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Everything posted by OBEler

  1. Hello Leo, you wrote about your family members and your girlfriend with almost no enlightenment background snorting 5-MeO-DMT. What are their psychedelica background? How can someone climb up the ladder of psychedelics to finally take the 5-MeO- breakthrough dose? Just want to hear some examples to get a better understanding of this process, I will not take this as gold standard. I am just curious.
  2. @Leo Gura Bashar comes to Las Vegas on November 4, 2017 – 10:00 am – 4:00 pm (http://www.bashar.org/event/bashar-las-vegas-event-2/) if you want to ask him some interesting questions
  3. Here is a good explanation of kundalini from a guru namend Jim Carrey
  4. @Martin123 I want this kundalini experience, I am ready. What is so dangerous about this? If it doesnt kill me then I will go for it! One year ago after 20 minutes of my first session with strong determination sitting a strange energy came to me I never felt in my life. It startet in waves somewhere in my back, I could raise it a bit, play with it, make it stronger. Suddenly I saw in slow motion the wall I was starring at the whole time. After this I was so shocked and then the energy exploded over my body and it was an amasing feeling. The next days this strange energy came in waves many times during the day, without reason. It was so strong I had tears in my eyes. I still feel it sometimes tingeling in my head without reason or when I see something beautiful I think this was one kind of kundalini experience.
  5. do you yoga at home? With youtube? If it is so, can you recommend me a good kundalini-yoga on youtube? I just train every day with random youtube videos on kundalini yoga and could not find a good one where I feel this energy all yogis talk about
  6. "It happened to me after 1,5 DAYS of CONSTANT contemplation." What means contemplation exactly? This is not meditation right? So does contemplation mean just thinking about spiriual stuff? THere is no video about contemplation how to do it so I ever ask me what is meant by that
  7. If there are no yoga teachers around, is it possible to learn just from youtube videos the right pranayama technique?
  8. I want to share you my theory for trolls from my own astral projection experiences and one good book I read about lately (Cooper - our ultimate Reality) Astral worlds are consensus reality of all humans and other beings at that level of vibration of all time in past present future. Astral worlds are illusions like this world. If humans are gone, all manifestations in this world or in astral world, if no longer being observed, are gone back to the universe energy. There exist an group level from people with same culture/religion/dogma where entire citys, lands, new races(e.g. trolls, clowns, elves) are created by the consensus group mind. You can meet them right now if you have the right consciousness- frequency. You can change your frequency with different tools (meditation, drugs, binaureal beats or just relaxing). Every tool can raise your frequency very differently. Therefore ff you produce with the right tool the right frequency you will meet the trolls, which are manifestations from a group level from people with same culture/religion/dogma
  9. @Principium Nexus interesting theory. I also think spiral dynamics plays an role on this. Red people have bad trips and are in hell, green people see DMT-Aliens, yellow people see god/heaven
  10. @Haumea Can you explain this a bit further more? Did I understand you right, that you said psychedelics creates the same vision around the whole world? For example DMT --> all people from all cultures see same DMT-Aliens? lichens --> all peope from all cultures see same trolls?
  11. @Principium Nexus be careful to share this video with us. I researched a little bit about this Nazca alien. it seems to be fake. Lately some hobby scientists make dokus about alien stuff in peru . There was found an alien hand some month before from this pseudo science group (this was fake, it were just human bones ordered new so that it looks like an alien hand). This is not real science, they just want to make some money with this fake alien (for updates in this project you need to pay...).
  12. @Azrael He wanted to ask you, if the people you hang out with (your friends, family-members) noticed somehow your big change in conscious
  13. Look at this site: http://www.normalbreathing.com/CO2-deep-breathing-myth.php it has some warnings on deep breathing exercises
  14. @Prabhaker "Yoga has been used to kill the mind; breathing can be used to kill the mind. There are rhythms of breath, subtle vibrations of breath, which can be very, very drastic to the delicate mind. The mind can be destroyed through them. These are old tricks. " Osho "Yogis are, more or less, stupid. Their bodies are healthy — that’s true — strong, but their minds are just dead. You will not see the glimmer of intelligence. You will see a very robust body, animallike, but somehow the human has disappeared." Osho https://meditationawareness.wordpress.com/2013/02/03/osho-on-how-to-stop-thinking/
  15. Osho seems to hate yoga. He also said that breathing exercises in yoga damage your brain and makes you stupid. What do you think about this? Is something about this claim? Hyperventilation is indeed not healthy for your brain because your brain gets less CO2. But how about slow deep breaths? Any thoughts?
  16. @AleksM I am interested. I hope these sounds do not conflict with other binaureal beats like holosync I use right now
  17. @AleksM You said you tried to be 24/7 aware of your breath for month. What were your life situation back these days? Did you have a girlfriend? Did you went to school or did you work? What were your hardest situations in which to concentrate on the breath at the same time? I am a software engineer and I really need to think. I will try your method anyway, I will do it for some month and will see how far I can get
  18. You can be noself and do "bad" things at the same time. Then he act like a Zen Devil. Where is the contradiction? I read books about spiritual stuff because without this I would not start to do self inquiry for a minute Have I overlooked something? I think you speak from the enlightened "perspective" where there exist no world, everything is an illusion so there is nothing to gain, nothing to read. But I dont have this perspective and I am still pulled to my ego.
  19. Where is the conspiracy?! @Tano McKenna wrote: "Awakening is the process of deprogramming. Enlightenment is the unprogrammed state." And another quote "The result isn't enlightened-self or true-self, it's no-self" He is in this unprogrammed state and describes in 7 books how he sees the world as a no-self and how to become this through spiritual autolysis
  20. So McKenna says no one personally can get enlightened? But he wrote this also in one of his books. I still dont get it
  21. I dont get it, I was on this www.enlightenmentmyth.com and read some articles of this autor of the page who met McKenna. He writes about MCKenna that he behaves like a normal human who is into money. Where is the big hoax or lie? That the ashram was not real? that McKenna had no enlightenment experience?
  22. I report so many posts, it would be nice when other people also report if they see a useless post. This report function should be more used. some people are just hanging around here and produce nonsense every day
  23. I am from Hamburg, interested in enlightenment