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Everything posted by OBEler

  1. @Leo Gura You said one time, every people in this world should experience 5 meo dmt. Would you also say this for DPT? Assuming you prepared yourself for this through spiritual exercises high enough. Or is this substance just for people who really want to understand reality very deep
  2. I dont understand right now what is meant by this? God-Perspective: Consciousness/God/Nithingness/Whatever created reality. So there is a reality. If this reality is material, non material, nothing, everything, consciousness, energy, light, love should not matter right now. There is a reality. Human Perspective: We humans live in Gods reality he created. We are not capable of experience reality fully, just with our 5 senses and our limited human mind. We add our imaginations/projections on top of it. So what we experience is reality in some distorted way. But it is not pure fantasy. The map is not the territory but the map somehow has connections to the territory, otherwise it would be useless. So what you experience is not just what you imagine with your ego mind. If a human being puts his hands on a hot plate in this 3d reality, it burns his skin. What there happend to this human being is not fully imagined by the ego from human perspective (even though the mind plays a big role on how strong it burns). Or does it just mean following: What you (God) experience (as a human being) is what you (God) imagine ? I am totally confused by some of leos and other spiritual guru sentences because I cannot grasp in which context and from which perspective they speaks right now. Please clarify
  3. Please elaborate, what do you think Jesus could be if he was not a human being? Do you think he was a evolution step ahead, a new species of human being, like from ape to human -> from human to superhuman through mutation? After all he had a human birth
  4. DPT is legal in germany until july. Then it will be sceduled
  5. ask your mate tom, he went through astral surgery and it really helped him. he said this in a comment so he doesnt talk about it in his videos https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXSF1F_RFRUVNXX4QmB6vmw/videos
  6. I think the black magic your brother is talking about could be real. I heard of astral surgery and it helped someone who had a bad trip with ibo and lost his soul or whatever. Now he is total fine Let your brother speak here, even if he sounds deluded it could be a real part in it.
  7. Thank you for sharing your experience. Interesting that you think it could be dangerous to other spiritual techniques. Could yoz elaborate? I am from Germany and also interested in Reiki but dont know where to find a good one
  8. What exercise did you do when it happend? How long do you yoga already? Thanks for sharing your experiences!
  9. @Paul Almost everybody says this, sadghuru for example, leo also. I have my own personal experience also. Another example from an interesting interview lately posted in this forum: So reality is a paradox, not logical.I think your logical conclusons limit you. Your little human brain cannot grasp reality with logic. Furthermore you hold on false beliefes which seems so true for you right now, It will pass. Because truth will at the end destroy false beliefs. So count on that there is truth out there which is too good to be true, you just did not realized it yet Your kundalini may be activated. I highly recommend the kundalini book I told you. The process is well defined, after dark nights there is bliss. but then some dark nights come again, but I think you went really through the hardest part so it will be better. Many tips are there how to endure dark nights Welcome the dark nights, you will grow A LOT when you go out of it and you will be rewarded so keep going, So much change right now in your life, that is a good sign
  10. @Paul92 I read all your latest posts and I see a lot of growth in you lately. Everyone knows that they live as individual souls. So some nasty zen masters concentrate only on the message "You dont exist". Because the other thing is total clear. Should a zen master teach other people: " Hey did you know, you are an individual being and you exist?" You exist as God and you exist as individual soul (yes a part WITH God, not AS God. As a real human being) at the same time. This is paradox, but it is the most perfect solution to this whole universe. You are immortal (God) and mortal (Paul). So as Paul, take life serious and dont throw it away.
  11. @Paul92 how was the talk with the girl from the church about god? Right now I think you are a little bit trapped in ideologies called solipsism and nihilism, your mind tries to contextualize your experience. Have faith that you can get out of it,. Then slowly come back to spirituality when you are grounded. It will be better and better. @Leo Gura lately some people here in this forum go a bit nihilistic and solipsistic. Even though you adressed this problem already in many videos like that video about ideology, maybe it could help here or in one another video to clarify whats going on
  12. 3 steps to enlightenment: 1. The mountain is a mountain 2. The mountain is not a mountain 3. The mountain is a mountain again Give yourself time to find out. Everyone goes through this process. There is delusion, confusion and craziness on the way. Illusion will be reality again and when it comes back you will love reality 1000 times more. Take deep breaths and have faith
  13. @Paul92 I feel you! Evn when I did not experienced your situation exactly I can understand you, because of same thoughts. I think you are in dark night of the soul. I researched a lot after grounding mysellf and intellectually (not from experience) I understand we are one and also separated individual human beings. both is real! From the very recommended book of Jana dixon biology of kundalini: "The Die-offs/dark nights are a “biochemical process” which secondarily brings about the dissolution of the operational personality structure for “a period of time”. The brain is undergoing such a catastrophic neurological meltdown and renewal, that the ego personality and functionality is temporarily completely non operational. Depending on ones inner resources at the time and whether one is essentially imbued with a biological faith or has a tendency to fear, depression and self-hatred—this will determine whether the incapacitation is navigated positively or simply adds to the burden of an already diffcult life. The psychologicalemotional story one gives to interpret this autogenic “biological” event, is secondary to the chemistry, and yet is absolutely key to whether one can use the down cycles to further ones spiritual growth, or simply cause an escalation of our primary suffering." "The Die-off’s in particular should be regarded with awe and gratitude as very good news. They don’t last long and we do not transform without them. The old must die for the new to be reborn. So the highs and lows of the kundalini cycle should be celebrated equally" Hope you will recover, take care of your body and mind. eat clean and do sport, take supplements like fishoil, magnesium, vitamin d3 to ground yourself first. No spiritual stuff so that it will not confuse u more. Then when u feel ok slowly get back to spirituality. let me know how u feel after month.
  14. @FoxFoxFox I thank you very much, finally somebody who talks about it. When Leo talks in his videos like he knows everythig, it is very dangerous and scareful when you believe everything he says. Sometimes he says that no one should beliefe him, they should figure out for themselve. Problem is, that your subconscious mind still takes everythig what he says about for real on some level . Furthermore he sounds sometimes dogmatic about his experiences of truth, he gives the same message over and over in many of his videos. These messages make someone like me with little experience confusing and dogmatic too. Still he is ine of the best teachers for me, his content is high quality even with some bullshit in it, But as he said in one of his best videos, "everyoe is full of bullshit, including himself" :)
  15. Thanks for the very profound report ! What was your psychedelic background? Did you have some insights you got from 5meo from other psychedelics before? Were there also some insights wich you needed to correct after 5 meo?
  16. This is very hard to digest for the ego, who search enlightenment. He says there is no god, no director of anything. Life is total meaningless, it just is. You never will experience enlightenment, because there is no one who experiences anything. There is no free will, even no NOW. This all is not happening. There is just aliveness but again no one experience this aliveness Edit: I think this old man is a typical NEO-ADVAITA. He misinterprets some aspects of the truth too radical. He say some things about reality, he says these thoughts he has come directly from nothingness, but I think these thought of nothingness are not deep enough.
  17. where is this main enlightenment page exactly, do you mean his bog posts? To what do you reference to? And can you elaborate which information here is against what Saumaya is saying?
  18. @Hamilcar "the fact that there is no single valid proof?" Lol, there are so many proofs out there even in science you must be totally blind not to find them And let me tell you first hand experience, If you ever encounter a real paranormal experience, most time your first reaction will be to deny this experience. The egos world view will be deeply shattered by this and it will find any silly explanation that this paranormal stuff never happened. You will forget very quickly and go on with life as nothing happened. So most people with paranormal experience dont want them to exist at all. At least that is my experience with these people, they even dont tell anyone. And go deper with astral projection, that is not just some funny dream stuff. I had so many paranormal phenomena experienced I needed a break from going astral to work through these stuff. I even had a full blown ego death experience on one of them. At the end, there is no difference between astral world and this world, its just another dream in consciousness
  19. @Joseph Maynor can you tell me some examples what you mean with improperly interpreting the trips? On psychedelics I think I could see reality more clearly than on anything else, because of loss of concepts. But this is just my experience
  20. @laurastarla what keywords do I need to find this reddit post? I hope it is not banned already @astrokeen look for psilhuasca
  21. @Leo Gura well I think you should study Hitler again. He had no personal hate against jews, not at all. He used hate against jews to manipulate the masses. Nevertheless he also saw a problem in them because they controlled the financial system back in these days. His main goal was to liberate human mankind from this financial system. If there would be another option than killing all jews to destroy the financial system he would take this option, then he would not kill one jew. But there was no other option in the middle of a world war. “Mind and soul ultimately return to the collective being of the world. If there is a God, then he gives us not only life but also consciousness and awareness. If I live my life according to my God-given insights, then I cannot go wrong, and even if I do, I know that I have acted in good faith.” Adolph Hitler
  22. @Leo Gura Hitler was not blue at all, thats how media wants to see him. Read the biography from his only friend August Kubizek. Hitler hated school system as he was young, disliked religions. He knew instinctly that most german people are red/blue and used to manipulate them. He gave different speeches to different people dependend on their classes. He loved the war, because it teached him so much about reality. there he had his deepest insights always being close to death. It seems he had paranormal abilitys because of his consciousness level if you research a little more, dont want to go out too far here. He is an good example of yellow/turquise I thing, he was a strong system thinker thats for sure, not enlightened but very close to enlightenment I think. His idea of swastika he had from buddhism. He was not possessed or fanatic about germany at all , that s just media. in his view it was even good that germany was defeated at the end. He admired many cultures not only his own. He was thinking about the world as the whole, wanted just the best for humanity from his own view. He had deep love for everyone, most for children and animals No one should know who he really was, Hitler knew this at best. Because red/blue people wont like this. And today winners write history so he is just the cartoonish evil guy
  23. @Kallan Thank you, it sounds like you are over the dark night of the soul. I also went through it after my first lsd trip. I needed to stop from spirituality for a month. Since 2 Weeks I am back, I feel normal again and most of the time I am not aware that all of this is illusion. But still life becomes so more awesome after dark night of the soul, I also start to see some hidden truth in almost every form of art. Nature looks mysterious. And we still need to live our life so meaning exist in some way in some level, at least for the ego. But I know it doesnt exist on deeper levels and I am ok with it
  24. @furashido @Saumaya can you elaborate what things needed to settle in in these years? Do you (your real self) wish sometimes to be fully identified with fake ego again without knowing the truth? Can you as an enlightened one also use the ego to enjoy ego desires like reading interesting books, watching funny movies, eating sweet things, being curious what else is to know about yourself (like infinite intelligence?) Or are these just sensations no one enjoys, desires no one is looking after? or are there both at the same time your fake ego which enjoys these things and your real self which just is ? is it like watching a movie, constantly knowing noting is real, just pixel moving? but then there is no immersion into the movie, no fun, no exitement