psychedelic experiences at all. But here you are throwing out unproven claims, Guaranteed!!!
  4. @Ishanga you are misunderstanding the thread. It's about to learn from his behavior and not fall in trap by yourself. You don't need all the information for this. This is no gossip but serious analysis. "Just live your life, realize what life is and live it to its fullest potential"... Don't tell anyone here how to live life. Keep your wise quotes for another thread.
  5. @dualnon his newest investments into building humanoid robots could be playing out.
  6. @LambdaDelta freebase plus 2 drops of white vinegar works good. No burning sensations.
  7. @Nilsi typical tech bro talk. This video is full of fake show offs. These kick flips from unitree are scripted by the way.
  8. How can you be full responsible if you as ego cannot control everything like the weather. Only as God but when you come back you are human again.
  9. Japanese kids also act stiff and robotic, that's asian culture. Asia people don't behave like us western people with ADHD and hyper individualistic like every girl is a princess.
  10. Wow...truth songs. And of course only an ai can produce that music perfectly. Although some Isha songs also have truth songs https://youtu.be/G7W3_YdQK4M?si=wzmhVvf-U31KUOD3
  11. @Verg0 hey I love your channel because it's unique about 5 Meo and love to follow your personal journey. I am highly academic myself (have two degrees in different subjects) so I just give you some advice how to speak to such an audience: As you already know probably you cannot speak like in your channel in unstructured, repetitive way. Be clearly pointed. Do not repeat a point with different words over and over again. Don't speak about your own journey , that's highly subjective, be more general. Don't speak too much about soft facts like motivation and feelings. Don't be a philosoph. Don't talk like a Buddhist who throws out wise words, concentrate on psychedelics. They want to hear about psychedelics. Deliver high quality facts. I know you are more the feeling guy who entertains. I would be careful to not fulfill the clichees, like represent the typical ayahuasca hippie. Deliver facts and remember quality over quantity. Also I recommend to get a hair cut, wear normal clothes, put your nose strips off, hide your pipe. They will judge that quickly.
  12. @Davino I have the general feeling that women can get way deeper way faster more easily to truth than men. However they are somehow not interested contemplating about it or they do it quiet but will not share it with you. Women definitely handle spirituality different than men. But that's another topic. I mean the Internet alone is a place of men. Every forum. 90% men. Women don't like discussing things in general. Almost all trip reports are coming from men. Look at it. Women don't talk about it. I bet almost no women would take psychedelics on their own. It's always a man coming along who gives these to them. They don't discover psychedelics for themselves.So what Leo says that those who really want truth will find a way is not realistic. A woman needs a man who introduce her to psychedelics otherwise truth will not come to them. @theleelajoker
  13. Now I ask me what indicator is needed. When would it be wise that "normal" people go for this journey. My girlfriend is deeply spiritual by nature but she was not interested in truth. However she immensely improved after her 5 Meo breakthrough and seeing the truth. It's really tricky.
  14. But to what degree should people at least wake up a bit? One 5 Meo breakthrough at least? Is it not worth to have one God realization at least? My girlfriend was never interested in truth. Never explored it. One 5 Meo breakthrough she discovered she is the only one and constructs everything around her. I asked her if she was shocked and she said, no it was total normal something she knew already somehow. Just after 30 minutes of the breakthrough passed she already was speaking about mundane stuff again. She never talked about me again about her experience (because it's not worth to speak about, too deep she said) nor she wanted a breakthrough dose again. How different are we.
  15. This whole video scenery is so well captured, that alone is a solipsistic atmosphere.
  16. https://www.instagram.com/p/DFqmxtKILTK/?igsh=MWQ0aTV5OXYyM29uYQ== We can detect magnetic fields with our eyes however we cannot process it with our brains. Could it be that on higher doses of LSD this ability to see and processes will be revealed and we mistake that for "seeing energy"? Some reports of "seeing energy" on LSD could be synesthetic experiences where the brain translates normally unconscious magnetic field data into visual hallucinations. Look at how electromagnetic field waves behave. Does that look familiar to you on LSD?
  17. Depersonalization always has a root in unsolved fear/trauma. It's a protection mechanism. It has not really something to do with enlightenment.
  18. Trump has roots in Germany too, his grandfather was German before he moved to USA.
  19. That's the typical tech bro talk from people with low technical understanding. If you cannot name one concrete thing which can be implemented soon then this talk is empty.
  20. Can you be more concrete? What should be optimized. You right now throw around with buzzwords.
  21. @Letho I don't understand, people use Chatgpt4 regular here.
  22. @Leo Gura will this be your next video?
  23. It's simple: awareness. Being conscious of appearances.
  24. Is this coming from Chatgpt4? If so please declarate the source.
  25. @Adrian colby incredible post, thank you! Very interesting that you got to the same place with or without 5 Meo. Also very interesting that you hardly get any visuals like most people here who already had an breakthrough with 5 Meo behind. Visuals go away, probably because you go directly to source?