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Everything posted by OBEler

  1. I ave this same sensation during the day. I dont know how this energy is called at day. At night it is called sleep paralysis. I can do this also at will. When you make these vibrations stronger at night you can leave your body and go into the astral world. These vibrations are a sign for it that you can stand up and do an obe. Worth to explore
  2. Was there a time where you also went trough this phase (or should I better say "dark night of the soul")? I am also like @Betterself in this sometimes depressing state. I even considered to quit enlightment after the discovery on a trip, that everything is dead, life is just a dream and I am the only one. But I could not surrender, I was identified with my ego the whole trip. Hardest part in my life to handle the truth with an intact ego. Now I am back on the path, somehow my mind adapted to this new perspective as you said. Still depressing when I think about this stuff. I hate this truth. Most people on this forum see the beauty in it, enlightened beings can joke about it and are blissful. Still I dont know if it will be worth for me to go after an ego death experience. Will there be an even worse dark night of the soul waiting for me?
  3. can somebody help me with this, I want to speak from the absolute perspective: a stone is something that appears in consciousness. It is not conscious, not self aware, just something that appears in consciousness a human being is something that appears in consciousness. it is not conscious, not self aware, just something that appears in consciousness. The only difference is that consciousness is identified with this human being. Do I understand this correctly?
  4. Maybe this books guideline helps your friend: The Psychedelic Experience A Manual Based on the Tibetan Book of the Dead-Citadel (2000) it is short, good structured and gives perfect settings advice for LSD. It gives you as the trip sitter as well as the tripper a guideline, how the tripper can experience god. Give a report if it worked for your friends. For me alone it helped a lot
  5. It was lab made hcl version, the toad version has some visuals and is therefore not so straight forward to infinity like synthetic 5 meo. But of course both are same effective. This is what I heard, I never used these substances
  6. @Sukhpaal @Sukhpaal I thank you for your answer, now I understand. Life is perfect, nothing changed. Just that it is a game. its funny that the most thing I like in this world are video games. But they are not real. Therefore I love already things which are not real. I like it Want to play another round and another round... to infinity
  7. @Sukhpaal as a functioning ego I cannot understand how this "experience" you had was also wonderful and that you as an ego also want to surrender totally to this "nothingness". In this nothingness there is nothing going on for eternity, isnt it? But right now there is also nothing going on.. For an ego, how can it be wonderful to know that there is nothing? To see at your girlfriend and to know that you are looking at a dreampicture made out of nothing and no one ever experience this, even yourself?
  8. @Kallan Thanks for your reply. What you wrote made deeply sense to me. I know how you feel. This realization that nothing is real, nothing doesnt matter and no one exist, this feeling I had in a online video game I was lost in for so many years. It was a depressing feeling. I quit this game. So you see everywhere the illusion. I hope you can still get lost in it. Like watching a movie I dont want to be 100% aware during the movie while thinking that this is just a movie and nothing is real. This would not be fun anymore. Can you still get lost in illusions?
  9. What was your spiritual preparation and your backgroud of psychedelica? What is your setting? Congratulations to your glimpse with this one stamp of AL-LAD. I tripped 3 times with AL-LAD and never reached such deep glimpse. hope I will get there
  10. @Kallan how much did you take? Can you also snort it there? And what is your spiritual background? If you are looking backwards, was it a good decision to do this so early in your spiritual progress?
  11. @Moreira did you read my post? I see pink elephants and green unicorns in astral realms. A friend of mine see these things in this world. Whats the difference? You dont see these because there is infinity so there must also exist a world where you dont see these creatures. Or as leo said, take some lsd, then there is a high possiblility that you will see these things too
  12. @Paulus Amadeus Ok so you want an example for something impossible would like to happen in a world exactly like this world we live right now? Like a bird is singing beatles in front of you? Such stranges things happend to me every night when I travel to the astral world. In the astral world you are in a reality exactly like this world. Everything looks the same ( I sometimes dont know if I am in astral world or real world). But suddenly out of nowere strange things happen. For example you are in your room and suddenly there are 100 green crystals materializing left to you, vibrating and disappear one after another. When this happens, I know where I am. Ok you might say, astral world is not real. What about this world? I know somebody who have experienced such thinks you describe too often. This is normal stuff for him. He is not in astral world when he experience this, he is in this world. He even see more strange things like a bird singing beatles. He experience things materializing in this world which are too difficult to describe, which are not accessible through your 5 senses
  13. Lesson 7: Om Japa in the Chakras The book on page 84 simply says to go up to the fifth chakra and medulla, then it says to pause twice, once for chakra duration and medulla, and then before chanting as you come back down for the 5th 4th 3rd 2nd and 1st. I don't understand what all this means. Can somebody clarify? It doesn't make sense.
  14. I read the kriya book leo recommends. is this book here neccessary or worth to read if you already have leos recommended book on kriya yoga? Which one is better?
  15. this was just sleep paralysis, when the mind is awake but the body is asleep. Good time for out of body experience if you can chill during this phenomena
  16. Hello people, AL-LAD is my first real psychedelic experience (besides some weed ). I had two Al-LAD trips this year (1x 150 mg, 1 x 210 mg). My setting was sitting alone in my room and meditatating and eating light vegetable food 2 hours before tripping. During my trip I could not sit still. I wanted to move, stand up from my chair. Sitting for hours in chair during the trip and meditating was mostly unconfortable to me, I even got sleepy during the trip. So this was my trip setting - sitting the whole time on chair, looked around, sometimes switching my sitting position. I had no special spiritual experience like ego death just some visuals and interesting body sensations. I ask for advice for a better settig. Do I really need to meditate during the trip for spiritual experiences or can I just do whatever I feel like? Can I do some yoga practices for example? What would be the best to get the most out of it in a spiritual sense? Next trip is planned on weekend with 225 mg AL-LAD
  17. Well, it is always easy to judge someones decision as mistake from a future standpoint. Of course how stupid was hitler, hitler should have known that there will be a president nixon who choosed to break the gold back up for the dollar and that there are better technologys like blockchain coming even in the next 70 years...
  18. After all what I read about him he was not narcistic at all. Society wants to put this picture on him to make him more evil. He wanted to make suicide many times in his life. He even did not wanted to be called "the fuhrer" in close circles, he just acted normal and dressed like normal when no cameras were put on him. He had a very simple life and no luxury his whole life. He had respect for every people around him and loved children. This is not fake if you see videos about him You put your version of moral over his. Moral is relative. It depends on which time you live, what circumstances you are in. In his view there was no excuse for not destroying the financial system running by jews. He recognized all the suffering in this system trough human history and he wanted to destroy it
  19. I am german. I read about Hitlers biography, he was deeply spiritual his whole life: - in early age he was often outside in nature alone for hours, usually at night - he was not drinking, smoking and was a vegetarian at the end - his booklist is full of esotheric/ occult stuff - he had one of the highest moral thinking at early age, he risked his own life to save someone. He was deeply caring for everything and all human problems and wanted a solution for it. As a system thinker he wanted the best for all humanity, even in a hard way. He saw the world problems in the financial systems which were running by jews. He wanted to make germany independent from this system. This is the reason germany was so strong but other countrys did not like this - he said you can learn a lot about nature. For me his whole ideology is based on nature . Most people think hitler was brutal but he was just a man of truh who did not ignore the law of nature. And nature is brutal. There is always a battle for survive going on. Hitler recognized this truth deeply - he had many mystical experiences: one at early age which changed his life for ever. He saw clearly his mission on this world, to be the leader of germany. Some other experiences at WW1 where he followed his inner voice to go a little of distance from his military base. Shortly after a bomb was hitting his military base, all souldiers died, he was the only survivor. He said he learned a lot from war and was the best life lesson because you are always confronted with dead Another mystical experience he had in a museum as he saw the HEILIGE LANZE. There are many others I cannot tell all - He had strong energy, people tell they had a strong vibe when they were around him (even at early times) and and some people saw a halo over his head For all people who are interested in more details, his only youth friend August Kubizek wrote a book about him (The Young Hitler I Knew (1955))
  20. I like the function. it gives some of information. it is also a quick way for saying thank you. if you turn off many people write thank you messages...i dont want to read them maybe you make a function where everyone can decide for theirself to blend the number of likes it in or out
  21. Thanks for your report, especially for your preparation tips. Is it needed to buy a test kit for Al-lad if you buy from a famous RC-Shop which exist for a long time?
  22. @Martin123 there was really no trigger? Can you remember if you were under much stress days before or if you were in a special situation? Did you went to a doctor?
  23. @Martin123 Can you tell how exactly you invoked your kundalini awakening? What exercises did you do and how long did you these exercise? Was it your goal to reach kundalini awakening or did it just happen by accident?
  24. I have no idea, but it sounds like kundalini awakening brings me to the next level. It will not kill me, that is ridiculous
  25. I need good kundalini exercieses. I want to awaken kundalini as fast as possible because what doesnt kill you makes you stronger at the end. Any recommendations?